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- This topic has 17 replies and was last updated 8 years, 8 months ago by
Curious.. My boyfriend of 10+ months is on his annual golf trip with the guys. Left yesterday text me a few times and called once and still text me good night last night. I text him good morning after 9 as I didn’t know when their Tee time was today. In his typical way he did not text back gm. I have not text him since or called. I’m letting him contact me next. What would be the proper etiquette on texting the bf when he is on a trip like this? I know he is enjoying his time with the guys he only sees once a year mostly. So I don’t want to come across as needy or anything. Last year we were dating each other some he would call and text me so I know he can. But I do know his texting and calling has dropped off. (I think it’s b/c we are now comfortable with each other). I’m getting his mail and feeding his kittens. Even said I could just stay at his house. But I only live 10 minutes away. Not a big deal. Soo should I let him do all the contacting including good morning texts?? Help please. Thanks!
Yes, let him contact you when he has free time. This is a once a year trip, he will see you when he gets back. Don’t bug him with messages. Plus, he’ll miss you more and he’ll be so excited to see you when he gets back ;)
yes.. let him contact. he’s enjoying time with the guys. let him have that space and freedom in peace.
Ok. Thank you both
Listen to the ladies and he will appreciate you more when you reconnect AND will appreciate you giving him the space to play with the boys.
Well it’s been 2 days now. He text me a picture of himself Thursday then called me b4 I could respond. Then sent me a video. Text me gn like always. Yesterday I text him gm. Didn’t hear from him til 5:30. Text back again before I text him back. Then called me @ 9 pm and we talked for over a half an hour. Did say he told some of the guys he was seeing me and showed them my picture. Today I texted him gm right before 11 he immediately text me back saying what hole he was on and it was a nice wind. It’s cold here I text him back @ 1. It is now 10:40 pm almost 12 hours and have not heard from him not have I text him or called him. Like you all said to do. He always texts me gn or calls me when we are apart. No matter what. Even on his last golf trip in August. Would it be ok to text him gn? Or should I not? My sister said I should listen to you ladies and not contact him. Confused…. Please help me on this one. Thank you
Of course you an reply if you’d like :)
Woah, you’re way overthinking this! Are you thinking like about the texting because you are afraid he doesn’t like you? Because clearly he does and lots if guys I know wouldn’t text on a trip as much as he does. You should relax and be happy! He told his friends about you! And he trusts you with his let and mail :) be happy and peaceful!
I text him last night good night and that I hoped it he had a good day and night I got a text this morning back at 7 said good night then good morning. That he had fallen asleep early last night, hoped I had a good day and night as well and that he was sorry. I haven’t text back yet as I just woke up. Yes I overanalyze a lot. I have gotten better
oh he said he hoped I had sweet dreams not the good day part.
When is he back?
Omg… Will you calm down!
I get dizzy reading how you actually are analyzing every moment he contacts you and when!
Focus on you! Go have fun and stop worrying… Trust me, your anxiety is going to make you do something stupid. Just let him be. Respond as necessary but stop counting how many times he gets in touch. Don’t you have a life sweetie?
He is back tomorrow. I’m good. And yes I have a life.
Ok Amy…
Breath, he obviously is into you … No need to text him back… It’ll be so much fun for the both of you when he tells you all about his vacation in person…Marie
While he is on his trip, you should be out doing fun stuff. You’re wayyyy over analyzing.
I Found out my ex boyfriend Kenny went to vacation to Alaska in June he did not call me
To tell me that he was going to vacation Kenny should told me before he left I was crying because
He forgot to tell me, and he forgot to say goodbye before he left. And now my ex boyfriend went to
Vacation to ocean city in Maryland on 4th of July holiday for one week he did not call me to tell me
That he was going to vacation again for the 2nd time and he forgot to say goodbye before he left
My ex boyfriend forgot my birthday.
Michelle, he’s your ex. What he does or where he goes is no longer your business. You need to move on.
Amy, don’t worry! Seriously! Don’t count the hours between when you hear from him. It means NOTHING about your relationship if he texts you every 5 minutes or every day. He’s away. Let him have his fun! Take this time to do things you love to do that you can’t when he’s around. Is your relationship OK or are you an insecure person? Quite frankly, after 10 months, you sound a little obsessed.