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- This topic has 27 replies and was last updated 4 years, 9 months ago by
HI everyone. Hope you are all holding up well during this.
I was dumped by my FWB and am taking it way harder than i thought I would. He was my ex boyfriend. We dated non-exclusively from August to December this year and then made things official. However, upon making it official, something immediately just didn’t sit right with me. I made the decision to end the relationship less than a week later which he took very well. The sex was always phenomenal so we discussed maintaining a FWB with the agreement that one of us would be honest about meeting someone else whenever that did happen.
Fast forward to last night. I notice he’s been acting weird the last two days. He texts me to call me. I know what’s coming. We never talk on the phone. And he tells me this past weekend he met someone and wants to pursue things with her. I’m devastated. Clearly I still had feelings for him even though we would have NEVER worked as a couple. We had very intense physical chemistry however and I suspected he also may have still had feelings for me.
I’m not looking to be judged here. I accepted the responsibility of this happening when I agreed to it and I could have ended it myself. And yes, we continued to have sex up until recently on a near weekly basis. Just looking for some kind words or advice. Thanks.
No harsh words or judgment from me! I find most of the time it is hard to determine how we will react to an event until it actually happens. It’s easy to say you don’t care and it’s just about sex until it’s over and you realize there was more there. You think with your head, okay I know we aren’t good as a couple but the sex is great and we enjoy each other so why not continue the physical part until one of us starts dating someone else? Sounds like a great plan right? Problem is your heart isn’t nearly as logical, and the sex creates a physical bond and then all the sudden when he does end if for someone else you feel all the rejection and heartbreak even knowing it wouldn’t have worked. Your ego is bruised and you want to know why her and not me? Plus now you are stuck in this pandemic without your friend.
The good news is now you have gotten rid of something which was holding you back from pursuing a real connection and long term relationship with someone else. I think you should appreciate the time you had together, really appreciate the fact he was honest and wasn’t continuing with you and seeing her at the same time and realize you are moving on to bigger and better things.
There is really no advice here. You did what felt right for you understanding the fwb would be temporary. I also think he is a good guy in being honest with you. You need to keep reminding yourself you would not have worked as a couple. Thats the key. And then decide if you can stay a friend or not. You will be fine
I’m also going through a range of emotions right now. Including anger. It’s even harder when it wasn’t a real relationship. I feel like I don’t have the right to be upset, but he was also someone I spoke to every day for 8 months. I’m so heart broken.
I can imagine how hard this would be. You both were connected and physically is the most intimate connection and now suddenly it’s gone. I’m sorry and this is probably so much harder since the pandemic. Hopefully you can get to a point of taking care of yourself and finding who you are without him. He will also not have you and the security of someone who knows him so well.
Anger is worse today. I appreciate his honesty but I feel like after seeing someone for 8 months I deserved an in person conversation.
I understand the missing but not the anger. You drew up the contract for this: no relationship but fwb until someone moves on. Someone moved on, but my best guess is that you never expected it to be him. He was honest, i dont see how a person to person convo would have been better.
You make good logical points. I guess I’m just hurt and upset that he didn’t think someone he saw for almost a year didn’t deserve an in person conversation after being dumped for someone he’s known for two days.
this Is not a case of being dumped over someone else. He wants to pursue something (doesnt mean it will work out) and that means he doesnt want lose ends to make things complicated. Thats smart. Your ego is hurt i think. You will get over it. Like kaye said this will give you the chance to move on too
I get the anger- it’s one of the stages of grief which is what you are experiencing right now. Sorry but it is and will be hard- it’s ok to feel this way. You have to work through these emotions.
Thanks anon. I’m having a tough time with it all. Feel like I was thrown out like yesterday’s trash.
You’re chemically bonded to him. That’s what sex does to most women. Right now, it sucks because you’re going through withdrawals. However, it will get better in time. Now you know how foolish it is to get in FWB situations.
I don’t think FWB situations are foolish at all. Sure, sometimes things take a turn for the worse – just like other relationships that are different than “FWB” situations. Thinking that FWBs are foolish is pretty outdated and puritanical thinking.
Don’t be hard on yourself, Steph. It’s fine.
Outdated thinking and puritanical have absolutely nothing to do with it. FWB is foolish for the vast majority of women because they can’t handle it and they get hurt. They get too attached from the chemical bond created. Case in point right there.
Thanks for the advice so far everyone. I guess it also hurts because I thought he had feelings for me. He did send me some mixed signals, whether he intended to or not, even getting me chocolate, a card and a little gift on Valentine’s Day. All this even though we had strictly been FWB for two months at that point. Deep down he and I knew we would never have worked in a relationship again but I feel like he was putting out signals he wanted more again.
The difficult thing about a FWB is that as you know, you can’t be dumped. It’s not a relationship, and you promised just to give each other a heads up if you meet someone. And he did that. You feel hurt, but he did nothing wrong, and I think you knwo that deep inside. This is just the side effect of sleeping with your ex after you broke up. You also shouldn’t have been sending each otehr valentine’s chocolates having broken up – what kind of ‘frindship’ is that? It sounds like you and he fell back into comfortable old ‘relationshippy’ patterns because it was comfy. And that gave you mixed signals. But I suspect that if part of you hadn’t liked him, you wouldn’t feel hurt at whether he still liked you – if that makes sense.
I know it’s hard. You got more involved than you thought you would, and from the sound of it, weren’t entirely aware of your feelings. FWB is especially a bad idea with your exes because there’s a huge history and complicated feelings there. I can see why it must have been really tempting and looked like it was worth trying – no judgement! It’s your choice. Its just we all make a lot of regrettable choices sometimes.
I think FWB usually doesn’t work because people aren’t often honest about what they want. It works if people *just* want sex with someone they like platonically, with no expectations beyond that. But epopel usually either bring the expectations from the start, or develop them. And people often get hurt. So I tend to advise against them unless you’ve had enough casual sex to really know when you’re only in it for the sex and fun. I’ve certainly never seen ti work amongst my friends. I know it must hurt a lot because you had a bond. And even though logically you know thaat things wouldn’t work, part of you stll hopes that you’re special to the guy, and not easily replaceable. It always hurts to let go, but it’ll get better.
He did the right thing – you both knew you could never be a good couple, and when he met a woman he actually knew he could be with, it made no sense to keep his ex around for sex. You wouldn’t want your new boyfriend leading on his ex with ‘friendly’ sex on the side, either. It’s just tough to break up, and by having sex and treating each other like partners, you guys effectively delayed the breakup til now. The hurt wull pass.
Hey Mell
Thank you for your advice. I totally agree with what you said. Just to clarify though, I didn’t get him anything at all for Valentine’s Day. He was the one who got me a card, flowers, and chocolate. The mixed signals just made everything worse.Jade
Hi Steph,
I usually come on here if I’m needing advice but saw your post and I’m in.. kind of? in same situation at the minute. I’m sleeping with my ex, but It hasn’t got to the stage yet where he moves on. We didn’t plan on sleeping together, the sexual tension was just… intense… when we first met up. We talked about it and said the same thing as you. If we want to pursue something with someone else we’ll tell each other (which I’m pretty sure he’ll be the one to move on first).
I can understand, somewhat, of how your feeling and I, for sure, sympathize with you. I have the same worries of the feelings that you’re feeling now because it’s inevitable that at some stage, one of us is going to move on.
I don’t know, and I’m not stating that this is why, but it could be a reason you’re feeling angry because it would be why I would feel that way. You could be feeling angry because you knew in the back of your mind, this could happen so you’re annoyed with yourself for letting it happen when you could have stopped it. But try not to be so harsh on yourself, you did what you wanted to do in the moment. Its difficult now, but in time, you will get over him and exactly what Kaye said, this will give you a chance to move on.
I hope I helped in some way, I’m scared to give advice in case I make things worse for the person.
Ah, yeah, I see that now. Sorry my reply wasn’t clear on that. I know, it hurts when people send mixed signals, especially when we’re in a vulnerable place and we really want to believe them.
Try not to be hard on yourself, whatever your feelings are. People can technically do nothing wrong and still hurt each other – without either side doing wrong. He’s allowed to move on, and you’re allowed to miss what you had or wish there was something more ot just feel hurt because you have feelings for him. Feelings are tricky like that – they take time to fade, even if, like you, people know it’s not working. And the hurt we feel isn’t always proprotional to what’s going on.
Ihope you both feel better soon.
Thank you Mell. I appreciate that. As another poster mentioned, I think it’s so tough because I basically prolonged the actual breakup until now. Sure I ended thing months ago but we still acted like we were together. And now that it’s actually gone, I’m going through what I likely would have months ago had we truly ended things like we should have. Lesson learned. I’m at a bit of a plateau right now. Still cry some days but I know someday I’ll be fully moved on.
I went through a breakup myself about 6 weeks ago. It was a 7 month relationship and he basically just disappeared. It’s rough, and I think no matter how the break up goes, when you’re not prepared for it you think the other person owed you more. I felt like he had tossed me aside like some piece of garbage, after always telling me he loved me and a saw a future with me.
I know the feeling when you’re used to speaking to someone everyday and then just like that you never hear from them again. Also for me it was particularly tough because his place kinda became like my second home, I would stay there 2-3 nights a week for the past 7 months. It’s a big adjustment when you go through a breakup and not just because you miss the person, you miss the memories and the way of life you had while you were with them. However despite us being in the midst of a pandemic it will get better with time as long as you keep your distance from this person.
@ steph, you’re right. But it’s OK, we live and learn. All that matters is getting yourself through this, and then focusing on what you want from life from then on.
Now you know that you can’t handle a FWB, so next time don’t do it. When a guy says they want a friends with benefit believe them. Carry a motto no ring no exclusivity. The reason you’re devastated is you are so focused on him. Start putting yourself online and chatting to other guys. Make sure you are dating a few, so you can find the right guy for you. For a guy its just sex but for a woman, we fall faster and harder than a man. Please do not place yourself into such a vulnerable situation. Learn from this, clearly you are not suited to a fwb situation. My friend dated three guys and one was a surfer dude and great fun. But in the end she chose her current husband because she knew he was husband material. You need to be just as wise. Who you choose will determine the length of your relationship. You need to find a guy who is ready to settle down and ask yourself if you are strong personality the other person needs to be soft. And share some interests and make sure he has the same values. Find your sexy best friend!
Agreed. Definitely learned a lot from the situation. It’s been a month now. Still very sad but it’s getting better. It still upsets me that he literally had sex with me and was talking to me about how a FWB works better than trying to date someone right now because of the epidemic….Saying all this the day after he met her and then dumping me three days later to date her.
This has a lot to do with how guys rate a relationship. I remember a few years ago i was dating a guy who had a kid so i was cautious. I said to a guy i knew i was being cautious and all he answered was: ok so no strings attached.