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- This topic has 3 replies and was last updated 6 months, 3 weeks ago by
Guy I’ve been seeing for a few weeks now (this is the second time we’ve attempted dating in the past five months. I ended it the first time because I decided to take things seriously with someone else) and I were supposed to get together tonight. We had plans on the books for about a week or so (I got back from vacay last night.) Around 3:00 today I got a text saying he injured his back and was having difficulty even breathing. He said he was trying to do stretches and medicate so that he could see me. He said he was going to try taking a hot bath to see if that helped. He said he really missed me and wanted to see me. Around 5:30 I still hadn’t heard back and I wanted to make other plans so I texted him saying let’s reschedule so I can figure out my night. He replied back apologizing and saying this sucks. Feels flaky/like a weird excuse so now I feel like I need to proceed with caution. Thoughts?
That is very specific, but I wouldn’t read into it quite yet.
See if he follows up and reschedules soon. Don’t do anything, just let HIM take the lead. If he doesn’t, he’s not that serious about it. If he does reschedule, you’ll need a few more dates to see if he does anything else flaky. If there are no other red flags at that point, proceed! But if there are, don’t make excuses, just cut him loose.
You shouldn’t be over-investing in someone early on anyway, you don’t know them well enough yet, so it’s always good to not assume the worst about someone but to proceed with a bit of caution until they prove they are solid and consistent.
Thanks for your thoughts, Maddie! He’s been texting me a bunch tonight about how disappointed he is and about getting our date back on the books so I think his excuse was legit. I’m doing my best to keep my anxiety at bay when it comes to dating but it’s hard not to let my first thought be, “this seems suspect..” I’m a work in progress I suppose.
so hang on, you stopped seeing him because you decided to date someone else and now you are back wanting to see this guy?
I mean, if I was him I’d be cancelling on you too… -