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- This topic has 28 replies and was last updated 2 years, 11 months ago by
Where do I begin?
I “met” a guy on a dating app back in October. We exchanged messages for a bit, moved to text and talk on the phone but we haven’t met in real life. We never seem to run out of things to talk about. He isn’t like anyone I have ever talked to on a dating app, he’s really funny and smart and witty. He’s never made inappropriate remarks or comments, never made me feel uncomfortable. We’ve probably talked on the phone 3 times in the past six months but each time has been for several hours. We do not text all day, we can go several days without saying anything and then one of us will start up a conversation about any random topic, catch up, etc.
And I get I’m getting frustrated. I would like to met him and I have said so on a few occasions but he doesn’t seem to move it forward, at all. The only time he did was when he asked me if I wanted to go to a concert on New Years Eve during the pandemic. Right after he texted me to ask me this, he apologized and said now that he thinks about it us meeting for the first time on NYE, at a crowded concert, during a pandemic is probably not the best idea. I agreed and said I would love to meet him but more like grabbing a bite to eat or coffee for our first meet up. He said he would totally take that but never followed up.
He went to a concert last week for a band that is our favorite band and showed me pictures of the merchandise he bought for me but hasn’t mentioned how he plans on getting it to me.
I have been going silent for the most part with the texting because I figured this isn’t going anywhere I’m not going to keep trying to initiate conversations. And just when I think I won’t hear from him, he will text me. Yesterday I thought he may say something for Valentine’s Day but nothing. I texted him last night and just said Happy Valentine’s Day. He responded and said I was lucky to have two Valentines (being my two dogs) and he said he only had one and she’s crazy (referring to his dog). I guess I’m hurt and disappointed by his answer. I haven’t stopped talking to other guys and have even gone out with other guys but I can’t get this specific guy out of my head. I feel like we are so perfect for each other but he seems perfectly happy to have me as a text buddy I guess? That’s what I feel like, one his buddies. I want to call him out and ask him what exactly, if anything, is going on between us but I’m scared to lose him as a friend so I continue to let this drift along.
I don’t know what to do. I want more from him, but is it better to just let this drift and see if he ever steps up while continuing to talk to other guys? Early on when he had said he was going to call me and never did I had texted him something to the effect of “well you don’t seem interested so good luck to you” and he responded that he was very interested and called me the next day. But I don’t want to continue to tell him what to do and issue ultimatums. I want him to want to move this along on his own, without me provoking. I’m not looking to get married tomorrow or jump into a relationship with him so I’m not on any kind of timeline, but I feel stuck with him. I’d like to at least think this is progressing on some level.
Suggestions? Thoughts? Thanks for reading.
Well, you’ve already ‘called him out” & it didn’t do much good…
Patty, wake up and smell the espresso. He is perfectly happy with the “pen pal” situation and is not interested in meeting you or having a relationship IRL. He will only do enough to keep you on the hook. And you are very willing to stay on the hook.
This isn’t going anywhere. He’s already in a relationship, emotionally unavailable, not who he says he is, or something. Doesn’t matter at this stage.
He’s had plenty of opportunity to organize meeting you. He’s not going to do it. All you can do now is have the wisdom to is tell him that as you haven’t met in six months, you’ve decided it’s time for you to move on to meeting men you can have actual dates and spend time with. He will protest and call and make promises but it’s been too much of your valuable time that you can’t get back to keep going with the flow. Tell him your decision is made and block him after you’ve both been able to say goodbye.
Value yourself and your time enough to walk away from this guy.
My first impression is that you might be getting catfished. It happens way more than you think, and avoiding meeting up is one of the most obvious signs. Even “almost” meetups are fake — I mean, how could he be catfishing you if he “almost” met you on NYE? Or “almost” met you for coffee? Easy. He had no intention of meeting and threw that out as a red herring.
Even if you aren’t being catfished and the guy is actually him, the time has come and gone for him to meet up with you. At this point after all this time it would be too awkward as you have formed an idea of who he is in your head which never seems to match up with reality.
Wish him well or better yet, just move on with your own life and take this as a lesson that you will meet a guy within a certain timeframe or cut him out of your potential dating list.
Angiebaby nailed it, and mama’s callout on catfishing is also a good point. It wouldn’t hurt to watch a few episodes of the tv show Catfish… it very clearly shows episode after episode that being in a situation in which someone won’t meet in person doesn’t result in romantic relationship happy endings. There’s usually very serious issues that lead up to these situations, and those who refuse to meet are happy to be in touch in these emotional situationships for as long as the other person allows (some people go on the show after “almost” meeting for years and years…). Earlier episodes aren’t overproduced, later ones get a little less “real” and more “reality tv,” but you still get the gist and can learn more about red flags online.
Let this one go.
*about red flags in online dating
So a little update. I decided better to know then wonder, so I asked him flat out why we haven’t met yet. He said he honestly wasn’t sure but he guesses it was because I didn’t seem comfortable going out with all the covid stuff but if I was free on a Sunday we should make plans. So we did and I met him this past Sunday. We had a great time.
Now is where it gets hard for me. I am anxious attached and I don’t want to ruin any potential I may have with this guy. I don’t want to get clingy or annoying or drop hints that I want him to ask me out or see him again. I want it to be natural and just flow and not try to control the situation and know the outcome. It is very hard for me when I finally find someone I click with.
He texted me last night which made me happy that I didn’t text first after the date. We chatted a bit but he was working and it was late and I fell asleep when he sent his last response to me. I guess I don’t know how to act normal now and not push him away. Do I respond to his last message? Do I hang back and see if he texts again? I really do want to see him again and I don’t know how to find out how he feels about me or if he wants to get together again. I don’t want to bring it up again since I was the one to bring up it up last time. I don’t want to keep texting about nonsense because that’s what I usually do and I tie significance to texting when I know there isn’t any. I just want to see him again and see if there is something there. I don’t know how to act normal now. Part of me feels I should just respond and say I hope he had an uneventful night with work and a good day today or something along those lines and the other part is like, don’t respond, don’t answer too frequently, see what he does. I’m over thinking it already and I’m scared I’m going to self sabotage. Help!
Patty- chill out and find something else to do. Put down the phone. Hang out with girlfriends or engage in your favorite hobby. You are totally overinvested in a guy that you had one date with. Keep talking to other guys. Don’t get hooked on this one when it has taken him forever to even go out with you. You don’t even know if you’ll like him in the long run. If he’s interested, he’ll make it known and ask you out again. What you don’t do is wait around for him to ask you out again. You keep living your life and making yourself happy.
Liz Lemon
You ARE trying to control the situation and the outcome here. And you don’t really know how well you and this guy click- you’ve met him once (and even arranging that one meeting took forever).
If getting a guy to meet you for a date is like pulling teeth, then he’s not that into you. A lot of guys like texting/chatting with women because they enjoy the attention, but they have no interest in real-life interactions. It sounds like this guy is one of those. A man who wants to see you will ask. It’s amazing how easily things flow when a guy is into you– they absolutely take action and make their interest known.
I think his Covid excuse (not asking you to meet for 6 months because of Covid)- is BS- I don’t know where you live, but pretty much everywhere in the USA has been open for months. You could have met for a coffee or a lunch or just a walk, even. So I don’t think he’s that interested in really hanging with you in person, it sounds like he just likes texting. That’s just my opinion. I agree with Gaia that if he is interested in seeing you again, he should ask- you shouldn’t have to initiate everything.
You guys are right, I’m hanging on to nothing and being stupid. Thanks for the reality check. I guess if he does reach out I won’t respond. I thought him being quick to make plans and reach out again after we met as good signs but it’s minimum effort.
Liz Lemon
IF (big IF) he reaches out and wants to make concrete plans, it’s fine to plan to get together! What we’re saying is, don’t let this guy e-tether you- look up e-tethering. If he’s just texting to chat and be a pen pal, and doesn’t want to actually hang out in person, he’s wasting your time.
What we’re saying is you definitely shouldn’t force the issue or be the one initiating plans all the time. If he does not initiate getting together, he’s only interested in being a pen pal.
And if he keeps texting without plans to meet, it’s perfectly fine to tell him it was nice knowing him, but you’re seeking to meet and date guys in person, so you wish him well but would rather not communicate anymore.
There’s also no reason to call yourself stupid here. Believe it or not, that kind of negative self view and self talk is common to the anxious attachment style. Beating yourself up instead of being compassionate with yourself just feeds into driving yourself crazy though and will make you play games. One of the ways to work on that attachment style is to recognize and interrupt that negative talk track, and challenge it by being kind to yourself instead. A lot of the time, that negative voice in your head isn’t even your own… you’ve internalized it from someone else putting you down. And you don’t need that kind of noise :)
Instead, maybe you can see it as, whether or not he gets back to you, either way, you will be okay! You’d prefer he does of course, but you’ve got your own stuff going on if he doesn’t. If he does reach out and you want to see him, answer.
But the advice you’re getting here is, don’t wait pining for him and investing / giving him too much mind space before he’s proven to you he’s trustworthy and worth the investment. And in this situation specifically, keep things in the perspective of it’s highly unusual to wait 6 months for a date, so if he now goes back to just being a penpal without him initiating the setting up of more dates and following through in actions, leave him be. If things don’t add up, leave him be (maybe he’s secretly married or not ready to date seriously). If things don’t work out here, learn about e-tethering so you see the signs before it progresses for as long next time, and take it all as a positive learning experience.
But you will be okay!
Thank you, you are all right. I will be ok. And I know I’ve been talking to this guy a while but I really don’t “know” him. Who knows what he has going on that has nothing to do with me. I get most upset with myself that I get attached quickly and always need to know where things are or aren’t going. I am recognizing my pattern though and trying to not fall into the overanalyze/obsess mindset.
My last request for advice..what do I do now? We texted a bit Tuesday night, I responded to him Wednesday morning and he sent me a message Wednesday afternoon. That was the last we were in contact. Hang back and see what he does? See if he texts or calls? I know my anxiousness is kicking up and this is my need to make sure there is still a “connection” but I want to be smart and just let the cards fall where they may. I want to be as normal as I can possibly be. I had been hanging back and when he wanted to talk he would reach out so I guess that’s the path I take. I just don’t want him to think I’m not interested or don’t want to see him again.
Liz Lemon
You can’t force a connection if there isn’t one. I’m sorry to be blunt, but this guy isn’t that into you. At least, he’s not into you as more than a pen pal or text buddy.
Honestly this is not a him issue, this is a YOU issue. You can’t accept the fact that he does not want to date you. Maybe he’s not in the headspace to date anyone right now. The reason doesn’t really matter. You have to let go. Believe me, if a man wants to see you, he makes it happen.
He won’t think you’re “not interested” because if he were interested in you in a romantic way, he’d ask to see you, and you would show your interest by enthusiastically accepting dates. This guy is not even doing that.
I’ve been in your place, where I’ve been really into guys who seemed to like me OK, but wasn’t moving things forward. I’ve tried to force connections with guys. It never, ever works. You say you need to know where things are going, surely you see this is going nowhere? You’ve been talking to this guy for 5 months and have met one time, because you pushed for a date. That is not how guys who are interested in you behave.
I’m sorry if this is blunt! My advice now is to hang back. Don’t initiate contact. Don’t ask for another date. I’m willing to bet things will stay the same– this guy will text or call once in awhile, and not ask to see you again. Honestly I think you should be blunt and if he keeps randomly texting you (e-tethering), just tell him you’ve enjoyed talking to him but are looking to date guys in person, like I said before.
Yeah that is pretty blunt lol and hurts to read it but maybe that is what I need to see.
I guess I can’t reconcile that he wouldn’t be interested if he stayed in touch this long and did actually show up for the date. I live in NY, he lives in NJ so he had to cross two bridges to see me. He could have flaked or stopped texting/calling at any point. But there was effort made on his part. I don’t know if I’m making excuses for him or continuing to try and reason it out but I will have to sit back and just let it be. Just sucks that I feel we are so similar and alike on so many levels but like you said, I can’t force a connection or force him to do what I want just because I like him. It has to be mutual.
Think about this from the flip side. YOU have continued talking to him for 6 months, met up with him, and told him you had a good time / would hang out again. You’ve done enough! He knows you’re interested, you already made all the effort necessary. If he’s not taking the lead from here, it’s on him, but it’s not because he doesn’t understand the dynamics or your feelings. And if he literally doesn’t understand how dating and feelings work, then that’s not the guy for you anyway!
Anxious attachers absolutely make excuses for others, mirroring how they had to make excuses in early close relationships in order to maintain a feeling of connection… even when unhealthy or an illusion. Dating because much, much simpler when you recognize excuses happening and stop making them. I used to make excuses for all the men, and that meant I got back what I put in. Stuck in dead end situations with tepid and ambivalent guys, until I raised my own standards enough for how I should be treated by my dates.
Liz Lemon
Maddie put it beautifully. Also, the fact that this guy continues to engage with you, and traveled from NJ to NY to see you once, does not mean he wants, or is capable of, anything romantic with you. I’m sure he enjoys texting you and talking to you, so why would he stop? You say there was effort on his part, but texting is extremely low effort!
When I met my bf, he was working 50+ hours a week, co-parenting his child with his ex-wife, and dealing with a family health crisis (his mother was sick and needed surgery, and he was the family member in charge of taking her to the surgery and seeing her through her recovery). He still found time to take me out 1-2 times a week and text/call me constantly. I heard from him every single day, multiple times a day, no exceptions. That’s what it looks like when a guy wants to build a romantic relationship with a woman he’s met. Like Maddie said, have higher standards for yourself for guys. When you do, dating is so much easier.
Thanks for the posts. You both are absolutely right. I think I just needed to hear that I put in the effort and have done enough, the rest is up to him. I’m always hard on myself that I should have done more or did something to make it work but I know that isn’t true. I make excuses for their lack of effort and put the blame on myself that it is because of something I didn’t do or wasn’t enough. I know I am worth making the effort for and want to find someone who does that without me having to ask for it. Thanks ladies.
I think patty you hv got good advice above. What you hv with this guy, many of us have gone thru similar experiences. And we keep makin excuses for the guy. If the man is genuinely interested in you, he makes efforts and that shows. What liz has written just read it again..
Thing is he likes interacting with you.. but sadly thats about it. U need to be able to accept that.. pls stop engaging with this guy so frequently vide chats cause thats creatin confusion in your head. This is just a casual interaction vide chats. Dont blow it up in your mind to be something more.
There is this guy in my life. On off friends. Amazing crazy chemistry when we meet. I was alwys interested in him. And each time we had some intense chats i wld feel yes hes intrstd for sure. He does like me. And kept hoping. He stayd around 4 hours drive away. But bottomline is he dint like me enough to make efforts to see me. It tuk me a long time to accept. But its a lesson i learnt for life. Btw am still in touch with this guy and yes i still find him v attrctv. But i know hes not lukin to get invlvd. So thats that. I visit his city regularly for work but nolonger even think of contacting him for a casual meet.
You need to accept that its a casual interaction and not serious with this guy. And stop making excuses for him.
Thanks Tammy. And yes, you guys are right. I need to accept this is not going anywhere. I haven’t heard a peep from him since last Wednesday. Someone who is genuinely interested would have reached out to me by now. We had gone days in the past without talking but almost a week and nothing? That’s not normal. I am shutting down the destructive thoughts in my head like “oh he’s waiting for me to reach out”. No, why can’t he contact me if he really wanted to talk/see me? He has to step up at some point and if he isn’t doing it now, there is no hope for a future. Makes me very sad but I will get past him. I want someone who can’t think of letting a week go and not being in touch with me. Not play these games.
My thoughts say oh what’s the harm in sending a message to him, but there is harm because it’s all me. Throwing myself out there when he hasn’t. Right?
Liz Lemon
The harm in sending a message to him is that it keeps you on the hook. It keeps you waiting and hoping for this guy’s validation. “I want someone who can’t think of letting a week go and not being in touch with me.” Exactly! This is the bare minimum for any kind of romantic relationship.
Look at it this way- if this guy had a romantic interest in you, he would contact you and see you often because if he didn’t, some other guy might snatch you up. Seriously. When a man wants a woman, he acts on it to make sure he has her undivided attention. Intellectually I can see that you know this, but I understand that you’re still struggling with it emotionally.
To be fair to this guy, I don’t think he’s “playing games”. He probably just sees you as a friend. Haven’t you gone a week without contacting a friend? I know I have. You have admitted that nothing at all romantic has happened between you two. So I don’t think he’s consciously playing a game (at least I hope not). I think it’s more like he sees you as a friend and not a potential romantic partner. Which is all the more reason you need to distance yourself. He will happily interact with you sporadically for as long as you let him because in his mind, you’re his friend. If you aren’t able to mentally put him in the “friend” box and date other guys with an open mind, you’re better off just distancing yourself.
I agree with Liz a 100%!!! Playing games, not really. Forget evrything but just think this thru. 1 meeting in 6 months. Like really? And u think hes interested? Thats wht it all boils down to.. interaction for 6 months vide internet dsnt mk this a relatnship!
I guess we are pushing this bec we dont want you to go thru wht we did. U seem sooo interested in a man whos not! It was probably the same with me. There were days that would go by and he wldnt connect. And i wld analyse n over think and go thru last interactions in detail. Try to make sense of inane conversations and somehow try an dlink those to long silences.
But its all very simple. Hes not makin any efforts cause hes not that into you.
I absolutely am taking in the advice given here. It is hard to let go of what I thought was potential, like Liz said, in my head I know it makes sense but emotionally it is hard to let go.
And you absolutely don’t have to make him out to be the a good guy here haha, that kinda makes things even worse. If I can villainize him and make him out to be a bad guy it will be easier to disconnect.
I haven’t reached out and I won’t. If he does, we will see how I feel. I don’t think he will at this point but who knows. I am connecting with other guys so not hanging my hopes on him but, why does it always have to be the ones you really like?
Something I also had to learn the hard way: you can’t date potential. It’s got to be what’s right in front of you and that’s it. Once you need to start making excuses for them, there’s no actual potential!