Examining me in Bed?

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  • This topic has 18 replies and was last updated 5 years ago by Honeypie.
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  • #781553 Reply

    Hi – so i need some help. I am dating this guy, who´s really handsome, smart & successful. He´s 17 years older than me, and we´re getting along great, but i´ve started to notice he´s very vain. Looks matters alot to him, and he does find me very sexy and whenever we´re about to have sex, i feel like he´s examining my body/down there aswell, its not super obvious but i can tell he´s looking for something?

    I assume this has to do with him coming to quick, and i don´t really orgasm that fast…it´s really freaking me out …and i start to think we should not try anymore to just have sex ,maybe ewe are not compatible in bed?

    It´s almost like i am the reason? But i think it could be his age? he could be taking viagra or something? I dont know what´s going on.. besides him giving me really off put looks in bed …yet he desires me?

    I even told hi we need to talk about what+s happening in the bedroom but it seems he just concerned about his own pleasurable? and i am that much younger, so maybe i should look somewhere else??

    Maybe his vanity has gotten him where he is in life, no kids, no marriage, just looking for hotlooking girls??? and i just happen to be this?

    Help needed, please.

    Thanks in advance.

    #781554 Reply
    relaxy taxi

    “i feel like he´s examining my body/down there aswell, its not super obvious but i can tell he´s looking for something?”

    Buried treasure maybe?

    #781555 Reply

    Look, trust your instincts. Something about him turns you off. It’s ok, you have a right to make a decision based on your gut.

    You’ll find another guy. If you were to try to discuss it, I guarantee he won’t get or understand what you are say. This type of observations and instincts you have are almost impossible to verbalize so the man can get it.

    I mean, I get it, based on taking you literally for what you describe. But a man can’t be objective about his own self. Know what I mean?

    #781556 Reply

    And, since I’m not busy tonight, and I’m old and seen a lot of very experienced men, I would guess he’s not examining, he’s memorizing. Yuck. This is very explicit, I apologize, memorizing to masturbate later, because that kind of age difference is, to me, perverted.

    Or, obviously, he’s trying to use the visual to perform well.

    #781564 Reply

    How old is this guy? I had similar experience with guy whose late 50s. His hands would kind of search all over my body and if he came across something like a mole, rash, or pimple he would ask “what’s this”. Very weird. He also looked down there as if looking for something. Maybe diseases?

    He also came quicker than a firecracker and was focused entirely on that. He mentioned he watches porn too. Apparently guys who watch it get conditioned to the “quick cum” since they aren’t pleasuring anyone but themselves.

    I ceremoniously dumped him as he ended up being really weird like this. He was a loner who didn’t have much experience with women.

    #781566 Reply

    Thanks for quick replies ladies.

    Yes, i am 30 and this guy is 47. When i met him 3 years ago, he had a gf, so we just progressed by dating, going out for dinners etc. He´s very known person in my profession and that´s how we met.

    So, he has had alot more sexual experience than me, but somehow noone of his relationships worked out. He had 2 girlfriends who cheated on him/also hit him but this was like 3 years ago and 10 years ago. He dosen´t talk much about his relationship baggage.

    Again, he´s very vain, looks matters to him , and he could be a narcissist too? I am not sure yet… but what i´ve noticed is how he really looks me up and down, and its all about me pleasing him, and he comes quick and that´s it.

    Also last time, he said something really freaky, he was struggling to “feel” anything” and got really wined up , i felt how tense he was, and when he busted , he just shouted “i dont like you” when you do this to me? I was like what are you talking about? I feel so much pressure? hmmmm … that was like wow okay??

    “He also looked down there as if looking for something. Maybe diseases? ”
    I feel he is trying to figure out if i am tight enough or something… but wow, i dont know… what he really expects from me. He said he wants kids and marriage etc, but who knows if he is taking viagara? is there anyway i can find out, or do i need to ask him?? His d gets soft inside of me, and its like i am to blame for that….? so he just searches for things on my body, but mainly down there.. .i feel freaked out… and maybe need to tell him, we need to stop seeing each other.

    thanks again.

    #781567 Reply

    Just to add a few more things:
    *He dosent wanna go down on me, just me giving him BJs
    and he pullls out (with condom) before busting inside of me?
    It´s like he´s scared?

    Plus, the whole examining thing (put off looking faces while in bed) … maybe i need to address all this? I don´t think he´s very good in bed at the moment… maybe that changes? I just don´t know?? But he did have lots relationships prior to me?

    #781568 Reply
    relaxy taxi

    Your initial post sounds as though he was just trying to be a good lover and attentive to your needs.

    Your second post saying “I dislike you” immediately following post-coital though is alarming.

    Physical attraction (or taking care of one’s own appearance) matter to a lot of people. That doesn’t necessarily make them a “narcissist”.

    Unless you feel that you’ve exhausted getting to the route cause, it’s probably better that you work through your sexual differences with him though.

    #781571 Reply

    Is this really really someone you want to spend your sexual peak years with …?!

    #781585 Reply

    Thanks for all

    I am very concerned how to even break it off. He doesn’t take rejection easiy plus i can’t have sex with him on his terms. I feel i am not good enough when he’s examining me. If he doesn’t come it’s my fault somehow? But he always does- quick too.

    #781587 Reply

    Wow that’s weird of him to behave like that…

    You’re 30: still young and probably better off without him. If you want a serious relationship, marriage and children, you should look for someone a bit younger. I don’t think it’ll get better.

    #781588 Reply

    He sounds psycho and no offense you sound off too. Why even ask this question to a bunch of strangers? He won’t please you but accepts BJ’s. Enough said. Figure it out for yourself.

    #781590 Reply
    Better off single

    If he is vain, all he gives a s×it about is himself. He telling you what you wanna hear, He wil probably use you until he gets bored or he finds someone else he is attracted to or both.

    #781593 Reply

    How to break it off?

    Next time he calls, tell him ‘no’ & that you won’t be seeing him again & mean it…

    #781623 Reply

    Yes, but maybe it´s just his age difference – guys at that age think differently? He dosent seem as enthusiastic as i am in bed – he failed a few times now, and i just dont think its ok for me to do all the work , and please him …. i guess this its over.

    #781624 Reply

    Oh, no, no. My ex husband is 48 and he is a major fornicator with no problem, he is all about sex every night. We be friends, so he tells me, plus, I know him. No way , I repeat, no way is 47 too old to get major hard and perform. You are just making excuses.

    #781628 Reply

    He must have extreme personal distress over his erectile problem. Either he worries about it constantly, or, he pushes it out of his head, and convinces himself the problem doesn’t exist or, is your fault.

    Either way, he has a personal problem. Its not your problem. This scenario isn’t new.

    He can only get a woman that is willing to give up, yes, live without sexual satisfaction.

    Say you were to get married. Omg, can y imagine the sleepless nights, after he has fallen asleep but didn’t satisfy you? Night after night. You will start to fantasize about cheating.

    Sex is so important. Its everything.

    Don’t be naive and convince yourself that its no big deal. It’s unfortunate that a man you actually like has a sexual problem. But it is what it is. That is the reality of the situation.

    #781629 Reply
    relaxy taxi

    “and i just dont think its ok for me to do all the work”

    It doesn’t sound like you’ve been dating all that long for either to be in a position of “doing all the work”. Maybe you both need to slow down a bit.

    #781673 Reply

    Why are you staying? He seems to be wrecking your self worth

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