Could he still be hung up on his Ex?

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  • #931376 Reply

    Hello, I met someone online a couple of weeks ago. We have not met in person yet but will this Friday. So far everything has been great we text and talk all day and he really does seem to be interested in me and has made it clear he is looking for a serious relationship. We are both 47 and have grown kids. In any event last night while texting (because I’m at work) I asked him if he had dated anyone seriously since his divorce. He goes on to tell me he was in a relationship that lasted a year, that relationship ended about a year and a half ago because the woman he was with never finalized her divorce and decided to allow the ex to continue living in the house. He said last he heard she was miserable but she made a choice for her kids and he doesn’t blame her. I asked if they had stayed together would it have turned into something serious and he said probably yes. I also asked him if she were to get divorced would he be willing to try things with her again and he said he had no idea. He has not seen her anymore but she made her choice and he was done. I have a feeling he might still be hung up on her, he said goodnight because it’s late here where I am so he didn’t answer my last question, if he thinks he might still have feelings for her because I want to meet him and get to know him. So my question is, should I just meet him and see what happens or just not meet him. In my case anytime I have dated men who broke up with an ex a year or less prior are not over them yet. I don’t want to be someone he is using just to get over someone else.

    #931378 Reply
    Liz Lemon

    Here’s the thing. You don’t know this guy. You’ve never met. So there’s no way to know if he’s over his ex or not.

    This is a good example of why you shouldn’t talk to a guy too much before you actually meet. You’ve never met, you’ve only been talking 2 weeks, and you’re having deep conversations about his past relationship. That’s too soon. Too much contact before meeting creates a false sense of intimacy. You think you know the person but you don’t.

    The only way you know a guy’s intentions is by meeting him, spending time with him in person, and talking to him in person.

    Another bit of advice, “what if….” questions are never good! Especially with someone you don’t know. Asking him what he would have done about his ex, blah blah blah is pointless. He’s not with her now. Asking those kinds of questions just creates uncertainty and doubts in your head, as you can see now. When you’re first getting to know a guy, don’t press heavy conversations…that stuff will come out in time. The first weeks of getting to know a guy are about seeing if he’s a good fit for you and if you’re compatible. If it seems you are, you can get into the relationship conversations. But not before you’ve even met.

    Give this guy a chance. Don’t make assumptions about his feelings for his ex, or what he would do. Just meet and see if you have chemistry and click. When I met my bf, his ex was pursuing him to reconcile, but he had no interest whatsoever in getting back with her. They have a child together so she was trying to convince him to get back together for the child’s sake. I didn’t worry about it or make an issue of it, I figured if he wanted to be with her he would; and he wound up falling for me, hard, and soon made it really clear to his ex (he put it in writing, he wrote her a formal email) that he was in love with me, there was no way he’d ever get back with her, and she needed to back off. And she did. That was 4 years ago and we’re still together and the ex has not been an issue.

    My point is, for all you know, you and this guy might really click and fall for each other, and at that point it wouldn’t matter about the ex. You just don’t know. But if you go into the dating situation obsessing over his ex, you’ll kill your vibe and kill any chance of something blossoming between you two.

    #931379 Reply
    Liz Lemon

    One more thing- “I don’t want to be someone he is using just to get over someone else.” When you’re first dating a guy, don’t completely give your heart right away! For the first few months of dating, you’re just testing things out to see if you’re a good fit. Too many women are “all in” with a guy immediately and then are crushed when things don’t work out. You have to be prepared to walk if you see any red flags early on. If you meet this guy and see any signs that he’s not over his ex, you walk- you don’t stick around to try to change his mind.

    #931383 Reply

    Everything that Liz Lemon said!

    And I would bet money you will meet and not “click.”

    When you spend so much time time talking before you meet, it’s almost invariably a let-down when you get face to face. I’ve experienced this and watched many friends experience this, time after time. What happens is you’ve developed an attachment to an idea and a voice already and reality rarely matches who you’ve decided they are. It’s just awkward.

    Also, you’re already too invested because you’ve accepted his word that he wants something serious. You’re already vetting him as a life partner instead of just chilling out and meeting him to see if you feel any interest or attraction on the first date. The first 90 days of dating, you’re just going out to enjoy yourself in his company and evaluate if a man meets your standards and if you’re already halfway down the aisle at the church, you will ignore the truth about him when it comes up, and it will. People can be on their best behavior for only so long. Who someone really is will always shine through for better or for worse, if you’re paying attention.

    I hope I”m wrong and you get along fine. But in the future, have a quick chat or two and that’s it before you meet.

    #931385 Reply

    Unpopular opinion, but i’d say go with your gut feeling on this one. If that woman popped up declaring her love for him, nine times out of ten.. he will go back. Especially if he didn’t want to end it, but was forced to. You have that gut feeling because you know from experience how these situations usually play out.. Listen to it.

    #931395 Reply

    He may not have answered your last question because he may have felt you’re making assumptions that he’s not over the ex with all your questions, and he may see your hesitancy and so many questions about an ex from a while ago as a red flag for him to move forward. Has he reached out again since that conversation?

    I agree with Liz and Angiebaby. What Poppy said can happen sometimes, but generally will not happen with men who are emotionally mature and have their $hit together. They will be confident in their decisions and give themselves closure about why past situations were incompatible and move on, no need for rebounds. That’s exactly why what Liz and Angiebaby are saying is so important. If you’re really interested in someone, you need to take some time to figure out who they are (not just who you hope they are), of you even like them to begin with, if you’re both compatible, and if they are ready for a relationship and worth it for you to start investing in them (ie can you builda consistent foundation of trust over time). Trying to ask so many questions about an ex before even meeting may seem like it’s a way you can control the situation for yourself and feel like you’re protecting yourself, but the men you need to worry about not being ready aren’t the ones who will be emotionally mature enough to be honest with you from the start anyway because they’re probably not honest about their feelings with themselves. Those men are the ones who say everything is great and then go back to their exes! Giving them time to show you who they are in person and if they are consistent with you and the relationship is naturally escalating over time is how you reliably protect yourself from this. Taking the time to get to know them before completely jumping in with both feet.

    #931398 Reply
    Liz Lemon

    I didn’t think of it before, but I agree with Maddie’s point that he may have seen you asking so many questions about his ex as a red flag. It would be extremely off-putting to me if a guy I had just started talking to/dating was grilling me about exes, or about my divorce.

    #931402 Reply

    You put the cart waaay ahead of the horse here. Those questions were too personal to be asked before even meeting in person, and especially via text. Not trying to make you feel bad, but learn from this because you may have spooked him.

    #931403 Reply

    Hi Liz, you are right. He said he was an open book and I could ask him anything so the conversation we were having was about exes and I asked. I know I shouldn’t have. I guess if there was any harm done I’ll find out tomorrow morning when we meet and we will take it from there. If we do click I will take definitely take your advice and leave the deep conversations for later. Thank you for your advice.

    #931404 Reply

    Hi Angiebaby, I know you are right. We both do shift work and so it was hard for us to coordinate a day when we were both off and not asleep during the day. Nonetheless I shouldn’t have been asking those questions. We are meeting tomorrow for breakfast once we both get off from work and see what happens. We either click or we don’t, thank you for responding you my post.

    #931405 Reply

    Hello Poppy, you know I am not even sure if it was a gut feeling when I asked. The conversation just steered that way because we were talking about exes. Although you are right, his response was not what I expected but then again like everyone on here says I shouldn’t have asked those questions. It was definitely too soon

    #931407 Reply

    Hello Maddie, I think you hit the nail on the head. Once the conversation steered that way I asked so that is could be prepared. When the answer was not what I expected I did panic.

    We both do shift work and he had just worked double but he was home and I was working. He said good night to me via text when I was still typing so yeah maybe he wasn’t ready to get into that conversation at that time. It was past 1:00am. This morning he did answer me. I guess at some point she did try to come back but he told her he was big willing to revisit that relationship. He said he had nothing bad to say about her but he wasn’t going to go back just because it was convenient.

    I just told him okay and we went on to talk about other things. I am meeting him tomorrow morning. I’ll see what the extent of the damage was and if we actually click. Thank you for your response Maddie.

    #931408 Reply

    Hi Sam, I know 😕. I guess I can’t take it back now if I did indeed spook him. We shall see how things go tomorrow. Today we’ve been texting like normal so let’s see what happens. Thank you for responding to my post.

    #931411 Reply
    Liz Lemon

    What’s done is done- don’t overthink things now! Just go on the date and be relaxed and open minded, observe his behavior and personality, and see how you click. Good luck!

    #931412 Reply

    Liz Lemon, yes I will thank you.

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