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- This topic has 16 replies and was last updated 4 years, 9 months ago by
Last night i came over his house and he asked me what i did for that day. I told him i went downtown . Once i told him that he asked me “are you seeing somebody downtown or something?”
I paused and looked at him for a few seconds and didn’t answer and the. He said “well if you do then i can’t really get mad”
What does it meanTallspicy
I need a lot more context to answer this… time dating, level of commitment and such. But on first glance, you are not committed yet and he is well aware of that.
Is this a riddle? I would say that you dont need a guy to ok you dating others. You control your own life. Dont get hung up on what a guy says who isnt committed to you
We’ve been going out for 4 weeks. He always initiates our dates. He initiated majority of the texting
Men intuitively know that a single woman is out there dating others, no differently than you should expect that all single men are dating other women too. All he told you is that you are still free to date other guy’s because he hasn’t made his mind up about you yet, and at 4 weeks, its too soon for him to know because he doesn’t know you well enough to make that kind of decision.
Women seriously need to stop shoving relationships down men’s throats. I get it, you like him but you don’t know him well enough to make any informed decision about his true character, nor does he know yours well enough yet. Anyone can be on “good behavior” for a short bit (couple months) but then their true selves begin to reveal themselves, and in many cases, they can turn out to be major lemons if you don’t keep your wits (head) about you.
You have no clue how he deals with a problem. No clue how he copes. No clue if he gets angry quick. No clue if he’s still in love with an ex. No clue if he’s a druggy or alcoholic. No clue what his short or long term goals are. No clue if he’s a good man or not because you barely know him. And the same with you, as you could be hiding some bad traits that you can’t hide for too long and will eventually expose them as the two of you spend more time together; such as him saying or doing something you don’t like, it ticks you off, you “pop off on him” (confront him) and he runs for the hills!
You really need to peel a lot of layers, like an onion, to get to the CORE of who a person really is. There is no reason to take yourself off the market, and continue to meet/date other guys until you have a pretty good idea, after listening, watching and observing each guy in different situations over a good amount of time (few months) before you, can really know if he’s a keeper or not. Lean back, watch, listen, observe and still keep dating others until you are IN a relationship because YOU CHOSE the best guy out of the bunch that picks you first. If this guy doesn’t pick you, its OK because you have others vying for your attention. That’s how a smart woman dates.
Yellow flag for being a distancing statement. Most men know early if they want to commit and it is almost always by 8 to 12 weeks. You usually know if there’s are excited about you. I say keep your options open, let him lead and check in again at 8 to 12 weeks. By then he should be acting and talking like a boyfriend. Downgrade your interest and commitment to mirror his and he is definitely not committed yet.
Thanks for answering everyone. So, i am only dating him because it’s difficult for me to date others because i have two jobs but, we had this conversation last Sunday and he hasn’t spoken to me since.
He normally texts me almost everyday and tells me when he doesn’t have his children so that we can meet up. But it’s been almost two weeks and he hasn’t said a word to me after he asked me was i dating others
Why didn’t you answer his question?
I told him before that i only date one guy at a time because of my busy schedule. So i was confused as to why he asked and i was slightly offended
It does not matter. Never again tell a man who is not your boyfriend that you date one man at a time. It is none of his business and it makes you look overinvested.
This is over if it has been two weeks. He is gone.
Yeah, its sounds like he thought it was getting too serious, too fast, when you said that.
He was already looking to end it when he threw that out, hoping you would say yes so he could fade out/bounce easier. A guy who really digs a lady would never say that, or if he did, and she said “yes”; he would double up his efforts to reduce the other guys time. He would be locking down prime nights plus weekday nights, keep checking in, and take her off the market pretty quickly if he thought he would lose her to someone else. The moment they stop is your cue that its coming to an end.
Whether you have time or not is not the point. The point is, you should be open and available to dating others so when a guy bounces, like this one, you’re not always having to start from scratch. Like they say “don’t put all your eggs in one basket” which means, if one egg drops (guy leaves) you have other eggs (other guys) to take his place so you don’t have to keep starting over.
You could be wasting more time starting from scratch, over, and over, and over again than if you were at least giving other guys a shot because you could miss meeting a good one while wasting all your time with the wrong one. If you don’t have time to date, then maybe take a time out from dating until you have some time to invest in it?
I’m not a big fan of having replacements lined up
Its not about having ‘replacements’ its about meeting people, like you do every day, and seeing which one likes you the best, and who you like the best. Do you stop getting to know other co-workers at work because you like one the best? Do you stop making friends because you already have a best friend? No because you might actually meet a better co-worker, or a better best friend, if you open yourself up to meeting different people. Dating is the same way.
Until your in a relationship then you should still be open to meeting, and dating, other men because you might actually meet a guy who thinks you’re the bee’s knees but for you lock yourself down to one, and very well could have missed meeting “the one.” If you’re not a man’s GF then don’t act like a GF.
I understand .
I agree with Lane when she wrote:
Women seriously need to stop shoving relationships down men’s throats. I get it, you like him but you don’t know him well enough to make any informed decision about his true character, nor does he know yours well enough yet.
Yes. What Lane said.
You’ve dated for four weeks – and you’re agonizing over what he meant when he said that he couldn’t expect you to NOT be dating other guys.
Get a grip. Expect him to be seeing other people. You should see other people if you want to.
Until both of you commit to a monogamous relationship, take that he’s seeing others as a given.
I don’t agree with that notion at all
Not everyone is into dating or meeting multiple people. Just like not everyone is constantly wanting to meet new people in hope of finding better friends (and if they do its to add to their circle of friends not ditch their old ones… so that analogy is kinda wonky anyways).
It’s totally fine to just date one person, see how it goes and then move to someone else if it doesn’t work out. It’s the dating culture in a lot of countries (including mine) and it is totally fine.
Its not wasted time its living life.I am sometimes really astonished on how “business” like Americans treat the act of finding a partner. Like a job interview.
I don’t see them being any luckier or more successful in it than the rest of the world….go figure!
In fact it seems there is a lot more room for potential relationships to slip into FWB or casual situationships.So really i think you should do what you are comfortable with in that area.
But anyway to your situation: why can’t you just text him “hey how are you?”. If he doesn’t reply you have your answer and can move on. If he does answer you can go from there. Nothing to lose here really.
On June 3rd you said last night you went to him house and he asked what you did that day. Then you said last Sunday was when you had the conversation. Then you said it’s been 2 weeks since he’s talked to you. So which is it? Did you have the conversation the day before, the Sunday before June 3rd which would have been just 3 days or 2 weeks ago? Your timeline sounds made up at best so this post is probably BS too!