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- This topic has 81 replies and was last updated 7 years, 4 months ago by
Men can look but they don’t need to post comments if they have a significant other. Teaching men it’s ok for them to do that is giving them a hallpass to ASSCLOWN-ville.
Lane, how many times do I need to say that I understand that men look? The issue is the responding. If it is ok with you, then date those men. For me, it is not ok, and you can have them. The reality is you put up with a lot of behavior that I would not from what I have seen on these threads. And that is ok, we are just different :-).
And as to my suggestion, she already bitched him out, which was not effective. I was suggesting another tact so he is not so defensive. She already tried your way and is being told she is controlling.
And indeed I am a woman, and I don’t need to always communicate like a man. Men should date men if they want constant behavior like men. I would never expect a man to say that to me because a man usually would not care that I was looking.
Honestly, it seems like either he is good otherwise and she should drop it. Or she needs to own her own stuff, he might be more responsive that way.
All different thoughts, she can decide what she wants to do.
Ivy, then good luck finding one today. Not saying they aren’t out there, but I don’t monitor them so I honestly wouldn’t know. I actually find a lot of ‘comments’ to be entertaining myself and don’t put a lot of stock into them. I’m not saying there shouldn’t be some boundaries or manners involved when IN a relationship, but I think defining those boundaries between the species is much harder today due to the ease of access to so much material. I personally don’t engage in all those social media sites, apps or gadgets, nor do I get feeds other than on FB which I really don’t use that much, just more of a ‘check in’ once or twice a week to see what others are doing—but for those who do if it makes them happy, then do what makes you happy! :-)
I simply don’t care to spend my time monitoring a SO. I did it with my kids because they were my legal responsibility, but when it comes to GROWN ADULTS, there’s boundaries there too and its up to each individual to decide that for themselves. Like Lisa said, need to pick your battles or all you’ll have is war.
Ashley — you made a good point as we are of a different generation and having those in your generation providing different perspectives is refreshing and helpful to OPs too. Thanks and keep up the good work :-)
Personally i like my guy to be open about it. Not in the sense we talk about it, but that he doesn’t feel the need to hide anything. And in the end of the day, he only goes over the moon for me and my assets. so why should i care? I still don’t regard it as vulgar. I do regard it as being a bit like a kid in the Candy store, but whatever that’s his call, not mine.
Just Some More Of My Thoughts:
it’s something women might as well accept because if you don’t accept it, you’re just in for a rude awakening. it’s just reality. it’s more of an issue now because there IS social media, years ago the only way you saw your guy checking a girl out or remarking about her looks is if you literally saw/heard him do it. & it’s less likely he would do that in front of you. so this stuff has always been going on now it’s just more “in your face” but it doesn’t have to be if you aren’t monitoring people lol
these problems are only as big as your insecurities are. think about it. comments are not the true problem, insecurity is, because you are just seeing the typed words, some of what they’re thinking.. I mean think about it: what the men are thinking is far more explicit than what they’re typing! so if you’re already insecure in that area, a comment saying a girl is hot is actually far more tame than if you really wanna go there, imagine what dirty thoughts he may be thinking. the entire matter is ONLY as big as your own insecurities.
social media stuff is only a big deal if you let it be. even if you mention it in a rational way the guy is STILL gonna be like what the hell is her problem it’s just a comment on instagram to a woman I don’t even know. he won’t stop doing it. you will look insecure & overdramatic no matter what. the sexes are different guys do not see this in the way in which females do. you will look like someone who has nothing better to do than stare at a smartphone, as if you’re LOOKING for things the man has done wrong. I mean honestly it just SOUNDS absurd. Once again I’ve BEEN THERE, I’ve been that girl who used to feel disrespected of it, & to come out on the other side, I can now see how silly it is quite frankly.
I actually say in public how beautiful other women are. Just because I’m an appreciator of beauty in general. One date I was on I had a beautiful waitress, I told her she was beautiful & after she served us I again enthusiastically remarked how pretty she was. The guy looked like he saw a ghost. He was so shocked that I was the one remarking about a girl. TRUE confidence really makes all the difference. when you are truly confident you can let things roll off your shoulders & be confident in your relationship. if he is cheating in real life, that is a whole different story but for petty things it’s like either get over it or good luck…..
Lane, thank you for the compliment :) I completely agree with everything you said especially it’s men of all ages
Lane, I barely use social media. And I would rather be single than be with a man that objectified women and behaved like a college student rather than a grown up man. A real man who I’d want to be father of my daughter someday wouldn’t say offensive crap about any woman. A duchebag would.
OMGosh. You are blowing this way out of proportion Ivy. This is what guys HATE about women, they create something much BIGGER than it really is or needs to be! Objectifying? Telling a lady she’s “cute”, or “hot” or “pretty” or whatever adjective you want to use isn’t a form of flattery? Sorry, but when a scantily dressed woman bares her body for the world to see, when does it ever come down to a WOMAN’S responsibility to monitor themselves…ever?
If there were no hot bodies or beautiful people to look at, we wouldn’t be having this conversation. But there ARE, it has been displayed in many forms, including art and sculptures for centuries, and has now progressed to the internet.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and if I want to comment on it, thankfully I live in a country that ALLOWS for the Freedom of Expression. :-)
I agree with talllady. This guy is immature. If you feel uncomfortable with it and he didn’t change after your discussion get out of there. To comment on what of some of the other ladies have touched on.. maybe it’s the feminist in my but I have to say women are NOT art. Men have sexualized women since the beginning of time but it is not right. We are human beings and if this guy wants to sexualize/ogle a women in front of his girlfriend something isn’t right. I can’t jump on the whole “boys will boys” banwagon because it’s hogwash and justifies maltreatment. My father has NEVER done this to my mother because he knows such an act is unacceptable toward the women he loves. He doesn’t comment on actresses or the pretty cashier at the grocery store. He refrains because he respects his relationship (and he knows it isn’t worth hurting my mom or their relationship). Maybe he set the bar high for me but I believe anything less is unacceptable when you are in a committed relationship. I’d be bothered too and I’d send him on his way if he doesn’t get it together as his behavior is hurting you ultimately screamshe’s just not that into you.
Women are not art, but many times the subject in art and it does have a reason. I’m not attracted to women at all, but i have to say the beautifully made pics of women are sexy and nice to look at. I totally get why guys like to look at them, because the variety is so wide. The curves, the poses, the perfect skin. But its paintbrushed half of the time and guys know that. Doesn’t mean its not nice to see
Oh my lord. This has spiraled, and was not my intention.
If this man is acting in the good faith of the relationship, then let it go. Stop looking at what he is doing online. It only hurts you. Start appreciating what he does well, and start commenting on hot women, he might see how silly it is.
If this is simply a signal to a bigger issue, then dump him. My guess is if he is immature, this is not the only way he shows it.
But, I would also say that men who care about you do modify their behavior when asked. Evan Mark Katz talks a lot about men calling more for a woman they care about. They want to make their women happy. He is always reasonable, but he says to ask nicely. But he also says, if the man is not acting like a boyfriend, then dump him. I do not know and if this is the only issue, then maybe that is just him, and it is ok.
I do not know what the situation is here, but I doubt that commenting on women’s profiles is the only sigh of this man’s maturity. If it is, then please focus on your relationship and make it good. If it is not, and you want someone more mature, then move on.
It is not a feminist issue or not. Men look at women, they oggle them and want to touch boobies. That is what they want to do, even the nicest ones. You might simply not be compatible with him. It is not objectifying women to comment, as the women put themselves out there as well. It is simply part of the world, some people participate and some do not. For me, it is a maturity sign, not a sign he is a misogynist. I never said that.
“OMGosh. You are blowing this way out of proportion Ivy. This is what guys HATE about women, they create something much BIGGER than it really is or needs to be! Objectifying? ”
The topics got off on a tangent and my replies were to that tangent, not about a guy saying she’s cute…I guess that did get off topic. However, comments about half naked women online is objectifying women and men don’t have to post comments.
There is always a fine line, sometimes it is objectification, sometimes it is admiration.
Please stop suggesting that I fall into the category of the kind of woman that men do not like — you do not know me and you do not know my desirability rating amongst men, but I don’t need to post a stat because I really don’t give a flying feck what most men think about me, as what I think about myself is most important and I happen to know I am an awesome woman and no man has told me otherwise.
I look at a lot of art and vintage porn, those things are beautiful…
BTW, by comments I mean vulgar in nature, everything is relative…comments about beauty is not what I consider to be offensive but some men can be offensive in their comments. But yes it did get off to a tangent.
I will say it again… just be watchful… this is yellow flag territory to me.
I was with a man who treated me great! I had no idea he had women all over the country he was telling were his GF too! (he was my last guy… I lived with him and we were together 1.5 years. He was an entertainer and on the road alot)
BUT… he respected and treated me well when together EXCEPT he did comment on women in front of me alot. Women at the gym, on TV, etc. To the point that I just countered (as Lane suggested ) with commenting about hot MEN on TV and at gym, etc. Because frankly, I feel I can hold my own.. but it still pissed me off that he was so blatant in his gawking and comments.
In retrospect, it makes sense, because he did want and see multiple women.
I am not saying the OP’s guy is doing this. But I tend to go by gut more these days and if it feels ‘icky’ (as some of you like to put it) then it goes on the list of flags that says: is this a man I want to be with long term?
And by the way, withy husband, we h comment fromtime to time on a hot woman…so I am not anti looking or even commenting…
But its the extent you do it and the level of respect you show your partner when you do it.
with my husband we both comment from time to time
I completely agree with LaGirl and I guess I am on the same page as her.
If Angie Harmon walked in a room and my guy did not comment, I would think he was stupid ;-)
Lol Tallady. She is “beautiful” and “sexy” (you can see her bare breasts in some of her dresses if you google her) and hereby making a “comment” :-)
Like Newbie said, I’m not into women, but some stand out more so than others.
Wow this certainly did become quite the heated topic! It’s not the looking that bothers me it’s the commenting; commenting on photos and commenting on girls when I am there. I just don’t understand why does it and he can’t give me a definitive answer either. He said he just did it, didn’t think and it wasn’t to flirt with her or because he was looking for something from her. He said ‘I’m with you, I want you and I’m not with anyone else nor do I want to be.’
In regards to him objectifying women – I’m sorry but women that post selfies on social media are doing it for a reason – they want people to comment and they want the ego boost. She didn’t stand in front of her bathroom mirror and take a photo of herself in a bikini and put in on her Instagram account for any other reason except that she knew that she looked good and she wanted others to tell her that she did. It would have been different if it was a holiday photo but it wasn’t. It was intentional attention seeking. Is it wrong for her to do it? No, it’s her choice but she opens herself up for the comments. I’m just disappointed that it was my boyfriend that decided to participate in the commenting!
I am going to move forward from this and see what his behavior is like in the coming weeks. Some have said to leave him and others have said that it’s nothing. I am choosing to stay with him because he is a great boyfriend and genuinely cares about me and he said that ‘he is trying to be the best person he can be and to make me happy because I deserve to feel loved’. I think that it was genuinely just a stupid thing he did that he didn’t think anything of. He knows that it bothers me now and if it continues I will leave him because I don’t want to be with someone that feels the need to comment on women’s photos and women when I’m there. Like it or not, it’s my choice and I see it as disrespectful; others may not and he should be with one of those women.
It could be a lack of compatibility or a lack of maturity, I’m not sure and only time will tell. I am choosing to look at all the good things, and there are lots of them. Thanks everyone :)
kudos to you for looking past it. he does sound like a nice guy & it’s true the reason behind the commenting is more mindless than anything. I can tell you from experience & anyone else who has been on soical media alot would confirm: the less you focus on instagram the happier your relationship will be. focusing on it is like one of those things if you look for something, you just might find what you’re looking for.
on those photos you speak of , I mean I’ve seen accounts with thousands of men commenting a bunch of crap per photo, most of it is ridiculous but it’s just the norm.
I’m gonna go with a SLIGHT lack of maturity, if it was compatibility then you’d be incompatible with over a billion people lol cause to be real most guys do that stuff whether you wanna believe it or not, & if they don’t comment they are doing instagrams new feature direct message, that way their girlfriend or anyone else does not know. what guys do nowadays is send those DMs to tons of girls. honestly I don’t know how long you’ve actually BEEN on instagram but as a long time user I can confirm commenting on sexy photos is the norm. millions of guys, happily taken or single, do it allll day long. guys who have the most gorgeous girlfriends do it. I’ve seen these girls gushing about how great their “man” is while he’s sending DMs by the dozen! I’m by NO MEANS saying that has anything to do with your situation but honestly you are naive about just how common this stuff is, so I’m just telling you with the intention of being informative, nothing about your current guy. & yes it’s your right to view it as disrespectful, I’m just telling you reality ya know?
luckily for you the fact he unfollowed the girl like you mentioned before is all the proof you need that he’s a good guy because if he didn’t care about your feelings he wouldn’t do that. it demonstrates he cares more about how you feel than looking at some random girl so kudos to him. all is well :)
oh wow… much have been said and I can see where all we are coming from.
However, at the end of the day, it is up to Natalie to decide what’s best for her. It is not easy for us to judge the character of her guy just from this post as we are not the one actually involved in a relationship with him nor do we know how he is as a person in other aspects, so it is almost impossible to gauge if he is “obviously out hunting” or just hving a harmless eye-candy moment…
May be it would be constructive to take a different approach to this… I think what’s important at this moment is to make sure Natalie has a clear head to make the right decision for herself. And there’s a very simple perspective you can take to first take away the insecure and hurt feeling despite whatever happened
I wouldnt freak with him liking a girl’s pic but i was defo a bit concern with his “daymmm” comment. but if you take the perspective that he did not do that with the intention to hurt you, then you can be more impartial towards this incident.
yes, the action might come across disrespectful and unacceptable to you, but what really caused you pain is the thought of “he did that anyway even it is an action that would upset me / trigger insecure feelings in me”. that’s the thought that translate hurt in your brain…
so the easy way would be, to know that he did not do that just to hurt you. Guys are programmed more simple, sometimes they do what their brain tell them to do that very moment, forgetting to consider consequence (or sometimes they think they can just get away). I duno how much of a douchbag he could be but i am sure he didn’t do that with the thought of “oh, i am going to hurt Nat’s feeling”. Once you got rid of this idea of “he did sth victimizing me”, u will instantly feel much better…
His however stupid behavior reflects nothing about you dear, so please dun feel inadequate about yourself from what he did. just see what he did together with the rest of him as a package, its part of the deal and then consider, “do i want this”
he is immature and dumb. don’t let lower yourself for a guy like him. you’re trying hard to not be “too much” of something so he won’t leave, but he’s not even worth it. us girls nowadays try too hard to win and keep a man. they need to win and keep us too! if that was me i would be livid. just do some thinking, get your closest friends, talk about it til you are convinced to leave.
reading all our posts here, I think it is fine we all hold different opinions towards this in a forum… but there’s one thing I think you need to be careful with, Natalie, is that, same as discussing it with your close friends, sometimes when a lot are said against your man (he’s immature, stupid, inconsiderate etc), it would inevitably create an urge in you to defend him especially when you really like/love him.
Am not saying your positive defend over ur guy was not genuine, but just pay attention where it comes from. It really shouldn’t matter to anyone other than you whether he’s a good man for you to stay or not… so be impartial and only take the side of yourself, listen to what the Natalie in you has to say, and stand by it :)