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- This topic has 14 replies and was last updated 3 years, 9 months ago by
How is everyone coping with the aftermath of Covid? Though we’re still in it…I’ve been affected greatly…
yeah its quite bad and tough mentally. what i try to do is workout for an hour daily no matter what. at least 6 times a week. meditate every morning for 15/20 minutes. at times i wake up in the middle of the night feeling panicky or if i cant sleep due to anxiety, i have downloaded few meditation apps. just switch on some soothing music on a 30 min timer and try to calm my mind. sleep while listening to soothing music. everyone has been affected in some way or another. also try to stay in regular touch with your family and friends. zoom call or video calls regularly.
I want to have a ‘mask burning’ party haha.
COVID didn’t make me depressed but I did become ‘a hermit’ where I essentially went to work, went home, went to work, went home… It had become too hard to socialize with all the mask, and distancing restrictions, so it was easier to forgo it, and find things to occupy my time at home. Now that my state/area has loosened the restrictions, if you’ve been vaccinated, which I have, I’m socializing a bit more now but I don’t have enough employees yet to allow me some time off, so I’m semi-hermiting lol.
Once the lazy a$$ unemployment slackers lose all their COVID bennies next month, I might finally have enough employees to enjoy some time off, and engage in the outside world again….crossing fingers!
Your distain for less fortunate people is not a good look. They are not lazy and happy to provide you with a ton of assessments of the complexity of people and being in the workforce. Please refrain from comments like that again.
Tall, as a non-employer you have no friggen idea what is happening in the REAL WORLD! We are suffering from a SEVERE labor shortage to the point our Governor, after hundreds of employers, including myself, have been screaming they needed workers, finally lifted all COVID bennies so workers get to work!
Amazing how many are now applying to my positions, of which I have three, are actually showing up for interviews now that their giveaway bennies, are finally going away!
Until you know what the hell you are talking about, then don’t talk!
You get what you pay for, I hope you are providing a livable wage…
Lane, did you move to the U.S.? Are you still with Service man?
Why was my post removed? Everything I said was the truth! I’m reposting since you didn’t take Tall’s down, as she doesn’t know what the heck she’s talking about.
As an employer, who has been trying to fill positions for many months, including many other employer’s, and employee’s, I talk with on a daily basis, they have all been feeling the strain of a severe labor shortage because too many, have in fact, become too lazy! Far too many have been abusing the COVID unemployment benefits, that we employers pay for BTW, where they are fully CAPABLE of working, they just don’t want to because they were receiving approx. $2,000 per month, for not working, so there was “no incentive” for them to go to work. Do you know how many have told me “I’m enjoying this free vacation?” Too many to count!
This has, in turn, caused a SEVERE labor shortage, crippling many business, many who had to scale back (shorten hours) or shut down due to lack of labor (three on my block alone). Thankfully, our Governor finally lifted ALL Covid unemployment relief, to get the people back to work, as its breaking the backs of the people who are working. WE NEED SOME RELIEF!
Until you know what you are talking about Tall, you have no right to disparage me!
Liz Lemon
This is derailing the thread, but…..folks in low-wage jobs are underpaid. If a $300 weekly supplement is enough to keep you at home, you were not being paid much to begin with. If salaries were higher, people would work and not stay home collecting benefits. It’s how the free market and capitalism work. Likewise when there is a glut of workers, salaries drop because of market saturation, and people are paid less. It’s just that now the reverse is happening. I’ve read in the news that companies like McDonald’s plan to raise wages to entice people to come back to work. Again, that’s fair– it’s how the free market functions, if you’re into that.
This is not a personal attack on anyone, just my observation. Now back to the thread….
OP, I’m sorry you’re feeling depressed. I don’t know what country/state you live in, or how the restrictions are there? Hopefully they are lifting, and you can get vaccinated, and get out more. Now that summer is coming (at least in the Northern Hemisphere), there will be more outdoor events and chances to socialize. Where I live in the USA restrictions are lifting, the weather is improving, and many people are getting vaccinated, so it feels like there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. I hope this is the case for you too.
That’s weird. My post disappeared after I posted it, so I reposted again.
Raven, I pay my employee’s higher wages than many of the big guy’s, so it’s not the wages, its that they didn’t want to work. If you were being paid $2,000 not to work, which happens to be a little less than what you get paid to work (less taxes of course) which one would you pick? Too many chose the non-work pay, for too long.
Peggy, I’ve been living in the US since 1994, after being stationed in England between 1992 – 1994. I have been with my current [retired] service guy for over 4 years, and we are still going strong :o)
I agree, Liz this post was derailed because I spoke ‘my truth’ in that, due to COVID I have not had any time off to ‘get out and about’ because I haven’t had the staff to do so. That’s depressing, although I am not depressed—just exhausted, tired, and too wiped out to do anything. My life is now improving, just filled two of the three positions, so things are looking up! :o)
Question to the people living in the areas where restrictions are lifted, how are people acting in terms of respecting personal space and boundaries in terms of touching?
I actually enjoyed people not being all over strangers and not having to kiss cheeks or hug someone purely out of politeness :DAnon
I think the mental health issues are tremendously impacting the recovery. People will think ok let’s now get back to normal, but I think this has impacted many very hard and that needs to be addressed. Not everyone can just jump back into life as it was before. Besides a pandemic, the US has been traumatized by a lot of everything else going on and on top of the fact that many go around attacking each other if people don’t think the same as we do. Try just to be nice and empathetic – it actually goes a long way.
I will not try to convince you otherwise because it is a waste of time despite multiple studies proving your hypothesis wrong on a macro level about why people are not going back to the workforce. But I am not surprised no one is signing up to work for you with the way you engage, labor shortage or not. Why would I work for someone who thinks I and my friends and neighbors are lazy?
And I is preverbal, not me specifically. Because I most likely make more than you do and I have a masters degree in economics, so please think carefully about how you say people don’t know what they are talking about. But that is neither here nor there.
And by the way, I am sorry you are exhausted, as many are, and I am sure you deserve a vacation, but your distain for others makes me come out fighting using facts, not your feelings or anecdotes.