Home › Forums › Complicated Situation / Mixed Signals › Can love exist without trust?
- This topic has 10 replies and was last updated 3 years, 4 months ago by tammy.
My ex and I dated for 5 years when we were in college. We had a bad break up. During my final year, I was extremely busy with a lot of activities and I couldn’t spare him a lot of time. I was also extremely irritable because of a few campus problems and we both used to argue a lot. He then cheated on me. He asked me for another chance but at that moment I was not in the state of mind to give him a second chance so we fought even more. I loved him but I no longer trusted him. Can love really exist without trust? So when he had had enough, he broke up. I put on a strong front because it hurt my pride that I loved him more than he loved me. I was angry and bitter. I cut him out of my life. For two years neither of us contacted, spoke or met each other. We both dated other people.
But during these two years, my mind went back to him constantly. Whenever something was mentioned, my mind always thought of him first. It did put me down. But I just feel a type of way when I think of him. I don’t know whether it’s because he was my first love or because we dated for a very long time. During the pandemic, we got in touch again. We texted a couple of times. Very often it was awkward, other times it was sweet and playful, otherwise we spoke about good old memories very subtly. But we also indirectly brought up the breakup and got angry. We dropped it before we got into a fight but I could feel the pain and anger behind those messages. He pops into my mind so often and I can’t stop thinking about him. It just makes me question whether I am still in love with him. But whenever I think about that I ask myself whether I trust him. I do not have a certain answer to that. His texts keep giving me mixed feelings. At times it feels like he wants us to be together. But sometimes it feels like he’s just playing around. I don’t want to ask him upfront. But I also know that he might be playing mind games with me. I am losing my mind thinking about him. I’ve tried so hard to stop thinking about him. I think about all his bad qualities and the problems our relationship had to avoid him. But I still go back to wishing it was all good. I don’t know what to do!!
I know he made a mistake and that unless I give him another chance, I won’t know whether I trust him. But I just don’t wanna get hurt again. I can still remember our breakup like it was yesterday.
The last time we texted was 4 months ago when he asked me whether I trusted him and I couldn’t answer. Since then neither of us spoke to each other. I don’t know what to do. It hurts me when I think of it. I find myself thinking about us being together. But the trust factor is holding me back. Do I love him?. and if I do then can love exist without trust?tammyhas he told you he wants another chance with you? yes its possible to love someone even though you cant trust him. its just that you may not be able to have a relationship with him without trust. i think till you guys discuss and resolve what happened in the past, you cant have a present.
Liz LemonTammy is right, you can love someone without trust, but you can’t have a healthy, successful relationship without trust. Just like you can have relatives that you may not like as people, but you love them because they’re family. Love can exist in imperfect situations. It’s just that in order to have a strong relationship, you have to have certain conditions, and aside from love one of the big conditions that’s necessary is trust.
I also think that the fact that you can’t get him out of your mind after 2 years doesn’t necessarily mean you love him…it sounds like you have a lot of unresolved pain and anger between you two. “I think about all his bad qualities and the problems our relationship had to avoid him. But I still go back to wishing it was all good.” To me, that doesn’t sound like love, it sounds like unresolved baggage on your part. You are wishing for something that doesn’t exist. The fact that he pops into your mind often is significant of course, but it might mean you have stuff in your head that you need to let go of, rather than still being in love with him. I could be wrong of course, but that’s something to consider.
Tammy has another good point, do you even know if he wants to get back together? You haven’t spoken in 4 months. He might not be single, or interested in getting back with you.
Overall it sounds to me like this is mostly stuff in your head that you need to let go of. He was your first love, you had a painful experience with him, there was a lot of anger and bitterness, and it seems like you can’t get over that. I don’t necessarily think it means you’re still in love or should consider getting back together with him.
ZoeWhen a man cheats he is dead to me
SophiaI agree that you can love someone but not trust them. Unfortunately, and if it were me, I’d never be able to get past that betrayal. And so I would never be able to date them again. I think you must have trust in order to be in a relationship.
Missy@Tammy, no he’s never told me that he wants to get back together. But sometimes his texts hint on it. Almost as if he wants me to make the first move and ask him.
Missy@Liz Lemon, Reading your answer reminded me of all the times that I was confused. There were days when I longed to get back together but there were an equal number of days, where I convinced myself that getting back together with him would be the worst thing I could do. When we used to text each other, he used to very often send me clips from movies or books where a couple has trust issues and break up or fight because of it. I guess it was to taunt me or get me to respond..but whenever I asked him whether the videos signified us he would deny it and say that he sent it for fun, which is a total lie. Every time, the past was brought up and I tried to talk about it, he would either deny that something like that happened or he would make fun. He’s said on many occasions that I was overthinking and that half the things didn’t happen. This makes me angry because he makes it seem like it was entirely my mistake. When I ask him whether I was the one at fault, he sarcastically responds that it was all his fault. The only reason I considered that I was in love with him was because he never seemed to leave my thoughts. Him not contacting me for 4 months should say something about our relationship, I know. I tried to forget him using this fact. But four months later, I am still thinking about him and now this makes me mad. Because it looks like he is not thinking of me.
MissyDo you think talking to him will solve our issues? Because it always ends up with me getting angry and him avoiding the whole conversation. Any time our breakup is brought up, it’s the same thing.
Do you think it will help me get over him?
Liz LemonRead over your reply to me again. This guy does not want to work things out. He is not willing, or not able, or maybe both.
“Every time, the past was brought up and I tried to talk about it, he would either deny that something like that happened or he would make fun. He’s said on many occasions that I was overthinking and that half the things didn’t happen.”
What you are describing is gaslighting– denying that incidents in the relationship happened. That is extremely toxic.To answer your question– no, I don’t think talking to him will solve your issues, simply because this guy is not willing or able to put the work in to solve the problems. You said yourself that whenever you talk to him, you get frustrated and angry. I really think you need to stop beating your head against a wall. This guy cheated on you; he baits you (with clips from movies or book) and then makes fun of you when you respond, or flat out denies his intentions; he gaslights you by saying certain incidents in your relationship never happened. This guy sounds toxic as h3ll!
I think you should really examine why you are so obsessed and attached to this guy. He’s no good for you. Toxic relationships can be addictive because they have such extreme highs and lows- I’ve been there so I know what it’s like. But in the end they are so, so unhealthy. Really, think over what you wrote to me about this guy and ask yourself why you’d want to be with someone like that.
MaddieAgree with Liz that you will get more value at this point from focusing on yourself and asking why you’re stuck on a toxic guy. I’ve also been in a position before where I got back with an ex after a long break, and I learned from that experience how to tell if a guy is really ready and serious, or if nothing has actually changed. In my situation, nothing had changed and he was a huge and painful waste of my time except that I learned so much from it.
My ex acted very similarly to yours except he was about 10 years older at the time, so even less excuse. There was no cheating, as I wouldn’t have even entertained continuing to talk if that had happened. But the rest is similar and he’d come and go when he felt like it (usually was dating other women even he pulled back).
If a man is sincere and ready and anything has actually changed and a reconciliation has a chance, there is no hinting or being passive aggressive. If he is hinting and not being direct and saying he wants to be with you then a few things are likely true: he is still a terrible communicator, he doesn’t want to take responsibility for his decisions and he’d rather life happens to him so he never needs to fully commit to anything (that’s why he wants to fish around and see if you’ll do it, also so he can blame you later if he screws it up again), he’s operating out of fear in general in his life and will therefore make immature and self-serving decisions when push comes to shove because he’s stuck in his own defense mechanisms (with everyone, nothing to do with you and not just you), and he’s too immature to want handle the possibility of rejection. Does any of that sound familiar?
I hope you can move on because you deserve better. Usually people stay stuck in these cycles because they don’t feel good enough about themselves to believe they deserve a committed man and are hooked on the familiar feeling of intermittent reinforcement the toxic guy creates. It’s very intense, but it’s because it’s causing your body to be overwhelmed with negative feelings and it’s looking for anxiety relief. So then if the toxic guy comes back and treats you well for a minute, you feel really great, until he repeats the toxic behavior again and you both repeat the up and down patterns until someone puts an end to it for real. That someone should be you, because he has no reason to stop acting this way if you tolerate it and allow it. He’s getting your attention with no commitment, and that’s what he wants at this point, even though he probably doesn’t realize it and isn’t even doing it on purpose. That’s what makes it so toxic!
Look out for yourself. Talking further to him won’t help anything. Closure can only come from within, and it starts to happen when you commit to making the decision to leave this toxic dance behind.
tammyi think liz and maddie have both explained so well. after reading all of that i feel you need to seek counselling for yourself as to why you want to work out a relationship which seems to be only full of conflicts? wouldn’t it be easier just to walk away from all that? start a fresh slate with someone where none of this exists? take help to walk away from this rubbish. seriously. you will be better off and thank maddie and liz for helping you see reason. :-)