Busy BF didn't contact for two weeks

Home Forums Dating and Sex Advice Busy BF didn't contact for two weeks

  • This topic has 73 replies and was last updated 6 years ago by Ellie.
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  • #512699 Reply

    You are welcome.

    The biggest thing is that you have a great thing going. When you can get yourself back in a positive space not only will you feel so much better, but you will be able to see more clearly. At that point when you do talk to him, it will be a low key conversation where you just state what you need. It does not have to be an emotionally charged anger session which would just cause problems vs. solutions.

    You are fine. You have a great guy. Just get more disciplined with your thoughts and in no time you will be happy regardless of what he does. Ultimately that is the best place to be anyway.

    #512701 Reply

    Funny how all these words that you’ve said were the exact thing in my head as well as how I told my BFF.

    But when I’m alone at night or driving, stuck in a boring jam… that’s when negative thoughts seep in again. As if a little devil me is whispering to my ears. Then when I pray to God or hearing all these relationship problems from my close friends, this forum etc. I feel appreciative and love him more again! Especially when I sit back and think how’s the time spent with him… and the kind of person he is.

    I’m like this crazy girl in love lol.

    I will give him space to meet me and then the heart to heart talk.

    At the meantime, may I give you a kiss Bedazzle? <3

    #512711 Reply

    Isn’t if fun to be the crazy girl in love. Nothing is yummier than being in love and enjoying it.

    Until you have a little more muscle with refocusing on happy thoughts, when you are there indulge in it and protect it at all costs. Don’t read the forum or engage in relationship talk with your friends for awhile. Try and stay away from anything that brings you down. Practice staying in a good space, when you are strong enough, then other negativity won’t be a downer. You can stay in love, positive and clear.


    I still think a flirty fun text from time to time would be fun for your guy. A little yummy break in his busy world. But only if you can stay positive. :-)

    #512745 Reply

    I had this happen kinda recently – I thought he ghosted but he texted me in 2 weeks apologizing blowing up my phone 6 texts in a row & calling a couple times. Explained the life stress etc. But by that time I had already lost most of my interest. Your guy seems genuinely preoccupied. There’s a difference between someone who’s blowing you off & someone genuinely dealing with something & as you said the best indications of that are not being on social media, not seeing his other friends so in those cases I think it’s OK to cut him some slack

    #512844 Reply

    Thanks for your input Ashley! I could imagine this happen with one of the guys I’ve dated in the past and I would go pissed off and my feelings will fade very quickly. Not this one though, because of who he is.

    He’s really transparent and yes, social media is his best indication as his activeness on them consistently matches his level of busi-ness. Like when we first dated, his stress/work level is still mildly ok, he would be online everyday till 2am and as soon as he said goodnight, so is his fb status. Ever since his life got intense, he would go offline for a day to two! And he would stop getting on fb at 6-7pm and crash early…. *pats* poor thing.

    #512872 Reply

    Dior, two weeks is a VERY long time, nobody is THAT busy. If he has time to have coffee he could find time to text you “how you doing, sorry I’ve been out of touch”.

    I am not saying you should drop him but you should definitely not overlook his lack of contact with you.

    Normally, is it him who always initiates? What is the ratio of contact initiation? If he has been doing 90/10 then maybe he feels neglected and wants you to initiate things. But if not, if you do initiate regularly, then 2 weeks is a very long time.

    Do not text him about it, when you have a chance to talk in person, ask him directly, without accusations, and tell him that you are happy to hear from him at any time and that you were wondering if he is ok etc. Let him understand that you want him to contact you, there is no shame in it, most women in your shoes would be quite pissed off by his lack of contact for so long. So do not hide in your shell, your needs are normal. If he is not willing to give what you need, busy or not, then you should start pulling away.

    #512892 Reply

    I told my BF about your story and he said the same thing as bedazzle

    “Also if this guy is so great, why not give him the benefit of the doubt? Men have this wonderful quality of getting so immersed and focused that time can fly by and they have no sense of it. They look up from what they are doing and realize that 2 weeks has passed. It is something that women just don’t get and bugs us to no end. I am assuming he is in super focused mode. If you gently nudge him, I am sure he will look around and see the world going by.”

    My BF himself is like this too. Okay, a perspective from a man! My BF said you MUST tell him how you feel because based on what you told us and how your communication went with him all this while + the text last week, He really does think that everything is FINE. So let him know it’s not, he will appreciate that and it will definitely hurt him if he knows what he’s doing is hurting you!

    My BF ended by telling me to do the same if he’s being like this lol. He is also very a very focus person and will easily lost in his plans and projects, shutting down most of his social life. But we stay together very often so he absence during the day is fine with me.

    #512895 Reply

    Ahh I’m trying… but coming to this forum is like a routine already. Yes, I will send him that flirty text when I’m feeling positively positive again!

    Our ratio (bf:gf):

    90:10 – courtship
    80:20 – bf/gf
    50:50 – the beginning of his intense schedule
    40:60 – during his intense schedule
    55:45 – i slowly back away and let him initiate

    Which comes to this now. TWO weeks before this TWO weeks of no initiation from him, he would message me every 3-4 days and he was the one who planned the date, which we last met on 23 Mar. I stayed over the night and things were still same, consistently amazing. He’s really tired though, I suggested we go to bed early, but he couldn’t stop making out with me. We were as intimate as usual with no sex, cuddled and talked till 4am. Then the next day after lunch, he sent me off, said he would text me.

    Haven’t heard from him since then.

    So I sent him a text on 2 Mar night, flirty text + wishing him good luck for the game interview next morning. He was quick and responsive and after a few text, he crashed.

    That’s the timeline until today. Nothing from him at all. In which, I feel Blair and Bedazzle really made a point on how he feel that our communcation is fine.

    Thank you so much Blair and your boyfriend! I just need to be positive and tell him what’s going on in the BEST way when he comes back to me. If still nothing from him by this Friday, I will send him a text and ask tell him I miss him, want to see him.

    I’m still rehearsing!

    #512899 Reply

    I can share with you my script on how to start this.. Well, I haven’t actually use it yet, but… lol. This script goes along with POSITIVE, gentle, calm and sweet emotions.

    –After a hot intense intimate moment for not seeing each other so long… While cuddling–

    Me: Babe… is this your idea of communication in a relationship?

    BF: Why? What’s wrong with it?

    Me: I know you’re overwhelmed and all.. it’s not your fault. I don’t have to see you everyday… but not hearing from you for days… and weeks…. it just makes me really sad because I miss you a lot.

    Then let him carry on~~

    and somewhere along the line:

    Me: How are we supposed to grow when we don’t spend more time together? What do you think babe?

    IF by any chance he’s on the other side of the world ALREADY… and feel that he’s being unfair to me and want to us end for the best of both of us… and wants to be friends instead… well I can’t. I’m all ready to walk away, heartbroken, but there’s no other way. I’m not going to beg or try to change his mind.

    I’d like to know what other ladies think about the conversation or any better lines!

    #512909 Reply

    Just read this long thread and Dior, I must tell you that this is a really long time to have not contacted you. Are you sure he has not been on social media or not met any of his friends? If you are official then I am sure you’ll know his friends and if he has met them. If I were you, I’d send a casual text to him asking him what he is upto and I am sure he will respond to that telling you about what’s keeping him so busy. Then I’d make a plan to see him and tell him that this pattern of communication does not work for me and that I’d like to be in touch more often (Such discussions work better in person)
    Good luck! It’ll all be fine! x

    #512917 Reply

    Ladies, I am really surprised! If I were in an official relationship with a guy and he has not contacted me in two weeks..!! well I can’t even imagine that to be honest.

    Dior, don’t let that happen again, this is not how relationships should go. Two weeks is a long time!! The typical recommended “no-contact” time is 3 weeks. After a breakup, but while you are in a relationship, how is it even possible to go for two weeks without ANY contact as if nothing is wrong? And how is it anyone can think that the guy would not not “notice” that two weeks went by without any contact..??

    I agree with those who suggest this discussion in person. Not via texting. But you actually have all reasons to be pissed off at him, I know I would be. TWO WEEKS!! Not two days! You need to talk to him about it.

    #512923 Reply

    Happened the same with me, not once. Today, I would not care about a man, who hasn’t contacted me in 2 weeks. I would not be interested. Unless he sets up a real date with flowers I would not bother :D

    A couple of month ago I had almost the same thing with a man, he was older, and he was a gentleman. We met a few times, but talked on the phone for hours, he sent me texts early in the morning, and always wrote me how he misses me. It was weird actually, because we didn’t really know each other. Then it stopped, he didn’t make contact for 3 days, then blew up my phone with texts,(explaining, and giving me compliments) then disappeared for 1 week, then 2, and basically I haven’t seen him for months now :D After his second NC I thought it’s over.

    Don’t expect much from him … If it is not ghosting, then it is fading away…

    #512927 Reply

    What I find concerning is the fact that you’re not comfortable expressing your feelings and needs to him. A good relationship requires good communication. After going out for 6 months and being very sure of this guy, you should be able to text him “very busy at work? Miss you” without worrying about all the little things.

    #512934 Reply

    If I didn’t hear from my guy for 2 weeks, I’d be going crazy.

    Now webtalk every day so the difference would be staggering.

    The longest he’s ever not talked to me was 6 days and I thought it was awful.

    If he didn’t talk to me for 2 weeks, he would have something crazy planned to make up for me to still come back to him. I don’t know, not even a ‘good night I’m getting ready to go to bed’ text?

    #513084 Reply
    Jenni smith

    I think you’re giving him too much power. In your mind, he is the prize. You need to flip the script– how would you act If you thought YOU were the one so worth it etc? And then act accordingly! Agree with all that in person communication is best.

    #513091 Reply

    I’m with Maria and everyone else who agrees that two weeks without contact is unacceptable. Unless he’s in the line of duty, traveling without access to technology, or on an otherwise important mission, no man who wants to pursue and lock down a woman willingly goes two weeks without reaching out. He’s either slowly backing away or trying to establish that he has you where and how he wants you and feels no reason to advance the relationship? Why? I don’t know. Perhaps “official” means something different to the two of you, but how would you know if you’re afraid to communicate with him, which is what this all boils down to?

    I believe he knows and expects that you won’t bring this up. Not to bring power plays into this, but he has the “upper hand,” so to speak. When you second-guess yourself and try and convince yourself that you’re being insecure, I see where you’re coming from. (And the ladies who chime in with that belief are probably trying to make you feel better or learn not to be “need”). But two days is acceptable, not two weeks. It is not needy to have legitimate needs- and a legitimate need is a healthy level of communication and contact.

    Not to play Debbie Downer, but something is likely wrong here or will be. Before jumping to conclusions, though, get some courage and please bring this up to him. Come from a place of love. Start by saying how proud you are of his accomplishments. But if you don’t say you’re not getting what you want, which is more than reasonable, how will you ever grow as a couple?

    I’m so sick sometimes of women being advised to shut up and walk on eggshells and pretend as though there are no real issues. That’s how resentment builds up- because we become so hell-bent on “rules” and lose sight of what’s important in the process. People need to grow up. It’s all about delivery. If issues are presented in a non-confrontational way, then that’s a GOOD thing.

    #513117 Reply

    She has been dumped. She just did not get it yet…

    #513126 Reply

    Dior I feel for you because when we really really like/love someone we want to always give them the benefit of the doubt. Like some of the other girls say, NO ONE is that busy to send a 2 second text if they care and are thinking about you. Please please do not let him make you look like a fool.

    If it was 2-3 days you hadn’t heard from him I would say okay fine don’t text and wait…. But 2 weeks? Come on. Even if you text him and he comes back with this amazing apology and excuse do you really wanna be with someone who will peace out for weeks at a time?? If he’s not the one calling you saying omg I’m so sorry this is why I haven’t been in touch, then I’d be weary of anything he said after you reach out to him.

    You’ve been dating for 6 months. It’s not good that you’re not comfortable enough with him to just text him “hey miss you, how’s it been going?”…. I’m so sick of letting guys pull the ghost or fade without calling them out. He owes you some kind of explanation I think.

    In my personal opinion from dating lots of different types of men in a big city is that if he hasn’t reached out to you in 2 weeks, something is wrong. Unless he is in a coma, fighting in a war, or dead.. There’s just no excuse to to 2 weeks. Call me crazy but that’s how I feel. Even if he is so busy and his phone broke… Facebook message, have one of his friends text you, email… There’s way too many different ways to get in touch these days to make excuses.

    Reality is:

    1) he’s ghosting you or pulling a fade on you
    2) he really is that busy.. But doesn’t care enough about the relationship to check in with you

    I apologize for getting so heated but I’ve been in this position before and I just don’t want you or any woman to be made to look like a fool or put up with someone who isn’t 100% into her.

    #513127 Reply

    My be has been sick but still working, his mom’s in hospital, he’s busy with employee reviews,basically really really busy. He still finds the time to contact me n yesterday he dropped by late just to spend 1/2 hr with me because he missed me.

    If a guy us as busy as ur bf is that he’s not had the time to contact u, u r quite low on his priority scale. IMO such guys have no business being in relationships or dating. Marriages to such guys too are very lonely affairs…

    #513130 Reply

    I agree with the others that say this is too long.

    I even asked my boyfriend who’s very busy as well and I’ve seen can often have a one track mind when it comes to his career, he even said this isn’t normal and probably indicative of interest lost.

    As I see it when two people are truly invested in a relationship that other person becomes their best friend and their sanctuary of sorts. I know that when life is stressful my boyfriend and I turn to each other for support or relief from whatever is going on.

    I just can’t help but think this is a lack of investment on his part that he hasn’t reached out to you in two weeks.

    I agree with Mae on women being told not to address things, especially when they warrant addressing. I’m all for being understanding but at what cost? It wouldn’t feel like much a relationship to me if I rarely see or hear from that person.

    #513131 Reply

    I’ve been following this thread from the beginning and here we are, Monday. You haven’t heard from him all weekend, I assume? And last weekend? Lots of discussion with us strangers but not a peep from him and you haven’t contacted him either. He’s making time for all his other priorities but you. He figures you’re OK with this, I suppose, so he’s going on about his business and not missing you. If he can go two weeks without initiating, talking or seeing you, then he can continue on going this way. Take some action already and put your needs first and discuss some compromise instead of being so scared of “messing up” like you said on one of your posts. Who’s the prize here?

    #513148 Reply

    This is not acceptable. He’s a grown man and he doesn’t realize he needs to contact you regularly? If I were you, I would call him and break up with him. Don’t get into why because then you will sound like you are nagging. Just tell him it’s not working for you and cut it off there. He sounds completely clueless and there are so many great men out there who are relationship ready. This guy sounds like an idiot.

    #513156 Reply

    Dior please give us an update!

    #513185 Reply

    Yes, Dior, can you please let us know if you have any news?

    #513406 Reply

    Hi ladies! Sorry I was a bit busy. Thank you all for taking the time to read this thread and I really appreciate your concern.

    So I’ve texted him earlier, just checking in. I didn’t call because I was in an emotional state and that wouldn’t be good for talking. He was responsive as usual but slightly distant. Apparently, he injured his shoulder a few days after we part ways during his boot camp training for the upcoming competition and has been on rehab and physio ever since. Apart from that, he still has to attend this really important meeting every other day.

    I know all these must have put a big load on his work schedule and his project will be delayed. I guess he’s in an immense stress right now and caving away.. For the first time ever.

    Now I’m really upset because he didn’t tell me what happened, that would surely make every girls feel unimportant and definitely not a priority.

    So I talked to one of our mutual guy friend who is a lot like him (closer with me), said I should give him a break. He’s really overwhelmed right now and if he still doesn’t recover soon, he might have to let go the game (which is really big! it’s at overseas). He told me guys like them don’t want their gf to see them at their weakest. Of course it’s not a good behavior, so I should to talk him, but be very mindful of my words.

    Two months ago, he fell really sick. At that time, he still text me every other day, checking in. He did mention briefly that he’s sick, but nothing to worry about and go on with other topics. So I thought it’s like a cold or something. Then when we meet up a few days later.. Gosh he was still sick and his gum was badly swollen (doc said it’s due to stress).. Which went on and off for three days. I slept over and he was awake the whole night, in pain. I got upset and said why he didn’t tell me earlier, he held me tight, said what’s the use to make me worried. All he needed is some rest and that he needed to get back on his feet ASAP. But when I didn’t tell him I’m sick or other minor issues, he would goes “why didn’t you tell me!!”. Lol :/

    And I guess he’s that… Type. Like my friend said, he doesn’t want me to see him at his weakest. But that I must bring up my needs calmly. I was pretty emotional and haven’t confronted him yet.. All I could think of saying was “are you planning to hide from me if I didn’t text you??” “am I really that important??” “Am I your fling or what??” “So I’ll be the last person to know if anything happened to you??”….. Those damaging line should be written on a paper and get burnt lol. Anyway, I wasn’t at the right state.. I’ve been with my gfs and kept myself busy working out, recollecting myself before I’m going to bring up the talk..

    I feel better now, but haven’t confront him yet. I’m planning to say… “Babe, we’re not seeing each other often. I don’t have to see you everyday, but I’d love to hear more from you. You told me you would be by my side and go through all the good times and bad times with me and I’d do the same, so…let me be by your side”.

    It’s what I currently feel and to those who ask me to walk away, I want to try everything possible options. I want to reach the stage where he wouldn’t compromise after I made request(s) and tolerate. Then, I will walk away, heartbroken, but surely.

    Like Sabrina said, people are often told to walk away as soon as they feel unhappy. But even in the most healthy relationship, things won’t always be bed of roses. It takes two to compromise and the want to head to a growing direction. This, I want to try now.

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