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- This topic has 9 replies and was last updated 3 years, 8 months ago by
My bf and I have been together for some months now. Ever since we started dating I noticed he didn’t like texting or calling and we’d text only once or twice a day. After some months, this got even worse and there were times he wouldn’t text for days. Every time that happened my insecurities were going crazy but he has always claimed that he’s not into texting etc so I never told him how much this bothers me.
Sometimes he gets busy with uni and all his attention is drawn there so this gets even worse. For example now that it’s exams season we didn’t go out for 3 weeks and he was texting once in every 2 days-which left me crying my eyes out worrying if he really is that busy or if he just doesn’t like me enough. During all these months I’ve felt this awful many many times but I was keeping it all to myself to not scare him off.
Last night we finally met and I decided to talk about it but I probably did it in a wrong way:( We were talking about summer (were going on separate vacations) and he was telling me about his trip with his friends and how his friends want to get drunk and make out with tourists. I started getting very very jealous and at some point I told him that we should wait and see how are relationship is gonna be in the summer because we don’t talk much and I’d feel bad if we didn’t talk for days when he is partying with his friends in an island
He started getting defensive and told me that “yeah that’s true but I leave it up to you” and then started telling me again how he’s not always on his phone, his exes all dumped him because he weren’t giving them much attention and I’m the only one he’s been with for so long but that’s how he is and he’s totally get it if I left him for someone who gives me what I need. I immediately tried to tell him that i didn’t say this to break up with him and I tried to change the subject. The rest of the date we pretended that didn’t happen, had fun and when he dropped me home he told me to wait a little more until his exams are over and everything will be better.
Now I am getting crazy again because I worry that I scared him off.I worry that maybe he is thinking that I will dump him and instead of changing his behaviour he will want to leave first. Or maybe he thinks I want us to be apart during summer and maybe his friends will convince him to do so. Or maybe I made him realise I’m not as chill as he thought and I’m just like his exes so he doesn’t want me anymore. But I really just wanted to tell him that I’m sometimes not feeling secure with all this.. I think I messed this up and I don’t know if I should bring this all up next time I see him or notTallspicy
Oh honey, you are gaslighting yourself. Them minute this dude said this is how I am, I have been dumped for this before was your cue to end it. This is not about you being chill enough and he will step it, he flat out said… this is who I am, you can do better, I won’t give you what you want. Stop making that about you. Being the cool girl is not something you want to do, she gets walked all over. You dump him, you be sad and then you get someone better.
But, I would say that next time, have this conversation when he is not in exams. The outcome will be a more relaxed convo with a guy who cares. This one does not. Please stand up for yourself.
Yeah, He ain’t going to change- sorry…
You’re not happy with getting scraps from this guy, you haven’t been happy for a long time, there is no point in being in the relationship if your needs are not being met.
He is a minimal effort guy who flat out told you that it’s how he is and he ain’t never gonna change for nobody, so I think you should call it in.
He’s not making you happy, drop his as*.
You’ve posted about this several times, yet you keep circling the same drain going nowhere.
I’m going to be as blunt as I possibly can with you because you can’t see the forest as you are myopically focused on a dead tree. HE IS WHO HE IS! You cannot change him! Did you hear that??? He has not only told but SHOWN YOU for months now WHO HE IS, yet you are hell bent on trying to change him. Can’t you see what a futile waste of time this is?
A huge part of “growing up” is learning about people. He is teaching you a valuable lesson here, in that, he’s not the type of man that will ever make you happy. You are wasting so much precious time, and at a very high risk of becoming a “co-dependent” if you continue to date him. Becoming overly dependent on a man is dangerous when it starts to chip away, and destroy your self-esteem, self-worth, and above all SELF REPECT!
Why did I highlight “self respect?” Because the one thing men hold to a very high standard, and at the top of their *list of needs* is RESPECT. When a man loses respect for a woman, which he has totally lost it for you because he has told you time, and time again, to not get close as he will hurt you. You are now disrespecting yourself by holding onto a man who will never love you! When a man pulls way back its him telling you “I will never give you what you want or need because I don’t respect you.” He KNOWS what a woman wants, and needs, and why he intentionally doesn’t give it to them because he has zero desire to take it further than a few months, and waits until the woman finally say’s “enough” and walks away relieving him of being the “bad guy.” Its his MO, and doing to you what he’s done to the woman in his past.
In a nutshell, he doesn’t respect you, doesn’t love you, and never will. It is your responsibility to break it off with men the MOMENT they show a lack of respect, care, concern, or love for you. Staying with this man is doing you far more harm than good! You really need to get some self-respect, end it, and date a lot more guys until you meet the one who does the opposite of this one!
I know breakups really suck but you are already suffering with this dude. Its high time to end the suffering by fully detaching (going no contact), so you can come out on the other side by regaining your dignity, self worth, and self-respect! Like they say “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger!” Breaking up won’t kill you but it will definitely make you much stronger, and wiser, as you now know what *type* of men (such as this one) to avoid, knowing they will take you down misery lane. Knowledge is POWER! Get your power back! :o)
First of all, you should look up the anxious-avoidant trap, because you’re in it deep. You have a tendency to be anxious and worried about dating in the first place because of your own insecurities, and it’s very common in that situation to pair up with a distant guy who can’t give you what you need but bang your head against the wall endlessly trying to be the cool girl and ignore your own needs while hoping he’ll change. This reinforces your existing anxieties and insecurities and makes them worse and worse until you are miserable. These situations are not compatible, and he won’t change, not for the relationship. No one just changes, unless they want to and choose to for themselves, *outside* of the relationship. That’s no reflection on you or your value.
Second, flip your perspective on how you think about your partner’s exes / other when in general. There’s never a need to compare yourself to exes and other women, that’s another trap! More importantly, if a guy tells you all his partners left for a certain reason, that doesn’t mean you’re special for riding the problems out or that he doesn’t like you as much as them / doesn’t like you enough if you fail to make it work. It means he’s giving you a **huge red flag** that he’s a crappy boyfriend with the same pattern over and over and women get sick of being treated poorly so they leave but he still doesn’t take any responsibility to change. He just wants someone to put up with poor treatment, distance, lack of emotional intimacy, him doing whatever he wants without complaint. That’s you! You let him do whatever he wants without communicating your needs because you think he’s more important. You’re abandoning yourself just to avoid being alone, driving yourself crazy, getting jealous, being insecure, and most importantly not communicating. Not communicating your needs is death for any romantic relationship. If any man gets scared off because you communicate and have needs, GOOD. He’s doing you a favor and cutting the misery short (misery that can be as endless if you allow it to be by sticking around and not speaking up).
This dynamic is created by both of you. He’s a crappy boyfriend who doesn’t want to change, won’t get better at it, and will keep triggering your insecurities. You can’t change that. What you CAN change is your side of things. You need to work on trusting yourself, feeling comfortable having needs and communicating better, having healthy boundaries, not being afraid of abandonment or other women, and feeling secure. This is difficult to do, much easier said than done, I know! But it’s very, very important if you want to have a happy relationship with a man who can show up for you and you’re actually compatible with. Even if he changed, you’d still be insecure, that’s why this is a problem on both your sides, and your problem is totally separate from him no matter what he does. Take the focus off him, put it on you, how you meet your own needs, building up healthy self-esteem. Being scared of losing a relationship is a warning sign of lack of compatibility and will cause a self-fulfilling prophesy to happen anyway as you don’t communicate and get more and more unhappy. It sounds like a long list, but identifying the issues means you can now take action to tackle them if you want to. Start with looking up the anxious-avoidant trap, and go from there, see what other information that brings you. You’re absolutely not alone, lots of people have been in your shoes, which means there’s lots of helpful tools out there to get yourself out of the merry-go-round of choosing anxious-avoidant trap relationship men and how to build up your own security if you look or even talk to a professional.
This break up will suck for a little bit but dating this guy will ruin a whole more for you. Time to stand up for yourself.
hes told you flat out clearly. he is not going to change, not even for you. accept things the way they are, or leave him. hes making you miserable, so its best to let this relationship go. you guys dont fit. date others and hopefully you will find a better bf.
Is having a crappy boyfriend who doesn’t meet your needs, doesn’t try to meet your needs & tells you point blank he’s not going to meet your needs better than not having a boyfriend at all …?