crazy things we do after a break up! whats the worse you've done?

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  • #366529 Reply

    I just read a great thread on another forum. Crazy things we do after a break up.

    When we’ve been hurt some of us do some really crazy stunts when we’re suffering. Some of the stories were sad, and some were so funny. The acts of revenge some of us partake in are madness. From keying cars, to creating fake accounts, to drive bys, and stalking. The list is endless.

    I’m not proud of some of the things I’ve done in the past when scorned. My closest friends have called me manipulative and coniving before.

    But I’ve guess we’ve all been there at some point in our pasts.

    So I thought I’d start a thread here.

    Whats the craziest thing you have done to seek revenge/find out the truth?

    #366530 Reply

    I climbed in his bedroom window at 4 am and gave him ‘what for he laughed his head off…A crazy shit like me. We’re the best of friends now. But I’ve grown up… more crazy shit for me !!!

    #366531 Reply

    Ha ha! Well you know my crazy story Harley! I’ve still never admitted it to my ex husband!

    From what I read on the other thread it seems more women act like this than men. Men drive us to such lengths with their lies and shitty behaviour!

    Although I do have one male friend who ended up spying through his ex’s window at night to see what she was up to.

    #366613 Reply

    Now I have a few spare minutes I’ll write my crazy story!

    When I first discovered my husband was having an affair I kicked him out. He told me it was a one off though. Although he didn’t move back in I was considering whether to work on the marriage.

    But his behaviour was still shifty. I gave him ample opportunities to tell me the truth. The whole truth. He stuck to his story but was still acting very suspicious. Taking his phone everywhere, you know how it is!

    I knew I needed to find out for sure.

    So I created a fake facebook account, added lots of random people as friends, and then requested friendships with all his work colleagues. Finally I added my husband. He accepted, noticing he shared lots of mutual friends with this ‘fake’ person.

    Then I bought a sim card. I started messaging him. Normal chat at first, but then I started saying how I knew he was cheating on his wife. He denied it. I sent lots of messages and started blackmailing him. I would set the message up, and then send it when he was in my company, so I could watch his reaction. His face would go white and he would be shaking!

    After a week or two, I sent a message from my fake FB to my real facebook, telling me about my husbands affair. Then, while I was ironing and he was washing up, I sent him a text (from the secret sim) saying ‘I hope your wife reads her facebook messages today’.

    He literally shit himself! I went off to work, expecting him to log on to my account and delete the message.

    But he didn’t. He confessed and told me how he was being blackmailed.

    He had been so worried he’d even gone to the police! The police could do nothing as it was a pay as u go number. And unless I answered the phone to them they could do nothing.

    So I just chucked it away.

    I was so embarrassed by my behaviour and never even told my best friends at the time. They thought it was hilarious when I confessed to them. They didn’t realise I could be so cunning.

    But it worked! I bloody knew he was lying to me and I just had to know the truth!

    To this day I have still not told him his blackmailer was me!
    Though I am tempted sometimes!

    #366661 Reply

    Ha ha ha, you’re WICKED B… he deserved it though…

    People would pay you GOOD money to investigate/blackmail their boyfriends… you should consider quitting your current job…

    Seriously, I’m impressed… and also a little embarrassed to admit that I too am fully capable of doing what you did if I was in the same situation…

    #366662 Reply

    great story… but i couldn’t do it. i’m too nice that way.

    #366693 Reply

    Ha ha! You’d be surprised Harley, what lengths we can go to, to catch them out!

    Thing is, I wont accuse a man of cheating until I have sufficient evidence.

    My first partner it took me 5 months of investigations to catch him out. But I knew I had to. The wedding was booked! Invitations sent. 5 weeks before I finally got the evidence I needed. Back in the day before mobile phones, so I had to wait for the Bt itemized bill to come through to confirm he’d called his other woman on my house phone.

    Just before that I’d gone into work, in a pub, when my neighbour came in, and innocently said, I didn’t know you were friends with that Jenny girl, I just saw her going in your house. This was the woman I’d suspected all along. And I was stuck in work all day, with no car, knowing this other woman was in MY house with MY fella!

    5 months of thinking I was going insane. But all along my instincts were correct!

    Is it any wonder I suffer from insecurity?!

    #366696 Reply

    NO!.. but you have to get over it.

    your story…. made me laugh my ass off… sorry !

    And HEH…WHAT you doing talking to D ???I’ve to go to bed soon

    #366699 Reply

    Oh Harley, he text me last week to say he’d put some money in my account. (surprise!) and that he’d put the rest in next week.

    At this point I was really stewing on the fact that the fiance had been messaging me. So I replied with
    ‘cant you ask *** to lend you the rest. She wont mind. She’s already offered to pay me off to get me out of your life’

    Next minute he was on the phone!!!

    #366704 Reply

    Am knackered need bed… continue this tomorrow.

    WHAT did he say ??? WHAT.. did you say ????

    Is it… ever going to end ????

    #366711 Reply

    He said….

    ‘so, you’ve been messaging her’

    ‘uh, no, she’s been messaging me. Asking me all about you.’

    Apparently the night she’d messaged me she’d been probing him a lot about whether he’d cheated on me. Prob because I’d told her we were still together when he was chatting to her.

    But she never told him she’d spoken to me. And I have no idea if he has told her he knows she spoke to me. Or whether he told her that he had been in communication with me. (because she questioned me on that too, didn’t she, whether he was still contacting me).

    He called Thurs and Sun. Regarding the messages.

    Again he apologised for hurting me. And was asking if I was dating anyone yet.

    She moves in this week.

    This is the most bizarre break up story. Everyone I’ve told, their jaw literally hits the floor!

    #366733 Reply
    Gigi rose

    So funny!! Glad you caught him , buttercup!!
    Hmm.. Maybe I need to make a fake account and warn girls that my ex gives incurable stds out… But I not I will get busted.. Lol

    I once had a friend spend three hours outside a guys house crying ..

    #366749 Reply

    Wow BC.. you certainly have a career as a PI!
    LAGirl.. sure that wasn’t me? I would say LOL if it were not so pathetic. Cried outside R’s apartment for hours when he broke it off.

    #366750 Reply
    Gigi rose

    Yes , my friend stood outside her exes houses crying , texting to please answer , I know you’re home… He didn’t answer and I had to go get her and spend till 5 am talking some sense into her.. We both laugh about it now & years later this guy still contacts her and asks her out now.

    I guess we all live and learn.

    #366752 Reply

    B…..stop taking his calls. He is keeping you on a string. He has ABSOLUTELY NO right to ask if you are dating. How dare he after what he did. Even….If he means well. You…are not moving on with the constant being in touch.

    I met a cute guy whilst walking this morn. I see him now and then .He finally said a BIG hello and I asked him where was his dog. He’s either Polish or Lithuania. But….He smokes.yuk.still….A nice pick me up for the morn

    #366758 Reply

    Doesnt matter how mad we become it still seems like at some point the man comes back for one reason or other!

    Harley, I dont expect any more calls now. He may text tomorrow to say he’s put the rest of my money in my bank and then that will be it.

    His new life begins this weekend.

    Oh, and that guy I went on a date with…he stopped texting a day after a date. Which I’m glad about. For one I’m not ready, and secondly, the advantage of meeting someone who knows a lot of people you do….he knows my best mates ex husband, so she did some digging. Turns out he’s done time inside for beating his ex wife up!!

    RED FLAG!!!!!

    #366869 Reply

    What a funny thread. I guess we females have a tendency to act a little nuts. I think the crazy I did was in high school.

    One boy dumped me and accused me of being a slut (even though I told him to stop when he tried to have sex with me and never did more than make out). He just kept calling me a slut in front of people, so finally I “broke down” and “confessed” that we slept together and he dumped me right after. He went from BMOC to heartless jerk in less than a day. It even cost him his prom date as she was a friend of mine.

    Other than that, I have done the normal things…driving by his house, frequenting places the guy went hoping to “bump” into him, obsessing over FB or MySpace profiles….but nothing to that level.

    #366885 Reply

    Sarah I had something similar happen to me in highschool, but I was more of a no BS kind of girl. There was a guy I liked and I had thought he liked me too so we had hung out after school and kissed a little, well the next day he was telling everyone that we slept together,( I was a virgin and very protective of it ) so lol still makes me laugh cause this was a big body builder guy and I am just a tiny little irish red head hehehe I walked right up to him grabbed his ear and twisted until he was on his knees and told him to tell the truth now, he started to cry like a baby and confessed to all his buddies that he lied. He lost his reputation after that no one ever believed him again.

    #366926 Reply

    Committed Arson, since my name was on the title of the house and his wasn’t. Let’s just say he had nowhere to go, and I got my insurance claim :)

    #366938 Reply

    Oh Buttercup… that’s more than a red flag – that’s a deal breaker.

    #366947 Reply

    I don’t have any ex stalking stories to tell you about… but I am investigating/blackmailing an idiot I bought a car from at the moment… I didn’t get what I payed for, and well, let’s just say I’m gonna teach him a little lesson AND make sure that I’ll get what is rightfully mine…

    #366949 Reply

    My son’s ex did the whole pretending to be pregnant thing to try to get him back. She ended up just making a complete fool of herself.

    My best mates son has also just gone through something similar. It had a massive impact on the whole family dealing with it. And turned out to be all lies.

    #366950 Reply

    Cleo. …remind me not to Piss you off !!!! Lol

    #366953 Reply

    I always remember reading the story of the woman who hid prawns in some part of a guys piece of furniture. He ended up moving because of the smell. But took the smell with him, not knowing it was in his furniture!

    #366954 Reply

    And…. When my ex husband cheated I rubbed raw chilli in the gusset of all his underpants.

    Unfortunately my conscience got the better of me and I confessed before he found out!

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