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- This topic has 48 replies and was last updated 6 years, 3 months ago by
Apologies this is a long one! Essentially I’d really appreciate everyone’s thoughts on why he went cold out of the nowhere? I get the feeling it could be a mix of him being very busy, just needing man time, to him probably freaking out a bit as it was getting to a point where things were starting to feel committed.
Is there anything I can do now except wait? I am back on dating again too since we agreed to set eachother loose.
…Have been dating a guy for 2 months. He seemed really into me from the beginning – told me he really liked me, that he was a little intimidated by me because he was scared he would f. up at some point – we had great sexual chemistry, got on as friends, had open and honest conversations. He was always the one initiating conversations about the future -he’d ask me things like how many kids I wanted, where I saw myself in 5 years time, how he could see me growing into this sweet old lady, and it didn’t worry him. He naturally referred to me as his gf without question. A friend recently had a party which I invited him along to, he was well up for it. He got along with everyone and they all said how lovely and decent he seemed.
It felt too good to be true, considering I have always been messed around in previous rships.
The last date we had, i opened up about how I was scared to admit I liked him more than I was saying so. He was open to talking about it, but the bar was shutting so we had to stop the conversation short. We were having a steamy kissing session, both feeling tortured because we knew we had to go our separate ways home that night due to early commitments the next morning. When we parted at the bus stop we had another good snog and he asked I give him a ring over the weekend cos it would be nice to hear my voice. When I got on the bus and waved back to him outside, he stood there with this lingering look in his eyes, like he didn’t want to let me go.
I let him do most of the pursuing over this period. We managed to see eachother maximum twice a week, usually maybe just once.
Several days after we had out last date, I figured he was going cold. Sent him a text saying how I knew he was juggling lots of things between work and everything else, but that his quietness made me feel a little forgotten. I said I trusted he’d be in touch when things cooled down. He didn’t respond. Usually he takes max a couple hours.
I felt this was really unusual. Texted him the day after asking if he could give me a ring when he had a chance over the next few days. No response.
Day after that, I got worried. He had never gone off the radar like this before and I didn’t know if he was alive or not. Tried to call that night. No answer. Then sent a text saying I was very worried about him. Also said that if he needed space to just let me know, if he changed his mind, also to just say, so that I could have something to work with and move on if need be.
He got back right away, said he was really sorry and would give me a ring tomorrow. He didn’t.
The final text I sent the day after. I wished him well and suggested we retain the good memories and part our ways. I told him I had a genuinely wonderful time with him, and told him all the things I enjoyed about him. Said I’ll miss him but that I didn’t deserve to be left hanging.
He responded later that night saying he was really sorry, that its really hard to reply at the moment but he’s just not in the right place. He said I was an incredible person in so many ways and that I didn’t deserve to be left hanging, so he won’t. How he wished he could step up to the occasion but it seems too much right now. Hopes he didn’t hurt me.
Wondering if I was too harsh cutting things off so quickly. I wasn’t happy with his vanishing act, or the flakiness the second time. I just don’t want to wait around investing time on something that may be gone. I guess I also wanted him to know that I wasn’t going to put up with it and as much as I fancied him to bits, that I was willing to walk away if he didn’t treat me right.
Thanks in advance for your thoughts! x
I’m not sure exactly what your question is but he’s clearly not interested. It’s possible the first time he didn’t respond that he was genuinely busy but then you continued to text him after that. That’s annoying and counts as nagging. If a guy did that to me, I would be so put off and irritated. Going forward, don’t message a guy and call him demanding he call or text you. He’s not your boyfriend; he will contact you when he wants. Also, if a guy isn’t contacting you, there’s no need to message him to say “goodbye.” This just makes you look desperate and strokes the guy’s ego.
You’re never going to know why this guy changed his mind about you. Maybe your behavior put him off or maybe it had nothing to do with you. Just forget it and move on.
Red flag- Saying he’s “intimidated” by you and saying he was scared he was going to f-up.
Red flag-moving too fast, being SO into you, asking about kids, where you see yourself in 5 years, growing old with you.
Red flag- referring to you as his girlfriend without having “the talk”
Too many red flags with this guy and then as soon as you admit you really like him, that’s the last you see of him. I’m sorry but in my experience dating guys in the 2-3 month range the stronger they come on in the beginning the quicker they disappear at the end.
I would have just let him ghost. You sent multiple text messages, called, and pretty much kept pestering him until he couldn’t ignore you anymore and said he would contact you…which he didn’t. Then you send the I wish you well, I’ll miss you final text. Which I wouldn’t have done but at least you got your answer and you could move on.
No you weren’t too harsh cutting things off like that. You weren’t happy and he wasn’t going to give you want you needed. I think you did the absolute right thing in walking away from a guy who was flaking out and distancing himself from you. Don’t second guess it. This wasn’t meant to be and the less time you wasted the better. Good luck!
Ugh, I have tried to post a response and it won’t let me. Test.
Ok, I’ll try again
Thanks for your thoughts Emily, Kaye…
I know I was pestering him a bit, but I didn’t want to wait around, it’s so common for guys to make a vanishing act and I wondered whether I may end up waiting around for weeks before he decided he would reappear. I’d like to get on with my life and have other options, but he had wanted exclusivity. I didn’t want to disrespect him. And I didn’t want to waste my time. Is it so bad to ask for some communication, all I really wanted was that he tell me he needed space, rather than ghost out.
Is there a time frame for when someone decides they are into you or not? Is there no such thing as having intense feelings for someone at an early stage? Some of my friends spoke about babies, futures, had an open intense rship in the first three months, and have ended up in happy marriages.
I’m completely for giving someone space. All past bf’s have been commitment phobics, and here comes one guy for once who seemed genuine. I’ve always known signs, and they’ve bitten me in the bum in the past because I was always too afraid to cut loose despite the red flags. I thought this one was real. But I understand that we went too fast. Just don’t have faith that I’ll ever do anything right anymore.
Wow, I just tried to post a new topic to respond to you and it won’t let me.
Unfortunately you committed two unrecoverable dating mistakes which basically drove him away. I would like to help you so you can see clearer as to navigate the dating world more successfully. I will try again later.
I think the fact you texted him a lot after he faded was neither here nor there. He’d already ghosted at that point, so whether you contacted him or not, it would not have changed the situation, I’m afraid.
I agree with Kaye’s red flags and I also agree that the ones that come on the strongest tend to fade the quickest.
I don’t think you were to harsh in cutting him off, I don’t think anyone deserves to be left hanging, but unfortunately it does happen. He’s now proved himself a flake who only responded to you because you kept pushing it.
I think you handled it in a kind and respectful manner, when a person vanishes it is natural to worry something happened, so you asked him to please let you know, and he did. And then he ghosted AGAIN. This is where you should have stopped. Telling him all the nice things about him was not needed, he does not deserve it, and you are too kind.
I agree with Kaye on hie red flag list. It is a classical “future talk” man, I am sorry you did not see it sooner.
It was not a very long relationship, you will get over him soon. An important lesson learned, so be careful next time. And learn to recognize “hints”. When a guy is not responding, he is telling you he is not interested anymore. It is not a nice way, but many men are cowards and simply not nice, they do not have a courtesy of telling the woman they are no longer interested, they prefer to watch her go wonder and worry and text and ask. It feeds their ego. He was not entirely this way, but still, why not respond to you after you second text and say he is not on the same page with you and you are not a match together. No good reason for not doing this type of thing, ever. So if you are feeling sad, don’t. He was a flake and not a decent person. You did not lose much at all, in fact, you were spared future problems, I am sure of that. Plus you learned a good lesson.
Many thanks for everyones comments, I have a clearer picture now.
Guess I just want to justify that I knew that when he started ghosting, nothing I said would change anything. I wrote partly because I was worried about him, partly because if he had changed his mind then I needed him to give me the flag so I can move on. And the nice msg at the end, it’s really just my way of giving closure to myself. I had a genuinely wonderful time with him and I needed to part with making sure he knew it, so I could move forward.
“The last date we had, I opened up about how I was scared to admit I liked him more than I was saying so.”… “both feeling tortured because we knew we had to go our separate ways home that night due to early commitments the next morning”
This sounds like such intense drama. Dating should be fun, not full of fear and tortured souls. This would make me run too.
Noooooo…I’m writing more drama than it was! Tortured because the night would have to end with snogging only. And yes, he probably freaked after I admitted I really liked him. Not sure what else I could have done?:( I just needed to be honest and get it off my chest.
Alright lets see if I can get it to work this time.
Hi Mox,
I wanted to give you a perspective from the guy’s point of view and what happened.
You said, “Several days after we had out last date, I figured he was going cold. Sent him a text saying how I knew he was juggling lots of things between work and everything else, but that his quietness made me feel a little forgotten. I said I trusted he’d be in touch when things cooled down.”
This text translated in man speak says, “I am desperate and needy and I need you to reassure me so I feel good about myself. I know I can’t get reassurance now, but trust I will hear from you soon so I can get that reassurance.” Then by you continuing to call and text just showed to him the desperation and neediness.
Right or wrong, this is how men hear this stuff. Unfortunately this type of behavior is complete man repellant. Nothing turns a sexually attracted interested man off faster than 1. a woman who appears (in his eyes) to be needy and insecure and 2. a woman who (desperately) pursues a man with that neediness. Once that chemistry is turned off for the man, the likelihood of it being rekindled is pretty much gone.
I do think this is where things went off track and I do think things could have progressed nicely had you not contacted him at all. The reason I believe this is because I myself have driven men away more than once. Between those painful events and learning how men tick, I can see it clearly now.
Rules/guidelines – never ever pursue a man. If you don’t hear from him in a timely manner, don’t pick up the slack. Let the man do the work. Work on learning how to handle the tension of dating. I am going to write a string on that called dating is like fishing. Maybe that will help some. Never ever ask a man for reassurance. Men don’t need reassurance like woman do and it only comes across as needy. If you are in a long term committed relationship you can ask for reassurance, but then only sparingly.
I hope this helps give you a pretty specific answer to what happened and why. Chalk it up as lesson learned and try to learn to not do it again. You attracted this great guy originally, so I am sure you can attract another great guy again soon. Good luck.
Many thanks….
Why is it acceptable for a man to disappear off the radar though? I was prepared to think he had lost interest and let things be, but I didn’t want to move on without talking about it. It’s not kind to him, not acceptable for me to treat a person like that. We had agreed on exclusivity.
He pursued me the entire time, probably why he kept coming back. But the one time he goes off the radar and I’m confused it’s not ok to check in with him? If I get the feeling he may have moved on, and I have no idea if he may just be extremely busy or not, somethings happened to his family, who knows, its not ok to ask? I want to give myself a future too, and waiting for him to get back to me on whether he may have moved on or not, am I not wasting my time. Is it not acceptable for me to find out so that I can move forward and close?
When a guy comes along, and we establish certain future talk, is that so bad? Won’t that let me know at least that we’re on the same page early on so I’m not waiting around wasting my time?
Wow, really sounds so super similar to my most recent situation its weird! diff is, I only sent one text saying all good see ya nicely, he came back saying busy but please come hang out with his famz that night, i couldnt – get a text a week later asking to go to a game in about 2 weeks – lol.. who knows, I don’t really mind. Doesnt matter what his deal is, its what i want and its nobodys scraps – should he decide to contact again, who knows then i will cut it off. Same for you doll, doesnt matter what his deal is, it matters what you want in a partner and if they aint delivering then why would you hold on? i agree they should ABSOLUTELY have the guts to end it properly, but just another coward really :) mine did the whole wanting exclusive dating also – which is why i didnt immediately move on but have now, didnt take me long though to not really care.
Completely agree with everyone on this. If they come on too strong with future talk straight away they will disappear as quick!
When a guy ghost do not msg no contact at all, there is no excuse if they do not msg then they were not worth it in the first place! There is a brilliant book called the art of no contact that I have read after every failure, as this is a very common thing!
If they truly cared about you they would not leave you hanging, you deserve a text or call if they dont then kick their arse to the curb and move on!Mox
Thinking back, I had been telling my friends how it all seemed too good to be true. Whether I was being overly suspiscious and insecure that this great guy had come along.
They all encouraged me to just trust it, and that not every guy is indecent. Perhaps I should’ve trusted my gut then. What would you have done at the time though if you had felt things were going a bit too well?
From what I can gather from what you write, I think one of your biggest challenges is that you don’t have a fundamental understanding of how men operate emotionally. It sounds like what is happening is that when a man behaves like men do, because that is how they are wired, you take it personally. As a result your choices of how to respond are not effective.
I would suggest that you read a few books on men. There is a great book that has been around for a long time called, Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus by John Gray. It provides a great overview of the difference between men and woman and how to work with those differences vs fight them.
His analogy is that men are like rubber bands. During the intimacy cycle men will withdraw. It is just how they are wired. The get close for a while and then they pull back to center themselves again and then once they are done, they spring back picking up the same level of intimacy.
If a woman does not understand this, she takes this personally and usually either tries to get closer to the guy by talking or just cuts ties because she is hurt. If a woman can learn to work with this and understand it is just part of a man’s make up, the woman can stay sane and make more productive choices.
So your guy had gotten close and needed to pull back. It has nothing to do with you, but you took it personally and as a result wanted to reach out to sooth your internal discomfort. As you have seen it does not work on me.
I don’t think this guy was too good to be true. I think this was a guy who met a woman he was really interested in and once he got as close as he could get for that round of intimacy he pulled back. If a woman can give him space, enjoy her life while he is pulling back and be open and happy when he comes back, it will allow this cycle to shorten. As a relationship develops the cycles tend to become a whole lot less and really only show up under considerable stress.
You can blame the guy for being a guy, or you can learn how a man ticks and understand it is not personal and help support him through his pull back by staying happy and confident in your own life.
I think if you can understand these differences, your dating life will be much more successful and fun.
men not me
Thankyou bedazzle,
Do you think there is anything I can do now to rekindle my mistake? No contact? I guess my craziness came about because I had asked him if he wanted exclusivity or keep it casual. He said he felt no need to see anyone else. I went crazy because I felt like my time would be wasted if I stuck around not knowing where he was at. I am not exactly young, past mid thirties. I could either save myself now or spend time waiting around.
Lesson learnt. Thankyou so much everyone for your insights.
I’m heartbroken now, knowing it was all my fault. I’m the one who suggested the breakup. I threw away something which was good. He is moving to another town 250km away in April for work for three months, he may only have time on wkds to come back to where I am – if he does, as I’m not sure if he’ll have a place to stay anymore. He had asked if I would go and see him up there when he moved.
I feel like such a loser. is there any chance I can get him back now that I completely messed up?
Do you know, I’ve never experienced the rubber band thing and neither have any of my friends! Is it an American male thing maybe? (I’m in the UK). Or maybe UK men are too scared UK women will be off with someone else the minute his attention drops!
Mox, if it happens again with anyone, don’t don’t keep questioning him. If he’s got a lot on, the last thing he’ll want is you asking big relationship questions by text. That’s enough to put someone off who did like you. More importantly, don’t wait around! A man can’t expect you to be exclusive if he’s giving you no attention. At the point he started ignoring your texts, I would have just assumed that agreement was off and got on with my life.
I don’t think you are 100% at fault. But do however let people have their space. The only way to let someone have space is to be secure in your awesomeness and that they will cycle back eventually because of how awesome you are. But if they take space and are gone, oh well, then it’s not meant to be. You will be ok regardless. Late thirties? You mean you are in the absolute prime of your womanhood? That’s not a bad time to be experiencing.
Oh, jeez. Just posted but it disappeared. Will write again later.
I’m sorry this happened and it sucks to feel heartbroken, but it’s not 100% your fault: you clearly wanted to know where you stood, so you kept asking. I’ve been in that situation – ouch, I feel for you, because you did the wrong thing there, but you can’t say non-contact would have worked either and I know what it’s like when you’re going crazy for an answer.
I can imagine how hurtful it was to be ignored by him and why it prompted more and more initiation from you.However, I can’t stress enough that what everyone is advising here is EXACTLY what to do. Let him disappear. Get on with life and trust that, if he’s as interested as you initially believed, he will be back.
I know this from experience.
Read this over and over again until it’s imprinted in your head! “Men are like rubber bands. During the intimacy cycle men will withdraw. It is just how they are wired. The get close for a while and then they pull back to center themselves again and then once they are done, they spring back picking up the same level of intimacy.”
This is what happened with me and my current man and it’s never happened to me before now either. So we met online, hit it off and sparks everywhere, he’s telling me how amazing I am yadda yadda… super intense. So I pulled back a little, gave him space, and we both had a bit of a pull back, me because I was concerned that he was moving too fast and him – well, who knows, but I am certain it was the rubber band thing. I left it 12 days, so did he, then BOOM, he was back, everything back to even better than before.
Same cycle happened again one other time, left it over a week, then he came back with the absolute goal of seeing me more and getting us more onto a steady thing. Now, if I leave him for a day without contact, he’s straight back in touch with me, asking to see me.
I cannot stress enough how difficult it is to let them have their space: at first I freaked out completely and had to give my phone to my friend overnight as I was so upset at his silence (even though I wasn’t contacting him either!) I know it’s hard, but it is genuinely effective. When he first came back, he sheepishly alluded to the fact he had disappeared and I didn’t even mention it, which he seemed so grateful for – it was like I could literally see him viewing me with a different kind of respect, as I had just got on with my life, as far as he was concerned, and didn’t stress him out over basically the fact we’d both given each other a bit of space.
It’s not easy, but it’s worth doing. I would absolutely recommend going non-contact now. There is nothing whatsoever you can do that is better for you (and for any potential future if there is one with this guy) than silence. DO NOT CONTACT HIM AGAIN.
This forum helps enormously. Stay on it!