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- This topic has 64 replies and was last updated 9 years, 3 months ago by
I have been seeing this guy for about 8 months now. From the get go, he was honest with me and told me that he’s “just not ready for a relationship right now.” I was initially alright with this as he is a single dad (two year old) and got out of a very messy break up within the last year. Things have been well, going very slow (obviously), and I don’t want to be naive and say that I’m waiting around for him to become “inspired” and want a relationship with me, but what gives? We talk every day, he says I’m the “best thing that’s happened to him in a long time”, but he will not admit to others that we are together. And now? We haven’t talked in the last few days and its making me so anxious. Did he just freak out and lose interest after this long?
Usually when a guy says he’s not ready for a relationship, he’s really saying he doesn’t want a relationship with you. Whatever is going on in his life will not keep him away from pursuing you if he really wanted you. You agreed to a casual arrangement with him so that’s exactly what you’re going to get. If you wanted more, you should’ve told him that. He’s just doing what y’all agreed to, so you can’t really fault him for that.
My suggestion is to continue to NOT CONTACT THIS MAN. Keep yourself busy so you won’t drive yourself crazy. It’s been 8 months and the relationship has not progressed. It doesn’t take a man months to figure out if he wants to be with a woman. They pretty much know right off the bat. But if you still want to try to make this work, make him come to you. Let him initiate “the talk” with you. You initiating “the talk” will do nothing but push him away, because y’all agreed to a causal arrangement, and feelings aren’t supposed to be involved. If he wants you, he knows where to find you. But like I stated, it’s been 8 months and nothing. So I would strongly suggest throwing this fish back in the pond. Besides, it seems he’s got a lot of baggage anyway, with his messy break up and all. Do you really want to deal with that?
Thanks for the response. I agree that when a man says that hes not ready for a relationship, he just doesn’t want one with “you.” Maybe I’m just having a hard time accepting that fact. I feel as though I have been bending over backwards to win this guy over and make him realize that I’m not out to screw him over. Due to this constant giving, it’s exhausted me and quite frankly, I’ve lost sight of who I am and what I need. I thought I really had it together and could continue this “casual relationship” without letting too many feelings get involved and without needing his validation to make me feel better about myself. I know that sounds silly, but I did it in my last (and first ever) relationship so it’s a habit I am desperately trying to break. I also find myself constantly comparing myself to other woman he’s dated and also find myself feeling VERY insecure when he’s out and about on the weekends because the walls he has built up around himself are, in turn, making me build up my walls. Like you said, he does have a lot of baggage. I am on good terms with the mother of his child so I don’t see it being an issue. I just want to get rid of all this anxiety I feel within myself because of our situation. It’s something I need to address, as I need to take responsibility for my emotions. Just very unsure of what just happened because he completely went MIA a few days ago…
Sorry you are not in the good place for a relationship either. If you were, soon as you hear he is no where near for a good relationship. You should have headed out.
You are going to drag yourself down more than he does. He has been treating you like a company – female companion . Don’t be naive and think you could get more out of him now. He is a weary soldier and please be wary yourself.
Leave him for couple of months and ask him to think thru what he can offer. If not, you could drag yourself down for years receiving like warm attention. It is all about you now- not him.
When a man says he does not want a relationship right now take it at face value.
This situation will not change so I’d say it’s best to just move forward.
A man knows whether or not he wants to be with you and if after 8 months of knowing you that has not changed don’t expect a miraculous miracle to happen.
Don’t ever settle or less from any man, if you want a relationship hold on to that.
There is a man out there that will want a relationship and even better one with you.Elsa
Thanks for the responses everyone. I’m just really struggling at the moment and hoping that I can be strong enough to walk away. Feeling incredibly weak.
Survival of the fittest
” it is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive but those who can best manage change.”
Leon Megginson
Best of luck to you
Elsa, he is going to come back in contact with you, if only to say something or find out how badly you miss him. Guaranteed. After 8 months, he is not ongoing to just drop everything completely. When he does, use this as an opportunity to MIA him. Do not reply, in any way. Let him taste his own medicine. It’s time we women agree on that. If he wants to, he’ll find ways to talk to you.
I know how hard it will be, been there myself – but it works. It really does. Be firm. Turn the table around. This way it will be much easier for you to move on, and you need to move on, this is a time waster of a relationship, plus it will undermine your self esteem and you will lack confidence.
I like that quote! Thank you for the words of encouragement. I have never posted relationship questions on here before but it’s amazing how supportive complete strangers can be. Very refreshing. Sending good vibes your way. :)
I agree that going “MIA” on him is the best thing to do. I just wish I had some more self-control! I have hardly reached out to him as I know he has been busy with work. Of course, I have been blaming myself for this sudden lack of contact on his end. For example, the last time we talked was on Monday. I could just tell that he was in bad mood that day and he did state that work has been super stressful as he owns his own business. Anyway, that same night he had went to go play poker with a few of his friends after work. One of his friends was explaining to him what “Tinder” (dating app) was and showed him the app on his phone. Days before this, I was feeling a little resentful and pulled up my old Tinder account. Mind you, I have never used this app in a serious fashion and downloaded it about a year ago to see what all the hype was about. So I log back in, feel immediately silly for opening the app out of resentment and also the immaturity of the whole thing. “You’re 25, Elsa. Knock it off.” Promptly deleted the app, contemplated society’s corruption of dating these days, and went on with my day. (Again, I know this all sounds so immature, and honestly, I am embarrassed to even admit it.) So back to the poker/Tinder night. Guess who’s profile never got successfully deleted and showed up on this person’s phone? Yup. Mine. So I definitely dug myself a hole here. I am definitely not one to play games and this was just pure bad luck. He brings up that they came across my profile and it had been recently “active” in the last few days. At this point, I can literally feel my face burning up due to feeling incredibly foolish. On the other hand, I am sort of annoyed that I should even have to feel guilty as I know that he talks about getting with other women to his friends. It shows when he’s out and I don’t trust that he would shoot an opportunity (woman) down should the opportunity arise.
Oh goodness, I apologize to anyone who read all of that and is now thinking, “Is this girl 12?” To round out the story, my main concern is, did I just scare him off completely because of his hypersensitive fear of being vulnerable? He has trust issues and has told me this from the beginning. Like I have stated before, I have bent over backwards trying to make him see that not everyone is out to get him. I know you can’t promise others that you won’t hurt them. That’s never a guarantee. But now I feel like the bad guy over a silly little slip up. Maybe it’s for the better…Sincerely,
Super embarrassed Tinder idiotOptions2
If you operate any business – you would have been crushed by him now.
Please do whatever you can to not reach out to the person who makes you feel inadequate and now attack your integrity. He has no right and you have no commitment.
If as a female – do not empower yourself, it is not relevant who you are with. Prince Charming would show no respect to too.
Please google Steve Harvey’s e book ( think like a lady act like a man) online the free PDF version. He will tell you exactly how to spot and keep a good guy. You will have standard that any decent men would respect.
Act like a lady think like a man
Okay. Needing some moral support here. I am feeling especially anxious today. I still have heard no word from “Mr. Casual Relationship of 8 Months.” I texted him to ask about his weekend on Sunday. We explained what he had done all weekend and how much work he got done. Said that he was about to celebrate his son’s birthday. Asked what I had been up to. I replied and that was the last of it. I’m probably assuming everything for the worst right now but I am so tempted to just ask if something significant has happened since I saw him last Monday. It was such a drastic shift in communication. He would usually call me every single night and now….just silence. When I saw him last Monday, he was especially fun-loving and showing a bit more affection than usual. He called me again that next day and then that was the end of it. I know I’m probably talking myself in circles because, like every one will point out, it’s been 8 months. No man takes that long to make a decision about somebody. So then why if it so damn hard for me to walk away on this one? The mere thought of him possibly seeing someone else (doubtful but who knows) just about makes me want to throw up, if that’s the case. So either he’s just completely lost interest altogether or maybe emotions got to him and now he is withdrawing. I have no idea. I will never understand.
I’d say you are holding on for one of two reasons. Hope or the fear of letting go.
You are still hoping things will just work out and he’ll step it up. Make that commitment to you. Or you’re fearing if you leave now he’ll find someone else.Either way the best thing to do is just step back.I still say move forward to better prospects but, at the end of the day the choice is yours.
Elsa, do you want to have a healthy, committed, loving relationship with a man?
I think the fear of letting go is what is driving me. How does anyone get through this phase without driving themselves completely mad and wondering what they did wrong? Uff it’s been a doozy.
Yes, yes I do. (sigh) And I know that’s not what I’m getting here…
I’ve gotten through the fear of letting go by believing something better will come my way. I have learned that whatever I’m suppose to have I will have. When I felt the need to keep holding on I knew something was not for me. While it can be hard to do I figured my sanity was much more important than sticking to something that caused me misery.
First of all you did nothing wrong except choose the wrong guy to put your feelings into.
You are fine otherwise. Why you chose to slather your feelings on a guy who is not right for you is for the therapist’s couch. But that is what is going on here.
Maybe you are afraid to be loved. Some people are.
You are spinning your wheels with Mr. Out of Reach.
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Girl, all you have to do is choose the RIGHT man….that is all you have to do.
“How does anyone get through this phase without driving themselves completely mad and wondering what they did wrong?”
Accept you’re going to mess up sometimes.
Nobody likes it but it happens. Being wrong does not have to be a moral judgement. If I hold on to something when I know better it’s usually for this reason. Skip the pity party. Just ask “What do I want to do now? What’s the best way to get there?”
Thanks Em.
Yes I do know that it’s not that I did something wrong and it’s not a reflection of me. But I sent him a video from our trip to Colorado last night. It was back in May when we went there. No response. I know I shouldn’t have done it but he has always been the type of person to respond to things like that. He also would worry so much if he ever thought that I might be upset about something and has said “I would want you to tell me if something is wrong because I don’t want you to ever be upset and not tell me.” Why can’t he do the same for me? I know guys aren’t good with emotions but I seriously feel like I have done something very wrong. Maybe not by anybody else’s standards but in his eyes, I’ve done something. And I just want to understand his perspective on it. I wake up every morning feeling incredibly guilty and embarrassed. Embarrassed that I thought he would ever let me down easy or at least not just disappear into thin air. I thought he respected me more than that. I’ve been giving him his space though. It’s about to be two weeks this coming Tuesday from the last time that we talked. He texted me this past Sunday after I asked him how his weekend was. I know that the last time I talked to him, he was super busy with work and has been losing workers at his business which I’m sure can cause stress. I’m not saying that if he does come around that I will take him back. But I am so sick and tired of holding my tongue and pretending that everything is okay. I just don’t know what to do. I feel so out of control right now and distractions are not working for me. I just feel this extreme weight on my chest and it’s like the beginnings of a panic attack. I don’t mean to sound mellow dramatic but it’s the truth. Getting out of bed is difficult and again, I am just so embarrassed that he couldn’t even answer that text I sent last night. I’ve been resisting contact until that text, trying to give him space. He is not one to always answer texts right away and has just stopped calling me before. It happened back in April and then when he got back to me, it was as if nothing happened. Right now I’m also worried that someone has said something to him since we live in such a small community. We have all the same friends and I just feel like my insatiable need to “talk things through” to people has backfired. Could someone have reported back to him about something I’ve said?
You are wasting time and energy wondering about all the possible reasons for why he’s backed off. It’s been two weeks. I know it’s hard but you really need to stop looking back and start moving forward. Two weeks is more than enough time to know that something’s not right, it’s not your problem, and you need to move on.
All this wondering and guessing and being in anguish over this is only holding you back. Go see a therapist to talk it out, maybe they can give you some insight and help you move on, but at least do something productive to get you out of this rut. Relationships end all the time, and not always in the most pleasant way. That is the case here; unfortunately you picked a man who isn’t ready to commit and at 8 months you see it’s not going anywhere. Nothing you can do but move on now. This is the part of dating you have to accept and prepare for.
Boy do I know how you feel! I’m sorry this has happened to you. Years ago I used to do “casual” relationships too (FWB) but now require a lot more of men who want to be in my life. For me it’s now either friends, or exclusive committed relationship. I had to learn that lesson the hard way… it wasn’t easy but I had to walk away from two men.
You teach people how to treat you with your standards and boundaries. Unfortunately you’ve set yourself up to be in this situation. I know it sucks and it hurts terribly but no amount of “hanging on” or trying to convince him how right you are for him is ever going to change anything. All it will do is make you look desperate to him and make you feel worse about yourself.
You are going to have to go thru a grieving period here and ask yourself some tough questions, such as why am I accepting crumbs? Why did I agree to have a casual relationship when ultimately that’s not what I want? When you agree to FWB then what you are saying to a man is that he can have all the benefits of being in a relationship (sex, emotional support, companionship, friendship) WITHOUT actually having to be in one.
I know you’re afraid to end things, but that’s exactly what you need to do. Otherwise you will be on this emotional merry-go-round for a long time. Haven’t you suffered enough already? Allow yourself to fully feel the pain of this loss and then resolve to never do this again. Work on yourself (your self esteem, read about dating on this and other sites) — do whatever it takes to become healthy again so that you want to have men in your life but don’t “need” them. Find out why you are going after relationships that have no potential. (When a man tells you he doesn’t want a relationship, he means it!)
I know this message is quite a downer, but I want to leave you on a positive note… it’s possible to come out the other side of this and be a happy person. You have to want it, you have to do the work, you have to be willing to change, you have to heal, and you have to choose wisely. I’m living proof of that … I’m now in a very happy relationship.
In the beginning he only wanted a casual relationship too but soon learned that I wouldn’t be up for that and he’d have to earn his way into my life. He realized that if he wanted to date me he’d have to do what it takes. The right man will do it, the wrong ones won’t. It’s that simple. But you have to have standards and boundaries and be willing to enforce them.
Thank you for the kind words Gemini615 and Greenie.
I know that I set myself up for disaster. I initially thought I could handle this and wouldn’t fall in so deep. Who was I kidding? I just feel worthless because am I really that easy to suddenly ignore and forget? I know I don’t need his validation to determine whether or not I am good enough but I can’t help but feel like a damn fool here.
I feel as though he has a very good reason (in his mind) as to why he’s cutting off contact. Therefore I feel as if all those good things we experienced with each other have been tarnished as my value as an individual. Does that make sense? I don’t know. I cannot deal with the silent treatment out of nowhere. I think I knew things would eventually end but I never imagined that I would suddenly be axed out of nowhere.
I know at this point that I just need to move on but I desperately hold on to things. I try so very hard to just let go. I really do but my mind just isn’t convinced otherwise. I need a resolve here and I don’t want to appear needy and ask what I did wrong, but I’m on the verge of it because what’s left to lose now? Probably my dignity again. But the alternative isn’t working for me either.
So we broke things off this past weekend. It was a weekend filled with too much alcohol consumption and I had finally had it and sent him a very lengthy text message. His response; “I have told you from the beginning I didn’t want a girlfriend. Only a friend. Repeatedly. And I’m not going to take someone seriously when they are on hookup sites. And lie about it and say I haven’t been on there in forever and it says you were on there two days ago. That’s why I quit calling you. I don’t think we are a good fit together. And just want to be nothing more than friends. That don’t have sex.”
Okay. So I get blamed. Again, I’m embarrassed by the whole thing but if this really fair or do you think he was just using it as an excuse to get out of the situation? Because he downloaded the app promptly after and also has been chasing after a friend of a mutual friend he met. She’s blonde, pretty, seems easy. So I’m at fault here? He literally turns things around on me like I was the one who caused this whole thing. We talked it out over the weekend and made amends. But still. I seriously don’t know how to deal with the jealousy and feelings of insecurity that come after a “break up” because I just know he will be trying to get laid by the next person he finds, especially since he was doing this even before the whole Tinder thing. Should I feel responsible?
Honestly who cares this was not your boyfriend.
It’s over so just move forward. No need to analyze what happened or what he will be doing now.
Be glad you are done with this and now you can find a relationship that has meaning instead of this whole FWB nonsense. -