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  • #835651 Reply

    I work with a woman who I’ve been friends with for years. We are close at work and get together a few times a year after work. Before she left on holiday she came to my office to say goodbye and as I was briefly chatting with her she told me she’s separated from her husband. That was quite a shock and very sad. She was crying and then left my office. I texted her letting her know I’m here if she wanted to talk and then I called her towards the end of our holiday.

    She let me know she knew I was there via text but did not answer my call and isn’t reaching out. Is there anything else I should do or just wait till she comes to me?

    #835655 Reply

    She is riding an emotional rollercoaster and will be all over the place for quite awhile. I would just let her know your there if she needs to vent but don’t push her and give her the room/space she needs to deal with the upheaval going on in her life.

    She will reach out when she’s ready. The best thing you can do is be there when she does but don’t become a crutch either as she could become an emotional vampire and suck you dry with all her woes. Be a friend but you need to set boundaries too as it will be a tumultuous time for her and feeding into it isn’t good for but talking about or doing things to take her mind off it would be best.

    #835659 Reply

    Thanks- that is good advice. I just want to continue a good working relationship as well.

    #835676 Reply

    She’s looking for a shoulder to cry on. Are you interested in sleeping with her or have you done so before? This is a very vulnerable person and it could lead to her being taken advantage of. That’s what it looks like here. Men don’t listen to women’s problems as a rule unless they are in a relationship with someone.

    I would not go any further with this situation, she needs a counselor. It looks bad for you unfortunately to even pursue this. You mentioned being close. How is it you are crossing boundaries with a married woman? You should be engaging in a professional only relationship with a co worker. Becoming close leads to other things like sex .

    #835768 Reply

    Er, Debbie who said the OP was a man or a lesbian????!! Did I miss something??

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