Does he like me?

  • This topic has 2 replies and was last updated 9 months ago by Maddie.
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  • #944113 Reply

    Hello world,

    There’s this guy that I liked but I’m not sure if he likes me and I wonder why he hasn’t made a move.

    I was living abroad for 2 years and came back to my home country rekindling my friendships. I kept going out and hanging with my friends. There is this one friend of mine that I find cute so I asked him if he would like to go walking with me. We went walking a couple of times in March, I started hanging out with my friends in January. I got a job in April which is near his office so I would walk to see him. We would hangout more in his office and he talked to me about watching a movie. We were doing 1on1 activities and group activities together. In May, we both went on vacation so we hardly saw each other but we messaged each other that we miss one another. We have also been texting each other everyday or almost everyday for 2 months. When I came back I invited him over to my place and we were watching a movie. I’ve started to really get feelings for him but I think he only sees me as a friend since he hasn’t made a move at all and we’ve been alone many times. I have caught him looking at my lips but still no kiss. I’m not sure how I’m suppose to move forward if I have feelings for him and I’m not sure if he has the same feelings for me.

    #944116 Reply

    He most likely does not have the same feelings or does not want to act on his feelings of he does. Your options are to: tell him, up the touch and flirting, do nothing. But any of those, start dating others. I suggest you emotionally pull back, up the touch and flirting, and date others.

    #944118 Reply

    In my experience, when I had false starts like this, the guy wasn’t really looking for a relationship period. He enjoyed the flirting and maybe even kind of liked me, but even if we got together eventually (whether hooking up or trying to actually date), it always seemed complicated and never worked out. Often, if it took forever to ask me out, it turned out that the guy had his own issues and wasn’t ready to show up as a good boyfriend in general. I always hoped it meant he was taking it slow and maturely getting to know me better first, but when that’s the case, there’s still no confusion about intention. Feeling confusion is a big red flag, especially around communication.

    I think you should just tell him you like him instead of flirting more, and find out where you stand. Then, if he’s been having fun flirting but wants to stay just friends, you’ll know to move on. If that scares you to do, it may be because you know in your gut he doesn’t want more but you’re trying to ignore it because it’s not what you’re hoping for and you want to hold on to the fantasy crush aspects.

    No matter what you choose to do, Tallspicy is right that you should date others and not put all your eggs in this basket right now.

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