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- This topic has 5 replies and was last updated 4 years, 8 months ago by
am married .. at my work place i met a guy.. younger to me.. there is nothing goin on b/w us .. but we started off with a very friendly / flirty banter,.. and eventually got into texting .. hes been texting me everyday for the past 8 months now.. never goes off board .. always respectful cause am married.. but yes a flirty banter is there .. there are days when he just asks how the day went and then that’s about it.. some days conversation is good.. other days .. its very basic ..
he is the one who initiates the texting everyday .. and most days ends the convo also.. there are days when we do get into an argument.. and even then he texts back the next day.. am not sure whats happ b/w us.. there is def a emotional connection and attachment..
we both are slightly egoistical too.. sometimes we dont really give out much ..
am confused as to whats happ.. am not trying to label this .. but what exactly does he have in his mind.. does he like me ?cupcake
What’s your end goal here! An affair? Probably better prospects than a younger guy at work. People have had their marriage and careers ruined over follies like this.
Also cheating su..ks. Maybe work on your marriage (or separate) and stop running after youngins at work like a desperate cougar.
You’re having an emotional affair which is cheating in your marriage. Play this whole thing out now- you continue the texting, he “innocently” asks you for drinks and then you accidentally kiss him or sleep with him. How’s this going to work? You work with him so you have to see him- and oh yes- you’re married too. Your husband may not like that you are sleeping with another guy.
What would your husband think of you texting him or better yet- what would you think if your husband was texting some young single girl at work for 8 months in the way you are texting this guy. This is the choice you make now as you are married. Is it worth it to threaten the marriage by doing what you’re doing? That’s what you need to figure out.
Liz Lemon
You say there’s “nothing going on” but then admit that there is “flirty banter” between the two of you. So you’re in denial. How would you feel if your husband were texting flirty banter with a younger woman at work every day?
You shouldn’t be worried about whether this younger guy likes you. Because you shouldn’t be flirting with him! A married woman messing around with a younger guy at work is a recipe for disaster, surely you can see that. Focus on your marriage- decide if do you want to fix it (because clearly there are problems if you’re having an emotional affair with a guy at work), or end it.
Agree with the other posters. I just walked down the same road as you – except I actually acted on it emotionally and physically. I’ll spare you the gory details but trust me when I say that it gets very messy. It’s enough to have an affair not then when you add in an immature young guy and work, it gets next level messy. You’re trying to fill voids in your marriage with this guy. Try doing so with your husband or just move on from the marriage. Your mental state and career will thank you in the long run.
I think your question, “does he like me” is beside the point here. You are playing with fire. You are married and you know what’s going on here with this young co-worker texting you everyday. You are putting your marriage and job in jeopardy. That’s a very high price to pay for the short-lived satisfaction of getting a little male attention.