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- This topic has 66 replies and was last updated 6 years, 9 months ago by
Once you message him which you are determined to do you will feel even worse. He is thinking about someone else. Do you want the two of them laughing at how desperate you are and how you just won’t leave him alone?
The worst thing you can do is pester him. Asking to meet for a coffee is so desperate. Stop begging.
Now I’m cringing as I read this.
He told you that he wants a break and that was his way of moving forward. Please take that hint and leave him be.
No one in life owes you anything, two week is not a great deal of time. Every guy you date will not give you a sit down closure discussion, sometimes you will have to take the closure on your own.
Please don’t be that woman who can’t let go and end up having a man block you or say unkind things to.
You are giving this man way too much power over you, take your power back.
I’ll say this and then I’m really done. If you can’t handle these things take some time away from dating a build a stronger you. Rejections and disappointments will happen but you have to learn to take them in stride and with dignity.
I am with Khadija. Cringing. LOL
You are determined to contact him. Everyone unanimously telling you NOT to contact him but you are so forceful. No one will stop you.
So here we go. My prediction, You are going to contact him no matter what people tell you, and this will make things worse because it will kill whatever little attraction is there and any possibility of a “spark” to appear. You are belaboring everything missy! You are too heavy.
Be more subtle, a little more mysterious, a little more delicate, not so overpowering. You are too much!
If there is a chance (don’t think so but still going to try), a remote chance you are going to listen, stop contacting him and wait. He will realize in a few weeks that you are not there, that you disappeared, a woman who likes him, and THEN…only then he might miss you and feel something for you.
If you continue to “clarify” and organize and talk and explain, you are going to kill it completely.
Leave his alone, back off and stay way back, if you want a chance to get him back. If he contacts you, be sweet but do not suggest to meet or talk or discuss anything. Treat him as a pal..
Sorry for being harsh, but I am not surprised this happened to you before. You “overstay your welcome” and impose yourself onto a man. This KILLS attraction. How do you not see it? Talking does kill things, and a lot of talking kills things faster!
Ah, you are all so right. I think the reason I feel compelled to contact him is on a conscious level that I am focusing on what he SAID (that he would still like to talk and see me next week) rather than what he is DOING (not reaching out to me, at best confused at what he wants, at worst wanting me to wait on the back burner). On an unconscious level, I’m also quite certain that reaching out to him again will push him past the point of any reconciliation, once again confirming negative core beliefs I have developed about myself.
Unfortunately, this has happened before. If there ever was someone who could be so high in a man’s books, and then fall so, so far below, it would be me. I tend to focus on the good at the beginning, when men are allured by the fact that I am mysterious in that they do not know me, they can see my great qualities (educated, successful, kind, funny, attractive). Then, once I become vulnerable, I can’t seem to go down any other path than total destruction. I become insecure, uncomfortable, unable to trust, overly attached (but for the wrong reasons).
Then, once I realize where I’ve gone wrong, it’s too late. I remember now, looking back when it happened with this man. After we slept together, I could not get the idea out of my head that he might sleep with other women too, and then I would feel like I had been cheated on, and that I wouldn’t be able to handle it. I told him (way too soon), that I wanted to at least be sexually exclusive, but he told me he didn’t have a grey area between sexual and dating exclusivity, that if we were exclusive, we would essentially be boyfriend and girlfriend which obviously didn’t make any sense after a first date.
I don’t know if anything would have come from this relationship or not, but I do know now without a doubt, that I smothered any possible chance out of it. I don’t think he was a saint, but he even said if he were going to get into another relationship, it would happen organically. Instead, I was basically trying to force it to happen, once again. If I had just enjoyed the moment, enjoyed our time together, I don’t think I would be in this position now, which is a very hard pill to swallow, especially since it has happened before.
Wow, my head is spinning. This is soooooo much analysis and overanalyzes.
What strikes me is you are putting yourself completely at the mercy of the man’s needs, wants and whims.
If you are repeating this pattern then you need more help than is available here to change it.
Yes, you are probably right. I tried meeting with a psychologist a few times, but I didn’t find it all that helpful. It was as if everything she said I already knew, yet I was still finding myself stuck in dating.
On the bright side, I think this has been the longest I have fought off an urge to contact someone when normally I would have. I think as each hour passes, I’m coming to terms with whatever we had being truly over. Although it’s only been less than 2 days, we’ve never gone this long without talking, so it’s pretty obvious things are not as they were.
I’m really trying to do things differently, despite it being too late. That being said, I have never been in a situation quite like this before, where the relationship never really started, then talks of taking a step back, then not (Tuesday), and then nothing. It’s hard for me to know which to focus on, but his actions are definitely not making an effort with me, so that is quite clear.
“…I have never been in a situation quite like this before, where the relationship never really started, then talks of taking a step back, then not (Tuesday), and then nothing. It’s hard for me to know which to focus on…”
That’s easy. The one you focus on is the “and then nothing”.
Hang on. So you told him you didn’t feel a spark? Is that what you said? If so, I don’t blame him for not hanging around afterwards.
My gosh, you sound like a drama queen. He might be avoiding you because all you want to do is talk, talk, talk about the situation. You ask what’s the harm in messaging or calling him? I’m sure you have already bombarded him with calls and messages from the beginning, which was only a month ago. You can’t even see how needy and desperate you must seem to him. If he wants to see you next week, he will ask. It’s that simple. But now you want to “talk” to him and tell him you’re no longer interested and ask him to delete pictures of you that he has. You seem to think you’re mature, but you think and act like a 15 year old girl.
So painful to read!!!
OP, it’s good that you are trying to evaluate yourself but this is exactly the point in the post I made recently! Rushing into bed is one thing but overanalyzing and freaking out afterwards and behaving as you did is another. Just don’t. Let it go. Consider it over and try to move on. Next time, DO NOT FREAK OUT!
Hi Everyone,
I’m really trying to move on from this, and learn what I can. Do you think sleeping with him too soon is what killed “the spark”? I know he tried for a month after, but I didn’t feel after that happened that he felt as interested in me. What I’m not sure is if it would have happened anyway, or doing that changed the trajectory of what could have been.
Before we actually met, we talked daily, and he seemed so interested in me. On our first date, I felt the same. It really makes me wonder if it was my actions or if maybe he wasn’t ready for a committed relationship after all.
As an update, he called me and said that he still thinks there might be something there. He said we should try taking a month apart and then seeing how we feel, but I don’t think this will change anything. I wanted to suggest continuing to see each other but less when he gets back next week, but I suppose he would have if he wanted to.
You need to stop. I feel bad for you. You come across very desperate and needy. Men don’t like that. I know it sucks when you really like or love someone but those feels are not reciprocated.
You are thinking too much and want to fix things with a man who does not want you the way you want him. You say he he is a nice guy, so at first he will feel pity for you, but if you keep imposing yourself and pushing to talk and hash things out, he will begin to resent you and become more and more annoyed by you.
Best thing to do is to not contact him at all,even if he calls ignore his calls until you are able to talk to him without pouring out your heart and feelings.
A guy who is interested in you would not want to take a month apart especially at this early stage. forget him he is not feeling it for you.
You are way way way over focusing on him and being in a relationship.
There is no way to know for sure if sleeping with him at the time you did interfered with the spark. Maybe it did, maybe it didn’t. You have to let that aside.
The bigger problem is your insecurity with yourself and low self esteem, confidence etc. This is where to focus. When you feel good about yourself and things don’t work out with someone the way you want them to, you are of course a bit sad and disappointed but you don’t go through the contortions you are going through. Guys KNOW when you are ahead of them and are too eager to be in an official relationship. It puts them off. Even if you think aren’t saying anything or acting like it, you are leaking needy. I suspect that’s what is happening here.
Leave him alone and turn your attention to yourself. The right men come around when you are being the best, happiest and most authentic YOU. That’s all you need to concern yourself with. I’m sorry you are hurting so much over this. There is another side when you focus on loving you and being you.
I meant, set that aside.
Do NOT suggest continuing to see each other. Tell him you understand that for him something is missing and that it’s best if you just go your own ways. If he truly feels after a month of no contact that he was wrong and he does feel something is possible between the two of you, then he should get in touch, but only if he really feels strongly about it. Then let it be.
No wonder he wants to take a month apart! He is sick and tired of your talking and going overboard messaging him. Not to mention your tendency to over analyze everything.
You wrote; “I wanted to suggest continuing to see each other but less when he gets back next week, but I suppose he would have if he wanted to.” You also have controlling tendencies. It can’t be much fun to be around you!
He seems like a nice guy, so if you want to see him again, don’t contact him at all during this month apart!! And DON’T tell him something is missing as Candace suggested!
Joe, I’m suggesting she acknowledge what he’s told her – that something, a spark or whatever you want to call it, is missing for him. I”m saying that she should tell him that because she is acknowledging she hears him and respects where he’s coming from. IF he contacts her again. Otherwise she should just let it go.
Please be a little easier on her, she’s hurt and doing the best she can to handle this situation while learning to do better.
Thanks, Candace! I appreciate your (and all others) help on the matter. It’s a frustrating place to be in, usually when I am confronted with a problem, I do my due diligence to study the issue, analyze the error, and learn better for the next time. It seems with modern dating, this approach is actually causing further issues.
I guess because this issue (or some variant, where the guy is really into me at the beginning, and then tapers out) has happened so many times before, I’ve developed some sort of insecurity around men and dating in general, which seems to make it all worse.
I guess what I’m hearing from everyone is to not let dating become the centre focus of my life, and to “work on myself” (vague, but I know it must be done) more.
Now I wonder with most of these different men, they speak of their exes in such a way that they never quite felt that they “had” them, that they were always willing to walk away. Do you think if I had “played it more cool” this one (and the others) would have stuck around? Is this elusive spark that they speak of the thrill of the chase, or something more?
I think it’s something that you do, where you change yourself and become very dependent on the relationship and the guy. Way too early. It takes a good year to have an expectation of an emotional support that you seem to want from the man. And no, I don’t believe it’s the early sex. It’s the feeling that you were ok on your own, when they met you, and then you changed. You became dependent on their behavior and your self esteem is determined by how they treated you. Thing is you are always always responsible for maintaining your own self esteem, regardless of a relationship status. True, you may become a couple and depend on each other for many things, but that takes years to develop. These men need to feel that you are OK and that you will be OK no matter what happens. Even if you never see each other again and if you never speak to each other that the world will not end.
In essence you are not ready for a relationship, because you can’t have one that will develop, in order for you to feel OK you need the relationship be a certain way and that is a very unhealthy and controlling mindset. It’s difficult to be a person that’s being controlled. Most people will run away from a situation where they are expected to behave a certain way.Laelithia
Hi Alia,
Thank you so much for your succinct answer. I’ve saved it for future reference, it makes a lot of sense to me. In every instance when things have gone array, it has been exactly as you describe. In this last instance, I think because I slept with him too early (in my opinion), I wanted to make a relationship out of it so that I didn’t have to feel “bad” about it. I also couldn’t stand the idea of him possibly sleeping with someone else, so it was all rushed for the wrong reasons. If I’m truly honest, I’m not even sure if I hadn’t have slept with him early on if I would have wanted a relationship with this person.
Based on what you’ve said, do you think it can ever be “salvaged” with a man after they sense this neediness/dependence? For instance, with this particular guy asking for a month away to see if his feelings change, do you think it’s possible if he did come back, to start over and create a new healthier dynamic?
You aren’t getting this at all if you are still asking if he might come back.
When you hit the point where you don’t give a crap what he does, you are free and ironically that is when they are most likely to come around. But you can’t not give a crap as a strategy to make them come around. You have to not give crap because you realize you can’t control him and you don’t want to. You only want someone who is sure he wants you, because you know you have a great life and you deserve only the best.
I don’t understand the attachment you have to this guy, with this talk of “salvaging” the relationship. That’s coming from a very weak place. It would be one thing if you had been with him for years and this happened. But you really hardly know him. I think this about more than him. I think you are trying to prove your worthiness in general or prove something by getting him back. Wrong reasons. You will “redeem” yourself by moving forward as your best self and letting this go and allowing the chips fall where they may.
Go get a real life rather than focusing on men will save you being desperate
Can you practice not to date , and focus on finding new passions in a month?
If you are genuinely busy and have a great life , you won’t have time to even write this long post for someone you barely know two months ago.
Hi Everyone,
I can understand your frustration and confusion with my behaviour, and seemingly exaggerated interest in this particular person. It is not that I think this person is “the only one” for me or anything like that, instead, it is the opportunity for a do-over that I crave, the chance to let a relationship play out naturally rather than have it come to a screeching halt due to insecurities/issues of mine rather than a lack of compatibility.
Because I have so little to go on (two weeks of conversation over the phone and then a great first date) to assess what would have played out had I not overanalyzed, stressed, and pushed for a relationship too soon, I have no idea if we would have been a good match long term or not. My gut (and his, as he said early on) is that we would have been, but I am frustrated at now not knowing.
As for me getting my own life, I assure you, I have one. I have wonderful friends and family, a successful professional career, and am studying for my final licensing exam. I have many hobbies, and am active physically. I suppose the one thing in my life I do not have, and has been elusive to me, is a romantic relationship. Perhaps that is why I have been so persistent in trying to obtain one. I suppose it’s one of those counterintuitive endeavours wherein you must do the opposite to what you think you should to get it.