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- This topic has 195 replies and was last updated 5 years, 9 months ago by
I would give up doing FWB if I were you. I don’t do it. I don’t need sex that badly. If I did I might just hire someone, it’s cleaner. LOL. Contrary to what people think, you aren’t paying for sex with a “professional”, you are paying for them to go away and keep their mouths shut… unless and until you call again. But that’s another conversation.
Work on you and then you can go seek a relationship where you are treated like the special woman you are.
I was a fwb to him and he was not a fwb to me. Surely you can all tell that.
I really cared for him. When his behaviour changed i thought he had started caring for me.
ur running around in circles again. u need to snap out of it and no1 can do that but u..
I cant. He came back once before and my friends say he will do it again to use me.
you were earlier worrying about being dumped. now your worrying about him coming back just to use u?? Do u realise your not really making sense? what is it exactly that bothers u?? plus your not letting urself snap out of it. that probably was the reason I think Mistral snapped at you to get u mad probably and see how you yourself are making yourself miserable??
I think friends can help provided you let them. but more then that you can help yrself if u let urself. Your being your own worst enemy here. hes just a FWB guy who walked out. please dont make it a very big thing. its not. admit to urself that u will feel lousy for few days and miss him. plus h gave you an ego bruise. but please do not forget that he is not ur bf nor ur family nor ur best friend.
I want him to come back
Omg, Alex, you have all this ladies here, that want to prevent you to getting hurt more. This guy treats his girlfriends bad and you’re not even his girlfriend. You don’t need a guy that bad. You really don’t. Being single is not scary, its fun amd you can work on your self esteem in between. This guy is a drug and you’re acting like a junkie. Fill up your life with fun things to do, that have nothing to do with him. Focus on what you want. You want a nice husband one day, maybe kids? Well, this guy isnt going to make that happen, so you need to make a plan that suits your future needs
u sound like a broken record. :-). like a child who’s favourite toy has been snatched from her. and she wants to keep crying till she gets some attention and have the toy returned to her. u don’t care if the toys destructive and bad for u.
u may want him back at whatever terms. regardless of the way he treats u, but baby he doesn’t want u. no more. so now what?? go to his place and beg him to take u back? cry at his door till he takes u back.. u can try that u know and maybe he will just maybe take u back. and then what happens??
u don’t want to see reason. and then you play the being depressed card. obviously ur digging ur own grave inch by inch and ur not ready to snap out of ur addiction or obsession for this man. ur setting urself for a deep fall. how can people help u, empathize with u when u act like this? seriously!!!
everyone I suggest we stop responding to this thread.
Alex I’m going to be candid here. You need to see your therapist and discuss this with them. anymore support from us is going to be coddling you in bad behavior. I know you are depressed, but the willow is me woe is me woe is me is not something that we should indulge. you need to choose to get over this. He’s not coming back. And if he is, it’s not for anything good. You know that, and even if you are depressed, it is your responsibility to take care of yourself. Not ours, and not his, and ultimately not even your therapist. I suggest you start reading baggage reclaim, looking into inter bonding, and the work by Byron Katie.
I will no longer participate in this pity party. It does nothing for you, it does nothing for us, and it will change nothing that happened in the past or the future on his end. Only you can do that. Please talk to your therapist
No I would never ask him to come back. Ever.
I was actually quite rude to him at the end.
It doesn’t stop.me wanting what I want though.
talllady I agree with u on this completely. even we have had instances in life where we were totally in love with sm1 who didn’t want us. or we had painful breakups. this self pity ride has to immediately stop. it helps no1. and if sm1 refuses to see reason how can any1 help??
Alex just see your last post above. u have written I want him to come back. despite everybody rooting for u, u are not rooting for your own self! and its true a therapist also may not be able to help u if u refuse to help urself.
I really do hope u see reason and snap out of ur obsession before it lands u in deep shit. tc honey and all the best
Yeah I know I’m not rooting for me.
Ive had too much heartbreak that I dont feel loveable at all.
Im smart and funny so all my friends say. I’ve had alot of upset with work and changing jobs was a mistake so all i seem able to do is look back not forwards.
My friends are taking me out tomorrow so that should make me feel better I hope.
Alex please seek professional help. This forum does not have the capacity to help you through your deep rooted issues with depression and lack of self-love and confidence. It gets frustrating when people come on here seeking help and do not actively try to apply the advice they have been given.
You’ve been given 4 pages of sound, helpful advice and support and are still going in circles saying the same thing, continuing to feel sorry for yourself, instead of considering this as an opportunity and a blessing for it being a great time to do some heavy self improvement.
He will come back; he will only come back for sex. I would bet all my money and possessions that he will never want to be with you in the way you want to be with him. I’m not saying that to be mean, but to get you to understand the reality of your situation.
You need to move on. You need to get help outside of this forum. Good luck.
Ok. Thank you.
Im mad at myself for not ending it before he did. In a way that’s why im devastated. I let him decide my fate rather than end it.
If he came back tomorrow asking me to hook up i probably would. That’s what i need to sort out.
Alex, Please get professional help. I don’t even think you really care or love this man, you just want him to choose you and love you. You are mad he ended it first, that is your ego, not love. You’d take him back even just for sex, that is low self-esteem, not the love of a man. Nothing in your posts suggests you really care for this man at all, all your words suggest you are just longing for him to pick you and you are willing to overlook all of the qualities you don’t even like in him, just for his acceptance. You have to learn to love yourself before you can love another. Hopefully if you go to therapy you will learn to love yourself, then finding the right man for you will be an easier more pleasant journey. All the best. Stay strong, it’s much easier to love yourself than you realize, and it is never dependent on what anyone else in the world thinks or feels about you, it’s a gift you give yourself.
Everyone gets prideful at the end of a relationship.
He was smart, passionate, kind, gentle, caring, he always asked how I was and remembered me. He made me laugh, i made him laugh, we shared things about family.
I do miss my friend too. Most of our chats were friendly rather than sexual. So i miss talking to him.
He’s got property of mine. He offered to meet me to give it back but i dont want to see him.
I think I’ll just leave it.
“He did dump me as he met someone. But he is total jack ass. He behaves horribly and is moody. Just wait until his real behaviour comes out.”
In your own words this wonderful man is what you describe as the above statement, yes people have more than one side but you don’t describe this man as someone you loved and respected.
And yes, people get pridefull in the end but see it for what it is and learn from it. Know when you talk from your ego, and know when you talk from love.
You are worthy of a loving committed exclusive relationship with a man who values you as much as you value him, and not just for sex, but for a real relationship.
Did you talk to someone yet about your depression? You don’t have to go through all of this own your own. I hope you read more about self-love and know you can get over this but it will take time. Remind yourself “this too shall pass”.
I work a really demanding job. Im not allowed time off for appointments. Dont have time.
I think this is a false thread. seriously bec I just cant see any person behaving this way.. m sorry but r u really bulls***ing here?? :D
I wish I was joking.
Alex, don’t make excuses for not getting treatment. Find a therapist who has hours that work around your schedule. I know therapists who work on Saturdays, late evenings, or even have Skype sessions with their patients.
If it’s important enough to you, you will find a way.
If you have time to post on here, you have time to go to therapy.
From one person dealing with depression to another.
You are making absolutely no sense on this post and this is now going in circles. You can’t think straight because your neurotransmitters aren’t connecting properly. That’s what depression is. You are all over the map sweetheart. You are beyond the help we can give here – Tall and everyone else are correct. At this stage you need professional help… but before that, YOU MUST DECIDE YOU WANT TO GET BETTER AND COMMIT TO PUTTING YOURSELF FIRST AND HELPING YOURSELF… AND TO HELL WITH HIM AND EVERYONE ELSE WHILE YOU DO IT. Right now you are like an alcoholic who knows drink isn’t good for you and part of you wants to stop but part of you doesn’t. As long as you are in this stage, you are wasting your time and all of ours by posting here.
Do not even start to give ME the BS of you have a demanding job, you don’t have time for therapy blah blah blah. Thwack. That was me walloping you upside the head girlfriend. Seriously??? You have time to post here, go out with your friends, agonize over him… but no time to help yourself. You’ve got a piss poor low self esteem/self destruction thing going on and until you knock it off, no one else can or should help you.
You are using this man as a distraction from dealing with yourself and your issues. STOP IT. Takes one to know one, been there done that on everything you’re going through. You are looking outside yourself for answers and things to make you feel better and newsflash, it’s all within YOU. Tear off the bandage. It’s going to hurt like hell for a while. Winston Churchill said, if you’re going through hell, keep going… and he’s right. It doesn’t last forever and there’s another side. I”ve just been through the WORST four months of my life facing everything. My whole life fell apart. I have physical illnesses as well as depression. I lost my business. I almost lost my home. I”m pretty much broke. I can’t work for five months. And I”ve never felt more hopeful because I”m dealing with my stuff and I know this is temporary. I like me, good people like me and are stepping up to help me left right and center. I am staying away from dating until I am back together. A man would only be a crutch and I know for a fact I’d get an unhealthy one. If I can do it, so can you.
You’ve taken your hands off the tiller and your ship is getting controlled by the waves and the wind. Go and take command again. You must. It’s YOUR life, it’s your ship. We care about you here, we want you to get better and be happy. Please go deal and let us know when you’ve made some progress.
love from Stefanie