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- This topic has 19 replies and was last updated 4 years, 9 months ago by
I was wondering if anyone here dated a guy doing his medical residency (mine is in surgery)?
We’re long distance and started dating 2 month ago.
How often should I be expecting communication from him? Every 2-3 days 3-4 a week?Thank you,
AliceT from NY
I have posted in the past about my experience dating a medical student /1st year resident for two years. It was one of the best relationships of my life but that’s because the guy was really committed to me. Dating a resident will only be successful if the guy is really monogamist in his nature or in a place where he wants to be in a stable, steady partnership despite his current study/career requirements. Typically the way the US medical educations are set up – people doing residencies (especially specialty residences such as surgery) have to give almost 100 percent of the energy and stamina to the rotations in order to do well. Any smidge of free time will usually only allow for studying, sleeping, eating and-or sex.
Dating someone going through med school means being strong and independent as well as communicating effectively for your needs while also compromising. If he has already asked you to be exclusive than I would ask yourself what kind of contact would you like to have? Get real with your desires, then ask for about half of that. (Haha. Sorry) It is OK if he is your boyfriend to gently ask for things that will make you happy – such as calendaring your dates ahead of time and being organized about it. Or for quick texts to let you know he’s thinking of you that don’t require an exchange.(That’s what my ex and I had to do).
If you are not exclusive – and are only 2 months in I would tread lightly until you are further along unless he makes overt comments about what he wants. Dating someone so busy requires giving a little more time (maybe 3-4 months) before you would ask what y’all are doing. ASSUME he is dating others and possibly flirting with or sleeping with other female residents unless he is your boyfriend and I would also continue to see other men. Bottom line although I’m suggesting and believe that dating someone in such a demanding position means you’ll have to be able to often times only get your needs met minimally – if it doesn’t make you happy don’t stick with it. If he’s not able to multi task, get creative and make you at least one of his priorities by progressing the relationship eventually – there is nothing you can do but choose someone else who has more time and energy to give to you.
I found the stats for you:
President: 4x a day
Lawyer: 1 every 2 days
Stock Exchange: 1x a day when the bell rings
Working class/My guy: 20x a day average (no you cant have him)
Teacher: 6x a day
Docter (in training): 1 every 2 days
Essential job in Corona times: once a week
Hope this works for youBut no kidding, i think T explained it very well. This is more about the status of your relationship than counting texts. Also ldr requires a constant level of communication so i guess if you are asking about frequency, its not constant enough for you. If i were in a ldr with a guy and he texted me once every few days i would stop dating him. No point in keeping it going
Liz Lemon
Have you met this guy in person? Or is it an internet LDR where you haven’t met?
Hi Liz,
no not yet but a good friend of mine introduced us online years ago but I wasn’t ready for a relationship. When we started talking again we resolved everything and we both made it clear we really like each other. We were suppose to meet but borders got closed. He does communicate sometimes for 4 days straight and then sometimes I wont hear from him for a week. That’s what confusing me… Can I call him out on this or not since we haven’t seen each other yet and we arent like official or anything?
thank you,
Thats not dating. This is not even having a penpal since he can go by a week without saying anything. There is no point on calling him out. You cant force someone to be interested and he is clearly not. Youre waisting your time, im sorry to say
Liz Lemon
I agree with Newbie. You’ve never met this guy and from what you’re saying, he lives in another country. You’re not dating. And if he can go an entire week without reaching out to you, he’s not that interested.
No, you shouldn’t say anything because what can you say? He’s a guy in another country you’ve never even met. You’re not in a position to make demands on his time. He contacts you when he feels like it. And to top it off he’s a medical resident which means he’s busier than the average person. So you really can’t expect anything from him. Sorry to be harsh but like Newbie said, you’re wasting your time. You’d do better to date guys locally that you can actually date and meet in person.
You are not his GF, heck, not even ‘a friend’ at this juncture just someone he’s chatting with on occasion. You are not in a position to call him out—you are just someone he’s showing some mild interest in at the moment, that’s it.
Long distance doesn’t work for over 95% of the population because that’s not how relationships were designed among the human specie. Those who do thrive or survive it is because the connection/bond was already made BEFORE the LD started, and is due to job requirements (military, truck drivers, pilots, etc.)—not living in different states or continents, or too far to see each other often enough (solely dependent on the two people involved), in order to keep the bond/connection strong.
I suspect this won’t last much longer, and you will stop hearing from him the moment you say anything (complain, whine, confront him) about his communication/contact where he’ll throw out the “I’m really busy…blah, blah blah” bomb, then drop you. I wouldn’t bet a penny this will last much longer as its clear you don’t have the right personality to deal with not only an LDR but professions such as his. Those relationships require a very specific breed/type of woman—those who are fiercely independent, strong, confident, and non-reliant on the man (fully capable of managing things on her own), in order to survive them.
I happen to be one of them, where they will only work, and last, if you are not reliant on any type of schedule (lot of plans will be cancelled last minute); and can easily go days/weeks without hearing from them because you have a full and busy life of your own…if not, you are not going to make it.
Hi ,
So let me make something clear Lane – you dont know my personnality and whether I am independent or not to judge me.
I am here asking for advice to know if it’s typical for medical resident to have this lack in communication.
The reason I asked whether I should say something is because He made it clear he likes me and he discussed wanting to take this a step further like wanting to be in a relationship but that first he wants us to spend time together to see how it would be face to face . Will we have the same chemistry etc ? Thats why we had plans to see each other. And to me and him 1hr flight isnt much.
Now in terms of his lack of communication for a week, I do agree with you guys that usually this means a lack of interest. May I ask why he always ends up reaching out if he isnt interested ? Is it possible that because of the situation and that it’s unclear when we will see each other , this might have caused a decline ?
If you read lane’s response carefully you see its not judgemental but a statement about what type of person can handle ldr. Its not been said thats not you. In fact the statement is quite true. You have to be really secure, have good lines of communication and not count texts. I think in your case this is all this irrelevant since you have never met the guy. I dont know why the two of you decided to give each other a try without ever meeting but that still doesnt change the fact he is not consistent in reaching out. The fact he does now and then means nothing. I have plenty of friends i reach out to now and then. If you really had the idea this was dating then Yes i think you should ask him about his intentions. Better have a clear idea so you can move on if needed.
Whether he’s a Resident or not is not the actual problem, the “distance” is. You can try it but you will be doing all the *heavy lifting* in this relationship, if it goes that way because he’s not going to be in a position to call and chit chat or hop on a plane and come see you, or you see him, as often as you think, pandemic or not.
What he’s telling you, and what’s reality, are two different things. A man’s word is meaningless unless there are some ACTIONS in front or behind them as that is the best indicator of a man’s true intentions. Sure, he may have intend them, when he said them at the time he said them but it doesn’t mean it will happen as lot of ‘good intentions’ never materialize because real life gets in the way.
I would assume you would have had a good understanding of his schedule based on discussions you’ve had thus far, have you not? Have you even discussed ‘when’ you will even meet for the first time? It sounds like you’re over-investing in a guy who’s made no real investment thus far. Talk is cheap; its the actions that mean everything.
Yes we have spoken about his schedule and I do know that from my end I would have to be the one hoping on a plane to go see him a lot more than he would be able if things go well.
In terms of communication, I dont expect a full on conversation every day of the week because that wouldnt be realistic in terms of my personal life but also his schedule. This is not someone who has a 9 to 5 job with free time after. What I do want however is not to go a full week without contact because that throws me off. A quick text in between that doesnt require a conversation just to know I am on his mind would do it.
As you can read in my previous posts, we did have plans to meet and it was supposed to be during easter break for a week. Now with the borders being closed we havent planned again for it, since closure keeps being extended.
Liz Lemon
The guy is a medical resident. He very likely does not have time for a “real” relationship with someone, in person. Because a real-life relationship in person would place too many demands on his time. It’s much easier for him to have this situation he’s in with you because he can make so little effort. He can ignore you for a week and he knows you’ll be there when he eventually reaches out.
So you ask why he always reaches out first if his interest level is low– that’s the reason. You’re there when it’s convenient for him to reach out. But it doesn’t sound like you’re really on his mind a lot– I don’t know any guy that can go a full week without communicating with someone he supposedly has a romantic interest in. Hell, my boyfriend lives 15 minutes away from me and I see him all the time, and he still can’t go more than 5-6 hours without texting me something. A joke, a meme, an interesting article, just to say hi and ask me what I’m up to– anything. I’m on his mind all the time, and vice versa, I do the same to him.
I don’t think the fact that this guy is a medical resident is what’s keeping him from contacting you more. It’s very low effort to send a text daily to check in. This guy can’t even do that. I just don’t think his interest level is that high. Maybe he’ll be more interested once you meet, I don’t know. I agree with Lane that you seem over-invested in him at this point.
Liz Lemon
To clarify: I’m not saying he isn’t interested in meeting you. It sounds like he is. But he said he would like to meet you and spend time together face to face before you formally enter a relationship, right? So at this point it doesn’t sound like he’s terribly invested, given his long silences. So until you two can meet, you should probably rein in your expectations. You can’t expect him to act like a boyfriend when you haven’t even met, much less not entered a relationship yet.
What are your expectations here? No one is trying to offend you but warn you this may not go as you planned. Like for instance: were there actual plan to go meet and who was going to hop on the plane. Were there dates set? Tickets bought? I have a feeling the answer is no. This guy cant even stay in touch with you so how do you expect this to evolve in a bond between two people? Just intentions expressed in a phone call will give you nothing. So i really wouldnt wait for this guy to commit to you
Hi Liz,
Well I agreee with you maybe thats the problem. I cant have expectations since I havent met him yet and maybe that’s why he isnt as invested because we havent seen each other and dont know when we will because of the virus. With that being said, I think ill just keep things on the low until we meet and take it from there.
Actually, yes the dates were set. Tickets were bought and everything else booked.
i hope you can reschedule then. At least plane traffic is starting up again. I hope you remember that if a guy wants to see you, date you and make It a relationship nothing will stand in his way. Just keep that in mind. Good luck
Liz Lemon
That’s a good mindset for now. Keep expectations low. One thing that a lot of people say on this website, which I find to be really true, is that men bond through actions, not words. Women bond through talking, but men don’t. Men need to spend time in your presence and do things and experience things with you in order to get attached to you. So the fact that you have not spent time in each others’ physical presence has hindered his bonding with you.
Hopefully you can meet him very soon and take it from there. If he’s only a 1 hour flight away, maybe you could take a train, or even drive? (A 1-hour flight is maybe a 6 hour drive or so?). Just an idea, so you don’t have to wait for a flight. And Newbie is 100% correct that if a man feels “it” with you, wants to date and have a relationship with you– he’ll do it. He won’t leave you wondering, no matter how busy his schedule is.
Hi Newbie,
They actually gave us a credit to use in the future. The borders are still closed. I am not opening up this subject with him . He was the one to bring it up so for sure if he still wants to see me He has to ask again.
I agree with you and I think until we actually meet and he makes it clear we are in a relationship , I will leave it to him to step up and communicate more. Won’t bring up the subject but Ill just match his energy currently.
Thank you for helping me out
Hi Liz,
True . And I think this is why he isnt giving his 100% . Its hard for men when they havent seen the girl face to face.
Liz unfortunately because the borders are closed … cant even do it by car :(
I dont want to take a definite decision about him until I actually see him but ill just keep things on the low for now