Ex/FWB starting to pull away

Home Forums Did He Lose Interest? Ex/FWB starting to pull away

  • This topic has 5 replies and was last updated 5 years ago by Tallspicy.
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  • #785807 Reply

    Long story short, dated my now ex from August till December non-exclusively. We were official for about a week and things just immediately didn’t feel right to me and we both agreed it would be best to break up. However, we both enjoyed the sex very much and did not want to give this up quite yet. We have been sleeping together about once per week. He continues to text me daily since we broke up in December. i don’t want him back, nor would I ever want him back given we are very incompatible, but I do notice his texts within the last week or so seem to be shorter, or that he takes longer to respond.

    Normally, in most situations if this were someone I was still dating, I’d take my time responding as well. But I don’t want to have to find a new hook up buddy. It’s possible he’s now sleeping with someone else, as he has never appeared to withdraw like this before. Oddly enough, we slept together on valentine’s day and he had given me a card, chocolate, and lotion beforehand. So what the heck gives?

    #785815 Reply

    Why do you care… You don’t want him back… or do you?

    #785831 Reply

    FWB or hook up buddies is never meant to be a long term situation. It only lasts til one or the other parties meets someone else they want to date. Enjoy it while you can but eventually you’re going to have to find someone else whether you want to or not. Do you really want to sleep with a guy who is sleeping around with other women? That just seems so disgusting to me!!

    #785836 Reply

    These situations have a self life. It looks like yours may be coming to an end.
    If you suspect he is sleeping with other people I would end it now because STD’s are real.

    #785838 Reply

    Most likely guess – the interaction is not very exciting or a priority anymore or he met someone else.

    #785810 Reply

    He’s using you for sex until he finds a woman who is relationship material, but he’s still trying to be somewhat considerate of your feelings.

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