Home › Forums › Complicated Situation / Mixed Signals › Boyfriend likes other womans picture on FB
- This topic has 36 replies and was last updated 6 years, 6 months ago by
So, my boyfriend, he usally dosent use the like button on facebook that much, evertime he has been his brothers or family.
But he constantly likes one womans image on facebook, everytime she posts, he likes her picture, she’s 4 years older than him, used to work in the same company with him. She also has a child. Every single time she posts he likes it. There is plenty of other girls on his facebook he never likes their images, only this woman. He dosent even like my pictures. EVER.So, i asked him about it, he said she likes his pictures and he likes her.
But i have seen in their messages one time long ago, 3 years ago he called her beautiful and we were still dating back then.I’m just concerned how should i deal with this?
katrina kaif
is she married? send anonymous note to her boyrfriend or hubby that they are great friends
Oh, the advice above is great. Try to tank someone else’s relationship because of your own insecurities.
It’s Facebook. He likes her pictures occasionally. You asked him, he explained to you that she’s a good friend and that she likes his stuff a lot. Unless you find evidence that he’s meeting her, or texting her, or otherwise communicating with her other than an occasional like on facebook, I wouldn’t worry too much about it. This is where social media makes people crazy. Seriously, you went back through three years of posts to find him calling her beautiful? That’s a bit obsessive.
Flip this situation around. A woman is on here asking if some guy likes her because he occasionally likes her photos on Facebook and once three years ago called her beautiful but he has a girlfriend. Now, what would you say to that woman? You would say that obviously he’s not that into her because if he was he would break up with his girlfriend to be with her, and she’s being ridiculous.
So realize that this is ridiculous. If the only thing he ever does wrong is an occasional like on a former coworker’s facebook photos, you are in pretty good shape as a couple.
Ignore it & stop creeping … Nothing you can do about it anyways —
I’m with Shannon. It’s no dig deal so don’t worry about it.
Wait I thought that op said he constantly likes her posts? And that he likes every time she posts? If he’s been liking everything she posts and only her stuff and if they are not good friends (op never said they were right?), then I think your concerns are valid. I agree with the other comments on how if it’s occasionally and they’re good friends then it wouldn’t mean anything, but to me, it didn’t sound like that from your post. If he’s only hanging around her profile, it’s possible that he does like her (just a possibility, I can’t say if this the case). How to proceed depends on what you are ok with. I personally would feel uneasy, and would tell him how I feel, and then see if he changes.
Sorry forgot to add the part where he is only liking her stuff and not anyone else’s. Because I assume there are more people than he liking his stuff right? So he would then like their posts if he gave the reasoning that he’s liking her posts because she likes his.
Sara, I think that’s a really bad idea! Maybe he does have a bit of a thing for this other girl. Who knows?! But one thing I’m sure of is that saying “I no longer want you to like her stuff on Facebook” is going to make you look controlling, petty and needy. If you want to turn a guy off and push him towards someone new, that might just do it. But if you have faith that you’re great and this girl isn’t a threat, he’ll most likely get over his crush. And that’s assuming he actually has one! Ultimately people will do what they want to do. Trying to control them and pulling them closer to you always has the opposite effect of the one you were hoping for.
That’s not what I meant, I’m sorry I should have worded it better. What I meant was bringing up the topic of how it makes you feel when he always likes her stuff and not anything of yours or other friends. Since you have already said something, I’m not sure if this is worth bringing up again or if that is even a good idea at this point. It depends on how you feel about this and what is ok with you.
No, they used to work together, they have not seen each other since she quit on their company – 2 years ago. She’s a single mother with a kid. My boyfriend has a history of sleeping with a single woman with kid before. I have never seen any messages from the past year, but i believe he deleted everything – just like his search box.
Yes he denied calling her beautiful, he lied about that. And no, i do think this is very strange- so many girls and he only likes her images every single time she posts a picture of her face or so.
She also likes every picture he posts of him self. So couple of days ago he changed his status on facebook to > in Relationship , which he hasnt done for 14 months.
And some people liked this satus, she did NOT!
yes i do feel concerned
There’s a video on YouTube by dating logic that talks about this.
If he posted that he’s in a relationship on fb, it doesn’t seem like he’s hiding the fact that you are together and I would think that if was interested in her, he wouldn’t post that he was in a relationship.
I would take this as a good sign. It’s kind of weird that he doesn’t like other posts so much, but I don’t know enough about his habits to say. It’s possible he doesn’t realize what he’s doing.kaye
I’m a little confused by the fact you say you were dating 3 years ago when he called her beautiful and then you say he hasn’t changed his facebook status to in a relationship for 14 months. How long have you been dating? If it’s been 3 years and he’s not talking future, marriage, living together then I would be worried more about that then some stupid FB likes!!
This is the deal, he is your boyfriend, he spends time with you, he changed his FB status to in a relationship, and he hasn’t even SEEN this woman in 2 years. Why on earth are you worried about him liking some stupid pictures?
And to tell you the truth he probably doesn’t even remember saying she was beautiful in a picture from 3 YEARS AGO!!! I can’t remember what I commented on someone’s pic 3 months ago much less 3 years so I think calling him a liar on that is a bit harsh. What’s even worse is by telling him you saw that you make yourself out to be a total stalker and you are damaging the trust in your relationship. This is why Facebook destroys relationships.
He is liking ONLY her post. EVERYTIME she posts. That is a bit of a flag no? What so special about this woman? If she was a great friend you would have met her and hanged out with her already and secure that she is a good friend and you would be liking her photos too. But this has a curious note to it simply the fact that he is on track with the posts of this SPECIFIC woman. He might not be cheating on you with her or meeting up with her but he is cyber admiring her. It would have made me jealous and suspicious too.
But do not lose your sh*t over this. He is indeed festing his eyes on her but thats what every man does. Us ladies we do it too plenty times. What he is doing wrong is to have made it sooo noticable and thus confusing you. If everything in your relationship is the norm apart from this..do not worry about it. I know it bothers you but dont ask him about it again unless a new odd thing happen like they start chatting.
Lisa, yes, i’m all with you.
I believe he deletes his search-history i have proof of this. Same with the messages from this woman. I told him i feel uneasy about it yet he contiues liking her pictures. He has lied to me couple of times before -i’m very sure of myself and i’m not a jealous person – even if it comes across as this. I understand.
However, this woman is a single mom, she’s not that good looking to me – i thin she’s from Mexico. Eitherway, me and him were dating and he wrote to her you’re so beautiful, she’s like 35 and i would love to hang out with you he wrote to her this.
I’m 26 and he’s 31.
I don’t know if they are chatting – but he has been chatting with previous ex girlfriends and lied about it and deleted search history.
I think:
You either accept it or move forward without him…
Why Stay with a guy you don’t trust?Shannon
So, Dessy, this is actually part of much bigger, ongoing problem. This isn’t about a few likes on a woman’s Facebook pictures but more that he is pursuing other women behind your back and then covers his tracks, forcing you to play detective to try to catch him.
Do you think this behavior will stop? Do you like who this is turning you into…someone who is monitoring his Facebook and his cell phone and everything else?
You clearly don’t trust him, and from the sounds of it you have good reasons why.
Do you really think there is a future with a guy you can’t trust?
If you are able to do all this “detecting”, how are you able to do your day job? Are you employed, self-employed, part timer? How can you stay in a relationship with this man and call him a BF when you’re actually being a babysitter to his FB and other suspicious activities?
How do you even interact as BF/GF and have a good time when all these questions and emotional detecting are running amok in your brain? It seems way too much work in my opinion.
Man always take advantage of desperate woman who don’t believe they deserve better. You still young, get out of that circus or “relationship”
Some people value their privacy. Its not that they are doing anything suspicious they are concerned about someone hacking into their stuff and making judgements on them based on what they do online.
Shannon – thank you and yes it’s right what you are saying here. I cannot trust him and it’s justified. It’s very very hard for me to go around and think all these “possibilities” what if he is doing it.
He has a dating profile too, his last login was months ago – but he still hasn’t deleted it and it still says he’s single. Well after 14 months he added in a relationship – and we have been together all along – we started dating in 2014 – late fall.
I just feel i’m being loyal girlfriend to him and he constantly agrees on this – but his behavior he only says “let’s move forward” . He knows i don’t trust him and he tells me that hurts him the most. What’s worse is that he wants us to move in together and get a place.
I’ve become very depressed. I’m actually “higher” standards than his previous realtionships, they were all doing drugs, cheating et.c i’m really a kind girl and yet he does all these things that really bugs me.
Buzy lyzy
If they bug you then maybe it’s not meant to be. You shouldnt go into a relationship suspicious of him cheating on you because you will always wonder and never relax. Its not healthy
I’m feeling very suspious, that’s true. We are having a distance relationshp at the moment and its hard for me to know what he is doing on his computer.
But i know for sure from before, he deletes history from women he searches at on facebook. He also hides “likes”….he has before lied about his ex-gilfriend.
Also this single mom he likes every picture of —- we were together and only 3 weeks before going to holiday together he commplimented her and asked her out.i know inside i cant trust him… why why its not my fault, i love him……..what should i do anyone?!!!?
Either trust in yourself, him and the relationship or dump him and move on. If he has lied before why would he change now?