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- This topic has 8 replies and was last updated 4 years, 11 months ago by
So I started talking to this man in the middle of February, we text just about everyday. He took me on a date towards the end of February, which went pretty well (above average I would say). We kissed at the end of the night and continued to text everyday. After about two weeks of talking and not setting up another date, I asked him if he wanted to get together. He said yes, confirmed it was a date and added a heart eyes emoji. The day of the date we talked just a little bit (both of us were at work) but after not hearing from him for a few hours I asked what he wanted to do on our date, he apologized and said he’d gotten caught up at work, and asked to reschedule. I said that was fine, he didn’t immediately reschedule and three days later our state issued the stay home order for COVID 19. We still talk, but not as frequently. At night he will often just stop texting back instead of telling me he’s going to bed, etc, but when he doesn’t respond at other times of the day he always apologizes and tells me what had his attention. I just can’t really get a read on him and would appreciate some outside opinions
You can’t or you won’t read him??? This man is not into you. Read that again. This man is not into you. What part of at best he occasionally texts with you is enough for you?
Lose his number, if he contacts you again, just tell him to reach out after quarantine if he wants to connect.
You are throwing yourself at him. You keep texting him, asking him out, yikes! Stop.
I am sorry to be blunt, but you need some standards and boundaries!!!!
T from NY
Texts are not dating. Never, I mean never, give that much energy or friendship or ego strokes or flirting to a guy who is not taking you out. After the first date – when he didn’t schedule another one within a week you had your answer. Some men keep women around as play things. And the fact that he picks and chooses when he trails off a conversation or when he wants to communicate is another sign he is not concerned for your feelings or into you.
There is no confusion here. Lose his digits.
If and when he tries to rope you back in by texting you – wait till quarantine is lifted (even if that means not answering for days or weeks) then tell him –I’ve decided I’m only staying in regular contact with people I’m meeting in real life too. Wish you best of luck.
But in honesty – if you stop answering he may never text again. Which is a good thing.
Thanks for your opinion. You may indeed be right, but the rude and hurtful nature of your post makes it hard to take you seriously. Again, thank you for you opinion and I hope in the future you choose to use a less disrespectful tone when posting online.
I’m sorry if you found some of the replies hurtful and rude. But essentially you’ve only had ONE date with the guy which you say was average at best. Then two weeks later he still hadn’t asked you out again. So you ASKED HIM out, but then the day of the date he ditched you and wanted to reschedule, but didn’t set a date.
To me there was incredibly low interest before you got the stay home order. And I’ve never had a guy who had to constantly apologize for not texting back and tell me what had his attention. If he’s not even texting you when he’s stuck at home with nothing to do then what does that tell you? I would stop wasting my time with this guy and focus on other things.
Amy S
This guy is so not interested and you are chasing him why ? Corona is the perfect excuse for him not to go further with this. Forget about him and value yourself more so that a mans indifference is a complete turnoff and not a reason to pursue. Good luck. x
I think she was referring to me. And I am truely sorry it is painful to read my answer. I honestly believe had it been softer you would have tried to twist this into there being something there because you were unable or unwilling to read the signs before.
You deserve someone who:
Asks you out, texts you, is responsiveBut you need to know it too!
If a man is interested you cannot beat him off with a bat. Understand this a look for one bat worthy.
Wow… the people responding sound seriously bitter and burned. You didn’t do anything wrong. It’s possible he’s not interested, it’s also possible that we’re literally in the middle of a global pandemic. I would say just wait it out. If you don’t hear from him again, take that as your answer and move on. You definitely deserve someone who will pursue you, but these are unprecedented times and it’s likely to stop a lot of potential connections in their tracks. Chalk it up to timing, protect your self esteem, and reinvest your energy in yourself. But take some of the advice given here with a grain of salt. I’ve seen some posts by some of these people in other threads, and they come off as very bitter people. Best of luck and stay safe.