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- This topic has 64 replies and was last updated 9 years, 3 months ago by
OMG give the guy a break! He was a single dad recently out of a bad relationship, with his own business. He is in a pretty bad/busy place. You were some fun to help get his mind off things. You did no favours by trying to force him into a relationship when he said he wasn’t available and then he gets all funny when you’re tinder? Of course he would because you said you can be committed and then show you are not. You give him everything and then make it seem like he’s at fault for not giving in when you were only casual? He’s probably confused as hell. He needs to get his head in order and you need to stop chasing unavailable men. He should’ve been one of many, not the only one.
Miss independent
Girl, please leave this guy alone, do not waist another second thinking about this guy. Erase him from your life, and move on. I’ve been their done that with the fwb.
Miss independent
There typo
Again, thank you for the uplifting comments. Although I knew this was a bad idea from the start, I lead with my emotions and should have bailed before the inevitable “catching feelings” came into play. We have so many mutual friends together but I am trying to avoid him until I can finally be around him without being uncomfortable. We have remained in no contact for quite some time now and my self-love is building up slowly but surely.
I understand where you are coming from but just so there’s no confusion, I never tried to force him into a relationship. Ever. I even went on dates with other men because I he never offered a commitment to me and I accepted that. I wasn’t doing it out of spite, I was doing it because as the relationship advice says on this site, you need to keep your options open and I didn’t want to “put all my eggs in one basket.” However, sooner than later, I started to develop feelings and that’s where things went downhill. He has done this to many women before me. Leads them on, finds someone else, blames them and then walks away. He has walls up higher than any individual I have ever met but unless he was willing to take those down for me, it was a lost cause from the get-go. I agree that he did get out of a bad relationship and I am not blaming him for anything anymore. Going our separate ways could have been amicable, however, there was a lot of blaming and finger pointing coming from his side and I needed to stand up for myself. He thought I was sleeping with his friend, called me out for my faults, questioned my moral integrity, etc. As one of the users replied on here, he has control issues. Yes, I will admit that I would have liked for him to take his walls down for me and let me in, but that is a selfish thing for me to want as he has so many other issues in his life that he needs to deal with. Also, our situation was never built on trust so it was doomed from the start.It all just boils down to me losing my footing and being blinded by feelings when I should have known better and saw things from a more realistic perspective. I allowed my feelings to get the better of me and falsely believe that “he must like me” because of our experiences together. Chalk this one up to one heck of a learning experience. All I can say is that I want no bitter feelings and accept that I was at fault to begin with, but that it also wasn’t solely my fault either.
I agree with the NC.
No contact for 30 days..Elsa
Also, and I know this is self-defeating an absolutely gets me nowhere as there is no sense in regretting your past and feeling resentful for your actions, but I am really struggling to move past the embarrassment and ashamed feelings that are now following the healing process. I will admit that each day seems to get easier. There are difficult days sprinkled in but especially reading the truths of “It’s not that he doesn’t want a relationship, he just doesn’t want one with you”, I just feel very ashamed that I was naive enough to think otherwise. I didn’t even give him a a reason to WANT to stay as I have been providing him with all the benefits without a commitment. I assume it’s just my ego getting in the way but it’s as if I wished I could’ve walked away sooner so that I could’ve at least kept my dignity intact and he would have more respect for me.
Please stop finding “reasons” why he doesn’t want to be with you and find reasons of why you shouldn’t be with him.
In one of your posts you say he has a bad pattern with me…picture your future with someone who manipulates a situation and makes it appear as if your actions is what caused him to behave the way he did. Manipulation #1!
His reason for not speaking to u after he saw you on tinder was an excuse and probably a shot to his ego in front of his friends. His personality comes across as narcissistic …. He sees every situation on how it affects him and has no consideration/empathy for others.
Sweetie he did you a favor…you were too good for him and IMO this guy only wants a relationship with himself. So it is now time to find someone who is “suitable to fill YOUR needs” not theirs.
meant to say “women” bad pattern with women
Apparently, a lot of articles here have been having the similar result: “if a guy says he isn’t ready for a relationship, he does but just not with you” While I do agree with this statement since a lot of men for the most part are usually perfectly blunt and straight foward and honest despite what it seems like a lie, I have to say that in my personal case, I believed it when my boyfriend told me this same exact line in the beginning of our relationship as “just friends”. Except his actions would say otherwise. He once told me he wasn’t ready and didn’t want marriage or kids till his 40s, and that he didn’t wanna be “tied down” by commitment. His exact words. But, the confusing part is that in that very night when I was convinced I shouldn’t bother waiting for him any longer despite it all, he calls to tell me how much he needs me and he didn’t mean it, cause he really wants to find a girl to be with and the girl was me….and within 2 months of seeing each other he asked me to be his girlfriend.
Im not saying to not believe what a guy says, again its just my case. In the end, what matters is communication. I asked him what the heck was going on cause he was driving me insane with all the confusion. In the end, he said he knew since the beginning he wanted to be with me. In all honesty though, don’t waste your time waiting around. The best route I think, in my opinion is to search for someone who already has what you are looking for. And if you aren’t sure, the whole point is to not fall in love. I was in love with my boyfriend since high school, and we met again after 8 years and we’re together now but thats no reason to let myself fall in love despite how much I wanted him always. Observe 1st, then make your move, even if you feel he’s the one you want, if he doesn’t respond the way you need him to…its not worth it. If he really means it, he won’t bother calling you back into his life when you leave. That was the test I gave knowing I’d lose him, but it was worth it.
I also feel like rules don’t always apply to every “case.” This guy gave me no committment, however, all his actions showed me otherwise. He introduced me to his two year old son after a few months, introduced me to his mother and father, traveled with me on vacation with my family, etc. I actually babysat his child on more than one occasion because he trusted me with him. He said that I would make an amazing mother one day and that one of the things he found most attractive in me was the fact that I was so great with his child. He told me that when he sees me picking his child up and putting him on my hip, he feels so much emotion for me. However, this is what is terrifying.
I still remember the first time that I realized I had not only fallen in love with him, I had fallen in love with his child. I was on my way back from a doctor’s appointment and was about to stop at his place. I literally got giddy thinking about waking up and being able to play with his son. This was the moment I realized I was in too deep. When a child is involved, it is so much more complicated. He told me he didn’t want me getting attached to me with the possibility of me leaving, which is very fair. However, I fell in love with two individuals so this is so much harder…Elsa
*Getting attached to him
Hi everyone,
This is just a short message, but I need to get some things off my chest and I figured I would post to here.
I am having a particularly difficult day today. I thought I had been making progress but it’s as if everything just came crashing down today. I literally feel like I’m hitting rock bottom right now and I’m just so ashamed that I am putting all of my focus on someone who is not even hurt by the situation. I gave up so much of myself to him and now I am just feeling so shameful about it. I don’t know if its the guilt or if I just miss him. I swear he looks at me as some sort of pity case. I can just see it in his eyes when I’m around him. Now I’m worried that he thinks I’m some sort of headcase. I know he’s just doing the right thing by leaving me alone but I can’t help but feel like he’s pitying me because he knows how much I cared. I don’t know what to do. I have so many emotions right now and I am just so embarrassed that this is taking all my focus and attention.
I am trying to think positive but for some reason, today I feel this enormous weight on my heart and I can barely focus.
I don’t know what to do…Khadija
These days will come but remember they will go as well.Although easier said than done you really have to stop worrying about what he thinks of you.
It’s time for you to reshape the way you think of yourself. Whenever I would find myself overthinking ones opinion of me, I sit down and wrote about all the good qualities I posses. Remember this person must have thought something good of you to get involved with you in the first place. Focus on that instead.
In the future do not give yourself in a way that you’ll regret later if things don’t work out. So, don’t harp on that because it’s in the past. Learn and grow from it and decide next time for the next guy what you can do differently.
Many of the troubles you are having are grown in your head. Our minds and thoughts can be so powerful, you are the only one who can begin to change them.
Thank you. I really am trying. I don’t know why my self worth is so low right now but you’re right. I need to not care what he thinks of me. And like you said, the mind is so powerful. Mine tends to over analyze and assume the worst. I try to control my thoughts but I am not very successful on most days. It’s something I’m working on.
I know I just need to learn from this. And I will one day. However, this stage of grief has been going on for far too long at this point. It needs to end. I also need to remind myself of my good qualities like you said. It’s difficult to do this as my mind is consistently elsewhere.
Thank you for the kind words.Elsa
I know its been about a month or so since this post was last updated, and it may be irrelevant now, but I figured I’d just give my current update regardless. I’m not really looking for any responses, but feel free to comment. It’s more of a “journal entry” for me. ;)
So, “Mr. non-relationship” calls me out of the blue this past week. I haven’t seen or spoke to him in 2 months or so. He has texted me once or twice, asking irrelevant questions at 3 o’clock in the morning, or sending a short “happy birthday” text. I only responded to the “happy birthday text” with a “Thank you.” I figured the whole no contact rule had already been accomplished at that point. Don’t get me wrong though, this doesn’t mean that I am going to start contacting him just because I feel as though I have passed the “no contact test.” I just realize that if he says something of relevance, I can be enough of an adult to answer. I just don’t feel the need to make small talk or open up any doors anymore. One step closer to shutting the door completely I suppose.
Anyway, guess who calls out of the blue last week? Yup, you guessed it.
I don’t have his number saved anymore but I will admit, I do have his number memorized. I saw the phone ringing, and out of confusion and curiosity, I picked up.
At first, I was sort of expecting something negative, like him blaming me for something after this many months, or possibly just asking a pointless question about something he had misplaced in his house (he used that lame excuse to bait me before).
To my surprise, it was just a phone call to see how I was doing, what I’ve been up to, etc. He asked some questions about how to add his dad on a social media platform, told me about what he’s been up to, told me to not be “such a stranger.”
Mind you, I wasn’t mean but I was definitely not overly welcoming to him either. I was hurrying the conversation along in a sense, used one tone of voice, didn’t get excited, etc.
For example, one of the first things he said was “I just have a few questions for you.”
Me: “Okay, what did you need?”
I could sense that he was a bit uncomfortable because he was speaking in a higher pitched voice than usual and his this childish-like cadence to his words.
So he proceeds with the first question, I answer it all while thinking to myself “couldn’t he have just Googled that?”
After I answer the first question, I ask what his second question was.
Again, I’m not trying to be rude by hurrying him along, but I was just so taken aback by the seemingly innocent context of the whole conversation that I sort of processed his questions as bullet points, moving down the list and wanting to get to the point.
His second question? “Oh, well, I kind of forgot. I just wanted to see what you were up to, how have you been? I haven’t talked to you in a while. Don’t be such a stranger.” Blah Blah Blah.I answer all questions and let him know I’ve been doing fine. Ask him a couple of questions about his life recently. All the while, I’m kicking myself for even answering because I know he just wants to make sure I’m still reachable.
I think we are past the point of playing games. To be perfectly honest, I don’t think he is using this as a way to bait me and pull me back in. I think it was purely innocent and lo and behold, the ghost might miss me. Shocking.Anyway, this hasn’t really affected me at all. It got me wondering though and scratching my head a bit. They always seem to come back just when you’re starting to move on, I swear. *sigh*