does he think I have him on a pedestal?

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  • #829360 Reply

    Dating this guy for a few months. Didn’t hear from him for a week, then he calls me out of the blue, saying “hey im outside, open the door. I was like yeah right. He was like i swear. I was like “sure, knock on the door then”. Then he said he was joking.

    Then he says this which kind of bothered me “I know you just got super excited cause you really thought i was there. Your heart probably beating so fast and fluttering, you’re probably sweating”.

    I was like “umm no, I knew you’re joking, I didn’t leave my bed” He responded with, “yeah okay”. I just kept talking as normal but after we hung up, I was like who the F does he think he is, does he think I have him on a pedestal or that I’m like obsessed with him or something that he would think i’m “sweating and my heart is fluttering” over him. Since we started dating, I’ve never been the first to contact.

    Its been 8 days since that phone call and I haven’t heard from him but he has been active on Social Media. I’m not sure if I’m overreacting or should I have played along and acted like i was excited and maybe that is why he has not called/texted?

    #829371 Reply

    Raise the bar and stop dating teenage boys.

    Seriously, he’s immature and not worth the head space. Drop him from your life and meet a mature man who tells you, you make his heart flutter :o)

    #829376 Reply

    @Lane sad part is he’s 34 years old.

    #829390 Reply

    Block him & be done with Opie…

    #829468 Reply
    Liz Lemon

    I agree with the others that this guy is immature and not worth your time. I’ll also add that any guy you’re dating “for a few months” who goes a week without contacting you, is also not worth your time. He’s not into you. Forget him and move on.

    #829488 Reply

    Hi Aubrey it seems to me this guy is extremely cocky and has a major ego (insecure) that probably doesn’t fit through the door. I get very turned off very quickly with childish behavior and this definitely falls into that category. I agree that not hearing from him for a week is a major red flag, this guy is not invested in anything serious with you. That should be the 1st indication to let him loose back into the wild he came from. In regards to his comments he is pushing your buttons and stroking his ego. You response was right on even tho I would have said “yes I was so excited I fell off the floor and now have a concussion…who the f&%$ are you again?”
    I had a similar situation with a guy I was very clear with that all I wanted was to be friends with and he agreed… I noticed his comments were becoming annoying and were based on his insecurity. His comments were “you were mesmerized with me you couldn’t focus” and “I know you like it when I text you so early because you know someone is thinking about you”. I told him if he wanted to get blocked to keep texting me at that time, he was texting me at 5AM!

    #829498 Reply

    Thank you @Elvira! lol men are trash, I hope you blocked him!

    #829778 Reply

    The minute you find a good one, you’ll wonder why the heck you put up with all the rest.

    Good riddens to the one you just posted about, there are much better guys out there. ;)

    #829669 Reply

    What kind of knucklehead clown is this??? Who does that nonsense at 34? He has the mind of a 15 year old boy! GIRLFRIEND! Block him. Do not allow him and his stupidity into your life ever again. What a waste of oxygen on the planet. SMH.

    The thing you need to understand is that he has very low self esteem which is why he hides behind games. Men who are confident and self-assured have no need to play silly childish games because they are too busy being their authentic selves with courage. This guy is a loser. Block him.

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