Home › Forums › Dating and Sex Advice › Difference between girlfriend and boo…is he falling for me?
- This topic has 18 replies and was last updated 6 years, 5 months ago by
Devil’s Advocate.
Ok. So i have been seeing this guy since April. At the beginning of our “relationship” he made it clear that he didn’t want a relationship, so we just became FWB. Thats what I signed up for. But recently he has been a lot more attentive, compliments me, texts me all day everyday asking me how my day is ect, and brought me to a friends wedding festivities. This weekend he texted me and asked me what i was doing. I told him I was going to dinner with a friend. he replied “with your boo?”, jokingly i said “you know you’re my boo” his response was “oh really? well thats good”. I thought I scared him off. His buddy was getting married this weekend, so he invited me to come and hang out with him and his friends after dinner, so I did. I’ve only met one friend before, but when I got there everyone actually knew my name and knew who I was and referred to me as his “boo”. I had never met them before. The next day he invited me to hang out with everyone again before the actual wedding, and told me that if he had a plus 1 he would’ve taken me. The next morning he texted me and said that his phone died but I should’ve came back after the wedding. I said “yea just pop up like hey guys I’m back! that wouldn’t have been fatal attractions at all.” His response was they all know you’re my boo they wouldn’t have cared. What is really going on here? Im so confused. I have no idea what the difference between a boo and a girlfriend is. Are things actually evolving into something more? Am I reading way too far into this? I don’t want to ask him because i don’t want to scare him off and I don’t want to ruin anything thats going on right now….Thanks!
I’m actually curious as to how people respond because my ex best friend called me his boo about a week before he hit on me. I thought it was weird at the time, but I just thought he was being silly.
“Boo” is just a flirty word to use; same as when men you just started talking to and hardly know call you babe or honey. Please don’t read into this as an indication that he wants to be with you because he doesn’t. He’s made that clear from the beginning. Unless he actually verbally says to you that he’d like you to be his gf now and not just FWB, you are to continue assuming you are just hooking up and nothing more.
I am worried that this will not end well for you because you’ve obviously caught feelings and are looking for signs that he wants more. You cannot engage in FWB unless it is 100% sex only for both parties and there are NO romantic feelings whatsoever. If even a small part of you is hoping this turns into something more then you need to get out now before you get hurt. 80% of the posts on this forum are about FWB situations and the woman wanting more even though the guy told her he didn’t want a relationship; none of them have ended well. Please don’t make this mistake.
I have never used “boo” myself and never heard it used before. Given the meaning, I think it should be interpreted within the context, and within the context, it was used to mean a little more than just a ‘babe’. Granted, it does not mean you are his GF now, but it means something.
I think you are very wise not to ask anything. Keep it they way you did. Very few women manage to do BWF thing, and it seems that you did, so just wait and see. He would bring it up when he is ready. Good that you are paying attention to what he does, and not to what he says, but at some point, men begin to talk. I always find that it is not true that men do not want to have the “talk”, they actually do, when the time is right. In some cases, the time might never be right, and this is where we women need to know when to get out, not to waste our time.
What, no one told you that Boo is code word for wife???
Just kidding.
He’s your sex buddy and that’s it. You’re in the danger zone if you thought that boo meant anything or any of the other things you describe mean anything other than he likes shagging you.
Thanks for all of the help guys!
I’ve been seeing this man going on 1 yr the end of august, it all started as a fling but recently we’ve seemed to have gotten closer hanging out, we talk about his kids, my kids, our lives he wants to know how I’m doing tells me he misses me and is just so sweet he’s started calling me “love” and “boo” I want to get opinion on if he is having feelings for me.
caronica foreman
Can a man call one of his female friends boo even if he just got out of an relationship
What does it mean when a guy asks u 2 be his freak boo thang?
What does it mean when a guy asks you to be his freak boo thang.
Devil’s Advocate
Boo is short for booty call!!!
I see boo as just being a term of endearment like love, babe or honey. Boo thang though is definitely 100% your sex buddy.
He is using sweet words but not moving to the next level.
Watch his actions to move to an exclusive relationship. He is not showing those yet.
What is weird is that his friends know all about you, yet still he didn’t get +1 invitation to the wedding. Is there a reason for that? Otherwise for me that is a sign that (to him as well as to his friends) you are clearly only his f*** buddy and nothing more.
Uhhhhh, if a guy is doing all those things, they’re definitely into you a little more than just as a FWB. There’s probably something stopping him from taking the final step to make you his “official” girlfriend, but you’re not wrong to think he might want something more. Guys don’t take FWBs they don’t care about to weddings, they go single and search for girls to hook up with at the wedding…
His actions are doing one thing, but he’s not saying the actual words. That’s on him, not on you to wrap your head around. Now, just because he’s showing signs of liking you more than an FWB, it doesn’t mean that he will take the final step to make it official. When you spend time with someone cool and get to know them, you just naturally start really liking them and that’s probably what’s going on with him.
But that being said, I don’t think you should stick around if you want to be in an official relationship. Why wait on a guy who can’t make up his mind? I hope you’re playing this FWB game right, and still going out on dates, meeting new people, etc.
You know how you’ll know for sure if this guy is really into you more than just as an FWB? Just tell him you had a great time, but that you’re going to have to break things off with him because you want to find a real BF. If he lets you go, then there’s your answer. If he chases after you, let him know that you want to be official (if that is even what you want) and if he agrees, yay for you. If not, oh well. Take it or leave it. Hope this helps!
Another old post, 2015.
he is married has four children two is grown and he call me boo and sugar plum..he claim his wife cheated on him..i told him old games
So me and my ex are FWB now but he’s been acting different lately because he’s in the military and he just left for Florida, but before Florida he was asking to see me and hanging out and he asked to go to a concert that I was going to, he’s been acting like he cares again but tonight he said “nighty night boo boo”. What does that mean?
Devil’s Advocate
It means he thinks he’s Yogi bear and he’s saying Good night to his side kick Boo Boo!! How are we supposed to know what it means? Don’t ever let a man downgrade you from girlfriend to FWB. He gets to sleep with you and whoever else he wants and you get the broken heart. He’s in the military, stationed in FL with all the hot girls in bikinis checking him out in his uniform and he’s free to pick up whichever one he wants. Be more worried about that than him calling you boo boo, I mean seriously.