Feeling so stressed

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  • #943279 Reply

    My boyfriend and I have had a big row I dont want to even spend time with him over Christmas. He has jelousy issues abd has done since i met him and two days ago got really jelous of workmen working at my house to the point where he said he was coming round my house to show them he was my man. He rang to tell me he was outside by then I was out shopping he told me he would wait outside for me till I got home and didnt belive I was where I said I was and that i was hiding. He wasn’t there when I got back so I called him I was so angry he wouldn’t pick up the phone but was texting me I lied and that I was hiding from him and I’m up to no good he doesn’t want to talk to me.

    I literally went through the rubbish and sent him the time on the receipt to prove I actually was shopping he then texted me he had been so angry he had took our pictures down off the wall and ripped them up.

    Hes now calling me today like nothing has happened I told him i can’t go on like this is normal and I don’t want to see him. He saud he naver cane down and regretted ripping up pics He says he doesn’t want me stressing him over something that happened two days ago and he doesnt want me pulling him down. Nearly Christmas amd I have gifts for him and he’s been going on like this what do i do now? i feel so stressed.

    #943280 Reply

    End it. Please run and stop discussing it with him. His behavior is controlling, abusive and manipulative. He is emotionally so, but he is going to be physically so very soon based on the photo incident. There is nothing to discuss here. He is unable, unwilling and has no capacity to change.

    I suggest you meet with him, give him all his stuff back and tell him it is over. If he then harassed you, which I bet he does, you tell him once that you will call the police if he bothers you in any way.

    #943281 Reply


    I dont have anything of his we don’t live together we have been together 5 years its never got physical he’s just so paranoid and accuses me all the time of going with different men even work colleges its so exhausting and this was last straw.

    #943282 Reply

    End it… It WILL become physical.

    You’ve put up with this for 5 years, why?!

    #943283 Reply

    Walk away. End it. If i was in ur place i wld hv taken time off and told him that i need to think abt this relationship after what happened. Take time off. And post new years tell him this is not working and its over.

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