Can men wait till marriage for the woman they love?

Home Forums Dating and Sex Advice Can men wait till marriage for the woman they love?

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  • #766243 Reply

    I’ve been wondering this for a while. Waiting till marriage is something I want to do (not for religious reasons. it’s just something very important for me and I want to experience it with only one man in my life and that would be the man I marry). Nowadays and people my age don’t wait till marriage actually (expect some people, but they are very very rare and I don’t know them personally).

    I still want to be in a relationship and get affection (kisses, holding hands without sex) + strong emotional bond, but I don’t know when to state this actually. I’m not dating anyone right now, but I don’t really know how I can tell the person when it would be appropriate to. With the hookup culture, it can be really difficult.

    Thoughts on this? Also, is there a good time to tell a man that you’re waiting till marriage if dating is something both want? Is it better early on or later?

    #766245 Reply

    This wouldn’t be my way, but I know couples who did this, so obviously it’s possible. You definitely should bring it up as soon as possible, just to be open and honest and avoid leading anyone on.

    #766247 Reply

    Thank you for your replies!

    I’m in my early twenties, so I’m surrounded by people hooking up, having night stands and casual sex (+ regular sex with their partner if they are in a monogamous relationship).

    It’s actually a value coming from my culture and they way that I was raised, but guys from my culture are often ‘enjoying their youth’ by hooking up in their early twenties until it’s time to get married (then they want the girl with a ‘clean pas’ lol). But I’m not waiting because of that fact. When I was younger, I didn’t know if I’d wait or not (I thought that I would at least wait one year after being in a committed relationship), but after some breakups, I was always relieved that I didn’t sleep with them. So maybe it’s coming from that too: fear of giving something that I consider very important to someone I don’t have a full committed relationship with.

    So if I start dating a guy who had relationships before with sex, he wouldn’t want to wait for me if I tell him that I’m waiting till marriage?

    #766253 Reply

    Like the others said, it will be harder and more difficult to find a man who has the same marriage goals today, as you do, but not impossible. This site isn’t going to be all that helpful so suggest you google a website or chat room that caters to this belief, as they would be better sources to tap into, with like minded people, who you can talk with and provide you better information than us non-virgins could.

    #766254 Reply

    I have a friend who is dating someone who is a virgin. She is also waiting until marriage. He loves her deeply so is waiting for her, but he’s kind of desperate. He doesn’t get a lot of dates anyway, is nerdy and she is better looking than him. I think this is that only type of guy who will wait for a woman. Any guy who gets a lot of girls will not wait.

    #766255 Reply

    To be honest, I think the idea of men wanting a clean pass is very outdated. So unless you want a creep with a mindset from 50 years behind, this shouldn’t be your motivation. That said, I don’t want to sound like I don’t respect your wishes. I just think you should be clear on what your motivation is (and it shouldn’t be other’s expectations). In any case, this isn’t very common nowadays, so you’ll face some difficulties. I think you should be open about what you want and try to find a man who thinks likewise. You risk a lot, for purely physical reasons – sexual incompatibility really exists, so it may turn out that you cannot have sex with your husband after you’re married. But people do this. I think a very close friend of mine did and he is happily married.

    #766267 Reply

    “Any guy who gets a lot of girls will not wait.”

    Ma’am, I’m from the generalization police department. You are wanted for sweeping statements that are considered invalid based on two men. Please step outside.

    #766269 Reply

    @Lane I didn’t know if posting here was the best idea, but since I’ve read many pertinent and helpful comments and advice from women on this website, I didn’t really think about it, but I understand that it might be difficult to have different views on the subject if almost all people here think differently (which is 100% okay).

    I definitely understand that it’s hard to find a guy who thinks like me nowadays (as I said, because of the hookup culture), but it’s a bit depressing now that I thoroughly think about it haha

    From another perspective (which isn’t my personal case), I read about guys being very patient with a girl who suffered sexual abuse if they really love her (like they can wait years if that’s what it takes), but then why wouldn’t a guy wait for marriage if that’s the girl’s wish and if he truly loves her? Even if he doesn’t share the same beliefs.. I don’t know, I guess I just don’t want to find myself in a position (lol) where I compromise my values just because of social pressure…

    #766281 Reply

    There’s quite a bit in this thread that I can relate to. If it helps and gives you hope I have slightly similar beliefs regarding sex. Except substitute marriage with “in a committed, exclusive relationship where both people want a future with each other.” I used to want to wait for marriage too, actually. For various reasons but the biggest being I grew up seeing my dad having affairs and I established very early as a kid that that was not someone I ever wanted to be no matter how great the pleasures of sex with various partners was. There’s more reasons as well as the lessons from my first girlfriend but this comment might triple in size, lol. I don’t regret having sex before marriage, but I do regret doubting myself that lead to it. At the same time, I needed that mistake desperately to be sure of myself. I had been so uncertain for so long thanks to hormones, peer pressure, and what not.

    It all comes down to how well you know yourself. And if you’re young enough to be sure that you aren’t going to change like some people do. I had a ridiculous transformation starting from 20 until around ~26 where I went from “religious, arrogant, narrow minded, self-serving, self-doubting” to “agnostic, open minded, sensitive and caring towards others, confident”. I’m not saying this to discourage you. But since there is some undeniable risk involved with waiting for marriage, I want you to be sure that your values are well rounded i.e. the reasons for wanting to wait for sex until marriage are solid, and your expectations of sex once you’re married are reasonable. There are definitely guys out there who will wait for various reasons to have sex with someone they love. But I agree that it’s not going to be an easy finding them, not to mention how difficult it is resisting getting intimate with someone you love. Stay true to who you are be yourself openly and with confidence and the search for such a guy will be shorter. Good luck!

    #766282 Reply

    First of all, I have the utmost respect for your decision to wait until marriage! And to answer your original question I think it is best if you tell a guy you start dating up front that you don’t believe in sex before marriage. But that can mean ALOT of things. Not to be graphic but if you were in a committed relationship does your rule about sex before marriage include oral sex or “helping” your partner achieve an orgasm? Because I feel a man would be much more willing to wait for the physical sex in a relationship if his needs were being satisfied by you in other ways. If you are totally against anything other than holding hands and kissing then yes it is going to be hard for you to find a guy who is willing to wait when so many other girls are willing to give of themselves so freely. But I don’t think it’s impossible.

    Also, how do you feel about a man who has been with other women before you? Is that going to be a turn off to you if you’ve never been with another man and he’s been with several other women? If you are wanting your husband to be a virgin also then I do think you are narrowing your dating pool significantly. But as someone else said, with the internet nowadays it is easier than ever to connect with others who are dating with your same values and beliefs. Good luck!!

    #766319 Reply

    Thank you!

    I’ve changed a lot in the last years and I noticed that waiting is something I truly want even more and more (I did question myself when I was in a relationship, but I realized that it’s something very important to me and I didn’t want to compromise it for someone who didn’t give me a full commitment).

    Also, I want to establish a strong friendship and trust in my future romantic relationship and I want to see things clearly (Having sex make women produce more oxytocin and it can cloud judgments because we are more emotionally attached to the person). So there’s that: scientific reasons that make me want to wait. I know that if I have sex with someone before marriage and I get broken up with, it would really hurt me (like hell) and I would regret it 100%, so maybe there’s part of me that wants some kind of protection this way.

    I’m still realistic and I don’t expect sex to be like in the movies. But I do believe that two people who love each other and are compatible in all other departments, who are attracted to each others and who know how to communicate will find a way to have a satisfying sex life.

    I used to want someone virgin too a few years back, but right now, I just don’t care and I know that it’s not very realistic to expect that. I don’t mind if the guy has a past as long as he doesn’t have stds and respects me. Also, I’m not interested in ‘trying’ many partners. I respect women who live freely their sexual life this way, but that’s not for me.

    To answer your question kaye, it means no sex at all (like no sexual acts even if there’s no penetration). I tend to believe that one thing always leads to another.

    Anyways, I’m very picky when it comes to dating, so I know it would be ever more complicated to ask someone to wait for me, but I want to believe that if he’s the right one for me, that wouldn’t scare him

    #766321 Reply

    I waited until I got married, although I’m divorced now from him he is the best relationship I’ve had and the only relationship I don’t regret. He was my husband, my first, the father of my children and I loved him but not anymore.

    Since then I’ve had many relationship and always regret them. So now I’m not going to sex with anyone who is not my husband.
    Man hate marriage, for them it’s like prison sentence but will make that commitment to a woman who they see is worth, probably the hardiest scariest thing they will ever do and nothing says he loves and committed to you than marriage.

    So believe you will find your match and he will love and appreciate you.

    #766330 Reply

    Thank you @Jo for this!

    So with your experience, you now want to wait again till marriage before having sex again? How were the relationships (with sex before marriage) different from the one where you were married and you waited?

    #766367 Reply

    @Better off single : It’s indeed a risk, but I do believe that with communication and practice, it will get better. Since he’d be my first, I won’t compare him to other. Also, I tend to believe that couples who don’t enjoy having sex with each other have deeper issues in their relationship and that’s why it has a bad impact in their sex life.

    I also believe sex is a bonus. As I wrote earlier, if we are compatible in others area + attracted to each other, I don’t see why it wouldn’t work. It’s like kissing someone: it’s always different from person to person and each couple has its way to do it, but I’ve never heard anyone break up with someone because they didn’t like to kiss. Also, many researchers show that having sex with someone you love and on a long term is better than night stands simply because the more you know someone, the more you develop intimacy (and not just by getting naked with them) and the more you are comfortable with them so = better communication and better sex.

    #766422 Reply

    This question is impossible to answer meaningfully. Some men will but I suspect most won’t. It depends on the individual as well as their upbringing, morals, and culture. Asking these kind of broad questions is pointless because every person is different.

    #850805 Reply

    Sexual desire is a big driving force in many men. Your best bet would be a man with a low sex drive who can live without sex with no problem or a serious Christian who won’t have premarital sex even if he wants to.

    #850983 Reply

    In todays world, at least make sure to wait 3 to 4 months. I waited almmost 3 with many long dates snd open conversations and time spent. I felt “good” and “connected” and 15 months out still do. Look for someone respectful.

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