Boyfriend on vacation and doesn't contact me

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  • #549482 Reply

    My boyfriend of 2 and a half years went traveling about 10 days ago.

    He’s moving to a different state to work at the end of the month. I’m happy for his vacation.

    We live about 2hr drive away, so don’t see each other everyday. We were gonna hang out that weekend before he left on Sunday. But Friday he told me that he was still running errands and had to pack. He said he’d come spend the night with me Saturday night and I’d drive him to the airport. Because his flight was at 7am, we’d have to leave really early. I was expecting more updates on what time he’d come over as the afternoon approached, but heard nothing from him.

    I reached out to ask, he said he couldn’t fall asleep the night before and started running errands late. He suggested me go over to his place and he could spend some time with me after errands. He also said he didn’t think he could be done by 5:30ish. And his current place is very temporary, so neither of us likes to spend the night together at his place. That meant I’d have to drive 2+hr there and hangout with him for 2hr and drive back. Also that was a very short notice. So I explained to him what I thought and wished him a good trip.

    Then he left on Sunday and hasn’t contacted me since the Saturday’s phone call. I assume that he’s back either yesterday or today and that he’d reach out to me. But I haven’t heard from him. I’m pretty upset right now.

    Need constructive advice please. I like to give him space while he travels, but not like the idea that we have zero interaction.

    I know he’ll be packing and leaving once he gets back. He hasn’t set up a time to spend with me before his leave. Not sure if I’m overthinking and I feel going a bit nuts right now

    #549504 Reply

    Hi Jen.

    I’m sure he’s tired and exhausted and needs some cave time to decompress a bit. Just give him the GIFT OF SPACE and if you feel so compelled to talk to him then why can’t you pick up the phone and call?

    #549507 Reply

    I can understand where you’re coming from because I would be pretty upset if my guy went 10 days with no contact after our plans to see each other before he left had kind of fallen apart like yours did. But I’m with Lane. Why not shoot him a text or give him a call and ask how the trip went? Sitting here stewing about why he hasn’t contacted you is silly. Maybe he felt like you should reach out because you’re the one who didn’t come see him before he left?

    #549515 Reply

    Thanks Lane and Kaye. That’s comforting to hear

    A while ago I started a thread talking about how my boyfriend doesn’t initiate contact with me often. I reach out to him more than 70% of the time. A lot of times, if I don’t reach out, I don’t hear from him. This is old fight between us already and he knows that I’ve been and still am struggling with this way of communication.

    A lot of girls were saying either he didn’t care much about me or I should just walk away. I decided I wasn’t sure to walk of because of this.

    I remember him telling me that just because he doesn’t contact me for 3 months, doesn’t mean he stopped caring about me. I didn’t comment on that at the time because the idea was so strange to me.

    Now when I think of this, I couldn’t help but wondering if we’re compatible. If we go with his communication style, I struggle. If the other way around, he’ll probably be struggling. I know relationships take work, but daily communication shouldn’t be such an effort

    For once, I just want him to reach out and tells me he misses me

    #549527 Reply

    Jen, there’s obviously much deeper things going on here than his lack of communication.

    I’m sorry, but at 2.5 years you should absolutely know with 100% certainty what this man’s intentions are with you. This is essentially an ongoing LDR and if neither of you have any forward movement, such as closing the distance (one moving to or in with the other) and/or getting married, then what’s the purpose of this relationship?

    Never make excuses for a man’s behavior. Either you mesh or you don’t, and if you don’t mesh in KEY areas then your spinning your wheels going nowhere.

    I understand how hard it is to let go of someone you love but has become dead weight or no longer provides value to your life. Trust me on this, trying to constantly fit a square peg in a round hole only keeps you stuck in a dead end situation. If you wrote list would the pros outweigh the cons?

    #549531 Reply

    Are you really ok with a man who could go 3 months without contacting you , ‘but still love you?’ That sounds like a lot of bull to me.

    So if you don’t make the effort you would never see or talk to him?

    Unless he was blind, deaf and mute, that would be a deal breaker for me.

    #549548 Reply

    I was seriously thinking about moving on. Then I felt it’s so difficult to tell him and walk away

    #549556 Reply

    Walk away from what? A man who doesn’t think of you or cares if he even sees you in 3 months?

    I think you need to carefully examine what he is telling you and showing you.

    He SAYS he loves you but his actions show different.

    You are only paying attention to the words, which is why he keeps you hanging on.

    #549560 Reply

    This is the strangest relationship I have ever heard of

    #549792 Reply


    Thanks for reply. You’re right. Actions speak louder than words

    #549796 Reply


    He said he wanted to spend his life with me and he would’ve started a family with me already if I wasn’t still at school.
    Then these are just words

    I thought about asking what’s gonna happen in 2 years when he finishes the contract before he leaves, but I’m not sure that helps

    Would a serious talk help or just breakup or do nothing while moving on?

    #549799 Reply

    Wow! You put up with this for 2 1/2 years? There is nothing to ponder and consider here any longer. His communication style plus the distance and his low effort level – it’s amazing that it’s lasted this long. I for one cannot see how I can develop deeper feelings that take me to do more and be better in my relationship with someone if I ticked ALL of the above.

    #549821 Reply

    Your still ‘in school?’

    What’s the age difference between you two?

    #549826 Reply


    Did he ever contact you? Did you call him? Please update us on your recent communication if any. A man who wants to spend his life with you will make it very clear. He’s not going to drop off the face of the earth for 10-12 days and just ignore you unless he’s in a coma somewhere!! My boyfriend’s phone died when he was on the road travelling for work. I hadn’t heard from him in like 8 hours which was unusual and I ended up getting both a call from his mom (he had to call her because he didn’t have my number memorized) and from some total stranger’s cell phone (once he had my number) letting me know he was fine and would get his phone to a store and get it fixed the next morning. This man didn’t want me even going one night worried about him because he ALWAYS calls to tell me good night.

    So you need to have a serious discussion about where this is going and why his actions don’t match his words. I would say suggest taking a break but this is a man who has already said he could go 3 months without contact and it wouldn’t mean he didn’t care about you so a break with him seems pointless. I think it’s either shows he can step up and act like a boyfriend who wants to be your husband and start a family with your or you need to move on.

    #549827 Reply

    Geez..excuse all the typos!!

    #549829 Reply


    I see what you mean. This really reminds me of the last thread I started 2 months ago about planning the visit and everyone was saying that he checked out the relationship already. And that he would either cancel on me or break up with me. But he came over and even took Monday off just to spend time with me.

    He definitely does nice things to woo me and honestly, I don’t doubt his intentions. But sometimes I wonder what it would be like if my boyfriend could ask how my day’s going everyday.

    He’s 8 years older than me.

    #549830 Reply

    @ Kaye

    What a charming man you get!

    I didn’t want to reach out at all because of all those reasons. But when I woke up this morning, I felt that was childish. If both people act childish, the relationship couldn’t go anywhere. So I sent him a text asking if he’s back yet and how his trip went. I haven’t heard anything from him so far.

    When he says not contacting for 3 months and still cares, I think he really meant it. He was in the military for a couple years and was deployed and probably has gone through ugly stuff. Not sure if this has anything to do with the topic.

    I really assumed that he’d be spending this weekend with me and we’d definitely talk about the future plans. But not contacting me and not replying me really made me wonder where I stand in his life. Not sure if it’s my insecurity kicking in or it’s a legit worry.

    #549832 Reply

    I just don’t get the sense he is into this relationship as much as you are.

    Does he have PTSD from being in the military? Because this behavior sounds off.

    #549870 Reply


    I don’t think he has PTSD. But sometimes I think he overreacts

    #549909 Reply

    Oh no… I dated this man for 4 months who only reach out to me every other day, then slowly I don’t hear from him for 2-3 days…and in the second month, he started to reach out to me every 4-5 days… But sometimes three days later. Sure, every time when we meet up, he’s all sweet and lovey. His excuse for this behavior? He’s too stress out, struggling with financial and job. Then one time he went MIA for two weeks…. Turned up, apologized and said he’s in no shape for a relationship right now. He felt selfish and I deserve better… And we broke up after that. Three months later, he came back… Trying to get back with me, but damage has been done.

    I’m now married to a man whom I didn’t have a day goes by without not hearing from him since we first met! A man who panicked when he couldn’t reach out to me the whole day because I accidentally left my phone at home and I was super busy that day (when we were dating the first month…and happened again in the second month LoL…my bad!).

    I used to be so naive about relationship…when all my family and friends warned me about my ex’s behavior…..I kept defending him that he’s going through a hard time and that it’s ok even if he doesn’t put me as priority. How dumb was I. My hubby makes me realize what true love really means… It could be so effortless and honeymoon can goes on forever! We’ve been married for three years now and I still feel like we’re on our first month of dating! And mind you, my hubby has a more demanding job than my ex…. He’s financially secured unlike my ex, but he’s dealing with immense of stress every single day…yet he never fails to connect with me every day.

    Don’t settle for less <3

    #549910 Reply

    Oh another thing that kept me justifying for him was how he has always talked about having a future with me, sharing his dreams and goals to me. He’s a really goal oriented man, so for him to share those things with me… see, I only date someone I feel that could lead to a marriage. He did so much to make me feel that way. But apparently that didn’t work. I can’t stress how frequent contact and keeping in touch that comes from love and care is sooooo important!

    #714488 Reply

    You just told her to give him space then told her to call him???? Dating is totally confusing

    #714495 Reply

    Honey, this post is 2 years old…

    #720393 Reply


    So what?…
    There are still people reading the forum who may come across it.

    #720399 Reply

    & then they ask a question & their stuff gets lost cos every one is replying to the OP…

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