Home › Forums › Did He Lose Interest? › Boyfriend losing interest or just getting lazy?
- This topic has 14 replies and was last updated 8 years ago by
Hello! Im so sorry for the very long post! I’m 27 in my first real committed relationship. Im asking advice because Im learning as I go and I dont really know what is normal guy behavior in a relationship. My main issue is that I feel my boyfriend is slowly getting a bit lazy in the relationship, and Im not sure whether he’s doing a very slow fade and losing interest, or if he just feels really comfortable in having me and doesnt feel the need to put the effort he did in the beginning.
We started talking in November and from the get-go it was different than other guys. it went very well. I felt he was very open and wasnt playing any games. Five weeks in I met his family b/c they were in town and He met my mother. He asked to make it official with me six weeks after we started talking. However, I was going away so I told him we should wait til I returned.
It’s been 6 weeks since we are official (15 weeks since we started talking). I first noticed a decrease in texts about a week after making it official. That also coincided with him being alot busier at work so I didnt over-think it. We usually see each other once during the week and then during the weekend I sometimes sleepover on saturdays (he lives and works in jersey, I live in NYC, so it can be a bit difficult to see each other).The decreased texting continues (and I get that is normal). He’s not engaging in long convos like he used to, but he always replies if I write and he says good morning and asks how my day is doing if I havent spoken to him first. However, although he always replies, he doesnt ask about me anymore (other than the random how are you if he writes first). I also feel he is not as affectionate (touching, hugging, kissing) with me in person as he used to be when we go out.
Last week he had to cancel our date on wednesday. first time he ever cancelled. He had an extremely busy week at work. We saw each other yesterday (sunday), he came over to a family event at my place and even brought flowers for my mother (he met my brother, cousins, aunts, etc). Today I asked him when we shall be seeing each other. He asked if thursday worked. I asked if wednesday was possible, he said he had been invited to an event that night by his former dean. I said, oh ok. He didnt reply to that and that was the end of the convo. I wont ask him again when we will see each other. I’ll just play if cool for now and let him come to me because I dont want to be needy.
So Im a bit confused. on the one hand, i dont think he’s losing interest, I just think hes really busy at work and feels comfortable with me now. But on the other, hes acting very differently so I feel he’s growing cold.Am I reading too much into this?? I’d like help figuring out a way to get him to still treat me like a priority and show me affection, without being needy. and can that be done by other than “just being busy and living a full happy life” as the articles say. Would it be a fatal mistake to ask him this weekend if he’s still into us as a couple in a casual way? Mostly, I just want to know if hes losing interest, because if so, even though I’d be sad, I’d rather know and move on than waste my time.
Ha! These are things I thought to myself but read advice online which put it into check for me….
How would you feel If it was him being ‘needy’ to you? I know you ain’t saying you are needy but in obv you want that feeling and charm etc you got at first…. But maybe it’s there now in diff ways and you need to appreciate the relationship for what it is.
This is apparently norm for guys as much as it feels frustrating and I guess although we are important to them we aren’t the centre Of the universe n same goes for them.
Don’t play it too cool tho If you want to see him say and when you do just make sure he knows what he’s got with you. Dress sexy and have fun and enjoy the times. Don’t think about the lack of texts or the fact he had to cancel etc.
No harm in showing you’re keen on him but I’d only worry if he was cold and rude etc. I guess the start was all great but Imagine yourself you’ve ran a marathon n yeah it was good running that but every time you go a run you don’t want to do the full 26 miles coz five miles is a good run too…. Get what am saying ?Jules
Rose it sounds like he’s just busy. Part of the problem with reading into texting or using it as a main source of communication is that it’s bound to trickle off. It’s unsustainable to keep the texting up on a regular basis. It sounds like he’s still trying to make plans to see you. Having long talks through text is a bad idea to start with. Save your long talks for in person.
Hi Rose,
You sound all wound up about this and you are giving off vibes to him I am sure. This is probably starting a vicious cycle of letting a man know that he is not making you happy – and men want to make a woman happy. I think you need to back up with this and relax to try and put things back on track. The more you show him dissatisfaction the more he will pull back.
I think it is critical that you have a happy life outside of him and share the happiness with him and let the “not meeting my needs” vibes go or this could go south. Try it and see if things don’t turn around….if they don’t in a month then review again.
Amy S
hi. Guys will always tail off from the texting a bit as time goes on. Its not a true reflection of a relationship anyway imo. Its a chore for a guy to text, really. He sounds like he is doing fine. No one is perfect and relationships will always have peaks and troughs. Keep yourself busy and happy doing things you enjoy. This is the best thing you can be for yourself and the person you are seeing. x
Hi Rose, tell him how u feel. It is not needy to want more time and attention from ur bf. I went thru the same thing. Chances r he isn’t even aware u were feeling this way. He will try to work something outif he cares for u. Butu also need to understand he isn’t ignoring u or doing anything on purpose. Communication is the key.
I would suggest to talk to him and to stop texting and move to phone calls. Ask to facetime or Skype on the nights you don’t see eachother. Texting should only be for quick messages or to confirm plans. Better communication will make you feel more secure. And if he’s not willing to call you or video chat, then you might have your answer.
Hi Rose,
I think guys don’t like to text as much as we do. Once a guy asked me “how can you text so much all the time?” … They do it very often in the beginning because they want to make sure they can get the girl, they’re in hunting mode. Once things settle down a little they relax and don’t text as much and it’s even a relief for them because they are not really as talkative as we are. Another thing is if you are starting to worry about his behavior you are probably becoming nervous around him and he can feel that and no dude wants to be around a woman that’s not enjoying herself. Just take a deep breath and enjoy when you’re with him, don’t chase him, let him come to you and he’ll pay more attention.Rose
Thanks for the replies! I wrote in b/c there are those who say to not do a thing, be busy and let him come to me, and those who say to talk to him about it. I DONT need him to text me more. I am fine with the decreased texting b/c he always replies. What I need is for him to step up and be proactive about solidifying our plans and be more affectionate in person. I think he really doesnt have a clue. So I will talk to him about it next time we meet.
Hi Rose.
Here’s the thing, men have a purpose and its your job as a woman to support it. Do you even know what his purpose his? Men are GOAL orientated, not relationship orientated so although they know they do things to keep their lady happy, oftentimes they get so focused on their goals that you need to give them a nudge or two to do that and they will be thankful for that support.
What does he like to do on his time off, what are his passions, has he mentioned anything he would like to do or used to do but doesn’t? If so then INSPIRE him to do it so he can take a break from his goals for a bit and enjoy doing it with you :-) Bringing him into your world is important too, because this is how a couple really gets to know each other.
I’m not saying cater to a man’s every whim or need, but women today have allowed their emotions to cloud the reality of human relationships. Relationships are NOT HOLLYWOOD, they involve humans, challenges, highs and lows, good and bad, ups and downs…its how you manage them will determine whether or not a couple can make it or not. I get you want to be with him more often but you have to come up with some solutions before you present it to a man. Like how about finding locations in-between on a weekdays, like a pool hall where the both of you can grab a couple beers and unwind a bit through play, because guy’s love to play :-)
Hi all, I am in a similar spot. The only additional thing here is that my boyfriend seems to have a lot of female friends and he made a new one only recently. We have had a showdown a couple of months ago because I saw a few text messages between some girl and him, although nothing harmful but still, I was mad. This time again, I realised that he made a new friend. He was also on an all guys trip but we didn’t talk much. It’s okay if he doesn’t text that much while on a trip but I somehow felt that this time around he wasn’t missing me much. His way of wishing good mornings (I know it sounds juvenile but have read that a change in a guy’s behaviour should be alerting enough)…one word answers, or no calls etc (PS: he did all of that last time around when he went on a 15-day long trip). He has written cute notes for me a couple of weeks ago but this sudden change is hard for me to digest. And I find myself constantly linking it to this new friend of his. I am constantly thinking of what if he is texting her and not me or may be finding her more interesting than me. I have no idea where they met and how did they become friends. But I am constantly worrying and getting worked up. In fact, he was flying back home yesterday and we had a fight over his distant behaviour. He clarified and did express his love again but still, I am back to the same thought. What do I do? Am I overreacting or am I being reasonable in my thoughts? I don’t want to ruin or end my relationship but if something’s fishy, I don’t wish to stay in it either. Pls help!
Also, one more point, I haven’t been exactly cheated but I was in a relationship where I wasn’t valued which happened many years ago. Post that I was in a relationship that was healthy although I used to get insecured by some women in my ex’s life but never did it become such a huge problem. This time, I don’t know how to handle tjis..Kind of struggling to keep afloat..
PD, I think it might be easier if you copy paste your story in a new post with your own title because this way all the posters Will have to read Rose’s whole story to get to your question. It gets confusing this way and you’ll get more help if you’re in your own post. :)
I myself make a lot of new friends because I started salsa in september and I ‘m also doing some bachata, which means me dancing very close with the same set of people every week. My Bf doesn’t mind, he trusts me. So I wouldn’t be too bothered about him making new friends. Female or other.
He’s busy at work. Would u rather he sit all day and play video games and text u job stop? He probably just thinks your too needy and have no life outside of him. Noone likes needy people. I seen it so many times the other way around. A guy approaches a girl and asks her out and she says yes. He is very happy and is thinking that texting her a lot and smothering her means he cares and likes you. The girls always thinks he has no life and is too needy. Than she stops texting him. It ends.
Also, he asked you out for Thur and you countered with Wednesday. He couldn’t go then-so you just dropped it instead of figuring/offering another date. So some of this is on you-he probably is as confused by you as you seem to be about him. You are over-thinking and are going to push him away with your behavior-things seem fine for now.