dont know if my ex has gigs or its a rebound or something serious

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  • This topic has 3 replies and was last updated 4 years ago by Raven.
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  • #842428 Reply

    My ex and i dated for nearly 6 years, we had an extremely serious relationship where we were building towards marriage. He’s been introduced to my family and vice versa, hes gotten close to my dad and everything. We’ve travelled the world together, and we were even living together for about 2 and a half years. Just the last 2 years of our relationship became a bit toxic because he started going down a dark path to do with wrong influence of friends, drugs and alcohol but i stayed by his side throughout even when he was not easy to love.

    My ex and I broke up in may 2020, actually he broke up with me out of the blue. Met him 3 days before the break up to help him finish up his university assignments and a day before the break up he was transferring me money to buy him a few things from the store as he was busy with his family that day. The next day, he just says he’s done with me. Then for about a monthish, I tried my best to talk and see where things were going wrong and he was talking to me until he asked for space. In around June, he calls me saying the reason he’s not going to give me a chance is cause he’s seeing someone else. I find out that he was actually getting close to this person since before we broke up, roughly around maybe 2 or 3 months.

    From June till August, my ex and this person weren’t dating. This person repeatedly told me and our mutual friends and her own ex that she doesnt even want my ex, doesnt love my ex and she was also talking to other guys in front of my ex as well as video calling her own ex. I’ve seen messages that she has sent to her own ex while sleeping around with my ex where she’s confessed her feelings for her ex, that she will date only her ex and no one else. I tried everything to get my ex back during this time, including talking to this girls ex. Around august, the girl made a choice to go back to her ex but still talk to my ex as a friend. At this point, my ex came back to me and he was exhibiting signs of wanting me by flirting with me in front of our mutual friends at a friends engagement party. This carried on for about 2 weeks, and then i dont know what happened, I thought this girl was carrying on with her ex and she made it clear that she didnt want my ex but she created some kind of drama where she started posting chats on instagram stories to get a reaction from my ex.

    A bit of a background of this girl, her ex doesn’t live in the same country as in, he lives in another country and she made excuses to her ex that the reason she’s going around with my ex is cause she doesn’t have anyone and she sees him as a friend, someone she can count on but still again making it clear that she doesnt even want him and still talks to her ex in front of him.

    At this point, when my ex decided to go back to her I decided to move on and I didnt contact my ex for a while until October when there was an emergency and only my ex had the contact number for that emergency. About mid october, my ex came back begging for a chance and I was hesitant to give him a chance until a few of his friends called me up saying that my ex has been miserable and has been crying like crazy. At this point, this girl was still in the picture but again she was still talking to other guys and still talking to her ex. My ex told her that he’s done with her and she tried to manipulate my ex into staying with her by threatening to kill herself and so on. 2 days after my ex cut ties with her, blocked her off everything she was spotted around town with other guys and was telling people how she was fine and over it, including telling me. At one point my ex thought I was keeping him as an option because I was still unsure about him and whether he would change certain things or not, he contacted this girl and this girl should have told me about him contacting her but didnt. She only texted me when they kissed to tell me that they kissed. Even after that incident happened, I still gave my ex a chance and made him swear to cut off all contact with this girl for good including telling her straight up that its done and he did. Also, the girl gave me her word that she would never come in between me and my ex ever again.

    So for about a monthish, my ex exhibited perfect behavior. He was telling all our friends and including his friends that im the girl he wants a forever with, he told me he realized it was me all along who has been there for him throughout because during the few months that he was going around with this girl, she had crashed his car and everything. And that even after crashing his car, she didn’t really take care of him or be helpful or apologize to his parents (cause the car is actually his parents, we live in a society where we still live with parents). At this point, he was saying that its forever, and was even going to the extent of hunting for promise rings for me. He also mentioned about how he really missed me when he was with this girl, spoke about how he didnt get to do certain things with her that he did with me, such as go eat amazing dinners together and watch movies because the girl is a completely picky eater and all they pretty much did was have sex, drink and take drugs.

    At this point, i thought i would be civil with this girl cause I was sure that we would bump into one another since its a small society. I remember my ex telling me that he went to a tattoo shop not too far from where we live, and that it isn’t expensive. At this point i was wanting a new tattoo, and of course I wasnt going to let my ex text the girl so i decided to text her nicely to ask her the name of the tattoo shop. At this point, she uses some random number to call my ex up and texts me a long paragraph about how not to go to places that shes been with my ex, to have respect for what she and my ex shared together for few months including not going to certain restaurants and stuff. At this point, i was really upset because she had no right to tell me those things when she didnt respect that my ex and I were in a relationship for nearly 6 years and nor did she respect me few months prior when she was trying to show PDA at a party in front of all our mutual friends with my ex. Also, this isn’t the first time she was using numbers to call my ex even though he made it clear that he wanted me. She would bump into his friends, and she’d call him to tell him and then she’d text me to apologize that she called my ex. If she really respected me, she wouldnt have done any of that from the start.

    Im not sure what she said to my ex, but my ex got really upset with me and apologized to her that I messaged her crazy and rude things which i didnt do. After this incident, my ex started acting strange for the weeks to come, and one day we got into an argument and he unblocked her. Then all of a sudden from talking to me about forever, he started pulling back and saying things like he’s having second thoughts. At this point, my friends spoke to him saying that he’s the one who wanted me back and that when 2 people work to get back together, change doesnt happen in just one month and that it takes time. So my ex told my friends he would continue to try and at this point we were planning for my birthday.

    We go to a friends sisters wedding together but before going to the wedding I made it clear to my ex that if he sees this girl not to even speak to her or say hi cause I lost all respect for her after the messages she sent. At the party, my ex was displaying affection and actually showing real effort to care for me and everything. This girl shows up at the party, and my ex went and said hi to her. I was a bit intoxicated at the time and was caught off guard to see my ex and this girl talking, and I swore at her and basically said mean things and told her to back off. Im not sure what happened to my ex but its like a flip switched and the whole night, he was ignoring me and going to her. I thought my ex left the party the same time as me but a couple of friends told me he stayed at the party till late. The next morning, I went to his house to give him his shirt for my upcoming birthday party due to happen in 3 days, his maid told me that my ex never came home the night before. I waited for my ex to wake up and reply to my texts and calls, and in the evening I called my ex up only to find out that hes at dinner with this girl. Here’s the funny part, at the party this girl told people that she doesnt even want my ex again and that she doesnt love him and that she did give me her word.

    So i tried to talk to my ex but he basically was so upset with my actions at the party and said that with me theres always drama and that i disrespected him. Fast forward 3 days later to my birthday, we were supposed to attend a festival together but well me and my ex were done at this point. He showed up to the festival with this girl, saw me and didnt even come say happy birthday.

    After that, these are the incidents that followed:
    1) blocking me on whatsapp and instagram
    2) going to our club together with her on christmas (a club where my ex and i celebrated special moments together). Confronted the girl about this, and i didnt know they were together when I confronted and I got rude replies
    3) on new years day, I get calls and texts from random numbers and this girl sending harassing snapchats to my friends that she’s in a relationship with my ex on facebook simply because they wanted to attend a house party on new years and the hosts who happen to be my friends didnt let them enter (because they didnt know this girl and my ex) but for some apparent reason the girl blames me and tried to harass me
    4) My ex randomly deletes me off facebook (he’s never done this) and untags himself from photos uploaded by others of us. I try to confront him about it, and to no surprise I get abusive messages as a reply from the girl including abusive phone calls where she tells me to back off and that she backed off when my ex and I were fixing things (Not true by the way, she never backed off. She played mind games)
    5) A lot of people dont like this girl, friends of my ex have tried to talk to him that hes making a big mistake because of how much ive done for my ex throughout the years and how hes never going to find a girl who truly loves him the way i do. Also, mutual friends dont want to hangout with him and this girl after seeing through the girls bull***. She goes on acting PDA and saying that she loves my ex more than I do when a month ago, she was still texting her ex whom she has loved for 8 years.
    6) The random phone calls wouldnt stop, and at this point its begun to affect my mental health so I spoke to my exs parents about this and also about the fact that he’s throwing his life away for this girl. Since going back to this girl, my ex drinks with her everyday and barely goes home at times and it worries me because he has so much potential.
    7) After talking to his parents, they spoke to him and he must have said something to this girl because she started posting stories on her instagram that I was lying about her harassing me and lying about things I told his parents. But here’s the funny part, when I spoke to his parents, they agree with me that this girl has been playing him and they also brought up the car accident and spoke about how she didnt really care to be there for my ex and they acknowledged that ive always been there for my ex

    So, all these red flags have already been exhibited from this girl. She got with my ex even though she was still talking to her ex who happened to be friends with my ex by the way, she played my ex for months and kept coming in the way when my ex and i were fixing things. But now, over one mistake I made my ex is acting like he can make things work with this girl forever. Shes acting like I lost my ex for good. But they aren’t even dating, they pretty much spend everyday drinking, not going on dates and having sex.

    I dont know what to do. I really love my ex. We had potential to work, but I feel that he’s so manipulated by this girl. He says he doesnt want to hurt her but im sure she must be manipulating him with threats that she would hurt herself and stuff. Also, i found out that she pretty much only went back to my ex and did all this is because her ex is done with her and she broke her promise to me all because i swore at her at the party and not because she actually loves my ex (she pretends to).

    I dont know what to do, to make my ex see the light. Because his family, our friends, everyone has tried to talk to him and all he does is defend this girl and says that he’s happy and that shes so nice and caring and overlooks her flaws (by the way he spoke a lot of negative things about her when he came back, and told everyone things about her)

    Please help me with some advice whether my ex is experiencing gigs or if its a rebound or what because he just jumped straight into it even though all the red flags are there.

    #842445 Reply
    T from NY

    I do not wish to be unkind – but this is SO MUCH DRAMA and toxicity. Real love is patient, kind, respectful, nurturing. And you can’t “make” anyone see a light or do ANY thing. This entire posts referenced your ex dozens of times – but none or this is about him. It’s about YOU. Needing to find the self-love to not put up with such behavior. No need to re-write history now – you tried, you gave second chances – and you blew it! he blew it! Y’all are not good for each other and you’re now just in a pissing match with another girl. No, no. This is not love but obsession and preoccupation of the brain.

    Step back. Breathe. Focus on you. Therapy and reading and REFUSING to participate in drama is where you start the journey to finding real love. First in yourself, then as a journey with someone else. Good luck

    #842456 Reply

    This whole situation is a giant hot mess.

    Your ex seems very unstable, and you should love yourself enough to not get tripped up in all this drama. I don’t care if he’s the most amazing guy ever, he’s not stable and cannot give you what you deserve. And nobody knows what he’s thinking, but after 6 years of being with you, any relationship he has right now is going to be a rebound.

    Take care of YOU. Practice some self love right now, and figure out your issues. Like why you’re letting yourself get wrapped up in this insanity, why you want a man who doesn’t respect you, and why you feel the need to even talk to that other girl. Walk away and rebuild yourself!

    #842473 Reply

    I read about half of this & wondered why you would want to be involved in so much drama?!

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