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- This topic has 15 replies and was last updated 3 years, 8 months ago by
Liz Lemon.
Hello, I have written on this forum before about a newer relationship I am in. We have been dating for over 3 months, officially together for over 2 months of that time. For those who haven’t read my other posts, my boyfriend works a demanding job with crazy hours..He works night shift 3pm-3am for 2 weeks straight and then a week off. Then days 3am-3pm for two weeks with a week off. On Tuesday he started nights so he doesn’t get off until 3 or 330am and gets home after 4am. Prior to this shift, he spent 4 out of the last 6 weeks with his job working on a site in another state (not very typical, he is usually here in state), but he did call me almost every day he was out of state and he saw me on his off weeks since he was here. Now he is back in state and on night shifts like I said. I work in education and have been “off” for a few days, but I’m studying for a couple of exams to get my head teaching license.
I believe I have mentioned this in one of my previous posts, but it seems like my boyfriend sucks at making plans. He seemed fine to make them or at least make a part of them earlier on in the relationship, but it’s been mostly me the last few weeks. He initiates calls/text messages, but it seems like it takes forever for him to bring up plans. I want to make sure we see each other, so I wind up caving and saying something. I also don’t currently have my own place and live with a parent, so him coming over here is not an option. Last week when he was off, he came and picked me up on one of the weekdays and brought me back the next morning so I could drive to work. We had a lovely time..went to bath and body works, he took me out for a nice seafood dinner, sex and all that was great (he said he had really missed me). We also hung out that friday and I drove up there. He had fixed a big steak dinner, with asparagus, potato, salad etc. and was excited to have me try it. We hung out and watched movies, sex was great again (he initiated two additional times the next morning), and everything was going fine. The next day he hadn’t brought up any other plans, so I asked him if he’d be up for going to lunch with me so we could watch my sports team that is in the playoffs. He said sure, he’s not big into sports, but he’s watched my team with me before. So I thought everything was great. We have spent two nights together in arow only once or twice and it’s always been when he’s working a day shift, so that’s with several hours interrupted. I thought maybe we could do that this time and I could just leave sunday morning. Since it was the long holiday weekend that would give him a couple days to take care of whatever else he had to do. Well, a few minutes later he mentions that some of the guys from work had invited him to do top golf and that was at 6 tonight so could we try to be back. I know this is not a confident reaction, but in the moment I just said should we just forget lunch and I’ll go home? He said no and seemed upset that I would even mention it. From my point of view, his job is always coming first (I understand it’s the main priority early in a relationship) and it’s not like he doesn’t see these guys a lot more than me. I get that he needs guy time, but they are off the entire week like he is, can they not make a plan that occurs during the week instead of the middle of the weekend? Also he didn’t mention this at all earlier. As it is a lot of the time when we see each other we are on a time limit for one or both of us, can’t we just have one weekend where we aren’t? Anyway, I wound up mentioning that I thought I’d see him for more of the long weekend and he said that was fine, that he had hoped to spend time with me later that weekened too and that he could see me Sunday or Monday. We had talked about Sunday, but long story short, it ended awkwardly that day and I mentioned not getting together Sunday. He texted me later and said basically what the heck was that about. I apologized, I had been dealing with a horrible situation at my job that was ongoing for months, and had been literally switched to another classroom at my school that day, so it was good news. I told him I hoped to relax in the relationship more and that things would go better and again apologized for my behavior. He said he wouldn’t hold it against me. But the next day when I tried to call him to see if we were still on for our plans, he said he needed time to think and didn’t call until 8 that night. The conversation over the phone went fine, we resolved things and now I haven’t seen him in a week. Our phone calls and texts have been fine since then and we have talked about all kinds of stuff including flirty/sexual moments.
Back to the point of this post..our plans. I believe my boyfriend cares for me and still wants the relationship to work. I still do too. He’s on night shift like I said, so the only way for us to really see each other that I know of is for me to come up to his place at night and wait a few hours for him to come home and spend a couple of hours before going to sleep together. I am happy to do that. In this case, I would just really appreciate if he could at least mention it first or say something along the lines of would you like to come up some night this week? Then I could pick a night and handle the rest. He hasn’t mentioned anything about it though. He keeps mentioning he is working out and getting up to run/go to the gym before work. I was going to give him until next Tuesday to make a mention and then maybe just ask him about it? I wanted to ask for some advice here. Do you think that this guy has maybe just gotten cocky in the relationship from my attention and behavior and just has gotten use to me making the plans so it will take him a few days to reach out? Or is there anything you would advise here? I don’t want to be too clingy, but would like to see my boyfriend at least sometimes. He’s indicated from the beginning that we would still see each other on the weeks he is working and he might be going back to his home state for his next week off.
I don’t think this is lack of interest on his part, but I think he is passive and not great about communicating plans (and possibly other things) and you have expectations for him to do things without you needing to tell him. But he’s just not that way. Which is why he’s confused about why his behavior is bothering you when he thinks it’s clear he is making time for you and nothing is wrong. You didn’t tell him in advance you wanted to spend the entire weekend with him, because you assumed that would be obvious. It wasn’t.
So you will have to decide if you’re both comfortable taking the lead with someone more passive about plans and with bluntly communicating your needs as they come up instead of making assumptions / having uncommunicated expectations, or if this dynamic is an incompatibility for you because you want a man less passive in that specific way. No matter what you decide, don’t assume the worst of him if he’s not doing exactly what you hoped but didn’t communicate. Assume he likes you since he’s still trying to make things work with this intense scheduling conflict, and enjoy continuing to get to know each other and spending time together. When you start approaching your partner and their intentions negatively and critically like that, it will kill the relationship dynamic and no longer be enjoyable. That’s not a good dynamic at only 3 months in when you’re still establishing the relationship.
So, he gets to do what he wants, but you have to apologize for taking care of your needs?
You know this isn’t working… It’s more about compatibility.
Is this the life that you want to live?Liz Lemon
Let me see if I got this straight. After spending Friday night with him, where he cooked you a nice dinner, you got upset he wanted to see his friends on Saturday, because you wanted an uninterrupted day with him. But you never communicated that expectation to him. As a result you got petulant and said let’s skip lunch, which upset him. Then later that day when you both talked about getting together Sunday, you “mentioned not getting together Sunday”, which confused him further. So what do you do? You call him on Sunday to see if your plans are on– and are upset when he says he wants time to think.
I agree with both Maddie and Raven. It seems you gave major compatibility issues with this guy. It’s only 3 months in– this is supposed to be the honeymoon period, when everything is bliss. I do remember your other posts and you’re extremely anxious about this relationship. I agree with Maddie one thousand percent that you really don’t communicate well with this guy; and he seems to be passive and not a planner. I don’t think it’s lack of interest on his part. But it may just be that you’re not compatible in the long run.
I can sympathize somewhat, I’m a planner and my boyfriend is not. Over the years we’ve had to compromise and make adjustments. He’s gotten better about planning, and I’ve gotten better about articulating what I want and expect, and not expecting him to read my mind. My bf & I went on a spontaneous trip away for memorial day weekend, just the two of us, and had an amazing time– the trip was initiated by me. Why? Because he’d just never think to plan a vacation. It would overwhelm him. It’s just how he is. Am I pissed about that? No. He loved the trip, was very engaged in everything, and we had an incredible time. If you see initiating plans with your bf as “caving” you’re already putting yourself in an adversarial position. If you know you’re a planner and you think several steps ahead, and he just doesn’t, you will have to accept that this will always be part of your dynamic. You can both compromise and grow, but it will always be there.
If you wanted a long uninterrupted block of time with your bf over memorial day weekend– you should have told him that. Be specific. Don’t expect him to read your mind. Also it’s never good to get upset when a bf wants to spend time with his friends. Honestly what your bf wanted sounded reasonable, Friday night with you, lunch with you Saturday, golf with the guys in the evening, then more time with you Sunday. You pouted because that wasn’t what you had in your head. You also have to be flexible in a relationship, you can’t just get petulant — you were ready to cancel lunch over something really minor (in my view).
You wrote a lot of nice things about your bf in your post, but you seem to be really nitpicking to find stuff to be upset about. I’m just not sure if you’re compatible in the long run. Like I said earlier, three months in you should both be in heaven, it’s early in the relationship to be having issues like this.
I can see what all of you are saying and I agree, i should have communicated it to him that I wanted to spend uninterrupted time together. This is different than my other relationships in that regardless of who it was I was with, we regularly spent at least two days of the weekend together. It was something I never worried about. I lived with my last two boyfriends and even before we moved in together, I’d regularly see them like at least 1-2 days during the week, and then most of the days pretty much every weekend. They both worked night and day shifts throughout the course of the relationships, but never the hours he did. I was even in a long distance relationship with a partner living in another country, but didn’t have many issues. Obviously, we didn’t see each other much in person but texted and Skyped at night and we did plan our times together for the future. You know, I had faster paced relationships with guys before and obviously I’m not with them now. I also worry that it’s not truly a lack of compatibility but a lack of confidence that he even wants to see me. That this could be a problem with any guy I’d be with and that unless someone was practically all over me all the time and desperate (which I don’t want) or trying to take things really fast which isn’t great either. You have all said for the most part it’s not a lack of interest that you believe is the problem, which is what I’m concerned about since he did initiate things more in the beginning. I realize he’s never going to be super at initiating plans, but is it unreasonable to do what I’m doing and wait a few days to reach out for plans? He called today and we got to talking about swimming and I mentioned I was looking forward to swimming with him sometime at his complex and he said hopefully we would soon. He seemed happy to talk to me and interested to hear about my day. So I just wonder what you ladies would do if you like and want the relationship to work in this case about the night shift. Would you give it a few days and then just ask if he’d like me to come up? I have no issue planning a trip like Liz mentioned..I’ve done that for my mom and I or planned outings for other boyfriends.
I would relax and take a step back a bit- you seem to be “driving” this relationship more so to be a certain way instead of letting it reveal itself organically. It may be that he’s not the guy for you as you seem unhappy and complaining about things that are not really problems- which guys hate. If you want to really know his interest, stop making the plans. Let him reach out and say- hey when are we going to see each other? Let him miss you. Spending that much time as you wanted last weekend is way too much. Do not plan a trip together, you are only 3 months into a relationship and not on the same page with each other.
Liz Lemon
You seem to be basing your expectations of this relationship on your previous relationships. That’s a mistake. This guy is who he is. You have to decide if you can be happy with someone like him. He sounds like a good guy, but maybe not the right fit for you. I’m only basing this assumption on the posts you’ve made, so I could be wrong.
I agree with Anon that you seem to be really trying to drive this relationship. You’ve only been dating 3 months and have only been a couple for 2 months. It’s very early days. Try to relax and communicate better.
Liz Lemon
I just re-read your original post. You said your bf was away for 4 weeks for work until his most recent shift. So for a 2 month relationship, you’ve hardly spent any time together.
You’re saying he used to be better about planning things with you– but I honestly don’t even know what you’re basing that on? You’ve hardly spent that much time together (because of his job, not because he doesn’t want to).
So I think this is just who he is, he hasn’t changed. He has a wonky work schedule and it will take a lot of patience on your part to date a guy like that.
Since he is already officially your boyfriend, I see no reason to play games or wait for him to do anything as he doesn’t view this as a problem. You can tell him immediately that with both of your busy schedules you find it easier to block time off in advance, and suggest a day to go swimming. See how that conversation goes. If there’s continued tension or difficultly, then you aren’t on the same page about how much couple time in person you spend together, and you’ll have to really think about if that’s the kind of relationship you want. It may be like Liz said, and frankly is the case with my own boyfriend too, that he’s simply never going to be a planner in the taking initiative way you’re concerned with, but will always be happy to spend time with you and show up for the plans you kick off (my bf actively has ideas for what to do and plans for the activities in the most preparedness way possible, but I need to actually initiate and say, we should do that thing we once talked about this week).
Last time you posted about this, I also suggested you look into love languages and attachment styles, and I still stand by that advice.
Anon Person
Sometimes I wonder… Based on what I read here but also on my previous relationships… You get the ‘feeling’ at a certain point – you want to spend more time with them, but they’re happy only seeing you here and there. When they feel horny? And when they’ve scratched that itch… They don’t really ‘need’ to be around you anymore. And it’s a horrible feeling. But trust your gut instinct. It’s telling you something. It’s not enough time – and it’s not because you don’t want to spend more time. It’s him. He doesn’t care to. That’s a message. That’s important information you can make interpretations from. Trust your feelings.
Liz Lemon
“my bf actively has ideas for what to do and plans for the activities in the most preparedness way possible, but I need to actually initiate and say, we should do that thing we once talked about this week”
Maddie, are we dating the same guy? LOL! I love my bf to death but he’s honestly a space cadet. He loses track of time to the point he’ll forget to eat. I think it’s an executive functioning issue, i have very high executive functioning skills & he just doesn’t. Anyway I digress– he has many other wonderful qualities & is my best friend, so I’ve learned to live with it & accept him. Some women would not.
It’s really a question of whether the guy is a good fit for you overall. If you feel angry & upset about the relationship,that’s a bad sign.
Liz Lemon
Regarding Anon Person’s comment about “feelings”– the thing about feeling is, you have to know where they are coming from. If someone has anxious attachment, nothing their partner can do will ever be “enough”. They will often feel the attention their partner gives them is lacking, but it’s a problem with the individual, not the relationship. So Maddie’s suggestion about looking into love languages is excellent.
I don’t think this guy is only seeing the OP when he’s horny, to scratch an itch. He seems to be making effort in the relationship. But I do think there is a disconnect between what the OP expects and what this guy can provide, especially given his crazy work schedule.
It sounds like you are looking to Hollywood as your “ideal relationship” and in doing so sabotage your relationships.
You are too much into your head, jump in too fast, then look for ‘perfection’ in what you believe a man is suppose to do, how he should act, or behave to prove he likes/loves you, which is why you are riddled with so much anxiety when he doesn’t ‘measure up’ to you expectations. The fact you are ‘nit picking’ every cotton pickin thing he doesn’t do is the fast road to a break up because if a man doesn’t think can ever make you happy, being WHO he is, then he will dump you for a woman who does.
My ex husband, and current partner are very different. My ex husband sucked at planning, so I did it which was OK because I’m a natural planner so I naturally took it over, especially when the kids came along. My current partner is a planning guru! It was difficult for me, initially, to give up the planning reins but I just let him take it over because he loves to do it, and if he’s happy, I’m happy! They both courted me similarly, however I don’t jump into relationships early, I patiently wait a few months to make sure we mesh really well first, because its easy for one to be on ‘good behavior’ for a short bit (first 2-3 months)—its the time after that will determine the kind or type of person they truly are as they start letting their guard down. He’s letting his guard down but you are keeping yours up, hence why you’re so overly critical at this point.
Communication is a very critical component in a relationship. Men can’t read your mind, and if you’re giving him a false persona by not freely communicating what you like, need or want, the resentment is going to slowly spill out in your mood (vibe), and he’ll start naturally pulling back. Bottom line, if you can’t accept him for who he is, and keep pretending to be someone your not, then this, nor any relationship will last long.
“Trust your feelings.”
Normally, NORMALLY, I’d agree with anon person here. But in OP’s last post she mentioned she’s recovering from some severe and recent relationship abuse (and that her bf may be as well). So in this case, I think she’s conditioned to some bad behaviors that her bf isn’t displaying and there’s other things going on here. But she also said she’s getting professional help in recovering from the exes, which will hopefully get her back on track to both more accurately reading a situation without fear of repeating the past and solid trust in self. I agree that it’s about deciding on compatibility and if the relationship and time they spend together in person meets her needs, but the issues coming up aren’t all on the bf or even about him being tepid.
“Maddie, are we dating the same guy?”
Liz – Ha ha, I hope not. We spend so much time together that it would mean you’re hiding somewhere in the house ;)
I really appreciate the thoughtful replies and conversation to my posts and also the consideration that was given to these current posts and the ones I posted a few weeks ago. I do see a counselor and speak to her both about the previous relationship I was in, as well as my current one.
In regards to what you said Maddie, I have looked into attachment styles and love languages. I know that I do have an anxious attachment style. The two things that I can attribute to that is my father dying suddenly when I was a young adult and my last relationship. My last relationship consisted of multiple breakups over “minor” fights (all initiated by him) and the last one coming after we’d been engaged for several months. He would also give me the silent treatment pretty regularly and have angry episodes.
My current boyfriend is nothing like this. As far as his attachment style, I’m trying to determine if it is avoidant or a healthy one, because he seems to display traits of both. For love languages, I’d say we both are big on physical touch. I know I am also big on quality time. I think his other may be acts of service. Anyway, I’m sure the lack of time spent together because of the job is contributing to the issues. My guy is very affectionate in person, doing cute little touches, hugs, physically intimate (not just with sex), and wanting to cook me nice meals, rub my shoulders, or take me out. He’s not very lovey dovey or sappy with words, so at times it feels like some of that closeness is missing if we don’t see each other for a long time. He will however show concern or care over the phone..tell me he cares very much in the relationship or ask if I’m okay if a problem arises, say he hopes I feel better etc.What I was referring to about him managing the plans was the first few weeks of the relationship..it didn’t matter if he was working or on an off week, he initiated most of the plans and it was really nice. Our second meet occured a couple days after our first date, that kind of thing. He was basically right there.
Liz and Maddie, I do agree with what you are saying about it being very possible it’s a similar dynamic to your boyfriends. Whenever we are together in person, we have a great time. He has been the type to forget to eat dinner, I remember that happenining one night when we had been talking on the phone a few hours. I kind of wish here that I knew whether to take charge and plan things or relax and back off because he has it handled or I should stop driving the relationship.
I’ll explain the situation. We haven’t seen each other in 10 days now. He’s been in town the entire time. He’s been on nights, so the only way we can see each other is for me to go up there, use my key and wait for him to arrive at 4qm or so. We’d spend time for a couple hours, go to sleep and he’d wake up and go to work after lunch around 2pm.I don’t mind doing this at all, but I was trying to let him initiate. He’s on this shift for one more week. He may or may not be flying back to his home state for his off week next week, so if he does we likely won’t see each other, but he hasn’t mentioned it. Anyway, he’s called and texted every day, but not brought it up. I am wondering if he is just as my friend calls it “a sweet dorky engineer type who isn’t good at making plans” and also if he is just following his routine. Thats seems to consist of waking up, texting me, working out, calling me on his way to work at 2pm. 3pm-3am working and texting me occasionally. Getting home around 4, texting me around 5am before he goes to sleep..lather rinse repear. That he is just used to doing this and hasn’t thought much about plans? I’d think if there was an issue, it would come up in texts/calls or he’d avoid me, so that doesn’t seem to be it. Do you think I should just ask him if he wants me to come up this week?
Liz Lemon
It sounds like quality time is definitely not a love language of his. He does sound very much like a creature of habit & may be stuck in his routine.
I’m surprised that he’s so indifferent (for lack of a better word) about seeing you, especially so early on in the relationship. My bf isn’t a planner & can’t multitask well, but he was totally on point when we started dating– he wanted to see me regularly & took me out on fun/interesting dates. He had a busy job as well (working 50+ hours a week) & shares custody of his young child, so he had things to plan around, but he managed perfectly fine. He initiated dates constantly. So even a non-planner can plan when it’s important to him.
It almost sounds like your bf has gotten too comfortable. So I understand your frustration, frankly I wouldn’t be happy with this setup at all.
I think it’s fine to verbalize what you want. Tell him you want to see him and would like to come over & spend an evening, the way you described. If he doesn’t respond with enthusiasm, that tells you a lot.
In the long run this guy may not be a good fit for you. I know this isn’t what you want to hear. He sounds like a sweet, nice guy in many ways. But there’s a lot here that’s just not “clicking”. You’re supposed to be in the honeymoon period of dating where it feels effortless and things flow easily. The fact that there are so many bumps in the road this early on isn’t a good thing. I’m sorry to have to say that.