Can this actually turn into something?

Home Forums Complicated Situation / Mixed Signals Can this actually turn into something?

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  • #788168 Reply

    Hi everyone, so I recently started seeing this guy I met at work. We followed each other on Instagram a year ago before meeting and he asked me out, but I ended up ignoring his texts. Then, out of the blue, we started working at the same place.
    My reason for not replying to him previously was simply because life got in the way. I was seeing other ppl and he lived in another country for a year. When he started working at my job, though, I realized he was very attractive and was intrigued by him, and I felt I owed him for ignoring him in the past. So, I made the move on him. I asked him to get drinks with me one night after work and to my surprise, he said yes. We went out and then went back to his place, ended up hooking up.
    After this, it turned into a “thing”. We were seeing each other almost every day for 2 weeks, with equal effort on both ends to make plans. With the amount we were hanging out, we really got to know each other and I thought it was turning into a relationship. He told me he was “starting” to like me and wasn’t seeing other people and doesn’t want to.
    With this whole social distancing going on, things have been weird and I’m not sure where we stand. I saw him two days ago and I went back home (which is an hour away from where me and him live) and his texts have been really underwhelming. He’s never been much of a texter, he’ll check up on me and make brief conversation or to make plans, but that’s it.
    It’s been a day since we last spoke and he hasn’t made much of an effort to reach out and I’m just giving him his space. Obviously, I led with sex by asking him for drinks late at night and hooking up with him most nights, but I believe our connection is way deeper than that and I think he feels it too. Just don’t know what he wants after telling me he doesn’t want to see other people but being distant when we aren’t together.

    #788171 Reply

    This is a tough time. And it is hard to keep growing a growing relationship with dating 2 weeks and then a month at home. Options:

    A. Ask him what he is thinking about communication now.
    B. Invite him on a virtual date so you can see each other. Tell him you had fun and see if he suggests another.

    But, it is best with social distancing to relax, assume everything is on hiatus and engage again when the coast is clear.

    #788174 Reply
    T from NY

    Agree with what Tallspicy said. Though I also know that when a man is motivated about you, and open to a relationship, he will move mountains. I went on only 3 dates with someone shortly before I elected to quarantine myself and I let him know that due to our acquaintance being so new — I had zero expectations for communications until things had settled down in the world. He responded he would like to call me to work something out. We’ve now had several “phone dates”, played games on the phone, and texted everyday. He’s a good sport for sure. And a lot of men aren’t “phone people” – but if a man doesn’t want to lose you – he will make it known.

    I suggest reaching out to say – I’d love to talk to you about ideas how we could stay connected during this time – if that’s something you’re interested in. Hoping you are well! — If he does not make an effort to engage with you after you’ve made that offer — he is not motivated to keep anything going at this time and possibly may reach out when things settle — but might not. Other than that text — I would let him lead. It’s the only way you’ll know if he has genuine interest.

    #788182 Reply

    It’s hard to say what his intentions are, etc. And his personality in general..If he’s interested in a casual relationship, then he probably doesn’t see the point in pursuing a text/phone rs during quarantine because there’s no physical contact or hopes of meeting up? Tallspicy recommended a good idea…if he doesn’t seem interested, then just let it be for now and see him when the darn crisis situation is clearing up. He could be one of those people who doesn’t like texting back and forth very much. Just play it cool I guess and don’t let on that you are too keen in developing a rs since it’s still new. Maybe he’s embarrassed that you rejected him a few times…or maybe he’s a ladies man. Who knows! Good luck :)

    #788190 Reply

    If you were open to having a real relationship, why did you have sex before getting to know him and whether or not he wanted the same thing?

    #788192 Reply

    Look, if you guys are meant for each other nothing will get in the way. Relax and see what happens when this all shakes out – and I think you will see pretty soon.

    #788197 Reply

    Geez Andrea do you have to be the Victorian sex police on every post??

    #788199 Reply

    I knew that Andrea would appear in this thread. I was just waiting. Andrea, have you ever considered that wanting a relationship and wanting sex are not mutually exclusive? Or maybe when you want a relationship you are automatically turned off?

    #788216 Reply

    Ladies, learn to accept that there are other opinions out there besides yours. I’m well within my rights to offer mine.

    #788217 Reply

    Oh my goodness dear!! It’s called social distancing for a reason! Of course you feel distant now that you aren’t together, but seeing each other every day for weeks at a time just isn’t sustainable! It’s only been a day since you last spoke, he saw you every day for 2 weeks up until just 2 days ago and  you’re already freaking out. Why? If he has agreed he doesn’t want to see other people and is still checking on you and making plans what is your deal?? This is absolutely why women shouldn’t lead with sex. Now you’re overly invested in a guy after only a couple of weeks and want to know if it’s going to turn into something. Guess what….if you hadn’t had sex yet and he was still interested and wanting to see you, you wouldn’t even be here asking this question! Sorry guys, but Andrea is right!!! 

    #788222 Reply

    I’m not saying Andrea isn’t correct. It’s the delivery. Same snarky, slut-shaming comments on any post on this subject. It’s not constructive advice for the OPs and it’s grown very tiresome. Just saying.

    #788227 Reply

    K, admittedly I haven’t seen Andrea’s comments on other posts you are referring to but I don’t see any slut shaming in this comment, “If you were open to having a real relationship, why did you have sex before getting to know him and whether or not he wanted the same thing?”

    I think it’s good advice to get to know a guy and whether he’s interested in a committed relationship BEFORE you ask him out and jump his bones on the first date!! What’s not solid about that advice?

    The guy could be just out of a relationship, still hung up on an ex, a player, a commitment phobe, not have his life together for a relationship, be in drug rehab, just out of prison, not believe in monogamy, and the list goes on!! How are you going to have any idea if you don’t get to know him a while first?

    Anyway I find it kind of ironic how she ignored the guy for a year because “life got in the way” and no all the sudden he doesn’t text or call her for a day and she’s talking about him being all distant.

    #788228 Reply

    Andrea shows up regularly and makes the same short comments over and over. It’s always the same: why did you have sex before you were in a relationship? The implication being it’s wrong. Don’t put out until you have a commitment. If you do and he walks away, you deserved to be abandoned because you – gasp – had sex with him.

    Guess what – women like sex and want it too. Would you ever ask that question of a guy? Heck no.

    Women post here because they are having difficulties in dating and relationships. If they knew the answers they wouldn’t have to post because they wouldn’t be making mistakes. This is a place for teaching, not shaming.

    I’m in 100% agreement that women should be careful who they have sex with. It’s unwise for a number of reasons to just jump into bed too soon.

    I’d love to see Andrea actually help the women posting here understand why and how to set their standards for sex rather than just throwing them a sentence or two of “well, what did you expect, you had sex with him too fast. Learn from it and move on.” That’s just self-righteous preaching from a high and mighty stance that is subtle shaming.

    Yes, she certainly has the right to air her views, I’m not saying she doesn’t. I’m just asking her to think about why she keeps coming here and shaming women in three sentences or less over sex.

    #788229 Reply

    Andrea on another post from one week ago:

    “You shouldn’t have slept with him before being in a committed relationship. Now, your attachment hormones are going crazy and he’s pulling a slow fade on you. Learn from this experience and move on.”

    There’s a clear pattern. It’s just not helpful.

    I’ve said all I’ll say about it now. We’re a community trying to help each other navigate dating and relationships. Let’s help each other rather than bring each other down with name calling and slut shaming.

    #788230 Reply

    I don’t want to be argumentative – and yes, everyone is entitled to his own opinion – but not all women automatically WANT a relationship after having sex with a guy, just as not every guy drops a girl after he “gets what he wants” without being “locked down” into an exclusive relationship.

    NOTE: I’m sick right now and I’m trying to work, so I’m not sure how the tone of my answer will come off. I just want to let all of you know that I’m not trying to be mean or sh*tty about anything. Please overlook any typos or disjointed thoughts. I DO try to edit, but I can barely think straight.

    I know it was a different time, when all you had to do was make sure you didn’t forget to take your birth control pill and if you caught anything, antibiotics could clear you right up, but I was with more than a few guys and, outside of one one-night stand (a bottle and a half of tequila, neither one of us would’ve done it otherwise – and we went back to the “casual friends” relationship we had), NOT ONE GUY didn’t come back – even the one with the “one-and-done” M.O.

    The thing was that I can honestly say that I wouldn’t have cared if any or all of them had dropped me. I did what I wanted with whomever I wanted whenever I wanted to do it and didn’t worry about when/if he came back or what he thought of me the next day.

    (I believe this is along the same lines of what Tallspicy said about giving ZERO f*cks about what happens next if you’re going to date.)

    I’m suspicious of your excuses about why you didn’t respond to his requests for a date – not even an “I’m sorry, I’m really busy/involved with someone/taking a vacation from dating right now” – and then – lo and behold! – your work schedule cleared right up when you saw him in person and realized that “he was very attractive.”

    I think he might be, too – and your rude behavior had more to do with any loss of interest on his part than “leading with sex” did.

    I’m giving up trying to edit this into some coherent form, so I’ll sum up my advice in two points:

    1) When someone is interested enough in you to ask you out, you’re not obligated to accept – but you SHOULD respond with a nice turndown. Ask yourself how you would feel if the situation were reversed and he treated your invitations EXACTLY the same way you treated his. If you wouldn’t like to be treated that way, don’t treat him that way.

    2) Take Tallspicy’s advice and not date anyone unless you can look at yourself in the mirror and honestly tell yourself that you give ZERO f*cks if a date develops into a relationship.

    I hope this hasn’t confused you even more than you already are – and I hope I haven’t hurt your feelings.

    Now, it’s back to work for me.

    #788231 Reply

    Well K, I hate to be the one to point this out to you, but you’ve given even less advice to the OP in this post than Andrea! All you’ve done is attack Andrea for her view and opinion.  Raven usually posts even less than 3 sentences with a snarky comment each time and I don’t see anyone attacking her. Not sure why Andrea is being singled out. I’m not sure if you’re just taking poetic license or Andrea has actually said an OP deserved to be abandoned because you had sex outside of a relationship.  If that’s the case then her comment was out of line, but I’m assuming you are just being sarcastic there.

    I don’t think this is as clear and black and white and you want it to be. Just because someone gives advice you should get to know a guy and whether he wants a relationship before sleeping with him doesn’t turn it into slut shaming. Or your new term “subtle shaming.”  Does that imply some shades of gray? If a woman wants to have casual sex then they can lead with sex and enjoy themselves!! The problem is a majority of the time the woman isn’t really interested in just sex she wants to know “can this actually turn into something?” And THERE’S the issue. A man can have sex with you without even considering a relationship or a future or even if he’s going to text you back. 

    And her post from a week ago you used was actually a bad example for you to reference. Because I feel like she WAS teaching by telling the OP you get attachment hormones from sleeping with a guy. Should she have had to go into the fact the scientific name is oxytocin and the effect it has on a woman’s body for you to consider it teaching? 

    And Paige, I agree with you. But she’s already here after just 2 weeks of seeing the guy wanting to know “can this actually turn into something?” and lamenting about him being distant so I think you can rule out the fact she doesn’t want a relationship with this guy! And of course there’s the issue of she’s posting in a relationship forum!

    #788234 Reply

    Kaye, I said what I had to say and you’re welcome to disagree. I give plenty of advice on other posts as I”m sure you’ve noticed. And you assumed wrong. I wasn’t being sarcastic at all. You’ve also not understood the point I was trying to make and it’s not worth trying to explain it to you.

    Have a great day.

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