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- This topic has 3 replies and was last updated 2 years, 11 months ago by
I started talking and seeing this guy 3 months ago who I had a past fling with 2 years ago. We rekindle because he’s been persistent on talking again but at the time I was in a relationship, but that relationship ended in October. I at first was hesitant because 1. I just got out of a toxic relationship and it ended badly (cheating, emotional abuse) and 2. the last time we talked he disappeared which resulted in me going off on him and after that he still hit me up, but I just ignored him or answered randomly because I was with someone else. Well this time around he showed me he has matured a lot and that he got his s**t together, he got new apartment and started his own business. We vibe great, the sex is amazing, he caters to me when I hangout with him. Everyday he messages me “good morning” everyday and we text all day. In the beginning yes I was being hard to get and he did make comments saying that “you always come late, can we try to hang earlier?” and he did ask me out to dinner numerous times in the beginning but I would dub him. Then towards the end of the first month of talking he disappeared for 2 days and I hit him up and he responded quickly and continued messaging. He started doing this disappearing act for a couple of times and I confronted him about it and he said that it’s something that he does not to just me but to his family and friends because he gets in this mood to be left alone an to get his s**t done, but yet he posts on his social media promoting his business. So anyways, last month I suggested to him we should go get something to eat outside since I was not liking how we only hangout at his place (he does get out of work late everyday). He agreed and we went out but of course everything was packed so he made the suggestion of picking up food and taking it back to his place. He made the suggestion that one day he will leave work an hour earlier so we don’t have to rush because places close early. During that time we got open with each other I told him that I didn’t want him to think that he was rebound because I got out of relationship 5 months ago and I was cheated on and that if I act a certain way please don’t take it wrong it’s just I’m still getting over that. He said “nah you’re good and I was cheated on too and I took it as a learning experience.” After that he did message me like usual, but then he disappeared for a few days. I confronted him and he suggested I come over and I did and idk I felt the vibe was off. Like yeah talked did the usual but I felt like he wasn’t as affectionate as usual, after that he still messaged but to me his messages were dry than usual and now it’s been a week and he hasn’t hit me up but he has been on serious posting spree on his social media. But when I message him he responds quickly but then he disappears and I have to hit him up again. I’m planning on asking him to hangout so I can ask him in person what’s going on with him and with our situation.
Did I scare him off?
It sounds like you didn’t do anything wrong in bringing up the cheating thing and being honest about needing some more time to settle in. He did the same thing to you the first time as he’s doing now and hasn’t actually changed all that much. People can get their $hit together in regards to financial and career stability or success, and still lack emotional stability or good relationship skills. Since he was hitting you up while you were still with your ex (ie, interested when you were taken and not actually available) and now is being flakey after 3 months (which is when people usually decide if they want to date more exclusively or seriously and make things official), it just sounds like he’s shown you that he’s good for fun but not serious boyfriend material.
BTW, playing hard to get doesn’t work on emotionally mature and serious men, it works on wishy-washy guys like this. Finding a man you don’t need to play games with will help a lot if you’re seeking a serious relationship and decide to move on from this one.
The guys seems gud for casual hangouts. So if you want more you need to rethink
Hi Nat,
My head was spinning while reading your post.. too much game playing and mixed messages. On both of your sides to be honest. I agree with the others that I don’t think he sees you as someone serious just a good time when you both want to get together. Which is why he seems to disappear from time to time. It’s a way to set a boundary.