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- This topic has 64 replies and was last updated 9 years, 3 months ago by
He was never yours. He is right in the sense that he told you upfront that he didn’t want a relationship and you continued anyway. That part is your fault because you did not listen and now you are hurt even though his stance has not changed this entire time.
It’s good things are over now; now you can start the process of moving on. Do not contact him at all, ever, and take this as a learning lesson. Do not repeat this mistake again. You’ve see now that it doesn’t serve you well.
He was never yours. He is right in the sense that he told you upfront that he didn’t want a relationship and you continued anyway. That part is your fault because you did not listen and now you are hurt even though his stance has not changed this entire time.
It’s good things are over now; now you can start the process of moving on. Do not contact him at all, ever, and take this as a learning lesson. Do not repeat this mistake again. You’ve see now that it doesn’t serve you well.
Yes, I know. He was very clear about it and I was naive enough to think he might change his mind. I just feel very ashamed and embarrassed right now. I apologized for voicing my concerns via text. We talked it out and he seemed very nonchalant about it all. However, I feel like I apologized far more than I should have because if he can get mad at me over this Tinder thing and say that ” he can’t take me seriously”. then why is it okay for him to be seeking out other women? I know it doesn’t matter now but it’s like he took that one thing and just ran with it.
What’s done is done Elsa. You are wasting time still analyzing this situation and what you said and what he said and how can he feel this way blah blah blah… enough. You have to move forward. He is a part of your past now. Today is the day you start moving on. Stop going over every detail because it will drive you nuts. Yes, maybe he’s a hypocrite, yes maybe he’s not being fair with what he said. Guess what? NOT YOUR PROBLEM NOW! Let him be some other woman’s problem. What was this man adding to your life besides heartache and pain? You have to change your way of thinking. Think of all the positives of your new situation now. You don’t have to be in pain over him anymore, you get a fresh start, you now can meet someone new and have fun with dating, you don’t have to put up with anymore bullshit. There are lots of great things to focus on instead of focusing on the negative.
“NOT YOUR PROBLEM NOW! Let him be some other woman’s problem.”
Elsa…you made a mistake. Welcome to the party.
Beating yourself up for it does *nothing* for you.
If you learned how to walk on broken glass, you would never stand on your own 2 feet…so do not wallow every time you screw up. It is telling you somethig you need to know.
Once the milk gets spilled the only question that matters is “What do I want now? What should my next step be? What will make me happy/responsible/accomplished?”
I’m totally ticked off that he put the blame on you!! Don’t fall for that crap! Why do you even want him if he would do that?!?
He never gave you a commitment, started blowing cold way before he brought up Tinder being the reason, and it’s your fault for being on there?!?! WTF. Selfish bastard.
He was looking for a reason to make it your fault. You have every right to explore your options when he’s not promising you anything.
Let go of this fool. Move on knowing his selfish, self righteous crap will be someone else’s problem.
I’m not saying he was wrong when he said he didn’t want a relationship. He has that right. And yes, you were foolish to get feelings when you knew that….but as for your actions being the reason he left…..BS.
If he were the right man for you, he would have calmly asked why you were on Tinder, heard you out, and then offer to step up or graciously let you find someone else.
You can do better!
Omg Elsa,
I’m in the exact same situation you were… I feel like things have changed and I want to bring it up, but I guess I’m afraid of what will happenElsa
I know. I’ve slowly just been trying to focus on the positive and realize that once I am over this, my life will be so much richer again. I over-analyze so many things in the first place but every time my mind starts to wander, I just shut down those negative feelings and remind myself that it’s doing me no good. And you’re right, he will eventually become some other woman’s problem. Doesn’t help that he’s been contacting me again and it’s only been a few days. I’m not even going to begin to analyze why he’s doing this because I can about guarantee that he’s just making sure I’m still there and also just relieving his guilt. I’m a work in progress, that’s for sure!
I do just need to realize that everyone makes mistake. “Welcome to the party.” haha. I’m currently trying to realize what it is I want to do next. Having a bit of a struggle with that one but it will happen eventually.
“You can do better!” I have heard this on so many occasions from so many of my friends. Naively enough, I ignored what all the important people in my life were telling me. It’s times like these where I need to truly take into account what the people around me are saying. And I agree that he is selfish. He was in the right by telling me that he never wanted a relationship but the way he put so much blame on me after is what ticks me off the most. His true identity seemed to shine through over these last few weeks. It’s funny how you think someone and then see their true colors at the end of a “relationship.” I sincerely hope I can take this experience and learn from it so that it never happens again.
Just bring it up. There’s no use of fretting over the silent treatment. I waited too long and let my emotions get the best of me by blowing up via text message. I hate texting in the first place and place high value on face to face conversations. Depending how long you’ve been together, I think it’s fair to bring up. For example, I was with this guy for 8 months. I’m an adult (even if this story thread likely proves otherwise. Still learning!), so therefore I can make my own decisions and if I want to solve an issue, I’ll do it. Don’t worry about the outcome. Whatever will be, will be.
I know this is an older post and Elsa I hope you are doing okay. I just had complications with a man I had casual relationship with too. Sucks but at least your guy was upfront with you from the beginning. I was dating an undercover serial dater….
Em – I have to steal this. Great one, this made my morning so far.
“If you learned how to walk on broken glass, you would never stand on your own 2 feet…so do not wallow every time you screw up. It is telling you something you need to know.
Once the milk gets spilled the only question that matters is “What do I want now? What should my next step be? What will make me happy/responsible/accomplished?””Ashley
I think you feel so bad because he rejected you. It’s not so much him, but how he made you feel, & that’s what makes us feel obsessive about it. Do no contact, do not speak to him as a friend because it will just prolong all of this. Just ignore him. If he doesn’t want you then he should be able to “figure it out” why you’re not responding to him
Thank you everyone. I am just trying to much to not dwell on it and feel guilty. I keep telling myself that this is all my fault and I’m having a hard time realizing that he will have no problem moving on. It’s a mistake. I just wish I hadn’t wasted so much of my time. It’s not fair either because he texted me the other night. I responded yesterday morning and then he ignored me after that. Is he trying to play mind games? I just hate seeing people’s unkind side come out at the end of relationships when you know their good side.
Do not contact this man any further.
Matter of fact delete everything. The sooner you start the letting go process the better.
Stop worry about what occurred and although there is a good side he showing you the bad side.Gemini615
Blocking him is the best thing. It was for me. I had a rollercoaster of a non relationship for two years and when I finally blocked him it gave me such piece of mind. Every time we broke up before I wouldn’t block him so about a month later he’d reach out and we’d start up all over again. The last time I blocked him and it was helpful for me in that every time I got a message or phone call I wasn’t hoping it was him because i knew it couldn’t be since I blocked him. Previously I was always checking my phone, getting annoyed when someone else would text me and it wasn’t him, and I was constantly feeling that wave of disappointment. Since blocking him it hasn’t been an issue and it gave me such a sense of power and control knowing that any attempts he might be making to reach me, I would be blissfully unaware of.
Hi Elsa,
It pisses me off that he was trying to throw the blame all on your for being on Tinder. I hope that you can plainly see that he was just looking for a reason to make it your fault so that he wouldn’t have to feel guilty for treating you like shit.
Do as Khadija said and delete EVERYTHING – his contact info, pictures, etc, and block him on Facebook and any other social websites that you were friends on. It’s time to stop trying to analyze your every conversation to evaluate where it went wrong.
And PLEASE…PLEASE, PLEASE PLEASE, PLEASE…..DO NOT RESPOND TO HIS TEXTS EVER AGAIN!! No matter what! He is a shit-bag and you are SO over it! I know you don’t feel like you are, but you are so much better than this and you WILL get through this and come out even stronger than ever!
Thanks everyone! I was just in Vegas this past weekend and he made so many random attempts to talk to me. I should have just ignored him but they were simple/practical questions that only deserved one word answers. Then….as Vegas is famous for, I made a wrong decision and called him one night. Ugh! So now we are back to him ignoring me and the ball being in his court. I seriously have to almost laugh at this point. He is such a manipulative control freak and I feel that things could have turned out to be emotionally abusive in the future. He is telling people that the reason for our split is because “I showed up to his house drunk all the time.” Which literally happened twice. He projects all of his shortcomings on to me and I just want to call him out on it and stand up for myself for once. However, I think it’s a lost cause. I can’t believe how some people can believe their own lies…
Really, you’re still going back and forth with this guy?
Now, you’re doing this to yourself.
Delete his number and no the ball is not in his court it is over.
Who cares what he says about you to other people.
The most important opinion is the one you have of yourself.
I’m going to say this one last time….MOVE ON!!!!!!!Gemini615
He can only manipulate you if you ALLOW him to. Why are you still conversing with this man? I don’t care if told you his grandma died, you don’t need to respond. The more you engage in his lame attempts to reel you back in, the harder it will be for you to move on. At some point you need to take some responsibility for this because he could be texting you day and night but you are the one perpetuation it by replying. You aren’t taking the necessary steps to completely remove him from your life and you know that. It’s not that difficult to block someone on every possible avenue they could use to contact you.
Until you come to your senses you are going to keep perpetuating this cycle with him. Just know that at this point it is your choice to do so. If you want out then you know what you need to do.
I agree with Gemini615, no matter what kind of lame-ass comments he tries to bait you with, DO NOT REPLY – even if his gram-gram is in a coma. Seriously! This is a cycle that he KNOWS he can perpetuate and he THINKS he knows you well enough now that he can get you to react but you need to show him that he doesn’t know you AT ALL and you are NOT going to play his games anymore.
Alright everyone,
Sorry for the delay in response. I needed a few weeks to process this whole non-relationship breakup and I am on the road to recovery! Slowly but surely, the sting to my ego is not as bad and I know that eventually I can look back on this and learn some very important lessons here. I will never make that same mistake again. I sold myself short and thought that I could keep him around by being intimate with him. Boy, was I wrong. So, again, lessons to be learned here. We are on good terms. He wanted to remain friends but I told him no. Not now at least. Each day seems to be getting easier.
However, and I know this seems petty, but what are the best ways to deal when you know that they will be moving on rather quickly? I know this is an inevitable thing and his business is his business. He is free to have sex with/date whomever he pleases. So far, I have just tried changing my perspective and accepting the fact that this WILL happen, regardless of my feelings. I tell myself that it has nothing to do with me. I exchange the negative thoughts and replace them with the positive. I’ve been doing yoga, meditating, going for walks with my dog, etc and just overall trying to keep myself busy. And it IS getting easier. However, I find myself experiencing quite a bit of anxiety, especially at night and in the morning, about the fact that he may very well be on the search for a hookup this very weekend. Again, it’s out of my control and there is no use worrying about someone else when all you can really do is control your feelings and responses to your own emotions. But it’s as if while I’m out and about with my friends or my family, and say its a Friday or Saturday night when he is likely out drinking, it’s like I’m living it in real time. For example, I could be just hanging out at home and just the notion of him being out drinking, I start to imagine where he is and who he’s with and what he’s doing with them. I know it’s not a reflection of me and I know my value. His rebound has nothing to do with me. But I need some advice here. I knew this would be the most difficult part and if I could just get over this last little slump as soon as possible, I would be able to shed these feelings so much quicker.
Anyone have advice or experience in this? (He’s been baiting me with texts because he didn’t want me seeing anyone else. I told him that wasn’t fair so right now, we are in NC.)
I see you still care about him and what he is doing.
Honestly, things like this do take time.
Whenever I had issues with this I literally focused my mind on doing other things.
I’ll admit some days were harder than others and if I had a tough day I acknowledged it, wrote my thoughts down,read them aloud, and then let that energy go.
One day I looked up and realized that I had stopped thinking about that said person and had no desire to write about him.
The good part is when you are over someone, it feels great and so freeing.P_Asohka
Hi Elsa, how you’re thinking we all do that. It will take time to process. Just know that internalizing and reflecting your life, past and current in the now will hurt but it shouldn’t cause you anxiety. The truth is you DON’T need answers. It truly is was it is. All of us process things/emotions differently than each other so it will take tons of dating and heartaches for one person to get it to appreciate what is truly in front of you and all your relationships. I admire those who can obtain that mindset and to keep themselves strong to avoid certain sorts of influences before things get too rocky. I know plenty of male/females who get rejected and they will be with their s/o for some time, yes they go through pain but guess what, they deal with it and strong enough to ignore (my weakness too). Some people know how to deal with their emotions but they have a strong mentality of “I”m not going to put up with that shit”, when an ex or past person shows up. Not everyone needs to be ignored, but being cordial and knowing your limits is the key. Listen to your heart and gut. If something is off, most likely it’s telling you something. If you are strong enough to be cordial with someone then continue to do so. I don’t believe ignoring is always the best answer. It’s what society tells us to do, you know your limits and what you can put up with. Don’t let things let you down. I’ve been heartbroken several times and each time I’ve become stronger and I appreciate those opportunities. Sort of a wake up call to what I’m striving for and what I consider myself as a person, an individual. My character. Don’t let this man change you, or make you weak because you aren’t. You are on a path of healing and stay that way.
Elsa, I read through your post and want to congratulate you for the progress you have made.
Always love yourself a wee bit more than others, then you never give them a chance to play with your pride and
Friends??, I would tell him guys on hookup sites are not the kind of people I want to be friends with…with a big smile :DAshley
when I have felt like that I just kept telling myself “he is not interested. it’s not worth pursuing” & when I just kept telling myself he’s not interested it sunk in & in a few days I just accepted it & felt over it. the “bottom line” always cures me
You are doing well keeping busy and trying to control your thoughts. It’s only been a month so give yourself time. It will take a while to get over him and there will be some rough days for sure. Just try to power through them. Think of things in the smaller scale. For example, if you’re having a challenging day, set one hour increments for yourself. And after every hour, congratulate yourself that you got through that hour just fine and keep going. Before you know it the day is over and you’ll wake up to a new and hopefully easier day. Small steps are ok as long as you are continuing to move forward.
Just read this thread, how are you Elsa? Congrats to you and please never fall back into his traps. Grieving takes time and you will care for a while but this guy was a serious sociopath. Talk about double standards; it is ok for him to hook up with whoever and yet you cannot even have a dating profile? Control freak, sociopath, psycho, etc. You deserve better than that. You know how many times I have accidentally left a profile up BTW? No one has ever called me out on it. One time I had trouble deleting an app too and was freaking about it but if this guy was never committed to you then why did he even care? He never offered you anything yet he expected full committment from you, this is sick. You are a very lucky woman that you found out soon enough and it will be much easier for you to move on now than it would have been later. Please please remain in no contact.