Do I call him out?

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  • #837072 Reply


    I’ve been seeing a guy, (very new) we are in our late 20s early 30s. We’ve been on 5 dates across 2 months. His texting has been less engaging and with me having to initiate more the last few weeks but we have still seen each other. We hung out on Friday and texted Saturday back and forth a bit but crickets since. Same with the previous week when we normally would text at least 3-4 days out of the week. He could be busy but hasn’t mentioned that. I started to like this guy even though it’s early days. Should I text him something casual, wait for him to respond and then mention not hearing much lately? Or just wait for him to text me (if he ever does) ?

    Thanks xx

    #837074 Reply
    T from NY

    There is no positive end game – ever – in calling a man out. Sure we think it will make us feel better – IF we even have a legitimate reason to do it (cheating, lying etc) – but dooooooes it really make us feel better?

    And here – you have nothing to fault him for. YOU are the one that needs called out. Gently – he is not into you, or just not looking for commitment/ monogamy right now. Five dates in 8 weeks = you’re on a rotation of women, or he’s keeping you as his back pocket girl. It’s his right. You’re dating – he’s not your boyfriend. As the woman you’re best bet is to be in receiving mode. You watch, observe, enjoying yourself as much as possible, what a man is throwing down and you DECIDE if you are happy with it. If you’re not, you take your gorgeous arse and move on – because there are SO many men!

    He’s done nothing wrong. Love yourself up and look around for a man that will pay better attention if that’s what you desire.

    #837081 Reply

    I totally agree with T. Your power is in walking away, not in calling out a luke warm guy

    #837090 Reply

    Why create drama?

    Date other guys…

    #837100 Reply

    Agree with T.

    I faced the exact same dilemma – I went on weekly dates with a guy but he did not text me often. It would take him literally a day to reply a text like “how’s thing going” but he replied me long texts with qns and new topics. I thought he was interested and since I liked him too, I made the move to talk about my confused feelings in this connection.

    It did not go well. He was honest that he didn’t see me as a potential partner but a fun person to hang out with / talk to. And him holding back text reply is to signal me not to see the connection serious. I was the classic back pocket girl as T suggested.

    So lesson learned – don’t ignore red flags. If your instinct tells you that he is not keen, trust it! And do not expect too much from a date until the relationship becomes committed. If a guy is interested in you, he would come to you. I suggest you not to text him. He may need space to process his thinking, he may need time to focus on the career / family, or maybe he is seeing other people and talking to multiple girls. Let him initiate dates and conversation. If he is not ready, he is not ready. And remember, you have every right to see other people.

    #837108 Reply

    He is not into you
    BECAUSE you dont initiate with a man thats not your boyfriend
    You sound needy, Stop if its not too late

    #837172 Reply

    A man who is into you will never make you confused that he’s into you. The difference in their behavior is night and day in comparison to a guy that isn’t. If I were you I would stop trying to drive the bus, let him do his thing and you do yours.

    I know it sucks when you like him more than he does you, but you can’t force someone to feel a certain way. Calling him out will not do what you think it will, it will do the opposite. Let go a little bit and if he reaches out, mirror his interest level. Understand that this may not work out the way you want, and look for others to date as well.

    #935827 Reply

    I cannot believe the previous replies… what a bunch of heartless Samantha Jones wannabes.

    You are NOT needy. It is normal for you to like someone who is not your boyfriend and be hurt when they don’t show interest.
    What the hell is wrong with you people.
    Yes call him out, nicely, as you said mention you haven’t heard from him much which is a shame, would be up for a catch up?
    Then if he continues being wishy washy and doesn’t respknd or whatever, tell him you would have appreciated something a bit more straightforward as it’s not the best way to reject someone.
    Let’s not all become bad communicators for gods sake!

    #935838 Reply

    I would agree with Chloe. I do not think you’re being needy. I think you just want to know how to proceed and aren’t interested in wasting your time. It’s not fair for a guy to string you along. I believe he does like you but not as much as you like him, and still has interest dating around. Again doesn’t mean he doesn’t like you or see a future with you but isn’t ready to commit yet.

    I would act as casual with him as he is acting with you. I don’t think calling a guy out after 5 dates is appropriate especially when he’s not blowing up phone. Pull back, let him take the lead, let him miss you. Focus your time and energy on dating other people and self care. If he asks you out, go out, but don’t prioritize him. I think after another 5 days you can ask for commitment, but in the meantime just have fun!

    #935876 Reply

    Hi, I do understand that life gets busy for all of us, however, myself and experience with men at 60 years old, I would wait a bit longer to see if he will text you. If not in a good length of time, then put your mind at rest and text him. However, please continue on with your life! I wish you all the best, Carrie

    #935888 Reply

    Disagree. This man doesn’t owe her another date and she doesn’t owe him a peep. Chloe, you are essentially teaching her to let men do this, by hanging around on the rope of hope, which is why men get away with it. This has zero to do with communication because men aren’t stupid, they KNOW women date for relationships so unless he is living under a rock, he is behaving like a man who lives on Planet Mars. She is needy because she is NEEDING HIM to do something to allay her fears but he doesn’t want to, and not going to do it, or she wouldn’t be here asking for help. Doesn’t matter what she says, he doesn’t care and will be happy she did the work for him because he’s a coward, and hopes the lady disappears into the ether, which is what the OP ‘NEEDS’ to do.

    Hanging around waiting for a man to notice you exist is just prolonging the agony. If a man isn’t on board, and wanting to see you a minimum of one-two times a week, with regular communication in-between by showing you he’s very keen or smitten, you drop him off the dating roster pronto because you are no longer on his mind. Only women who are, or remain on their mind, all the time, receive the type of attention the OP is seeking…when they stop (usually when a new woman enters the picture), the dating dance ends, and a smart woman gets off the floor.

    Does rejection sting, sure but its going to hurt a lot worse the longer women keep allowing men to neglect them. Best to rip the band aid off, drop them like a hot skillet, and continue to use your precious time meeting and dating the Mr. Wonderfuls v. Mr. lacklusters. No communication required.

    #935889 Reply

    The original post is a year and a half old.

    #935905 Reply
    ANM Staff

    Whoops, AngieBaby is right. Sorry about that folks, normally I make note of the topic necromancy!

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