Can a man who lost interest, ever chase you again?

Home Forums Dating and Sex Advice Can a man who lost interest, ever chase you again?

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  • #359655 Reply

    Hi all,
    Well it happened. A man who had been wanting to date me for quite some time convinced me to give it a shot. It took me a while but I warmed up to him. We have known each other for a while and as soon as my feelings developed back for him, he kind of disappeared on me.
    We kept in communication and were seeing each other occasionally. I wanted to respect moving slowly.
    Well now he has faded back out of my life. I suspect he lost interest after us getting close.
    My question is…. can a guy come back for a girl later, even if hes lost interest in her once? Or is she deemed as “undatable” or whatever permanently?


    #359696 Reply

    Ji Jessica.

    Sure a guy can come back, but it might not be what what you think he’s coming back for. Do not listen solely to their words, you have to watch their ACTIONS because this is one area guys can’t escape from. If a guy’s saying lets go out but doesn’t schedule a time date, then he could just be gauging your interest, but has no inclination of actually doing it.

    If a guy is consistent when he says let’s go out Friday night, picks you up and takes you out, then you at know he’s interested, BUT he may stop being interested and so he will stop taking you. Dating is just a test run to see if you click, but it doesn’t always work out so you need to always go it with zero expectations that it will evolve into anything meaningful.

    If he does get back in touch, if doesn’t take your out, then delete him from your phone and move on because men like their ego stroked or get a kick having women give them attention without having to do anything to earn it, other than text—so don’t waste your time with these guys.

    #359969 Reply

    It has happened to me in the past but usually under certain usually one of the following: 1. He saw me out (ran into me) and I was looking my that point sometimes they’ve kicked themselves in the a** out loud for dropping the ball. 2. He found out another guy was sniffing around which motivated him to step up. 3. He came to his senses after having bad luck with other ladies and came back for a 2nd chance..telling me how great I was, not like others out there. This is just from my personal experience. Whatever you do, don’t go after him. This happened to me where a guy was hitting on me hard, then when it became mutual he pulled back a little. I think they like the challenge/ego boost they can get from thinking you like them back. Try your best to play it cool.

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