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One of my closest friend (we have been friends for the past 20 years) has been ignoring my text for the past 6 weeks. By ignoring, I mean that she avoids to open my latest text on WhatsApp so it won’t appear as ”read”. But I can see that she is online all day long, so I know she is aware of my message, and I also know that she could also see the content of it when she chose to ignore it.
This latest text is a request for her to write a letter extremely important to me on a legal matter, that she agreed to do a few days before the text, and because I know she is super busy, I wrote the letter for her, sent it, told her she was welcome to change anything she wants if needed, and then if she could please print it, sign it and take a picture of it to send it back to me. This letter is a genuine statement so nothing compromising or uncomfortable for her. I wrote a lot of letters for her in the past few years when she was dealing with family issues with insurances and stuff because I’m good at it (in my native language) and she would often rely on me for that. This is the first time I request a letter from her.I’m pretty disappointed in her for a few reasons.
First, I live abroad and because of the time difference, we don’t call but we regularly leave each other voice mails on whatsapp (a few times per week) to update each other with our daily lives. In the past year, I noticed it became more and more about her and less and less about me, with her constantly ranting and talking about her life, but never offering any reaction to what I would share with her. I suspect she did not even listen to some voice mails that were about me, and would only care about the ones where I was reacting or sympathizing with what she was going through.
I did not think much about it at first as it seemed she was entering a new phase of her life : meeting a new group of friend, changing job, dealing with a difficult teenager, dealing with two potential suitors. But things started to settle in her life and it was still all about her. At some point last summer, I went through something extremely difficult regarding my sister health (she knows her pretty well and likes her), and I mentioned it to her, twice. Twice she ignored it, no reaction, not even a kind word of sympathy. She then proceeded to say that ”she was being a terrible friend to her ex boyfriend because he needed to talk about his challenges and she was just ignoring him because between her new boyfriend and her new friends, she was always busy and did not have time and felt terrible about it”. I took that as a hint that she did not have time for my problems either, but she did have time to talk about hers at lenght in the regular voice mails she would still send to me. She also regularly took time to tell me all about the drama her new friends are going through and I never met these people.I honestly don’t like and don’t recognize the person she has become in the past year. She neglects her daughter and kicked her out from her home when she has been crying for help for months with bad behaviors, she neglects her cat, she neglects our friendship and she spends all her time partying in the week-end and seems to feed herself of the drama of her new community.
What hurts the most is that she put me at the same level as one of her older male friend, who is a pervert making her uncomfortable most of the time and never respecting her boundaries, and despite me encouraging her to cut off ties with him, she keeps seeing him when it’s convenient for her/when she can get something out of it, but will leave his messages unopened for weeks when she does not feel like dealing with him.I’m tempted to delete her number and move on, because I don’t see a way back, but my boyfriend is advising that it would be a shame to throw through the window such an old friendship with one of my closest friend just because she is going through a teenager phase again (we are late thirties).
Thoughts ? Thank you.
Two words: people change.
She isn’t the person you used to know and love and she may never be again.
I’d just leave her alone for a while. If she contacts you to dump on you, just let her know that you’re dealing with your own stuff and you’d rather keep conversations positive. If she agrees to that, chat. If she won’t or gets offended, you have your answer as to whether you should keep her in your life. I know it hurts to let go of a long-term friend, but everything you’ve said about her indicates she isn’t a match for you any longer and it’s time to go your separate ways.
Thank you Angie. I think the same, people change.
My boyfriend encouraging me to give her a second chance made me have second-thoughts, and I thought maybe I was being insensitive or expeditive. But I think I’m right. I will just move on.mama
I have a friend like this. We’ve known each other since we were 6 years old. (I’m old!) We were best friends until our 20s, when life got in the way and we just grew apart. We were always connected though and throughout adulthood we would get close again, gradually grow apart, back and forth. We have grown into very different people but as I said, we are connected.
I used to get very frustrated with her behavior but somewhere along the line I adjusted my expectations and accepted her as is. It’s allowed me to be positive and happy whenever we connect. Obviously we aren’t close anymore, but she’s going to be who she is and I appreciate her.
I might suggest adjusting doing something similar with your friend. Adjust your expectations. You seem like a good friend, I don’t blame you for being upset. You guys are growing apart because you each are changing in your own ways. She hasn’t done anything too terrible (other than be a bit selfish) so back off, give her ample space and focus on investing your time/attention on friends who are a bit more interested in your well being. :)
I have a friend like that. We met when we were 17 yrs old. She changed post her marriage. Its alwys but alwys abt her. When she finds noone to dump her crap on, she gets in tch. Otherwise she dsnt bother. We lost touch and then suddnly she startd messaging when she was going thru a divorce. I was pretty upset and angry at her. And i had enuff of listening to her. I tried to talk with her but realised its futile. She is like this only. So as mama said, i adjusted my expectations. i thought its ok to talk to her occasionally. I dont consider her as of my best friends any more just an old friend. Her mother was recently ill so she called me to ask if needed wld i donate my blood? I said sure no worries. I will also arrange my nephew to donate his in case its required.
I rarely ever connect with her. And i hv given up all kindd of expectations from her. She never ever asks abt how i am doing or about my life. So neither do i. But when she calls occasionally,i know its bec she needs smthing. Am fine with it. If am busy, i tell her i will connect later. And i do connect but when its convenient for me.
The transition happned gradually. Right now u are angry and hurt. So let it be. Give it some space. Dont break off things. Just put her lower down in your list of imp people. :)