Can't search the forums

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  • #788846 Reply
    Not a relationship/ dating question

    I’ve been getting “403 Permission Denied. You do not have permission for this request.” for some time. Anyone else with this issue?

    #788847 Reply

    Yes me too

    #788857 Reply
    ANM Staff

    Thanks for bringing it up – that’s something that should be working properly.

    This was a problem with the old ANM interface years ago, but I thought I had fixed it. I took a quick look now, and it is working for me. There might be something going on that I haven’t thought of.

    I’m using the little search widget that’s embedded in the webpage here. (The widget is on the bottom of the sidebar for desktop views, and it’s at the bottom of the page for mobile / tablet views.)

    If you’re using a different search widget – for example, something on a different webpage, or a browser plugin, or a “search” bar built-in to the browser, please let me know. Thanks!

    #788858 Reply
    ANM Staff

    Oh wait, nevermind, I think I see the problem – it’s the search widget that’s above the topic listings. Geez, I see that every day yet I’m blind to its presence. :)

    I’ll see what I can do to fix that up. In the meantime, the search widget in the sidebar (or bottom of the page for mobile views) is working okay.

    Thanks again!

    #788860 Reply
    ANM Staff

    I sorted-out the issue and it’s fixed now, thanks again for bringing it up.

    To summarize: There are a couple different places where the “search the forums” widget can show up on these forum pages. One of them is in the sidebar (or the bottom of the page if you’re on a mobile device), and one of them appears above the forum listings. That one above the forum listings was configured differently than our other search widgets, and it just plain didn’t work. Sorry about that! That one is fixed now.

    #788884 Reply
    Not a relationship/ dating question

    Yay thanks! I didn’t even notice the sidebar before lol.

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