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- This topic has 7 replies and was last updated 2 years, 7 months ago by
I met a guy online and we were talking for about a month. We have been trying to make plans to meet but our schedules have not been matching. Last weekend I felt the conversation was a little off, turns out I was right. In the small world that we live in I discovered I was not the only woman he was speaking to. This other woman and myself have a mutual friend in common. I reached out and spoke to this other woman, Who was very nice. She was also unaware that he was involved with me. I then confronted him about this other woman. After a lengthy texting discussion between the three of us, he ultimately decided to let the other woman go and to start fresh with me. I have kept in contact with the other woman, he has not continued to reach out to her, but now he is ignoring me. I’m very confused by what he’s doing. I feel like he is playing a game with me, but I also feel like he is the first decent guy I’ve matched with in over a year. I don’t know what to do if I should just walk away or wait it out and see what has to say
Omg, honey, how is talking to a man who you have not met yet in any way worthy or calling another women, and a fresh start. This man is not your real. You never met him. He is not your boyfriend and can talk to anyone he wants to.
What are you confused about? Not to sound harsh, but this is a man you never met, which is probably for a reason. Yoi are grossly over invested in something that does not exist. From his standpoint he either got caught or was never going to follow through anyhow
What about him makes you think he’s a decent guy? Nothing you’ve said here seems that way?
He’s absolutely allowed to multi date and talk to others for the first couple months. You don’t know each other and haven’t even met yet. So I don’t even think what he did was bad. But not meeting you after a month and talking to all of you like he gets to choose… sounds like he likes the attention and validation and there’s nothing serious to be found here. Listen to Tallspicy and try not to invest before meeting someone and getting to know them!
Sadly, you’re coming across as having desperatation and should put the focus on yourself.
he is ignoring you because sorry to say that , you sound a bit crazy! you’ve reached out to another woman to let her know this guy is talking to you as well? that’s not normal
I was on dating sites and my friends and I were talking to the same guys but I’ve never called someone out , because talking to multiple females or males is normal on dating sites.
that is also the reason why your schedule was off as you call it because he is either not interested in meeting up at all and happy just to text or he is dating multiple women at the same time.Lane
I agree with others, in that, you are behaving like a “stage 5 clinger.” No man will ever date you if you continue to behave in this manner.
He is a SINGLE MAN and is freely allowed to talk to and date any woman he wants. Did you hear that? If you don’t like it, then you are free to stop talking or dating men who date this way, but just know, you will have a very difficult time finding those men, because I have always dated that way too, and its my right to do so.
This man is afraid of you, heck I would be too, and I’m a woman! If a guy ever did to me what you did to him I would seriously be considering a restraining order, as its “stalking.” What you did is very wrong, and you definitely scared him away.
“E-tethering” (look it up) is NOT dating, it is definitely “a game” and you need to stop playing this game. Its a form of entertainment men use when bored, need an ego boost or want easy NSA sex (aka “one and done”). The fact he intentionally darted around not meeting you was your first clue he wasn’t into you. A man does what he wants, and if he doesn’t want to meet you he will find every excuse in the book to avoid it, if he does, he will. Stop engaging with the the avoiders as it makes you do crazy stuff.
I think you need to do some serious inner reflection as to why you act this way, especially with men you have never met in person because you will remain single for a very long time if you don’t stop trying to posses, control and dictate what people can or cannot with their lives.
This whole thing sounds weird. Lady pls undrstnd that till u actually meet and date in real, this does not exist. Its all virtual not real! First make plans to meet in person!