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- This topic has 24 replies and was last updated 3 years, 6 months ago by
Hello all,
Hope you are well. I am just here to find some dating advice really and whether it is going well and it is just me and my doubts.
So I have been on 3 dates with this guy in about 8 days and all 3 went well in which we have done the whole walk and meal thing and SUP with sunset and a bbq.
He says all the right things like mentioning things we can do in the future and how certain family members would get on etc. I have also told him I am scared because of my past and he said he would never ghost me and would communicate if his feelings changed. He has been quite sweet and paid for most things so far!
All the dates have gone well but I just feel I am doubting it and think it is maybe myself! The last date went as well as all the others where we got slightly intimate, however I felt he was maybe a little more quiet and less flirty on this one (However he was in pain from sunburn and had said he gets quieter with pain). Since that date he has also been texting slightly less and ringing not as much however we do have our next meet up planned for sat night through to monday! He said in the beginning he has never felt so relaxed with someone before so would his communication get less and less gushing as he feels more comfortable?
So I am looking for advice for these early stages of dating someone such as how many dates is normal in a week and whether communication changes? Whether I should be worried or it is just me? What sort of happens with dating and the talk of exclusivity? I just need advice on it really as think it is myself not trusting/allowing someone in from my past hurt :(
Liz Lemon
My advice for you at this point is to slow it down. Three dates in 8 days is a lot! And now you’re planning a Saturday night-to-Monday date? You’ve been dating this guy less than 2 weeks!
I have read psychology articles that say a healthy pace for dating a new person is seeing them about once a week, at least for the first several dates. This protects you from getting too caught up and anxious (which is exactly what’s happening here), or building up a fantasy. Of course you can (and should) talk/text between dates, but you should not rush into things. For one thing, you should both have other things going on in your life (friends, family, work)– it’s about balance.
I’ll be honest with you, I don’t think his talking about the future (what you will do in the future, when he will introduce you to family members) is healthy this early on. Again, it’s too much too soon, it’s projecting a fantasy on someone who is basically a stranger. You two don’t know each other. When you spend a lot of time with someone you barely know, it creates a false sense of intimacy. You feel like you know the person when you don’t, and you build up expectations in your head.
As for exclusivity, I discussed exclusivity with my bf when we became sexually active. We agreed we would not see others since we had started sleeping together. That was about 5-6 weeks into dating. To me that seems like a very reasonable expectation and an easy conversation to have, frankly.
Sorry if this isn’t what you want to hear. I think the fact that you are anxious and questioning his communication patterns this early on is a perfect example of why you shouldn’t get this intense with a guy too quickly. From what you have written he sounds like a perfectly nice guy, but you haven’t known him long enough to really know his character.
At this point you can’t undo what’s already been done, so I would advise you to take a step back, relax, and don’t overly focus on this one guy. Don’t overanalyze everything he does. Just enjoy his company and observe him over time and see if he’s a good fit for you. In the future when you date, take the pace a bit slower.
Hello Liz
Thanks for taking your time out to reply. I haven’t dated for years so can’t really remember what it was like last time.
Yeah all your advice has made sense to me and we have agreed to take it slow but maybe we aren’t by the looks of things as the weekend this weekend is already planned so can’t cancel that now either. He’s been more communicative this afternoon so everything seems fine. I think it has been on the intense side because we both agreed that we have never felt so comfortable on the first date with someone and how we feel so relaxed with each other already. He hasn’t got very intimate yet which I like and he does seem like a nice guy, I just don’t want to mess it up so thanks for the advice! Its strange that for the first time I am not feeling fussed on speaking to others.
But thats what I sort of need as in examples on how others dated initially etc :) but will still go with what feels natural also
You talk about past hurt. What have you done about this?
hi Jo, well things sound great. Too fast or too slow, is up to you.
Do you want it to be less intense? I don’t see anything wrong so far – and you don’t need to get too sensitive about the communication yet, it’s really been less than 2 weeks nothing is set in stone. Enjoy the time!Ewa
just enjoy yourself and don’t get too attached , if you start thinking you might ruin it , you will more likely ruin it because you will start concentrating more at ruining it than actually enjoying it.
be present and enjoy the momentJo Davies
Raven – I have many self help books and trying meditation also am getting help from the doctor and counselling so trying everything…think time is the main healer, also had some awful dating experiences before this which haven’t helped
Rox – I was the one who said to take it slow originally and about my past hurt etc, I was really honest. However I am actually feeling alright with this pace at the moment which I am surprised about. He also seems okay with it, as the event I am going to with him on sunday my sister will be there and I said I don’t mind going another day if its too much but he didn’t seem to mind, so I think i have to take that as a signal that he is also maybe thinking there is something in this if he is willing to do that! He also rang yesterday for half an hour which helped as I def feel there is a better connection when you actually ring each other than texting
Ewa – that sounds very true I imagine, I try to relax about it I just think it is my own self esteem and that that is making me think that way, I have always suffered from low self esteem for some reason
Thanks for all your responses so far!
Jo Davies
Also anyone have tips on how to have the talk about whether he is seeing anyone else/sleeping with anyone else when I am ready? As I think things may get physical this weekend. I don’t think he is sleeping with anyone else from what he has said but would like to know the situation really before sleeping with him, so any advice is appreciated! He has said in the past he likes my honesty
So I could do with some more advice if possible please….
The weekend away was amazing and he showed loads of signs of liking me/it going well including:
Eye contact/laughing with me/affection
Paying for a lot
Drove me around his area to show me where his family live and taking me to the place where he gets away from everything and is happy
Opening up to me even more
Intimate sex that was great
Helping me out carrying SUP and generally checking I was okay
He met my sister and I met one or two of his friends
It took ages to say goodbye when we went to leave each other and he stalled me leaving
I asked if he was sleeping with anyone else and he said no
I also mentioned whether he is in this for just fun and he said no again
Was really flirty and still affectionate in front of his friends, he generally felt really happy
His friends knew what job I did and that I was into horses so he had obviously told them about meThe day after he rang me and all was normal and he was saying about meeting again that week. However now communication has dropped right off, he doesn’t answer my calls and doesn’t snap chat anymore. I know he is busy with work as most messages included sorry I have been busy/i am knackered etc. However its got to the point now where he doesnt reply for a few days. I questioned him and asked him has his feelings changed and that he said he wouldnt ghost me….He did reply that dont worry I would ghost you and that he has literally been working all hours and hasn’t even had time for anyone else and won’t for the next few weeks…..
So I replied with a supportive message and said I was thinking his feelings had changed but he would let me know if they have? haven’t heard from him yet since sending it yesterday and finding it hard to deal with this finishing when last time we were together it felt great (Like the most relaxed we have both felt on a date before) I look back to old messages where he was saying he would make some time for me in the summer and he loves my company etc so what has changed since our last meet! Do men go distant etc when busy and stressed? I don’t know what to do if he doesn’t reply either as just cant get my head around what has changed as we haven’t seen each other since? I just trusted what was saying was true and just felt like this was different (Spent a whole weekend together which we felt so comfortable about)…..any advice if this has happened to anyone before and how to deal?
* wouldn’t ghost me
Liz Lemon
I think there are two issues here. One of them is that you are an extremely anxious partner. How many times are you going to ask him if he’s going to ghost you, or if his feelings for you have changed? Honestly if a guy I were dating did that, it would put me off him. Insecurity is unattractive. I’m sorry to be blunt here.
The other issue is that, yes, it does seem like he’s pulling away. Not answering your calls or messages for days is a pretty big red flag. He may be busy, but people make time for what’s important to them. It’s early days yet, you’ve been dating this guy a month, right? I think it’s unlikely that he would be pulling away this early, even if he were busy or stressed. A month into dating should be the honeymoon period when things flow easily.
Generally it takes guys a few months (3-4) to know if they want a long term relationship with a woman. You can’t read too much into a guy’s actions before the 3 or 4 month mark. If you read this forum you’ll find that’s the general experience that many women have. The fact that this guy was affectionate and sweet to you during the first month of dating is not a surprise. It’s also not shocking that he said one thing (loves your company and will make time for you this summer), but is doing another thing (not answering your calls or contacting you for days). You need to observe the guy’s words and actions for a few months before you can see if he is serious about a long-term relationship with you. In this case, his words and actions do not match.
The fact that he’s stopped answering your calls and takes days to get back to you isn’t a good sign. His attention to you should be escalating at this point if he wants a relationship with you, not waning. Sorry if this isn’t what you want to hear.
I would strongly encourage you to work on your anxiety and not obsessing over whether a guy will ghost you or lose feelings for you…and definitely don’t ask a guy those kinds of questions. It will make you look needy and is a turn off.
Hello Liz
Thanks for the lengthy reply again. I have just started an online course in CBT so hoping that is going to help!
With the ghosting/feelings chat I think I feel I can ask that as from one of the chats at the beginning we had together we said we would be honest with whether things change. I feel like they have but don’t understand why as like I said when we are together it feels really good and our dates have always been long and don’t want to leave each other so don’t understand whats changed since. Some people say you are in the position of when you last saw each other but his lack of texting/calls makes me feel he doesn’t care anymore and wonder what I have done wrong??
I know he said he had been spending a lot and needed to nuckle down and earn/save after that weekend together so maybe he is working all hours to do that now. I also know he has family issues from the past so I am wondering if he is just acting distant from any of the above….I am hoping he will reply to my last text as I sent an empathic one saying I understand and whether he just needs space now….its just me trying to deal with it in my head how feelings could change after a good weekend when we haven’t seen each other but maybe he is dealing with his own stresses/life at the moment or potentially got scared of his feelings/the way it was going… was just wondering if anyone had had any experiences of a guy disapearing due to stresses in life and coming back?
I also do remember in early conversations that he said sometimes he works 7 days during the summer so maybe he is busy but I cant help but think he has met someone else (but did not seem like a serial dater) but want to trust I am not being lied to as I already have trust issues…. thinking I may have a break from dating for a while
Sorry but I think you’ve been too intense and its put him off. Constantly asking if things are OK, if he is going to ghost you etc… its really really really off putting!!
If you are going to date you need to get your anxiety in check because this sort of behaviour really ruins things. He seems to be pulling away now and the only way to deal with that is to back off and pull away too but I suspect the damage might be done.
Men do not like to upset women, so telling him so often that he is disappointing you in his lack of communication etc is just making him feel crappy and has put him off, especially when he was previously doing everything right.
Please try really hard to learn from this and not repeat this anxiety dump thing you have going on! You will enjoy dating a lot more when you learn to give zero f*ucks about men who are not yet your boyfriend!
Hello Ss,
I really am hoping that isn’t the case as apart from voicing my fears once in person (and then we both agreed we would take this slow as we are also both working on ourselves at the moment) and then once in the most recent text (As I noticed a shift before I mentioned it in the text) I think I have been really understanding about him being busy and not messaging etc. I thought men like honesty in a woman (I also asked him if he liked my honesty once and found it attractive in a woman and he said he did)?? Also why would he add into that text about ‘Don’t worry I wouldn’t ghost you’ when he really didn’t need to!
I am generally a really nice person and he even said to me I was a really chilled out/laid back girl when we are together a few times….its all just gone a bit pete tong recently, if he was more communicative and I knew where I stood I would be more chilled out it all tbh. THink it has just hit me as I have had quite a few long term relationships and not felt like this before in anyones company…
Last time we were together and the call the day after it really really did not feel like we weren’t going to see each other again so just confused! The texting decreased before I asked the ghosting question and all my messages before that were supportive about him being busy and tired. also even though it was one text every few days he still put the effort in and wrote a lot in them with emojis and questions also (Thought would have made more sense if he didnt put the effort into the message also!) Who knows but you are right all i can do now is back off and see if he replies to that message I sent yesterday afternoon at some point
It was only the last text I sent to him that I said he seemed distant and was he just busy so don’t think I was telling him I was disappointed in his texting all the time, I was supportive about him being busy if anything!
Jo, you are missing the point — it’s still anxiety from your end and you are putting the responsibility on HIM to make you feel better. It’s YOUR responsibility to deal with your own issues, not his.
If you want to push him away with your insecurities and end up creating your own reality of him ghosting you, keep doing what you’re doing and not listen to the advice people have given you. Because you will end up pushing him away. Don’t ask for advice if you are not willing to consider it.
Liz Lemon
None of us know what’s going on in his head. The truth is that he is becoming less communicative and seems to be pulling away. We can’t know the reason why. Unfortunately this can happen when dating, you just have to accept the risk.
All you can do at this point is mirror him– pull back. Don’t reach out, don’t text, don’t call. Let him come to you. That’s how you’ll be able to gauge his interest.
Picking apart what he said when won’t give you answers. It may be that his feelings have changed. He might not even understand why, so expecting him to answer questions about it won’t get you anywhere. I previously commented on this thread and cautioned you about getting caught up with a guy who seemed to be moving too fast (talking about the future and meeting families within the first 3 dates, etc). Unfortunately guys that start out really intense often burn out really quickly.
Finally, a guy who’s interested in you isn’t too busy for a phone call or failing that, even a text. People make time for what’s important to them, trust me. So that’s no excuse. (And if a guy is truly too busy to make time to talk to or see the person he’s dating– he should not be dating). You don’t want to be with a guy who leaves you wondering.
Agree with mama and Liz. But let’s also give him the benefit of the doubt for a minute and he is just working hard and it’s normal for him to get tunnel vision and not focus on dating when he’s overwhelmed with work hours (and you don’t yet actually know if this is true or not because you’ve been dating too short a time to observe). In this case, then two things are going on here:
1. He knows this is normal for him and is getting concerned that what’s normal for him makes you jump to the conclusion he’s not feeling the relationship. Because then he feels how he is doesn’t meet your needs.
2. Since this is normal for him, this is what dating him when he’s busy at work will always be like because he’s not going to change for you. So you should actually be gauging if it DOESN’T meet your needs. Would you be happy if he disappears for a couple weeks at a time whenever he’s trying to make money, even if it’s nothing personal? (Which also likely means he’ll pull back whenever he’s feeling any life stress.) If so, it’s not what you’re looking for and you’re not compatible.
It’s not a good sign that he’s withdrawing, but I don’t believe it’s for the reasons you think. It’s equally possible it’s about what you’re learning is a potential lack of compatibility rather than lack of interest. But instead of fearing that he’ll leave you (which is the anxious side of things that you’re already working on), the healthy way to change your focus is: you are the prize here — does he treat you in a way that you deserve? If not, pull back and mirror him, see if he steps up. Even if he does step up, you may not feel good enough about it because it’s made you question if the relationship meets your needs for a legitimate reason. If it turns out it’s not enough and doesn’t work well for you, it’s also okay for you to make that decision. When your goal is a long-term relationship, that’s what dating is for, to learn about compatibility and if you’re a good match or not.
You are trying way too hard to be the cool girl while being a hot mess underneath. You’re too eager to please and too clingy. You’re what I call a sleeve tugger.
“Hey (tug tug on his sleeve)… is everything OK? Do you still like me? Are we OK? Are you going to leave me? (tug tug) Hey, haven’t heard from you, are you mad at me, did I do something wrong? Are you still there? Have you made up your mind yet if you want to be with me forever? If you’re busy it’s OK, I’ll be right here waiting for you.”
That’s what the energy feels like to him and what he hears in his head when you do and say the things you have been.
Sorry to say it but sounds to me like you think it was a nice weekend, and it may have been in his mind as well, but he’s decided he isn’t into having a relationship with you. He’s telling you he’s busy and not responding. That’s the slow fade. A man would rather gnaw his right arm off than directly tell a woman he’s no longer interested in her – no matter what you agreed with him upfront about being honest. Because you’re the type who will then beg, plead, cry and refuse to let them go. Or get super angry and spiteful over the rejection.
I think this would be a good time to take a break from dating and get yourself centered. You need to show up as yourself in a relationship and not be trying so hard to curry favor.
I’m sorry if that was too full on or harsh. I’ve dated a few sleeve tuggers and even though they were great guys, it put me right off them and I did exactly what this guy is doing – I backed way off and told them I was busy and didn’t contact until they got the message and went away. One guy actually point blank asked me over the phone if I was falling in love with him and if not why not. Yikes. I was polite and told him these things take time but I hung up knowing I was done with him.
I hate to see you or anyone pushing so much for a relationship that you scare the person away.
Hello all
Thanks for all the replies I do appreciate the time as I am at quite a bad place with my mental health at the moment. What I am getting from this is that I will back off and see if anything happens, but probably not! I need to sort my life out for sure I know that but struggling to do so.
I do appreciate the honesty from you all but I don’t think I am one of those Angiebaby as when we discussed ghosting in person it was a mutual chat that came up…. And then I only messaged him with it recently just to see if things had changed (so he had already started to fade before I said anything so wouldn’t be distancing himself cause I am asking things like that only asked him after his communication became less!!) as I am a very blunt but honest and caring person so wanted to know if things are okay! It’s in my nature to be caring and I am one of these people where’s others opinions have always affected me – of people who I care of! I am def not one of those people who would beg and cry at him, I would prefer his blunt honesty and then say thanks for the honesty (which I have already done before) and all the best!
Jo… the problem is he doesn’t know what you will or won’t do if he tells you he doesn’t want to see you anymore.
Hi Jo,
Your post read as though you had mentioned if things were ok more than once so sorry if I got that wrong but I will say that even mentioning ghosting smacks of insecurity and clingy behaviour and that’s the vibe I think he is picking up. It might be that the anxiety cycle and constant wondering is just the conversation in your head but that will impact on your energy and what he is receiving from you. I’m not suggesting you are a stage 5 clinger and Angiebaby is a bit harsh in her response but I get why she has picked up that vibe.
Maddie’s advice is brilliant- please listen to her because how she has reframed the situation is spot on! I will certainly be adopting her advice in my dating. You are giving him all the power when the question for you should be whether who he is works for you.
I hope you pull back and things work out for you. Do update us!
Yeah, I absolutely cop to being too harsh here. Realized it a minute after I hit post. But you’re right Ss, I’ve been on the receiving end of this kind of energy from a handful of men and run like hell the other way and honestly behaved exactly the same as this guy in question has. I’m sad to this situation because I”m sure the OP is a really good person and means well. OP, I hope I didn’t hurt your feelings and I’m sorry I didn’t find a way to put what I had to say in a more kind, constructive tone.
I only read your post today I was going to warn you that sometimes people come on really strong in the beginning like this guy did with long dates, 3 dates in 8 days is a lot! Future talk and saying how comfortable they are with you etc sounds a bit like love bombing to me.
I’m sorry but the super long weekend was most likely to move you to include sex. The fact that he pulled away after the weekend away and sex tells me he either just wanted to sleep with you and loved bombed you into it or the weekend was way to intense for him.
I think the reason it felt so good and comfortable with him was he was triggering something in you. I’m so sorry you went through this.
Next time slow it down, if you meet
someone that spinning all the great words at the start slow it down. -