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- This topic has 22 replies and was last updated 2 years, 6 months ago by
Hi, heres my situation:
I met a guy in February in class. He liked me and one day in April he asked me out through text. I couldn’t accept his offer. I was already talking to a guy online everyday and I was in love with him. I told the guy at school this, because I want to let him know I can’t invest in him emotionally if I’m thinking about someone else.
When I rejected him I felt regret, I thought it’s not realistic to eventually be with someone online. Chance is very small that something would happen and I realized I would be unhappier with the guy online than with the guy from school. I wanted to go back to the guy at school and tell him I would like to try, but I was scared that he would get mad.
Later I found out the guy online had a girlfriend, I felt heartbroken. My feelings of regret got bigger and bigger. But the guy at school, his dad died and went to his home country for few weeks, so I couldn’t tell him.
When he came back, I waited for some time and then texted him and asked him about a date, and that I’m open again to date and the timing is right for me.
He took long time to reply and said ‘what happened to the other guy’. I couldn’t tell him about what happened because that sounds embarrassing. So instead I said that it didn’t work out because he wanted me to move to his country and I didn’t want to, I wanted it to be the other way around.Then he texted me only a day later and said: ‘buy me a drink and i’ll think about it’. At first I didn’t think anything of it and said ‘sure why not’. But then I started to feel weird because it sounded like he wasn’t interested and was annoyed or mad at me. As time passed I felt more and more uncomfortable, due to this reply and him replying very slow.
I then texted him saying: ‘i feel like youre mad at me and being distant. You can have a drink from me but you dont have to think about going on a date with me, because a drink wont solve your anger or you not trusting me. I’ll leave you alone, sorry for acting stupid. Hope we can be neutral towards eachother in school project still’. Because it feels like I have to bribe him into dating me. I don’t like this. Either he says yes or no, simple, in my opinion.
Then he replied ‘no im not distant or mad, just very busy with school. Youre a nice girl but its not the right moment to date for me now. We can stay friends and build on that’.
This happened in June. Now it’s September and still haven’t heard anything about a date. Last time I saw him which was end June, he was flirting with me, saying i dress nice, put hand on my shoulder etc.
But then Summer vacation started and heard almost nothing from him. He only sent a funny picture, and shared one Spotify song. I tried my best to make a conversation about it, but he never asks me out or ask how I am or something. I saw on social media he hanged with friends in cafes. He is following new attractive girls on instagram, way prettier than me. Did he lose interest? I have tried to initiate convos sometimes in Summer as well, but doesnt lead anywhere.School started again and he hasn’t reached out once. We arent in the same class anymore. He is at school everyday, I see on his status often just playing videogames. At this point I am afraid to reach out to him anymore.
I am still waiting for him to ask me out, since ball is in his court now..My friend said hes on Tinder for 3+ years and hasnt found any success. Could he be searching on that and forgot about me? Idk..
Should I let this go? Reaching out to him is not an option for me, I dont want to ask him a second time on a date, or even just platonically hangout.
Could anyone tell me what could be possibly going on?
I’m sorry @Melissahx, he is not interested in dating you & has put you into the “friendszone.”
He already told you this…
But why did he flirt with me after putting me in friendzone? Is he trying to play with me?
omg this is embarrassing.. im gonna cry.. I find this mean..Raven
I don’t think he was playing you… I think his ‘flirty’ was him actually being friendly. He hasn’t lead you on.
There’s no reason for you to be embarrassed… Keep your head up.
Well.. there were some flirts where I would think its more than friendly or maybe I read it wrong.
For example we were talking about our waistlines and I said ‘oh i dont know how big mine is I need to measure it’, and he replied with ‘oh well I can do that 👀’
Or would continue calling me ‘babe’ and stuff like ‘come here babe’ and idk.. or is this friendly?Raven
It’s friendly, it’s flirty, But you are friendszoned… So it really doesn’t matter…
Move forward & keep your head up!
Okay, thank you sir..
Will try my best.. I do feel dumb, if I didnt reject him I would be in a relationship now.. maybe the relationship would be great.. oh well..Raven
Living in the ‘what if’ isn’t constructive. It keeps you from living in the NOW.
& really, You don’t really know what things would be like with this guy. He’s been on Tinder for 3+ years.
Be kind to yourself…
Thank you sir, I will try. Bless you
So much respect for this guy !
One of the good ones left I think . You rejected him and then wanted him back because as you stated to him it didn’t work out with the other guy . So basically you told him he is your second best…. I am not surprised he is not interested.
How would you feel if someone did that to you ?Melissahx
Honestly I dont know how that would feel.
I mean the reason why I thought it was okay to go back is because I told him the truth of why I can’t be emotionally invested in him at that time. And go back to him when I was sure I wanted to try out with him and have something longterm.
I feel like no one is anyone’s first. Guys who showed interest in me had relationships before me so idk..
or maybe i dont understand you correctly.Ewa
Listen it is what it is . As sad as it sounds .
Like Raven said he’s been on tinder for years so he’s probably not looking for anything serious anyway . Maybe he is already seeing someone else. Maybe he was never really that interested to begin with.Melissahx
Okay, well thanks to you as well for your input. Hopefully someone else will come along someday
@Melissahx, Another will come along, I promise!!
Honey, you seem really needy and not confident at all. Next time you say… I am seeing someone else, but if it does not work out, I would love a rain check. And then if you break up, you just say, I’d love to try that date out. Your whole text about if he is interested or not was really over the top asking him to validate you. I suggest you work on loving yourself before worrying about men.
@Tallspicy, yeah its true i have very low confidence, throughout my whole life. Im 21 now, it seems like it doesnt get any better even though I do have hobbies and always try keep busy and stuff. That text I sent him after he told me ‘buy me a drink and i’ll think about it’ might have been over the top.. i reacted that way towards him because I felt like he was trying to punish me or embarrass me.. I then instantly felt bad about myself and felt guilty and wanted to leave him alone forever.
Hey pls dont beat urslf up. When he askd you, you were into another guy. Now when that dint work out, you want to go back to the same old guy u said no to. This time he said no. But he was nice abt it and frnd zoned you. This chapter is over. Just put him behind you and move on..
it happens. Even i wldnt like to date a guy who said no to me bec he was into anthr girl. And came back to me once that dint work out! Who wants to feel that they are 2nd best??
Another thing. For future. Pls know that till you meet a guy in person, its unreal. The first guy was just someone you met online and not in person! That was just a virtual thing. Dont get too invested in smone you hv never met!
@Tammy, yes I have learned my lesson now. Wont be rejecting a guy in real life anymore for a virtual guy im in love with😔
Please read up on anxious attachment. I think it will help you! Hugs!
@Melissahx, I’d like to hear more about the virtual guy who you were in love with…
He was from a different country far away. We knew eachother through a mutual interest (making music). We started talking everyday. I noticed he was eager to talk to me everyday. When conversation would die off because I had to sleep, the next day I see a text from him popup ‘Hey, how are you? :)’. At first I didn’t like him romantically and was little scared that he seemed so interested to talk but it grew the more I talked to him and I got attached. He said I looked beautiful and I’m a nice girl , he said feels calm when he talks to me. Every evening we talked for hours, sending voice memos. We talked for about 2 months almost everyday. Sometimes for a day we wouldnt talk, I would go online and he saw it and he would instantly text me, and we would talk about random stuff. I started imagining my life with him and he even sent a video of him partying with friends. Or during work he would text me as well,. I was hoping it would progress someday. I thought he liked me romantically.
Then one day on social media I saw a new video of him holding hands with a girl.. they were in a park having fun.. driving together in the car. And that continued multiple days.
That day he started being less interested in me and finding ways to end conversation, and he never spoke to me again. It broke my heart. But I dont think about him anymore, I felt led on.
Now I think about the guy at school, even though I shouldnt anymore because he friendzoned me and im too afraid to initiate contact with him anyways. On the other hand he did say ‘he cant date at the moment’ so thats the reason why I was waiting for so long and hoped. Or maybe it was just to let me down gently..
I just never seem to win in my love life..
I had an online relationship before all this for 3 years. This was my first ever relationship, I never dated anyone in real life.
He ghosted me 6 times in a row and got with a single mother behind my back. I could never meet him even though he was so eager and saying stuff like he wanted to marry me and meet me. When the opportunity arose to meet he blocked me. Then unblock and find ways to contact again. I blocked him last time, its over forever, i couldnt deal with it anymore.Raven
Hi @Melissahx, I understand being & feeling lonely…
But these virtual, long distance guys are not real. They’re not worth your time. You don’t know them… You can’t know someone unless you meet them & spend time with them in person.
Your low confidence & feelings of guilt tells me that you could benefit from finding a good trained someone to talk with on a regular basis…
I’m afraid that you could fall victim to someone who isn’t so nice. Please find help & keep us updated on how you’re doing. We really do care…
@Raven, thanks a lot for caring and understanding. I have thought of therapy but I was never sure if I truly needed it and if my internal problems were that big of a deal. I always tried to brush them off. But yeah when economic recession is decreasing I will try to find a good therapist. Because no matter how hard I try, I can’t raise my own self confidence for some reason.
When I have success with it I will post here again in this thread. Thanks everyone a lot for the advice