Ex came to my rescue

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  • #932760 Reply

    I recently went on a solo trekking trip. I am not much of a trekker and this trek turned out to be quite a difficult one. I had not ben able to assess that, and also wanted to test my limits. And I literally started fearing for my life. And didn’t know what to do. The weather also became really bad, extremely windy and raining at an altitude of 2850m. In a such a bad situation I couldn’t think of anyone else other than my ex, and ended up asking him to come over and rescue me. He came over instantly. The pace is 12 hours journey by bus, the area wasn’t connected by flight. He came over for me. We had broken up because he cheated on me and he had ben trying to get me back but since I did find out that he was still on dating apps, trying to get dates I didn’t take his efforts ti get me back seriously. But does his coming over mean anything? Does it mean he still cares or he did it just to get in my good books and have me back?

    #932764 Reply

    Is he still on the dating apps trying to get dates?

    #932767 Reply

    I don’t know. But I wouldn’t rule out the possibility. Someone who was playing the field when in a long term committed relationship then there’s no reason to believe that he isn’t doing it now. But why would he take so much effort to come here for me..

    #932769 Reply

    Someone can care about you deeply, especially in a situation which could have been life and death, but never be a good romantic partner. Would you be happy with someone who is there for you in a crisis but can’t stay loyal to you? This reflects who he is, not on you. You can find someone else who is there for you in both good times and bad AND doesn’t cheat. It is up to you to think about what you want and what’s most important to you.

    #932778 Reply

    Did you convey that it was a very bad situation and you feared for your life? It would take a pretty cold-hearted person not to show up in a life or death situation if someone called them for help.

    My opinion – I think given how serious the circumstance was, it’s almost impossible to say if his coming to rescue you meant anything past he didn’t want you to die.

    #932780 Reply

    Maddie- sadly, you are absolutely right I feel. I want a partner that’s consistently there for me and is loyal too. During the relationship when ge had been cheating and j no clue, I had felt abandoned almost on a daily basis. I don’t think what he has for me is love… But it hurts like physical pain to accept it…I just want to write it off as his bad phase….but if he was to ever have this bad phase again I don’t think I would be able to take it so I think it’s better that we remain broken up. Thanks.

    Angie baby- yes, I did mention that I am scared that I might die. Although just his saying that he is coming to get me and has booked his tickets gave me strength to manage it on my own, but he did come over…But you are right, no matter how unfaithful a person is they wouldn’t want you dead..thanks

    #932858 Reply
    Eric Charles

    This guy came 12 hours to rescue you.

    You’re trying to interpret the meaning of that and where you stand…

    In fact, you’re doing that with the dating apps too: “He’s on dating apps so I don’t think he’s serious.”

    Thing is, people look at signs when they don’t really know what builds an emotional connection and strong relationship.

    Relationships are about growth, support and partnership.

    If he’s not getting that, then it’s just about sex, novelty and having a warm audience. Which is replaceable.

    Now that’s not to say the growth, support and partnership is all on you to make happen, but if he isn’t getting that or can’t get that from your relationship, then you’re going to see this kind of behavior (dating apps, cheating, etc.)

    Again, it’s not all on you. But it IS on your dynamic together. Not all dynamics will work out, it takes both people.

    What we can do is know if we’re even in the right approach or mindset towards what creates a deep loving connection and partnership.

    What creates it?

    Well first you have to deeply understand him: what winning looks like for him (as well as what defeat looks like), what’s meaningful to him, what drives him, what frustrates him, etc.

    Do you know him deeply like that? Better than he would ever express in words out loud to you?

    When you speak, can you talk to him on that level? Not just on your side, does he come to you and speak to you on that level? Or at least, is he open to it if you approach him with your warm and loving heart?

    Are you part of his life’s journey or are you outside of that (like he has his life and then visits you outside of it)?

    If you’re not in THIS conversation, then all this other “does he care about me?” sign-reading is irrelevant.

    Stuff happened.

    If he cared about you, can you completely forgive him for cheating? Will you? Would you be open to forgiving and growing together from there?

    If the answer is no, all of this is irrelevant.

    Don’t waste your time asking the wrong questions.

    Either ask the real questions as to whether there’s real relationship potential here or forget it.

    This “does he care” stuff based on signs is such a pervasive trap in today’s culture… it sucks, it’s totally the wrong mindset, it keeps women focused on looking at the product of things that already happened versus focusing on what actually CREATES what you want and progress.

    Think about that, it will get you on a useful track to success.

    Hope it helps.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by Eric Charles.
    #932898 Reply

    Thanks for your reply Eric. I thought I knew him deeply, but once the cheating happened I realised that I didn’t. During the relationship I would keep trying to find out what his issues were, why he wasn’t as communicative and loving as before, I wasn’t clingy about it tho. He however, would comfort me saying that this is how he is in a serious long term relationship, he gets comfortable but loves me nevertheless. So I shook away all the bad feelings only to discover later that he was cheating on me. So I would say he doesn’t talk to me or anybody about his fears, frustration etc all the time or completely. He has communication issues he says but would love to talk and be with me and take the relationship forward. Tbh I just see him now as a classic guy who pretends to care about every woman but really no one means anything more than a piece of meat to him so I don’t think I can forget about the cheating. It came as a total shock. He really wanted me to believe he was into me, while he went around cheating as he was bored. He totally wants to marry me and be with me forever, but I think he wants to be able to cheat too.

    #932910 Reply
    Eric Charles

    I have the feeling you’re right.

    That’s not to say he doesn’t have feelings for you. Clearly he cares enough to rescue you, but that doesn’t negate the cheating and breach of trust.

    If your gut is telling you that he would keep cheating if you got back together with him, then I suspect you’re right.

    After all, cheating wasn’t a problem for him, only for you.
    And he was willing to lose everything in exchange for what he got from cheating, meaning he valued it more highly than his relationship with you.

    That’s not a foundation you can ignore.

    He values something he gets from cheating. And there’s no evidence that his values have changed.

    Even if you got back together, no matter how much goodness is there those values will still eventually manifest.

    So yeah, it sounds like you have a good clear perspective on this now.

    #932964 Reply

    It takes a lot for someone to commit to stop cheating – to really do the work to make that happen and how the other person they will do whatever it takes to repair the damage they caused.

    The reasons people cheat:

    1. To force the end of the relationship
    2. To find connection they don’t feel they’re getting
    3. Mental illness – narcissism, sociopath, borderline personality, anxiety/depression
    4. Revenge
    5. Substance abuse
    6. Low self esteem
    7. Validation/ego boost
    8. Sex addiction/believes that sex with one person isn’t enough, needs variety
    9. Denying a part of their real identity
    10. Emotionally immature – insufficient relationship and communication skills

    Given what you’ve said about him… I’d get him out of your phone and email contacts and not contact him again, ever, no matter what is happening in your life. This incident seems to have messed with your head. You know he hasn’t changed, yet you’re wondering if his showing up to help you has any meaning. Personally, I couldn’t be friends with someone who treated me like he treated you. It takes a lot for someone to change from being a cheater to being 100% faithful and do what it takes to repair the damage to the relationship their cheating caused. It takes a lot of work and it takes time. From what you said, you know he won’t. For your own good, close the door on this guy.

    #932970 Reply

    Eric- yes I cannot ignore how casually he treated me because of my good qualities like understanding, empathy, giving chances after he showed me his most raw and bad emotions etc. The fact that I was kind, made him fool me more. And tbh that’s exactly how I feel for loving, trusting and believing him: like an idiot, the biggest fool on the planet. I don’t think a person who makes me feel like a loser for loving him could be my forever. God wouldn’t be so unkind to me.

    Angie- you are right. I need to put strong boundaries now and will make sure that I don’t get sucked back in be aise of his tears and lies which ultimately do change into emotional abuse.

    Thanks everyone.

    #932973 Reply

    Eric- however, I do wonder what is the kind of evidence that would suggest that his values have changed. In the sense when a man cheats on you and tries to make you believe that he regrets it and won’t do it again, what are the signs that would mean he isn’t bluffing and actually wants to change? I didn’t feel he was actually sorry because he didn’t give me the full truth. He only accepted responsibility for the things that I had total proof of. Rest he just brushed everything aside. Second, he didn’t go for therapy etc as he was too upset by the breakup but would go eventually. Third, I still found him trying to find other women while telling me he’s dying without me. I mean he is basically doing the same thing that I was hurt by and is trying to suck me back in the same thing. Fourth, when I even tried to give him a chance he began bargaining thoroughly and refused to do most of the things. For instance, I had told him that I am jealous and furious and can’t see a female around you till I overcome these feelings. He said ok he won’t meet any female friends till I am comfortable. Then a female friend of his invited him to his home for a drink and talks and he went without so much as a thought about me. The whole week he was with me and didn’t mention it, but then deliberately left on Saturday so he could meet her. He just told this to me over call. I felt so insecure and bad and asked him why did he agree to this arrangement of he had no intention of actually going through with it? He just told me in a fit of Rage that I am equally conniving a d manipulative and you just keep trying to make me do things to see your importance in my life, you aren’t important at all. I left it at that. And didn’t try to make this work again no matter how much he cried or said sorry afterwards.

    #932978 Reply
    Eric Charles

    Off the top of my head, things that would suggest a deep value change might be that he had a dramatic lifestyle shift, where his life has a new “center”.

    Like maybe he had a near-death experience with a life-threatening illness, became devoutly religious, he became incapicated and could no longer be who he was before, etc.

    A major core value change is quite rare. I wouldn’t bank on it.

    Plus, we don’t even know what the cheating was accomplishing for him, so even if he changed as a person, would that aspect of him have been included in the change.

    He masked all of that, like you said.

    And really, I think you nailed it when you said a man who makes you “feel like a loser for loving him could be my forever”. I agree.

    He came back, he did a heroic act for you.

    You can thank him for that. But the part of him that would travel 12 hours to you isn’t the part that caused the relationship to end… and you aren’t willing to exchange one for another (take the heroic actions in exchange for tolerating the cheating).

    These things pull on our heartstrings, but we don’t need to get caught up in them.

    We can say a gracious thank you and move on.

    #932981 Reply

    Wow that’s so true. I can be thankful that he came to help me. But at the same time I can also accept that he isn’t what I really want in a relationship: loyal and someone who has integrity of character. Thanks.

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