Divorced Guy-is this common?

Home Forums Dating and Sex Advice Divorced Guy-is this common?

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  • #407248 Reply

    and ohhhhh…please never tell a man he is perfect. Freaks them out and its just not true ;). If anything, go the other way and tease him.

    #407249 Reply

    When a man says “you’re too good for me” RUN don’t walk to the nearest exit. It’s true and they mean it.

    #407254 Reply

    I also think it’s advisable to be cautious for men getting out of a long term relationship (not just a marriage). I dated a man that was 2 months out of a 3 1/2 year relationship -it was perfect at first, but I oftentimes felt like his therapist as he complained about HER a hell of a lot. He ended up breaking things off and I was heartbroken. To him I was the rebound, but to me it was real.

    It gets easier, its just learning how to pick these men out of the crowd and run away.

    Best of luck!

    #407257 Reply

    Yes in his case I WAS too good for him. I know that sounds cocky and condscending, but at the stage he is in his life: Dealing with divorce, custody issues,financial issues since he has to pay alimony and CS, upset children, and a hint of some other family problems, he probably really did see me as “too good” for him. Comparing my life to his that is.. I hope you know what I’m trying to say.

    I said the “you seem so perfect, you’re an online dating unicorn” as a joke, though he did seem pretty perfect to me in terms of other men I’ve dated, but yes, I see your point. I shouldn’t have said so.

    #407284 Reply

    So is it normal for a 36 year old man not to text or call while We both were away? I was on vacay.. same day I got back he went on trip for business and family. Texted to make sure I got on vacay ok.. I texted once acouple days later.. it’s been a week. We went on 6 dates before we left.. normal? Or should I be annoyed of the non comunication

    #407287 Reply

    Oops meant to make this on my own forum. Sorry to barge yours!!

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