Boyfriend Says I'm Jealous-What?

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  • #412711 Reply

    Hi Everyone,

    Last night we were out and about having fun and my boyfriend was chatting it up with another woman/friend. She stated that she wanted to go play pool but doesn’t have anyone to go with, and he stated ‘I’m available, call me when you want to go’. Then we go out to dinner on a double date and my friend’s boyfriend says how he’s been wanting to play pool and my boyfriend again says ‘I’m available, call me when you want to go’. At this point, I’m getting a little upset because he’s been saying that we are going to go for 3 months and for whatever reason it hasn’t worked out. So, I made a comment/joke that he keeps saying he wants to play pool with everyone and we still haven’t done it yet.

    He flipped out and kept going on about how I was jealous because he said he would play pool with the woman/friend and was like ‘we’ve done it before no big deal’ and then continued to make a big deal out of it and said I was insecure. He completely acted like I didn’t point this out AFTER he mentioned hanging out with a guy, he just focused on the fact that I had to be jealous because he said he would play with another girl.

    I’m confused….be brutally honest….was I acting jealous? I really feel like he tried to make me feel like I was jealous when I wasn’t.

    Additionally, am I wrong to think that he could’ve handled it better by saying ‘Okay, well go soon’?

    #412713 Reply

    How old are you both and how long have you been dating?

    He over-reacted. That is a red flag. You were not acting jealous in my opinion. If you had a problem with it, you probably could’ve handled it a little bit better by talking to him privately and being honest instead of making the comment that you did.

    But, I still think he over-reacted and to me that says there’s something going on below the surface, either with him and the girl, or with him and his emotions about the relationship. Personally, I would not be cool with a guy I’m long term dating going out to play pool with a friend girl but that’s just me. Everyone feels differently about that.

    #412715 Reply

    Thanks for your reply.

    I’m 32 and he’s 36. We’ve been dating 5 months and it’s really going well.

    Honestly it does not bother me about the pool playing, heck, I don’t even want/need to be there….but I suppose his eagerness to want to go with everyone else when I’ve been wanting to go just bothers me for some reason. I suppose I could’ve said something in private but at the time I couldn’t help myself and now I can’t take it back.

    Guess I’m wondering if I need to apologize, stick to my guns and wait for him to apologize or just let it go.

    #412716 Reply

    If the pool playing w the girl doesn’t bother you, I say let it go. Or, if you must, apologize for the flippant comment you made and be gently honest with him that you were feeling left out…and then let it go. Don’t make a big deal out of it.

    Then, sit back and know that you are the prize and let him show you with his actions how he feels about you. Make sure his actions match his words.

    But yeah, if you’re not bothered by it, I would let it go. Just pay attention to his actions and words – watch if they match. He might be stressed about something that has nothing to do with you. Is he a good communicator? Do you think he was pushing your buttons by saying that to everyone?

    #412722 Reply

    I appreciate your advice. I suppose I am also worried he’s going to keep harping on it because it came up again this morning (we stayed together last night) and he continues to believe that I am jealous.

    Probably did not help that I told him calling me jealous/insecure felt like as much of an insult as him calling me a b***h or a c**t. It was really starting to hurt my feelings. After I said that he told me that we should talk about it later.

    I also feel like I don’t even want to play pool anymore. If I do, I’ll just go with my own friends or something and I can’t tell if I’m being spiteful or if my feelings are just hurt this much.

    #412729 Reply

    I am not sure this is winnable, and most likely this is not the only thing he feels you are jealous about.

    I suggest you say – Listen, I want to have a talk with you and the goal is to bring up more together, not further apart. I am feeling really weird about last night because it feels like it came out of nowhere. It seems you feel I am jealous. Can you please give me examples? The reason I ask is that last night I felt more left out about the joint invitations, than you inviting a woman. Is there something else? I really want to learn and communicate better.

    Do this very calm!

    #412753 Reply

    Thanks Tallady, I really enjoy reading your advice on this forum and I will be sure to say that.

    Just to update about if he thinks I am jealous about other things, it’s possible. I had asked him once about a different woman who refers to him as ‘coach’ because he helps her at pool…which I was okay with for weeks until one day she came up into our private conversation when we were out at dinner and proceeded to dominate the conversation with stories of the two of them and I felt annoyed and excluded, so I said something later in the night and he sort of went off on me.

    There is also this other woman who is notorious for showing off her implants all the time and he is friends with her and when I told him I felt a little uncomfortable about it he got very offended and told me that I needed to accept the friendship or else we could not be together. To which I told him that I realized that I would have to evaluate if I wanted to be in a relationship with someone who has a close friend like that and he has since not mentioned her or hung out with her (that I know of).

    I am not sure these things make me jealous I really feel like I am not that person and that most people would probably follow up and/or have these feelings too. Which is exactly why I’m trying to figure out if I am a jealous person from people who are not close to me.

    #412758 Reply

    Thank you, that is very sweet!

    Ok, so the real issue is that you are, in fact, jealous. Read it, soak it in, and surrender to loving that side of you. I do not know how you brought it up to him and if it was helpful or hurtful to building a relationship. Approach could make the difference – which is sometimes I feel excluded, I am sorry.

    So, the reality is that it seems like there is a trigger for you – when he tries to enjoy time with other people and it seems like it is not including you. It seems you might not be jealous of women, but of his time that he spends elsewhere. That is a major learning.

    So, what does that mean?
    – You know this now, so I suggest you pay attention to it
    – You may even want to share it with him.
    – I suggest you work on it, because, it seems it is already an issue for him. Maybe enroll him in working on it.

    As to implant lady – men have tons of friends who do all sorts of silly crap. Unless he was hitting on her, telling him to stop being friends with someone will never work. If you cannot accept him for who he is who who he knows – AS IS. Then you should not be dating him. That lost you major points. The reality is men hate it when women hate on other women. They think it means drama. It will never make you look good to him when you judge other people. Men generally are a lot less judgmental.

    Does that help?

    #412765 Reply

    Thanks again for the reply.

    I am trying to let it soak in and I suppose I am guilty of being a little jealous at times….I am not trying to start drama at all. I’ve already lost major points? What does that mean? Should I just start over with someone else? Shouldn’t I be able to ask about someone that bothers me so that I can feel more secure in the relationship?

    It’s just so odd that I really don’t feel jealous of other women but I do feel like I go out of my way to plan dates/hangouts/dinners and he doesn’t do any of it. My feelings are just hurt and I am feeling lost and now insecure.

    The last thing I want to do is admit any of this to him honestly. It feels like he has all of the control right now and I have none and I’m starting to think that maybe I’m never going to make it work with anyone. I’m so frustrated.

    #412773 Reply

    Ok, I do not want to overdramatize it and make it worse. My point was you may have been doing it subconsciously. And that is scary… And frustrating. I have those thoughts all the time. And you did not act alone. And I promise you can make it work – making it work is not defined as you being perfect and him doing whatever he wants. It is definded as two people who value connection and growth more than safety and certainty – which are both from your ego because safety is a myth and certainty/significance comes from inside, not what he thinks of you.

    And he may not be a good partner. You can be jealous, and he can be overreacting – these things can happen at the same time. Maybe that is why the universe brought you together? And if he is not planning dates – why are you still with him?

    But if you assume you want to be with him – then….

    As to points, it was very bad of you to tell him to stop being freinds with someone. Men hate being controlled and he made that clear to you in his response. Especially when they have had no romantic interest, but you simply don’t like the person. It is never in your bounds to tell him who to be friends with or not.

    I go back to my original post and suggestion. But the reality is, in any relationships you need to be vulnerable. Your issue here is your insistence that you are right. Right will get you alone.

    So, what is more vulnerable and grows a relationship?
    A. I am not jealous. Hrmph
    B. I thought about it, and maybe I am jealous. I want to learn and grow – can we talk about it?

    #412779 Reply

    you shouldn’t have said that to him, that sort of jokes/sarcasm always cause drama, guys love to twist and turn make it a bigger deal than it is. You were right for being upset about the pool thing but by telling him that manner you only gave him ammunition to call you insecure jealous. It hurts but sometimes is best to keep quiet, sit back and observe him, you should have just ignored, let him play pool with everybody. If after he played with his male friend and with the female one, he still didn’t invite you to play pool, then there is something wrong with him that he doesn’t want to hangout with you and he should quit the empty promises. Maybe you could play pool with other people in front of him, it will make him realize what he is missing.

    #412780 Reply

    Thanks again Tallady. I suppose my ego/pride is a factor right now at this moment and I do not feel like if I were to say option b that it would be sincere. I usually like to fix issues immediately as they happen but for some reason this is taking me a bit longer to swallow my pride. You are correct though-right will get you alone and at the end of the day it is not what I want.

    patystshirt, thanks for your reply. I suppose I didn’t think of it as being ammunition, as much as I felt like it was harmless. If I honestly thought it would spiral out of control to the point where he would be calling me jealous, believe me I never ever would have said anything. I am impatient and tend to put my foot in my mouth which is why I have a hard time playing the ‘wait and see’ game to observe how things will play out. I am working on it for sure.

    UPDATE: I am going to take the advice about going on my own/with friends. I have no clue if he will be there whenever I decide to go (probably not, but who knows) but maybe if I just start going on my own I will at least be doing it because it makes me happy and not this weird feeling like he’s only going with me because I b!tched about it.

    #412784 Reply

    Be very very very careful here to not rub it in his face. That will look very manipulative. So, it should be like – oh, we ended up playing pool, we really should one of these days so I can take all your money ;-). Not, oh, I am going to play pool with XYZ. He will take that as you being spiteful. Or better yet, just do it and don’t mention it to him at all.

    #412788 Reply

    Rose, I’m also impatient and I hate the feeling of being left out, you don’t know how many times in the past I’ve said things that I thought was completely harmless/innocent and the guy would freak out, use it against me calling me jealous, insecure and things would escalate quickly lol. Later I would feel so much remorse, wishing I could travel back in time and keep my mouth shut. I found out that the best way to deal with these feelings of being left out is to control my emotions, not say anything and wait to see how things unfold. It’s funny that the right thing to do is not do anything, not say anything, yet it is so hard to be quiet when we are so upset.
    Go play pool with your friends, enjoy yourself!! when your bf finds out he will see that you don’t need him and he is an idiot for not playing with you.

    #412789 Reply

    I honestly would have a problem with him. Would he really not mind you playing one on one w a guy?

    #412790 Reply


    Are you actually of the belief that men and women cannot spend time together with other men and women one on one when they are in a relationship?

    I have had boyfriends whose best friends were girls and never once had an issue about it. I like men with female friends, it means that they value women and create long relationships with them.

    And I have always had male friends and my boyfriends never once had an issue with it.

    Why not? Because there is either trust or there is not. Period. Someone can cheat on you behind your back – safety/certainty is a myth.

    #412813 Reply

    The issue of pool and jealousy seems moot to me.

    You said:

    “but I do feel like I go out of my way to plan dates/hangouts/dinners and he doesn’t do any of it. My feelings are just hurt and I am feeling lost and now insecure.”

    I am hearing you say that you resent the fact you have to go out of your way to plan and do things. That he is not actively involved.

    Are you settling here? Because when a man – of only 5 months- expects YOU do do everything and won’t plan a date? That suggests to me he is lazy, lacks true interest, and this may also be why you get the vibe he is more enthusiastic to be with other people more than you.

    Is he proactive in getting together with his friends? Or is he also passive about this?

    I don’t know you or him and I didn’t see the interactions, but will give you the benefit of the doubt that his actions/or lack of actions is making you insecure in this relationship and not very happy. So I can see how over time this would just come out, due to your hurt feelings and frustration.

    Men also have a great way of deflecting from themselves, and in this case may be putting it back on you by saying you are jealous. He is not accepting him part in this relationship of not being a good BF/partner.

    #412871 Reply

    Good point Tallady. Yes, it is my opinion. The guy doesn’t think like we do…ever.

    #412890 Reply

    Thanks for clarifying, sensy. Dating will be hard for you because it is absolutely possible to have male friends and vice versa. But more importantly, few men will tolerate being told who to spend or not spend time with. The reality is relationships either they have trust or they don’t there is no in between, and if someone wants to cheat, they can. I would never date a man who tried to limit my male friendships, and I would council any of my male friends to dump jealous women who don’t trust them to be alone with any other women. But that is me.

    #412895 Reply
    monica c Martinez


    #412905 Reply

    Jealously to a point is healthy…we want to keep what we have….

    But it being healthy means there is not really a reason for it…we just get a little possessive of our woman/man. It is ok in small doses…but not ok in large doses.

    It is ok to have male/female friends….I do…but I am also not silly about it…
    I make it a habit to get to know the spouse and invite them along on the “friendship” since I have nothing to hide. I make sure everyone is comfortable because I want friendships to be long term – and many times I become good friends with the spouse…

    But in your case it sounds like your BF is being jerky…I would blow him off to tell the truth…but that is my opinion.

    #412942 Reply

    @Tallady, I have no problem in the dating area. I understand friendships with guys because I have my own, but I am aware there are boundaries so would not hang around with any of them if in an exclusive relationship. I would give my partner the respect of not doing that. I am talking about one on one pool. Unless I didn’t play pool and they already had pool rapport going on, then that would be the exception, but if he truly was into me, he would ask me to tag along and be a spectator. In my last relationship (the guy and I are still very close), he had motorcycle girlfriends, but he made me a part of the fun.

    #412943 Reply

    @Tallady, for instance, golf with two of my guy friends, I already have the rapport going on. But one of the two guys I play with we have cat and mouse thing going on so I would respect my guy not to play with him any longer. It’s about respect. And the guy I would be dating is welcome to come golf. If not, at least I have given him the respect he deserves.

    #412944 Reply

    @Tallady, in this forum, he is wanting to begin playing pool one on one with this girl. A relationship should make someone feel safe for love to flourish. I originally said I wouldn’t hang around alone with any of my guy friends, but not true, just the ones with no cat and mouse going on and definitely not my ex bf who is the closest friend. He has to take a back seat out of respect for the boyfriend.

    #412948 Reply

    That is not what he said. He was talking about pool and he said let me know if you want to play. And he said it to man in the group too. He did no planning nor securing of anything. This man did nothing wrong. We all say – we should do that sometime to people and it ususally means nothing.

    As to your cat and mouse, we have no evidence of that here. I agree, one on ones with men you are attracted to are a bad idea, but a confident person would not care because they know you come home to them…. People are attracted to others, it’s human.

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