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- This topic has 29 replies and was last updated 3 years, 10 months ago by
Been messaging/texting with a guy from an online dating site for a little over a week now. We were supposed to meet this afternoon at Starbucks but 2 hours before he texted me and told me that some family emergency came up and he has to watch his kids (he splits custody with his ex). He apologized and asked if we could reschedule for tomorrow night or tuesday. I said tomorrow was fine and he asked if 6:15 would work. I said fine so it’s a go. He thanked me for understanding.
I looked on the dating site and it shows that he was last on about 10 minutes before he texted me to cancel. Obviously there’s no reason why he shouldn’t be on there, we haven’t even met yet.
I don’t want to think the worst (that he found a better date) but want to give him the benefit of the doubt. All our messaging/texting has been fairly good and for long periods of time. He initiates texting every day by sending me a good morning text.
From what I’ve read the fact that he instantly wanted to reschedule is a good thing. Is that true?
last minute cancellations really dampen my interest. It’s a bit iffy that he was logged into the dating site. I’ve had a couple of guys cancel dates on the day (due to some random emergency) and when I’ve logged into the site they’ve been active online at the exact time we were meant to be meeting.
That being said, you haven’t met the guy, you may not even like him, so don’t even sweat this one little bit. Go with the flow and if he bails again, you have your answer. Good luck.
Yeah, it’s a little odd that he would be online in the midst of family emergency.
Maybe he was online, got a call regarding said emergency and immediately called you. Possible and it’s the best case scenario. Who knows?
Go tomorrow with an open mind and FULL confidence in who you are. Be sure to let us know how it went! I sure am curious!
As I like to say: Innocent until proven guilty. Give him the benefit of the doubt on this one. But, if he makes it a habit of canceling dates, he might be a flake.
Reminds me of a dude, 45 years old (just to give my story some detail) he seemed extremely interested for like a week and scheduled a date really soon. All was good and he was saying good morning and making conversation until the day of the date. I didn’t hear from him until late that night, he told me was at the hospital due to his son falling at the playground yet he was active on the app the entire day.
He asked me what I was doing the next night and I obviously had plans so I told him I was busy but was available on Tuesday, he made solid plans with place and exact time only to cancel that same morning.
I said, no problem and never heard from him again. Lol
I ignore if he made the kid thing up or was just bad luck. Then the other reason was he had to pick up his kids from somewhere.
Anyways, men are flaky and weird. Most probably they talk to so many people they lose track.
Just as a different point of view, if he asked for a different date maybe it was an “emergency”. When you have kids the definition of emergency can change, it may just mean his ex dumped the kids on him at the last minute. If his kids are at his place and entertaining themselves there’s no reason why he couldn’t be on the website and still be taking care of a family emergency. I know when I was dating online I’d often log in to my phone app then get distracted, the app apparently showed I was online but I wasn’t really active on the site.
TL;DR: give him a break if it’s the first time he’s bailed. If it becomes a frequent event with no detailed explanation/apology that’s different, but if it’s the first time I would cut him some slack.
I cancelled on the same guy twice last weekend.
We met on the dating site. It was actually me who started the conversation. We chatted online a bit and started to text and talk on the phone. He’s a genuine and nice guy. I always laughed so hard when we talked.
He updated his profile picture. All of a sudden I didn’t feel like wanting to meet up with him. At that time, we had set up the time, which was 2 weeks in advance (my crazy busy schedule). We really spent great time talking on the phone. He confirmed the schedule with me two days before the meetup.
My plan was to get a haircut, have a late lunch, and meet up with him. But the haircut took much longer than I expected. I had to cancel the restaurant that I reserved for lunch by myself. About 40min before the meetup, I texted him and said I couldn’t make it.
He was such a gentleman and said it was okay. I said we could do tomorrow. I was really hoping to meet up with him around the noon and have my afternoon and evening doing other stuff. He said he would be free after 2pm. I didn’t text him back.
He called me in the evening asking if everything was okay. I said it was fine and he said he knew I wanted to see him and it must have been a crazy day for me, so he doesn’t blame me (such a sweet guy!). I felt bad for canceling on him. I could’ve pushed the meetup an hour later and he probably wouldn’t mind. But I felt released that I didn’t need to see him that day. So when he asked what time I would be free tomorrow I said 2pm was fine.
And I arrived at the location 20min before. I walked around and sat down and read some articles. When it was approaching 2pm, I was praying that he had an emergency and wouldn’t show up. I was really expecting a phone call from him at 2. But he didn’t. I told myself that I would wait for 5min and leave. During this time, I typed sorts of text to ask him and almost intentionally make him feel bad about being late. Didn’t send out any though.
I left at 2:05. I got his text at 2:07 telling me what he was wearing. At 2:10, he texted where I was. At 2:15, he called. I let the phone ringing and blocked him.
I almost felt tortured the rest of the day. As I’ve been growing up keeping my words and never ever cancel on someone and right after just disappear.
One day we were talking on the phone, he said he wanted to get an old fat cat, like Garfield, and spoil the cat. He also said he enjoys spoiling the person he likes. At that moment, I knew there wouldn’t be anything romantic between us. I don’t like cats and dislike fat animals. I really like his personality and would love to be friends with him, but he seems to want more.
Up until now, I still don’t know what I was thinking about this whole meetup and canceling and disappearing thing. And he is still blocked by me. This poor guy has not done anything wrong. I feel very sorry and guilty and wonder if I would be punished by doing so to such an innocent person.
But I don’t think I’ll ever contact him again. And emergencies are great excuses.
Red fox, you can’t be serious. Why didn’t you have the courage just to be honest? I hate flakes and your flakey as hell. As for not liking a guy over such trivial things… Sorry sweetie but I think he dodged a bullet in regards to you.
It’s still early on in the game.
I wouldn’t overthink it and just go on the date.
There are many things that could have happened who knows he may explain further tomorrow.
Good luck and remember expectations low standards high.Sin
I’d say, since he has rescheduled meet him. In case you have a great date and his explanation to postpone the date seems valid, then that’s one FTW and if not you dodged a bullet.
I just rescheduled a first date/meeting with a guy I’m really interested in because my best friend needed some help with something. This friend helped me through my divorce and there’s just no way I would leave her hanging. I was hoping that he sees this as loyalty to those I love.
As it turns out, he was really upbeat and accommodating about it.
I flaked out on someone last year. I did talk to him for a couple of weeks before agreeing to meet him. but as the date approached, I felt he was too invested in me and really keen. but I just din’t feel the same. and I thought meeting him was pointless. but I did message him saying something has come up many hours before the meeting so will not be able to meet. and I apologised for the inconvenience.
there is someone I really like and I have been chatting with him on and off for few years. he just cant say no and his idea of no is to simply stay silent. its v painful and frustrating trying to understand. looking at his behaviour just made me sure that no matter what my answer is, I will never do that to another person.
I think its ok to cancel and back out. but at least inform the other person. that’s the decent thing to do in my books.
“I don’t like cats and dislike fat animals.”
RedFox, that’s quite a reason to disappear on a guy.
Personally if someone reschedules on me on the same day or a few hours in advance, I’d like to hear a detailed explanation. If I don’t get a detailed account, I can still reschedule but it would take some time. With guys at an early stage power balance is very important, so I’d not be in a hurry to reschedule, but would agree to do so, provided I heard the explanation and it sounded good.
RedFox, I’m laughing at you, that’s really petty but funny. I guess you like what you like but it is VERY trivial. I’ll agree with the other posters but I hate cats also and that would def be a deal breaker for me too but I would’ve had the decency and the balls to just tell the guy.
Genie, I’ll give this guy a pass this time because we don’t know if he truly had a family emergency or not. I would watch his actions closely from here on out tho. If it happens again DROP him!
Been seeing this guy for 4 months – met him 10 years ago and the vibe was there but he was married so we didn’t do anything. He has just got divorced last year from a 15 yr marriage and after a few months says he doesn’t want anything serious but he really likes me and doesn’t want to stop seeing me – I said considering his situation I can understand that lets just see how it goes. so we continue for a few more weeks.
The sex was amazing and intimate too – we had fun and a laugh and i always looked forward to his company. I missed him if i didn’t see him – when he comes over he said things like did u miss me? and we should go here sometime or we should do this together.
He was coming over once a week, then it turned into every 2 weeks. We had a discussion one night where i told him i think i was fooling myself and i need a boyfriend not a booty call.
He said maybe we should just be mates cos he said he doesn’t want to hurt me and he doesn’t want me to miss him as he is just living his life.
He can see its not making me happy not seeing him enough and he doesn’t want the responsibility – he just wants to be free and maybe in a year when he has got the single life out of his system he will come back to me hahahaha.
Anyway he still keeps in touch – came over early evening last week pre planned but only stayed an hour. I asked him if he misses me he said he is just doing his thing…. why u asking me that? I reminded him that was always the first thing he would say to me when i saw him – he told me he was just joking around!!so he says he will come over the next night as he can’t stay long but he cancels. then i get a text at 1am asking if I’m home…. i answered the next morning saying i was sleeping. (i so wanted to let him come over but i had to control myself) we speak briefly he says he will come over on monday. Monday (today comes) at 4pm he text me saying can we please rearrange for tomorrow. I think about it for 20 mins or so.. I text him to say I’m busy tomorrow. I want him so much, Im trying to give him space and he knows that. I hold back form texting and calling him so he doesn’t feel overwhelmed or responsible for my happiness. I keep busy. I felt it was disrespectful to text me at the last minute and I’ve been told not to be so available to him by friends.
Did i make the right decision telling him I’m busy without explanation? should i have told him that but ask him when u free next? should i just leave it and wait for him to make another date? i really don’t want to play games I told him in the beginning i didn’t want any games and that I’m an open book. I like him and i enjoy his company. but he changed the goal posts midway by saying he didn’t want anything too serious right now which i respected. I was happy to keep seeing him before he put rules down and started pulling back. I know a guy won’t arrange to see u if he doesn’t want to.
Maybe he is trying to get me to call it a day? i don’t understand… just the other day we were talking about going to amsterdam together.. looking at flights. tell me how i get him into me with passion like b4… maybe he is seeing someone else not that it matters because apparently we are just – if thats the case why is he asking me if i am seeing anyone or are guys chatting me up? confused to the max and aching for him
Jade try creating your own post.. you’ll receive more responses that way.
Kadija it won’t let me post this in the forum – it says i have already posted this topic.. I change the topic and it says the same bloody thing?? what can i do?
happy to repostJenna
I would recommend going with your “gut.” I personally find it rude to cancel a date or other engagement by text message. That said, emergencies do happen. If you believe him to be genuine, give him another chance. However, if he cancels a second time, I would get rid of him. Good luck.
That he rescheduled right then is a good thing…
I have left the window open of my dating profile at my tablet at home and it still shows online even when I am sitting right in front of the guy. So there could be reasons why the guy’s profile shows online. Give the benefit of the doubt.
With regards to kids, there will always be emergencies. If you are not able to change your schedule to accommodate those emergencies, then you shouldn’t be dating guys who have kids (irrespective of whether you have kids or not).
And yes I would call it an emergency if I had to pick up the kids urgently and keep them with me even on the day my ex is supposed to have them because he couldn’t for some reason. And yes even when they were with me, I can still be online on the site. But would I be able to go on a date with anyone ….. the answer is NO.
I have had to reschedule dates last minute (30 minutes prior) because of some such emergencies. It has always been great if the guy was understanding. But I would never have met the guy again if he wanted to know in detail then and there what the emergency was. The way I see it is I can tell you what the emergency was when we meet but don’t ask me now when I am already stressed out with dealing with it.
Thumbs up that he rescheduled then and there
One time when I had not been dating for a long time I cancelled on someone four times before finally meeting him. I just got cold feet I think. The fifth time I almost could not make it due to work, it was a coffee early eve when I was still working. I was late and almost turned back from in front of the place but I finally called him. It became huge love and the most heartbreaking story of my life possibly and perhaps there was a reason. I believe in that. I do not like cancellation for this reason and most are fake excuses but you can believe someone is innocent until proven guilty and just go. Most likely reason is that he rescheduled due to meeting someone else instead. A serious guy will usually just make it. Girls can reschedule but I try not to do it more than once and only if I must.
RedFox your story is over the top, I think you know it too, it must have been some internal fear that made you freak out since you had never met the guy. He sounds like a nice person what you described here and he deserved to at least be given an answer. We all do. That said both women and men do weird stuff when it comes to dating.
Consistency and reliability are key to me.
I have been on pof fora few months now and I really like this one guy. We finally agreed to meet I thought he liked me but he cancelled without re schedule I was so hurt We have been friends for about 8 months now, he said he liked my pics And said he wanted regular dates and not a one off. I said he should have said if he wasn’t interested in stead of letting me think he was keen I havnt heard from him today but I’m not texing him.
He waited 8 months to meet you and then cancelled??
Never wait 8 months to meet someone. More fish in the sea..
I know it hurts, but he was a liar.