Can I salvage this or is it not worth it?

Home Forums Did He Lose Interest? Can I salvage this or is it not worth it?

  • This topic has 6 replies and was last updated 5 years ago by Lane.
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  • #785990 Reply

    So a few months ago I reconnected with someone I was somewhat friends with. It started off as catching up but then out of nowhere he mentioned he saw me on a dating app. This lead to him flirting but then almost instantly apologizing every time because he wasn’t sure if it was appropriate (we met initially through work, I was like an advocate to him nothing of the professional sort). I let him know it was fine and after a while he stopped checking if it was ok. We agreed we wanted to hang out.. we both talked about hooking up and I am not in a place where I want a serious relationship now. Also we talked about how we don’t like chasing people (Even though that’s probably what I’m doing).

    Throughout the time we were talking the first 2 months he would flirt, and send dirty texts (no pictures). Communication started slowing down a few weeks ago and the flirting stopped soon there after. It got to the point where I understood he was busy working and had other obligations but he wouldn’t text me. I would text first and it always felt as though I was bothering him. I did ask him out right if he wanted me to slow down texts because he was busy, his reply was “You’re fine” so I would text him but try not to overwhelm him so once every other day. It was going ok until last week when he gave short answers and if I sent a flirty text like hey cutie like I have in the past he just replied hey hey.

    I have little patience and I knew I should have left him alone but I texted him stating I just wanted to be blunt and ask if he was still interested in hanging out. He replied “I do hun it’s just my schedule is wild I’m sorry.” I told him I was just going to take that as a no and he said it’s not a no it’s a gotta find time.

    The last time I texted him a few days ago I felt as though he was either too busy or didn’t want to talk so I have not messaged him since. I know people say to give them space and they will come to you. I don’t see him texting me so I would have to text him, is it even worth it? I understand busy and if that’s all it is I can work with it. Is he just not the type to text first?

    I’m not naïve either I know he’s liking and commenting on other girls posts and truthfully I still scroll through dating apps. I just want someones opinion honestly.

    #785994 Reply

    If you already know the answer…

    #785997 Reply

    If this man isn’t setting up time to see you he has low interest.. He isn’t even initiating texts, so I think you know your answer. No, this isn’t worth your time.. either to worry about or think about.

    #785992 Reply

    He wanted sex without a commitment and you gave it. He’s doing a slow fade away now, hoping you’ll get the hint.

    #786003 Reply

    You were used for sex. He wants nothing else from you.

    It’s time to move on.

    #786011 Reply

    First, if you don’t want a serious relationship, why do you care? I swear, women are always claiming they don’t want a serious relationship, then ask why the guy is doing a slow fade.

    I see this kind of thing on here all the time; most of the questions are about the guy seeming to be less interested than he was previously. And giving a guy space is not a guarantee he will come back. It’s not a game; it’s not a trick. The only “trick” is to know when a guy isn’t interested and not chase after him.

    Guys are not complicated; they really aren’t. Stop chasing him, stop texting him, and live your life. When you meet a guy who really does like you and wants to see you, you won’t have to wonder.

    #786015 Reply

    There is absolutely nothing to salvage. He was having a little flirty fun with you but had no intention of following through or he would have the moment you gave him the green light. Honestly, you are not a challenge at all, and when you go in ‘chase mode’ a man is going to flee if he has zero intentions of starting anything with you.

    Let this one fade, stop e-tethering him, and find better things to do with your time than chase a time waster. I agree with the Franny in that if you didn’t really care about a serious relationship you wouldn’t give a rats patooty about Mr. Flake and be using your time and energy elsewhere, such as people(family/friends), work, activities and hobbies that brings value, fun or happiness to your life, not endless frustration on a dud.

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