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- This topic has 9 replies and was last updated 3 years, 8 months ago by
I used to hook up with this guy some times. I know he wants to date seriously and I don’t. We haven’t seen each other for some time as I was seeing a guy and he was dating a girl. He contacted me one day and we hooked up. After a while again, I texted him twice but within a timeframe of two three weeks, to hook up cause I was horny. He always replies telling me maybe I can pass by and will text you. He never does. When he’s horny and texts me instead, he remembers to text and update me what’s the plan. I give the element of the doubt because both times I wrote to him last minute and he always seems to have something scheduled already. He wrote to me “keep in touch” but I didn’t want to seem pushy. If he would come I guess he’d write me himself, so I let it be. Idk what he expects of me, I told him that I only look for casual but I get the sense he wants me to invest more. I feel we have a different understanding of casual. For example, he said he’ll be on a training in the night so if he didn’t write me after 11pm I assume he was tired and went to bed. What did he mean by “keep in touch” cause he knows I’m not the type to do small chat. I told him it’s cool and he can text me later if he’ll make it. He liked my message and said alright will do. Unless he tells me what’s bothering him or something even if he’s dating others I won’t know how to approach this or him.
I’m not disappointed or anything cause it’s just sex. I’ve been spinning my head around if he expected me to initiate contact, ask about his training or stuff about his day but I don’t want to. I’m not indifferent but don’t like dating. I get the feeling he is looking for relationship and investment (not from me but he wants to date and find a girl cause he doesn’t seem like doing casual hook ups).
He started avoiding me when I told him I had a crush on another guy with whom I shared a short fling. He believes I only sleep with him cause I don’t have other options and since the guy I was seeing left, I come to him for “disappointing sex”- bragged a bit how amazing time I had with this guy he saw me on the street holding hands but didn’t mean to put him off. He was also seeing other girls that he told me about and I’ve been supportive.
Are you wanting advice or are you just venting?
Kind of both. Advice mostly correct
Liz Lemon
I don’t know what your question is? What do you want advice about?
My comments: This guy seems like a lot of drama for a hookup. Hookups are supposed to be simple. If you are ruminating about him a lot (you said your head is spinning) you should probably examine your motives– are you truly looking for just casual? You seem to be spending a lot of energy thinking about this guy.
If you think he wants a relationship (have you asked him that directly?), and you truly don’t, then your interests are not aligned and you should stop sleeping with him. There are plenty of guys out there who want no-strings-attached hookups. But it doesn’t seem to me like you have communicated with this guy about each others’ intentions. You keep saying you “get the sense” and “get the feeling” he wants more, but you don’t actually know. So you might be projecting that onto him.
Liz Lemon
I’ll add an anecdote: there was a poster here a few months ago who had a long-term FWB (like for a year). She was convinced the guy wanted more from her. She insisted she did not want more, but said there were all these “signs” the guy wanted more. She had a feeling, or had a sense– the same way you do. Long story short, after posting and talking it over with people here, she admitted to herself that SHE was the one who wanted more. When she finally brought it up to the guy she was hooking up with– asked him if he would be interested in dating her– he absolutely did not want more. It was totally her projecting her own desires on to him.
But she initially came here just like you, writing long detailed posts about her interactions with this guy, and how his actions could be interpreted that he wanted a relationship with her, but she insisted she just wanted casual, etc (“The lady doth protest too much, methinks”…to quote Shakespeare). This isn’t to make you feel bad, I just see a lot of parallels here.
So if you have not had clear, direct conversation with this guy about what he wants, don’t try to guess or assume. Because it could very well be you projecting your own desires on to him.
He actually told me he’s looking for a girl, he’s been seeing some girls but then told me they were creating drama for him. I know he doesn’t want to date me cause we don’t have any other interactions apart from hooking up. I’d be relieved if I knew he actually found one and doesn’t wanna continue cause this arrangement isn’t working anymore. I mean unless he’s horny and want some from me, we don’t actually meet. So I’ve got no desire to date him. He told me about the other guys that I slept with, why do I do that to myself and don’t want something stable.
Kiera, you are ‘broken’ and crying out for help. I don’t know why you trying to control these men through sex, as it seems to gives you some sense of power or control but the truth is, you are not in control, at all, and he’s proving that to you. This one in particular refuses to play your sex game because he’s better than that, because he, unlike you, knows what he wants, which is something meaningful, and I can guarantee it will never be with you. I’m glad he’s staying away from you, as most decent guy’s aren’t into the ‘hit it and quit’ game, which is why they don’t play it.
I’m not exactly sure what you want from us, as you will never find the answer to your problem because it doesn’t exist. You can try to keep shoving your round peg in a square hole but all its doing is making you weak, and frustrated. Let go of the peg (fantasy or idea of him), and your problem will be solved. Its that simple. Just need to gather up all your strength, and completely cut him out of your life. The “out of sight, out of mind” is the BEST method to take in these situations. Has worked like a charm for me :o)
“After a while again, I texted him twice but within a timeframe of two three weeks, to hook up cause I was horny. He always replies telling me maybe I can pass by and will text you. He never does. When he’s horny and texts me instead, he remembers to text and update me what’s the plan. I give the element of the doubt because both times I wrote to him last minute and he always seems to have something scheduled already. He wrote to me “keep in touch” but I didn’t want to seem pushy. If he would come I guess he’d write me himself, so I let it be. Idk what he expects of me, I told him that I only look for casual but I get the sense he wants me to invest more”
NOPE, those aren’t actions and signs of a guy who wants to invest more. Those are actions of a man who doesn’t take you seriously and is prioritizing other things.
“Keep in touch” is said by an uninterested guy who wants you to keep up the communication while he does what he does. A guy who wants more won’t ask you to keep in touch because he knows you will be hearing from him soon. He’ll say stuff like ‘I’ll call you’ or ‘talk to you later” etc…Keep in touch is what you tell people you like but are not really going to be communicating with.
“He actually told me he’s looking for a girl”
Someone can be looking for ‘the one’ but still f*cking around. If someone’s tells you they want a serious girlfriend but are messing around with you, it means you’re not the serious girlfriend, you’re just the convenient one. Probably he’s just surprised someone like you doesn’t want a decent boyfriend and being serious about someone. Doesn’t stop him from sleeping with you though.
Look here my girl, you’re worrying yourself over nothing, he doesn’t want more from you as per his actions so you can relax. Men are generally territorial, even if it’s not that deep, men can even throw hissy fits over side chicks so really it’s nothing to read much into..
I’d say it’s casual on both ends, so, no need for drama.
Also agree with Lane on her assessment of this guy.
I’m not sure what gave you the idea he wanted more from you, his actions say otherwise.
Thanks for the perspective! Indeed its casual. Don’t mind to not be taken as the serious girlfriend or girlfriend material, just living my life. If someone would come along that is a match and wants to pursue anything further I’ll check myself how do I feel about dating. Dear Erin thanks for the heads up, only suggestion is that is sounds a bit rude to call someone you don’t know “now listen my girl”, there’s an attitude that diminishes the receptor of your message and I’d appreciate that we exchange ideas or opinions respecting each other.