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- This topic has 10 replies and was last updated 4 years, 8 months ago by
My partner and i had been together for over a year and a half, breaking up and getting back together at one stage. For context, our relationship started off real strong, we both hit it off instantly and decided that we wanted to move things a long quite quickly (one of those, when you know you know situations)…him usually leading the way. 5 months into making things official, i was shocked to have 2 ladies i didn’t know reach out saying they were speaking to him at the same time, one he owned up to and the other he denied at the time. He seemed remorseful and for that i decided to give him another chance. Things quickly went back to ow they were, he was incredible in so many aspects, always made me feel so loved and looked after. He would notice all the small things that i loved and would do them but we did have one thing we’d always argue over…he was big on social media and i’d always come across women he’d follow that he didn’t know, but not like models or celebrities but randoms form the same city we live in etc. A bit of that insecurity also stemmed from what happened earlier. I’d bring it up and he’d genuinely be sorry and stop doing it for a little while then go back…like it was an addiction. But at the time, i didn’t feel like it was a deal breaker. As crazy as it might seem, we moved thongs a long, getting engaged and planning our wedding. It felt like things were finally on track. And it seemed like he wanted to get married and start a family even quicker than me. But it all crumbling down when one day we were out and i noticed he got an unusual text from his friend so asked him to see his phone and he lost it and said that we can’t be together because i don’t trust him even though we’re planning our wedding. And that was that, the wedding was called off and we went our separate ways. In that time we had off, i was pretty sure that he had gotten back with an ex, which hurt at the time but we weren’t together so i let it go. Several months later, he reached out explaining his side of the story…I’ve had so many people tell me that i was stupid for only believing what i wanted to believe to make it work and i can’t help but agree. We started talking again and slowly became exclusive again. Our dynamic and how our relationship was this time round was quite different…i communicated so much more, anything which bothered me was addressed and dealt with, he admitted to his faults..we were so much better with each other. He didn’t make me feel insecure or anything, he even was p for couples counselling to address any issues we still had lingering around trust. He was incredible this time and i felt like there was some serious change in him. But everything came to a sudden end when i asked him a simple question, if he’d had communication with his ex while we were separated and he said no, although i didn’t have proof of them being actually together, i did have proof of them at least being in contact but he denied it and when i said i couldn’t be with someone who’s blatantly lying to me, he said that relationships are so much more than just love and if i don’t trust him then we shouldn’t be together. And that was it, just like that because to him, our relations wasn’t important enough to make him own admit something that night make him look bad, even for a minute. I know people reading this will think well she’s an idiot for giving him so many chances but it’s so difficult when someone is painting such a perfect picture for you, like they adore you, they want you to become their wife and the mother of their kids. It never made sens to me, why would he be the one pushing for us to get married, to make this official and exclusive again once we sorted things out, to tell everyone we were back together but also to keep the truth from me. I know it’s for the best but i can;t help but think of all the amazing memories i had with him and all the love i still have for him. It’s been almost a week of no contact and i still feel so low.
I honestly dont understand anything you wrote. You had a partner, he sort of cheated on you the first time around. You say they talked but i dont know what that means. Anyway you forgave him and it was all good. You are doing pre marriage counselling and you asked if he was in contact with his ex while you were not together. Does that really matter to you? And why? He lied and now the relationship is over?
Well ok then, move onNewbie
Unless the story is different i dont think youre the idiot who gave him so many changes but youre the idiot who made your partner trip over a question he knew he couldnt answer right.
The reason i asked the question i guess was because i wanted to know if he would lie to me about it…hoping he would be upfront and when i thought it mattered most. The thing is, i had some screenshots to backup what i was saying, but he thought i should still take his word for it. So it wasn’t he was lying about that was the issue, but the fact that he was lying. Would you personally have left it?
I don’t think you would have been any happier if he had told the truth. The fact you have screenshots makes it clear you had zero trust in him. Asking a question you knew the answer to was setting him up. I’m not saying he was right to lie but i can’t see what you hoped to achieve aside from confirming that he is a liar- which you knew anyway from his past behaviour.
I don’t get why he was so full on the first or second time you were together- you are right to be confused by that because it makes no real sense because the first time he clearly wasn’t as committed as he made out.
He is spot on about trust. That you don’t trust him and set him up really shows that things cannot work. You can’t get over his past behaviour to rebuild the trust and without trust you will both be miserable.
Aside from lying about his ex from what you’ve said this time round he was different. So you have two options. Either accept you will never trust him and maintain the relationship being over or try and consider together how you can rebuild trust in him.
Neither option is easy and both will hurt.
Best of luck x
You dodged the bullet here. You need to move on from a person who doesnt deserve you
Only then you will find happiness. You will never be happy with him constantly checking his phone.
Start a new lifeT from NY
You know what? When you break a beautiful teapot, even if you manage to salvage every shard, you can’t put it back together the way it was before. Even with the strongest glue there is no guarantee that pot will be able to hold water again. Repairing trust broken is not an undertaking YOU do on your own— it’s a job you do as a couple — by you not flying off the handle and him being completely transparent. I’m sorry but he was speaking to at least two other women at one point. The way I feel about it he should have handed over his phone any time you asked if he wanted to make it work. If he felt like you were being too demanding he could have allowed you to look, then expressed to you his difficulty in not being believed. The fact that he stormed off means to me he wasn’t willing to do the WORK it takes to repair what he broke in the first place.
One of the hardest parts about a breakup is to quit the lying to yourself. I’m going through one right now. I broke it off. And yet why do I secretly wish he might call? Because I’m lying to myself that I was happy – but I wasn’t — that’s why I ended it. Stop lying to yourself. He could not regain your trust. Admit it. Because you went through a trauma and because you obviously already felt that him adding tons of girls on social media means he has a proclivity to be distracted by other women all the time anyway — and that shiste ain’t gonna make you happy!
Be true to you. Slick to your gut decisions even when it’s agony. Your future you will thank you.
I’m going to take the devils advocate side, and say that sometimes its OK to not admit something if you did nothing wrong. I’m sorry but just “talking to an ex” is not a crime. The fact you weren’t together at the time he did, really wasn’t any of your darn business, and punishing him for doing nothing wrong.
I think you have trust issues, in general. I get that you had a right to be ‘leery’ after the first incident but getting involved with communications from a friend is quite different, whereas I may not have anything to hide but the fact I’m being called out for being “mistrustful” and have them see my communications with someone, would be a big WTF moment for me too. I would feel like anything I say or do is going to be tracked like a hound dog, and that’s not the type of relationship I could be or stay in.
I have never once asked to see my BF’s phone, and he has never once asked to see mine because honestly, I do think a couple needs some privacy, and the opportunity to talk to others without being monitored or censored. A mom monitors a child but if you feel the need to monitor an SO then you shouldn’t be in that relationship.
I think its best you went your separate ways because trust, on your end, would never be satiated or satisfied; would always be in “who are you talking to?” mode, and that’s no way to live.
@Lane i completely get what you’re saying. I just want to give a little further clarification to why i reacted this way and wanting to know what happened. He has an online business and just before the breakup that resulted in our engagement getting called off, his ex (who he had told me was not in the picture at all and they actually ended things on really bad terms) started following and liking everything on his page, i wasn’t snooping around and came across this by chance & at the time i was curious at what stage did they patch things up for her to start supporting him. The day i asked to see his phone, was a few days after i started to notice this one friend of his was calling him quite often & sometimes late and he’d never answer his call when he was around me so it made me feel like something was definitely off. As his fiance, i felt at the time that i should’ve been able to make that request. In the time we had off, he moved interstate and it so happens that i had a mutual friend with his ex and she told me that she went up to the same location for a weekend…during this time, the ex was advocating for his product and business and they also started following each other on social media (which was what the screenshot was of) i just felt like there was more going on. When we got back together, i convinced myself that surely nothing was going on while we were together and whatever he did when we’d broken up was his business, but when the topic came back up, i couldn’t help but confront him about it and i hoped that he could give me even just some clarification to what went on but instead he went on the defense and brought up the trust. I’d had previous relationships and never asked to see their phones or asked who they’re talking to…even after we got back after our big breakup, i never did & to be honest he didn’t give me reason to when we got back the last time. But i couldn’t shake the fear that if he can’t be open about this then what else will he keep from me later
@T from NY thanks for that advice. I admire your strength while going through something like this! It’s extremely hard, even when it seems so obvious that it shouldn’t be.
Just because someone is on the defensive doesn’t mean they did anything wrong, or are doing anything wrong. Sometimes people get sick and tired of rehashing or beating the same horse over, and over, and over to the point there’s no more fight left, you surrender, and walk away because its not worth the constant battle.
When you go to war with a man (confront him), over the same issues you had prior to the breakup, then be prepared for another breakup because there are no winners when keep taking the same losing strategy. Like they say “pick your battles very carefully” and in this case, you went to battle, again, and lost the war, again. Best to just accept that this would be an ongoing battle, and not worth the constant fighting.
Just know exes go through stages, where at some point, in time, they reach a point of “indifference.” This is when the high level of passion, either anger or love, finally dissipates/fizzles out. It often happens when one extends an olive branch, and the other reciprocates, and are able to finally talk civilly with each other. Sure, its *possible* the ex is still in love with him but all you need to do is take ‘mental notes’ and just watch because oftentimes they fizzle out, on their own, after they’ve cleared the air. My BF’s ex did this when we got together, I said nothing but just sat back and watched, where my BF, on his own accord, started to ignore her. He was trying to mitigate any drama, by being ‘friendly’ but slowly fading away until she finally got the hint, and eventually stopped.
My ex husband was the one to reach out, and extend an olive branch after our contentious divorce. We are now able to communicate, primarily about our sons, without all the negative post divorce negative vibes because we reached the point of ‘indifference’ towards each other—it just took him longer than it did me. Its really none of my BF’s business when or if I speak to my ex husband, where I’ll tell him, IF I want to. On the flip side, its not my business when or if he speaks to his exes because I know he does but I never questioned his trust, or asked for details because he feels safe talking to be about it with me without any prompting on my end, when he wants to. I’m perfectly fine and OK if he doesn’t because I know there are no romantic or residual feelings with any of them, as he passed the indifference stage with them years ago.
I honestly think this breakup is for the best because without trust, you can’t have a happy or healthy relationship.